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[Laravel] PHP Course in Lahore | Best PHP Training in Lahore | Certification Pakistan

Become a Certified Laravel Developer with Angular 8 Course Pre-Requisites: While the prerequisites for the class will depend on where you take it, there are a few things you will have to have. You will need to have a basic knowledge of Html, CSS and JavaScript. If Participants has not those skills but still wants to take on this course, we recommended them to get admitted to PNY Trainings Web Designing & Development course prior signing up for this course). Course Duration: 24 Classes (3 classes per week) PHP &Mysql: Part 1: PHP Crash Course Using PHP & Embedding PHP in HTML Adding Dynamic Content  & Accessing Form Variables Part 2 : Storing and retrieving data Opening a file Writing a File Closing a File Reading from a File       Part 3 : Using Arrays Numerically Indexed Array Associative Arrays Sorting Arrays & Recording Arrays Part 4: String Manipulation and Regular Expressions        MySQL Formatting Strings Joining and Splitting Strings with String Functions Comparing Strings Matching and Replacing Substrings with String Functions Part 5: Reusing Code and Writing Functions Using require() and include() Using Functions Part 6: Object — Oriented PHP Object – Oriented Concepts & Creating Classes, Attributes, Operations in PHP Implementing Inheritance in PHP & signing Classes Part 7: MVC with Laravel Laravel Installation & Working with Forms  | Working with Controller Laravel Blade Template with Bootstrap Responses with Html &Laravel Migration Laravel Requests, Models &Laravel Eloquent ORM & Build a Complete App in Laravel Part 8: Designing your web database Relational Database Concepts How to Design Your Database & Web Database Architecture PHP &Mysql: Part 9: Creating your web database...

Laravel 7.x Rest API CRUD Example with JWT Auth

Posted By Mahedi Hasan Category Framework Sub-category Laravel 6 February 13, 2020 Hello Artisan  In this tutorial i am going to discuss about a brand new topic which is jwt auth laravel 6. This tutorial we will see how to create a restful api with json web token (jwt). JWT (JSON Web Token) is usually used to send information that can be trusted and verified using a digital signature. In this tutorial, we’ll explore the ways you can build—and test—a robust API using Laravel and JWT. In early tutorial i made a tutorial about it. But this was using laravel passport. In this lesson we will create login, registration and full crud system with JWT authentication with Laravel 6. We will also use jwt middleware laravel. In RESTful APIs, we use the HTTP verbs as actions, and the endpoints are the resources acted upon. We’ll be using the HTTP verbs for their semantic meaning:   Now let’s start building a robust restful API in Laravel using JWT Authentication. JWT stands for JSON Web Tokens. I will also show you a fully functional CRUD for user products using API. In this Laravel JWT authentication tutorial we are going to make this kind of API using JWT. You have to just follow few step to get following web services.   Let’s start building our Rest Api using JWT authentication. Step 1: Install Laravel  I am going to explain step by step from scratch so, we need to get fresh Laravel 6 application using bellow command Step 2: Install  tymondesigns/jwt-auth Package Now, install the third-party jwtauth package by typing the following command. It will install the package in the vendor folder and our composer.json file will...

Top 10 Mobile App Development companies in Mumbai

Top 10 mobile app development companies in Mumbai Mumbai the business and economy capital of India is the most desirable and dream of everyone, from individual to startup, to corporation, etc. It is known as the backbone of business for a reason which is simply that Mumbai is the hub of business. From finance to IT, to educational, to clothing, to restaurant every type of business has a proper fit in Mumbai. Business flourish if targeted well and adapted well to the dynamic environment. It means that the environment is ever-changing and so the business model should be flexible enough to adapt these changes. This means that with a change in innovation CDs and pen drives replaced cassettes or android phone changed the phase of connectivity. One such inevitable part in mobile app, and with professional mobile app development companies in Mumbai one can easily start online business. Below are the top 10 mobile app development companies in Mumbai One should not ignore the potential growth which online presence can bring to the business. The growth business by going online is clearly evident with the business model of Ola, Spur, Zomato, flipkart and another start-up that started an online business from their initial stage. In fact, Even the big brands like Shoppers Stop, ICICI Bank, Dominos went to online mode and are now available to their customers online through the web and mobile app. It is an interesting fact that with an increase in mobile users and accessible data plan mobile app is pacing. Mobile app for business is beneficial in various ways. Let say costing, mobile app reduces...

