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Translating lost languages using machine learning

Recent research suggests that most languages that have ever existed are no longer spoken. Dozens of these dead languages are also considered to be lost, or “undeciphered” — that is, we don’t know enough about their grammar, vocabulary, or syntax to be able to actually understand their texts. Lost languages are more than a mere academic curiosity; without them, we miss an entire body of knowledge about the people who spoke them. Unfortunately, most of them have such minimal records that scientists can’t decipher them by using machine-translation algorithms like Google Translate. Some don’t have a well-researched “relative” language to be compared to, and often lack traditional dividers like white space and punctuation. (To illustrate, imaginetryingtodecipheraforeignlanguagewrittenlikethis.) However, researchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) recently made a major development in this area: a new system that has been shown to be able to automatically decipher a lost language, without needing advanced knowledge of its relation to other languages. They also showed that their system can itself determine relationships between languages, and they used it to corroborate recent scholarship suggesting that the language of Iberian is not actually related to Basque. The team’s ultimate goal is for the system to be able to decipher lost languages that have eluded linguists for decades, using just a few thousand words. Spearheaded by MIT Professor Regina Barzilay, the system relies on several principles grounded in insights from historical linguistics, such as the fact that languages generally only evolve in certain predictable ways. For instance, while a given language rarely adds or deletes an entire sound, certain sound substitutions are likely...

Centralized exception handling and request validation in ASP.NET Core

One of the most common things that I have seen developers working with ASP.NET Core struggle with, is the way to centrally and consistently handle application errors and input validation. Those seemingly different topics are really two sides of the same coin. More often than not, exceptions are just allowed to bubble all the way up and left unhandled, leaving the framework the responsibility to convert them to a generic 500 errors. In many other situations, exception handling is fragmented and happens in certain individual controllers only. With regard to input validation, we often have completely customized ways of notifying the client about input issues or – at best – we leave everything to the framework and let it work its defaults via the ModelState functionality. What I wanted to show you today is how you can introduce a consistent, centralized way of handling exceptions and request validation in an ASP.NET Core web application. Problem Details One of the key things about building usable HTTP APIs is consistency. Having consistent responses in similar situations is absolutely crucial when building a maintainable, usable and predictable API. As usually in life, there is no need to re-invent the wheel here. RFC7808 actually defines a problem detail type “as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in a HTTP response to avoid the need to define new error response formats for HTTP APIs”, so it would be a good idea to just embrace that. And that applies both to input validation (4xx responses) and server errors (5xx responses). What’s even better, is that the ASP.NET Core MVC framework, since version 2.1,...

How to Use IoT in iOS 11 for Mobile App Development?

When multiple internet operated electronic devices like smartwatches, webcams, monitors, tablets, PCs, etc., are collectively referred, and then a terminology called ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) comes into existence. IoT is turning out to be the technology of the future as various enterprises have embraced it – according to IDC prediction, in 2020 around $1 trillion will be spent by innovators on IoT technology. However, the use of IoT in iOS 11 is a new way that will empower iOS that makes it important to address topics like how to use IoT in iOS 11 for mobile app development By narrowing down the operational area of IoT, it has been recorded that the IoT mobile application industry is exploding at a very high speed. That’s because the number of internet operated devices is rapidly increasing in an average household – from automation trend to advancement in the technology, everything has surged mobile app development using industrial IoT technology. IoT and mobile app development both are the same sides of one coin because to create IoT ecosystem mobile apps are mandatory and to use automated apps, IoT devices are compulsory. So, they both are important to sustain one another. How to Use IoT in iOS Swift? The relationship of IoT and mobile app development is very deep, but when iOS 11 is thrown into the mixture, then this trio became highly powerful. The integration of IoT into iPhone app development is one of the hottest technologies making the rounds these days. Interestingly, how to use IoT in iOS isn’t a fun topic anymore as iOS app development has gone beyond entertainment....