Australian Cyber Security Centre warns of significant increase in business email compromise scams | Queensland Country Life | Queensland

A Dalby farmer who has been scammed to the tune of $90,000 is warning others to be on the lookout for similar activity. Noel and Suzi Rockliff thought nothing of it when they received their usual email from Arrow Energy at the end of July reminding them to make their quarterly payment for land they lease from the company, together with details of changes to the bank account money was to be credited into. They only realised they’d been involved in a fraudulent transaction when they received communication from Arrow a week later asking why they hadn’t met their payment commitment. The fake cover letter accompanying the email received by the Rockliffs, which appeared similar to advice from other companies they deal with. “We receive similar messages regularly from other businesses and didn’t think to check,” Mr Rockliff said. “It was identical to the usual message we receive and didn’t ring any alarm bells.” They immediately contacted their bank and the police, who confirmed that the money hadn’t gone to Arrow Energy. “The police told me when they looked into it, that account had cleared a couple of hundred thousand dollars,” Mr Rockliff said. The matter is currently under investigation by Dalby CIB, who were contacted for comment on the case. “We have had our computer checked by an IT specialist who confirmed it was highly unlikely that our machine had been compromised,” Mr Rockliff said. The real invoice received by the Rockliffs is almost identical to the fake one on the right. The family met with Arrow Energy five weeks ago to negotiate a way forward and said...

9 Quick Tips for Auth in Laravel – Laravel News

August 25, 2020 / PovilasKorop Laravel has a great out-of-the-box Auth system, but surely we need to customize things here and there. For some of them, no need to look for external packages or write a lot of custom code, let’s explore what interesting abilities are hiding under the hood of Auth. Tip 1. Auth::routes() Parameters We all probably know the method Auth::routes() that comes from the Laravel UI package (before Laravel 7, it was included in the core). But did you know it may accept an array of parameters to enable/disable certain Auth routes? As of Laravel 7, here are possible parameters, with their default values: Those parameters just enable or disable some routes. To understand how they work, you can look at the file AuthRouteMethods in Laravel UI: Tip 2. Laravel UI: Generate Controllers Only The official documentation specifies this main way of using Laravel UI: But what if you don’t need the visual UI? What if you’re creating only an API-based project, and you don’t have any front-end on the Laravel side? You can still use Laravel Auth and its Controllers. Install Laravel UI package and run this: It will generate only app/Http/Controllers/Auth contents, so you don’t need Blade/Vue files to use them. See the implementation of this Artisan command in Github repository. Tip 3. Re-Confirm Password for Important Settings Have you ever maintained a Github repository, and tried to change its access settings? Then Github asks you to re-enter your password again, just to make sure it’s you. Since Laravel 6.2, we also have that feature in the framework. All you need to do is...

Top 6 Reasons Why Choose Node.js for Web App Development in 2021 | Rlogical Techsoft Pvt Ltd

It is often quite difficult when it comes to selecting the proper tech stack for web app development. You will come across lots of technologies, programming languages, and frameworks out there at present which makes the process of selecting the tech stack for businesspersons extremely tough. The primary aspect to take into consideration while developing a web app will be to maintain efficiency for the app. In case more time is consumed for developing an app, you might be required to invest a considerable amount of cash. Node.js happens to be amongst the most inexpensive platforms which can be used by you for creating scalable and effective APIs, mobile apps, and so forth. In the following paragraphs, we will mention the reasons for selecting Node.js for web app development service in 2021. What exactly is Node.js? Node.js cannot be considered to be a library or framework; however, it is a runtime environment that depends on chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine that helps to apply JavaScript code. Node.js is selected by lots of companies and developers at present since it can support JavaScript and comes with innovative features. Node.js can provide 2-way real-time interaction between the server-side and the client. In this way, the customer and the service provider get an equal share of the workload. Making use of Node.js for web app development service will be the proper choice in case you require a personalized solution having innovative and useful features. Why Node.js should be selected to develop Web apps? 1. Create real-time Web apps This happens to be one significant reason for the developers who want to make the...

From S3 bucket to Laravel unserialize RCE – TRUESEC Blog

Alexander Andersson 2020-02-12 Cyber Security Insecure deserialization is a common vulnerability (OWASP TOP10) that very often leads to arbitrary code execution. Today, I’m going to explain how to turn a seemingly harmless deserialization into code execution. This recently came in handy for me in a penetration test of a PHP/Laravel based application. Before we jump down the rabbit hole, I’ll shortly explain the misconfigurations that allowed me to exploit the vulnerability in the first place. Laravel is weirdly helpful when APP_DEBUG is enabled. It should never be used outside a local dev environment. Errors will not only print out a really fancy error message with the entire stack trace, but also include all environment variables of the application account. That’s not something you want, since environment variables very often contain secrets. In a Laravel application, a variable named APP_KEY is used as the encryption secret for all symmetric encryption within the application. The app key was however not included in the error message. A reasonable explanation would be that it is simply not defined as a environment variable but instead hard coded or inserted in the source code at some point in the pipeline. There was however a few interesting secrets in the environment variables. Among them an AWS key ID and corresponding secret. I knew the target made use of S3 so I put together a script that retrieves directory list of the files I can access. for bucket in $(aws s3 ls | cut -d " " -f 3); do aws s3 ls s3://$bucket --recursive > ./$bucket.txt; done; One of the buckets was particularly interesting, it served...

Machine-learning model finds SARS-COV-2 growing more infectious

Credit: CC0 Public Domain A novel machine learning model developed by researchers at Michigan State University suggests that mutations to the SARS-CoV-2 genome have made the virus more infectious. The model, developed by lead researcher Guowei Wei, professor in the departments of Mathematics and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, analyzed SARS-CoV-2 genotyping from more than 20,000 viral genome samples. The researchers analyzed mutations to the spike protein—a protein primarily responsible for facilitating infection—and found that five of the six known virus subtypes are now more infectious. As with any virus, many mutations are ultimately benign, posing little to no risk to infected patients. Some mutations even reduce infectiousness. But some mutations lead to a more infectious virus. Wei and his team have studied and analyzed mutation patterns and locations for months, tracking changes against the official viral genome sample captured in January. “Knowledge about the infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 is a vital factor for preventive measurements against COVID-19 and reopening the global economy,” Wei said. “A crucial question is what are the ramifications of these mutations to COVID-19 transmission, diagnostics, prevention and treatment.” Viral infection occurs when the spike protein interacts with a human host cell receptor called angiotensin-converting enzyme 2—ACE2 for short. As it relates to ACE2, scientists are concerned about a concept known as binding affinity, or the strength of the binding interaction between the spike protein and host receptor during the initial stage of infection. “Viral infectivity increases if the binding affinity strengthens,” Wei said. “Currently, more than 50 mutations have been found along with the binding interface on the spike proteins receptor-binding domain—RBD for short—which has 194...

Healthcare Mobile App Development, Healthcare Website Development

Healthcare IT Company App Development The services of mPatientCare can help any other healthcare IT company too. We have been working in the field for several years and have engaged in multiple healthcare website developments as well as healthcare mobile app development projects. So, we have complete expertise in healthcare mobile app development. We understand all the rules and compliances that need to be followed in order to build a healthcare app. We have worked with clients around the world,so we are aware of the international norms and standards that need to be followed. These are the things that make us unique and the best healthcare IT company in the market today. You can check out the following reasons that would convince you to use the services of mPatientCare today! 1. Outsource Your Work to The Best People in The Market: When you outsource your work to mPatientCare, you can be assured that you are working with top healthcare IT company with the latest technology and a highly skilled workforce. We are a team of highly enthusiastic healthcare IT developers who leave no stones unturned to design extremely impressive apps and websites. Our numerous satisfied clients can easily attest to the fact that we are a trusted healthcare IT company India. Therefore, you will get exactly what you want when you avail our services. Our team gets deeper into each project and understand the unique requirements of each client before starting the work on the project. So, it will be a very pleasant experience for you when you work with mPatientCare. 2. Save Time : If you avail our...