Why cyber security is essential for protecting reputations

As Cyber Monday approaches, Radmila Blazheska, CMO, SecurityHQ, defines the true impact of security breaches on an organisation’s reputation and how to reduce your chances of attack through damage control. A cyber-attack and with it a potential data breach, will not just ruin a company’s reputation but has the potential to ruin years of effort from a PR and marketing perspective. A data breach would potentially end in financial loss, risk of brand reputation or essentially business closure. Regardless of what industry you are in, or how big your organisation, marketing is at the heart of most companies. It is the department that builds on the brand image, conveys the right ethos and promotes the company values. Marketing is what nurtures client relationships and partnerships. It makes information accessible and businesses stand out. Businesses need and rely on their marketing teams. So, when malicious activity and a single cyber-attack can destroy all this work with one swift move, it is worth dedicating some time to. Reputation Think of everything that makes your company what it is today. All the people, the processes, the technology, the relationships, the branding, everything that ever went into creating what your business represents today. This can be destroyed in an instant. A data breach and with it a PR crisis, has the potential to significantly affect the image of an organisation. Often seen on par with poor customer service, Forbes’ The Reputational Impact of IT Risk report highlighted ‘that 46% of organisations had suffered damage to their reputations and brand value as a result of a breach. Another 19%  of organisations suffered reputational and...

.NET Blog | How to port desktop applications to .NET Core 3.0

How to port desktop applications to .NET Core 3.0 In this post, I will describe how to port a desktop application from .NET Framework to .NET Core. I picked a WinForms application as an example. Steps for WPF application are similar and I’ll describe what needs to be done different for WPF as we go. I will also show how you can keep using the WinForms designer in Visual Studio even though it is under development and is not yet available for .NET Core projects. About the sample For this post, I’ll be using a Memory-style board game application. It contains a WinForms UI (MatchingGame.exe) and a class library with the game logic (MatchingGame.Logic.dll), both targeting .NET Framework 4.5. You can download the sample here. I’ll be porting the application project to .NET Core 3.0 and the class library to .NET Standard 2.0. Using .NET Standard instead of .NET Core allows me to reuse the game logic to provide the application for other platforms, such as iOS, Android or web. You can either watch Scott Hunter and me doing the conversion in the following video, or you can follow the step-by-step instructions below. Of course, I won’t be holding it against you, if you were to do both. Step-by-step process I suggest doing the migration in a separate branch or, if you’re not using version control, creating a copy of your project so you have a clean state to go back to if necessary. Before porting the application to .NET Core 3.0, I need to do some preparation first. Preparing to port Porting main project Create new project <PackageReference Include=“Newtonsoft.Json” Version=“9.0.1” />...

6 Tips to Become a Remote Web Developer [Digital Nomad Guide]

The following article on how to become a web developer is a guest post by Katie Web development is one of the original, somewhat notorious and (still) well-suited job roles for those wanting to be location independent. A web development business takes on a multitude of guises, from creating a site with a few simple yet stylish pages – to building complex, client-specific systems with lots of bells and whistles. If you want to know how to become a remote web developer and get started creating simple sites you don’t need a degree or any experience to get started creating simple sites. The old cliched idea of a web developer is that of someone geeky, mathematical, tech-obsessed and probably male to boot! As systems and tools have changed over the years, to more friendly ways of creating sites (rather than just hard-core coding), web development has, in fact, becoming a strong-hold for creative women. Disclaimer: Some links in this article are affiliate links, which means that if you purchase through them, I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. For more information on my disclaimer click here. Hi, I’m Katie, an online Web developer and Tech VA, originally from the UK, now based in Spain whilst travelling as much as I can.  I was a late bloomer in the long-term travel world. I’d vacationed whenever I could and would save my pennies like mad for my vacations. One day I stumbled upon the blog of a couple who were travelling slowly and spending as much money in 4 months as I had been in 14 days!...

How to Develop and Secure GraphQL APIs with Laravel PHP

TL;DR: This article will show you how to use Laravel to implement a basic GraphQL API and how to secure it with Auth0. Throughout the article, you will learn how to implement the API step by step up to the final result. You can find the final code on this GitHub repository. The API You Will Build The project you are going to build is an API providing a list of wines from all over the world. As mentioned before, you will build the API following the GraphQL model. This model allows a client to request the exact data it needs, nothing more, nothing less. You will implement the GraphQL API by using Laravel, one of the most popular PHP frameworks that allows you to set up an application in minutes by exploiting its powerful infrastructure. Finally, you will learn how easy it is to secure your GraphQL API with Auth0. Before starting the project, ensure you have PHP and MySQL installed on your machine. You will also need Composer, a dependency manager for PHP. Once you have these tools installed on your machine, you are ready to build the Wine Store API. Setting up the Laravel PHP Project The first step to create a Laravel project is to run the following command in a terminal: This command asks Composer to create a Laravel project named winestore. The result is a new directory called winestore right where you ran the command. This directory will have a few files and subdirectories as shown in the following picture: Don’t worry if you are not acquainted with Laravel’s structure. While you will...