The Ticking Time Bomb of Cyber Crimes in Sri Lanka

As Sri Lanka deals with the second wave of the coronavirus and its economic impacts, a somewhat novel aspect of the new status quo is our increasing dependency on Digital Services. Many of which, we have come to stability, continuity, and convenience. A notable change in this aspect is the shift of key private and government services to digital. However, as we keep shifting our critical operations to cyberspace, we must impress upon and be cautious about the impact of cyber crime. More extremely, we must address the risk of cyber terrorism towards business continuity and national security.  In my professional capacity, I have been fortunate to interact with many business leaders, corporate tycoons and Boards of Public Listed companies. Sadly although regular lip service is paid towards cybersecurity; the proof is in the pudding, and our pudding is the stuff of Gorden Ramsey memes. Don’t get me wrong Sri Lanka has capable and talented cybersecurity professionals. Many of whom are regularly picked up by Fortune 500 companies for their excellence. However, it’s the reluctance of top leadership to appreciate and understand the threat of cyber crime & cyber terrorism leaves Sri Lanka vulnerable. Understanding the threat of cyber crime and cyber terrorism    Cyber criminals are increasingly setting their sights on targets in Sri Lanka. But are we prepared to deal with this deadly threat? (Image credits: IFEX) Sri Lanka has been already marked as a soft target for cyber criminals. According to the 24th edition of Microsoft’s Security Intelligence Report, Sri Lanka recorded the second-highest malware encounter rate at 9.07 per cent in 2019. Despite a 14% decrease,...

Blazor and ASP.NET Core Get Faster in .NET 5 — Visual Studio Magazine

Blazor and ASP.NET Core Get Faster in .NET 5 When looking at the updates to web development in the new .NET 5 milestone release, one thing stands out: speed. “ASP.NET Core in .NET 5 is the fastest .NET web framework we’ve ever shipped!” said Microsoft this week in highlighting improvements to the web-dev component of the unifying .NET 5 framework. ASP.NET Core, the open source, cross-platform successor to ASP.NET (part of the old .NET Framework), is also where Blazor lives, providing a C# option for web development. It allows for full-stack web development via two components: Blazor WebAssembly for the client side and Blazor Server for the server side. The red-hot project has been garnering a lot of attention in the Microsoft-centric development ecosystem and has seen steady performance increases. “For .NET 5, we made significant improvements to Blazor WebAssembly runtime performance with a specific focus on complex UI rendering and JSON serialization,” Microsoft said in the release notes for .NET 5. “In our performance tests, Blazor WebAssembly in .NET 5 is two to three times faster for most scenarios.” As shown in the charts below, the focus on JSON handling paid off well, along with grid rendering performance. [Click on image for larger view.] JSON Handling (source: Microsoft). [Click on image for larger view.] Grid Rendering (source: Microsoft). Microsoft previously explained the team improved runtime code execution in Blazor WebAssembly in .NET 5 over v3.2 with optimizations of the core framework libraries and improvements to the .NET IL interpreter. Along with JSON handling, that speeds up things like string comparisons, and dictionary lookups. And those Blazor speed improvements...

Web Designer vs Web Developer – What’s the Difference?

Giving people the ability to create their own website is a large part of the success of WordPress. With WordPress, you no longer need a web designer or web developer to create your own Internet presence. Basically anyone can set up a website in minutes. On the other hand, for many users the platform has been a gateway to learning web design and development. It makes sense. You start off with a simple site, then look for ways to customize it. After that, it’s only natural to pick up basic design or programming skills and keep going from there. Yet, there are still times when you need a professional designer or developer. However, when do you need to hire which of the two? And what even is the difference between web designer and web developer? After all, the two terms are often thrown around synonymously. In this article, we want to shine a light on these very questions. We will look at what web designers and developers each do in their field work to find out the difference between them. After that, we will also have a look at whether the division between the two is even that clear. In the end, we want you to end up with a clear understanding of the job descriptions and who you need in which case. Or, if on the other side of the fence, give you enough information so you can decide for where you’d like to take your career. What Does a Web Designer Do? “Web designer” is the most common term for people creating websites. However, it is usually...

Apps Using React Native: 12 Examples to Learn From

Today, the mobile app market is booming. Some companies fight for users, others build apps using React Native and hold all the hype. choose this framework for creating their applications. To enlist a few: Facebook, Skype, Tesla, Uber, Walmart, Salesforce and so on. But why is it so popular? What benefits do apps and websites built with React Native bring to businesses and users? Keep on reading to find out. What is React Native? React Native has turned the developers’ lives upside down. Its first release for iOS was in March 2015 on GitHub. Then in September, React Native for Android came out and made it a truly cross-platform framework. Since then, React Native keeps growing its community and the number of . For example, in March 2020, it got 2075 contributors on GitHub. Surprisingly how Facebook’s internal Hackathon project grew into a competitive cross-platform framework. So, what is actually React Native? To make things clear: it isn’t a special template language. React Native is a UI component library made of React using JavaScript. These components convert the code into Android and iOS views as they can “talk” with native APIs. What does it mean for a business owner? The dev team works faster and uses the same code for different platforms. The iOS and Android versions are developed simultaneously. Besides, the websites built with React Native are also growing their popularity. What does it mean for a user? The apps using React Native provide you with a native-like experience. Despite the platform, the app will run equally on Android and iOS devices.  Why Is React Native So Popular?...

Backend Web & Mobile App Development – Technology, Languages, Frameworks & Tools

Server-Side Scripting: Back-End Web Development Technology Internet is super exciting. A lot of stuff happens when as user you make a request to URL, lots of code is at work to bring a page requested by you. What connects actually your App’s database to the browser? That’s the program built by server-side scripts; Server-side language build your site behind the scenes. The goal of the server-side language is to provide a smooth experience for a user. There are innumerous server-side scripting languages effective in reaching the end goal. The server-side programming language you select depend on the preferences of your development team and the project requirements such as your database/operating system setup. Being aware of what each server-side scripting language can offer what is unique is deciding your backend technology, and whom to hire for these tasks. Let’s take A LOOK AT YOUR WEBSITE’S BACK END The back end is made up of three parts: the server, the database, APIs, and a back-end web application written using server-side languages. For instance, if a user is updating a password on web application, the server-side scripts will collect the information the user enters, the application will process that information on the back-end server, then will interact with the database to update that information. The backend web developers use server-side scripting language to develop back-end application and this language in turn communicates between user, server, and database. Anything that is explicitly written goes into the text markup of a website which is the front-end or back-end software. When user request an Edit, delete and update (For Example, the fields in menus, photos,...

PenTest+ Is DoD Approved | CompTIA

Before the pandemic, it was predicted that cybercrime would globally cost an excess of $6 trillion annually by 2021. The need for more organizations to address unforeseen security risks in their networks and systems while designing a more cyber-resilient posture is not only imperative, but a matter of national security. To help combat these threats, attacks and vulnerabilities, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) requires its personnel and contractors to validate their hands-on penetration testing and vulnerability management skills with approved cybersecurity certifications to bolster the resiliency of its networks against attacks. CompTIA PenTest+ was recently approved for the DoD 8570.01 Manual Information Assurance Workforce Improvement Program. That means military personnel and defense contractors who work with sensitive information can take CompTIA PenTest+ to satisfy certain job requirements. This approval is a boon for penetration testing and vulnerability management – and the CompTIA PenTest+ certification – because the DoD now formally recognizes the importance of these skills in job roles. The DoD approved CompTIA PenTest+ for three (3) 8570.01-M job categories:   Learn more on the DoD Cyber Exchange public website. How Will This Affect DoD 8140 and NICE Work Roles? The U.S. defense cybersecurity workforce, along with CompTIA, await the tentative release of the DoD 8140 manual in December 2020. It is unknown what exactly will be included in the manual, but it will replace 8570.01-M. We also know it will map work roles to the NICE Framework. We expect NICE work roles to be linked to specific job positions and hiring decisions. CompTIA PenTest+ maps to more than seven NICE work roles with over 70% correlation, which could...