A Step-By-Step Guide to Mobile App Development at Smart Sight Innovations

How to create an app? It is the first question that arises once businesses have decided to create an app to further their enterprise. Businesses may know their target audience, demand, and supply. They may also know that the idea of creating a mobile app is going to be successful, and that it could potentially be a million-dollar idea. The thing stopping them is that they do not know how to develop a mobile app. In this post, we share a step by step guide to building a mobile app. 1. Define your purpose Many companies and start-ups make a mistake of not defining clear objectives while developing a mobile app. It is nearly impossible to get expected benefits if the purpose is not precise. Before developing a mobile app, it is vital to find answers to such questions. How can your app create a difference? How can it be helpful to customers? Is your app going to reach more customers? Or is it just for brand awareness? After getting answers to the above questions, you should look for improvements in your business through the app, as well as the expected outcomes. These things need to be crystal clear before going further. 2. Discuss features and functionalities After defining the objectives, the second most crucial step is to discuss the functions and features of the mobile app. One of the essential parts of developing a mobile app is to write down all the necessary functionalities and features. You can integrate features such as ML, AI, Payment Gateway integration, Real-time tracking, Face Detection, and others in your mobile app. If...

Maritime compliance: Cyber Security requirements due 1 Jan 2021

(www.MaritimeCyprus.com) Developments in connectivity and the transfer of data in greater volumes between ship and shore continue to bring significant gains for fleet management efficiency and crew welfare, but they also increase the vulnerability of critical systems onboard vessels to cyber attacks. A 2019 recorded 58% of respondents to a survey of stakeholders as confirming that cybersecurity guidelines had been incorporated into their company or fleet by 2018. The increase over the 37% giving this answer in 2017 explained a sharp drop in the number of maritime companies reporting themselves as victims of cyber-attacks according to authors – 22% compared to 34%. However, the enduring feature of cyber threats is their ability to adapt and evolve, with new lines of attack developed as barriers are put in place, and strategies to expose vulnerabilities constantly emerging. A June 2020 White Paper from the British Ports Association and cyber risk management specialists Astaara suggests that reliance on remote working during the COVID-19 crisis coincided with a fourfold increase in maritime cyber attacks from February onwards, for example. In fact, cybersecurity was ranked as the second-highest risk for shipping in 2019, behind natural disasters, according to a survey of over 2,500 risk managers conducted by Allianz. Given that, according to IBM, companies take on average about 197 days to identify and 69 days to contain a cyber breach, it is clear that an attack on a vessel’s critical systems could threaten the safety of a ship as well as the business of shipping. The fact that a 2019 Data Breach Investigations Report from Verizon indicates that nearly one-third of all data breaches...

How to Configure Nginx as Reverse Proxy for Nodejs App

Nodejs is a free open source, lightweight, scalable and efficient JavaScript framework built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine, and uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model. Nodejs is now everywhere, and has become so popular for developing software from websites, web apps to network apps and more. Nginx is an open source, high-performance HTTP server, load balancer and reverse proxy software. It has a straightforward configuration language making it easy to configure. In this article, we will show how to configure Nginx as a reverse proxy for Nodejs applications. Note: If your system already running with Nodejs and NPM, and have your app running on a certain port, go straight to Step 4. Step 1: Installing Nodejs and NPM in Linux The latest version of Node.js and NPM is available to install from the official NodeSource Enterprise Linux, Fedora, Debian and Ubuntu binary distributions repository, which is maintained by the Nodejs website and you will need to add it to your system to be able to install the latest Nodejs and NPM packages as shown. On Debian/Ubuntu On CentOS/RHEL and Fedora Step 2: Creating a Nodejs Application For demonstration purpose, we will be creating a sample application called “sysmon”, which will run on port 5000 as shown. Copy and paste the following code in the server.js file (replace with your server IP). Save the file and exit. Now start your node application using the following command (press Ctrl+x to terminate it). Now open a browser and access your application at the URL Access Node App from Browser Step 3: Install Nginx Reverse Proxy in Linux We will install...