ReactJS Vs. VueJS | Front-end JS Frameworks Comparison

April 01, 2020 If someone asks, which framework will you select for development in 2020, what will be your answer?Clearly you have two main choices to select from: React.Js and Vue.Js! But, what if you need to select one? Well, the battle between the two most popular frameworks React Js and Vue.Js is real. It is indeed very difficult to manifest which overrules the other. However, we have tried to distinguish between the two frameworks here. Please Read this blog…. It is needless to say, Javascript has won millions of hearts and big Giants are grabbing their share using this technology. But, adding more to the popularity of it are the two most talked Javascript frameworks, React.Js and Vue.Js. Developers are embracing this declarative, and component-based process of designing the applications using the magical frameworks. Both of the frameworks are popularly known for the easy learning curve and higher performances. However, in order to stay abreast of the competitors, you need to select any one framework out of these two. Therefore, after getting thorough analysis from our experts, we have discussed the key differences between the two frameworks Vue.Js vs React.Js in this blog. Have a look and select the best fit for your application development. A major part of the software development companies is using these influential frameworks namely React.Js and Vue.Js. Let’s have a better understanding of the frameworks here. React.Js: React is an open-source Javascript library that is developed by Facebook. React development enables developers to create reusable and attractive UI components. It is best used to , and native applications because it allows developers to...

Tiny Machine Learning: The Next AI Revolution | by Matthew Stewart, PhD Researcher | Oct, 2020 | Towards Data Science

Over the past decade, we have witnessed the size of machine learning algorithms grow exponentially due to improvements in processor speeds and the advent of big data. Initially, models were small enough to run on local machines using one or more cores within the central processing unit (CPU). Shortly after, computation using graphics processing units (GPUs) became necessary to handle larger datasets and became more readily available due to introduction of cloud-based services such as SaaS platforms (e.g., Google Colaboratory) and IaaS (e.g., Amazon EC2 Instances). At this time, algorithms could still be run on single machines. More recently, we have seen the development of specialized application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) tensor processing units (TPUs) which can pack the power of ~8 GPUs. These devices have been augmented with the ability to distribute learning across multiple systems in an attempt to grow larger and larger models. This came to a head recently with the release of the GPT-3 algorithm (released in May 2020), boasting a network architecture containing a staggering 175 billion neurons — more than double the number present in the human brain (~85 billion). This is more than 10x the number of neurons than the next-largest neural network ever created, Turing-NLG (released in February 2020, containing ~17.5 billion parameters). Some estimates claim that the model cost around $10 million dollars to train and used approximately 3 GWh of electricity (approximately the output of three nuclear power plants for an hour). While the achievements of GPT-3 and Turing-NLG are laudable, naturally, this has led to some in the industry to criticize the increasingly large carbon footprint of the AI...

Flutter Vs. React Native | What to Choose in 2020?

Sept 03, 2020 Today developers want the app development to be a breeze. They wish that the whole process of mobile app development should become so comfortable and easy to accomplish. Additionally, the competition in the market is rising at a burgeoning speed. And to survive in that competition, it is highly lucrative for emerging entrepreneurs to release an application that works on both the platforms, iOS and Android. App development companies are continuously digging into the performance checking of the cross-platform frameworks. The two popular frameworks that are becoming the talk of the town are Flutter and React Native. You will find thousands of mobile applications built using these frameworks, but which overrules the other one (Flutter Vs React Native) is always a debatable question. This blog is written and reviewed by our expert team of Flutter and . Their hands-on experience in using these two frameworks allowed them to describe the differences in detail. So let’s begin the discussion. To start with, Why cross-platform app development? Well, the whole world is moving towards digitization, and there is not a single purpose that can not be fulfilled using an application. Almost 4.54 billion internet users spend an average of 6 hours and 43 minutes browsing on the internet. It has become the need of the hour for the businesses to release applications that meet customer’s expectations, but within a limited time. And hence, cross-platform app development. The cross-platform app development approach saves a lot of money and reduces the time to market drastically. It allows you to handle the storm of rising application demand. On top of everything,...
Malcare WordPress Security

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