Machine Learning in R for beginners – DataCamp

Introducing: Machine Learning in R Machine learning is a branch in computer science that studies the design of algorithms that can learn. Typical machine learning tasks are concept learning, function learning or “predictive modeling”, clustering and finding predictive patterns. These tasks are learned through available data that were observed through experiences or instructions, for example. Machine learning hopes that including the experience into its tasks will eventually improve the learning. The ultimate goal is to improve the learning in such a way that it becomes automatic, so that humans like ourselves don’t need to interfere any more. This small tutorial is meant to introduce you to the basics of machine learning in R: more specifically, it will show you how to use R to work with the well-known machine learning algorithm called “KNN” or k-nearest neighbors. If you’re interested in following a course, consider checking out our Introduction to Machine Learning with R or DataCamp’s Unsupervised Learning in R course! Using R For k-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) The KNN or k-nearest neighbors algorithm is one of the simplest machine learning algorithms and is an example of instance-based learning, where new data are classified based on stored, labeled instances. More specifically, the distance between the stored data and the new instance is calculated by means of some kind of a similarity measure. This similarity measure is typically expressed by a distance measure such as the Euclidean distance, cosine similarity or the Manhattan distance. In other words, the similarity to the data that was already in the system is calculated for any new data point that you input into the system. Then,...

Tutorial: How to share code between iOS, Android & Web using React Native, react-native-web and monorepo

Let’s make our react-native app work in the browser, the right way. The code from this tutorial is available on GitHub: You can fork it and use to start new projects with code sharing 🎉 Why am I writing this? Hi 👋 I’m Bruno Lemos. I recently launched a project called DevHub – TweetDeck for GitHub and one of the things that caught people’s attention was the fact that it is an app made by a single developer and available on 6 platforms: Web (react-native-web), iOS (react native), Android (react native), macOS, Windows and Linux (electron, for now), with almost 100% code sharing between them. It even shares some code with the server! This is something that would require a team of 3+ until a couple years ago. Since then, I’ve received dozens of tweets and private messages asking how to achieve the same and in this tutorial I’ll walk you through it. What’s react-native-web? If you are not familiar with , it’s a lib by Necolas (ex Twitter engineer) to make your React Native code render in the browser. Roughly speaking, you will write <View /> and it will render <div />, making sure all styles render the exact same thing. It does more than that, but let’s keep it simple. The new Twitter was created using this technology and it’s awesome. If you already know react-native, you don’t need to learn any new syntax. It’s the same API. Summary Starting a new React Native project Turning our folder structure into a monorepo Making react-native work in a monorepo Sharing code between our monorepo packages Creating a new web...

Laravel is awesome! 10 reasons why I love Laravel – DEV

In the last six months I have tried several programming languages ​​and frameworks. I have done projects with Django, Laravel, Rails, Vue and React. I loved all of this framework. They are all mature and all do the job. On the other hand, one of these frameworks seduced me a little more than the others … Laravel. Here are the 10 reasons why I sincerely believe that Laravel is great! PHP is awesome! Yes. Those who claim the opposite sorry to say but are ignorant. They ignore that PHP 3.0 has long been obsolete and that PHP 7 is now a complete OOP language, relatively fast, stable and very pleasant to work with. The Laravel framework is precisely built in OOP with the latest PHP standards. Laravel’s syntax is easy, clear, and elegant. With Laravel there is almost no boilerplate code to write. Compared to several other frameworks, Laravel comes with a full starter configuration. Starting a new project is easy and super fast. There are a lot of third party Laravel packages. I also find that the packages are regularly updated and ready for production. The creators of Laravel have created an eco-system of pro products that complements Laravel in a wonderful way. Sure these products have to be paid for but in return they are now ready for full scale production and can save you hundreds of hours of development. With Laravel it is also possible to create fullstack applications, ie backend but also frontend. The code remains executed on the server but certain products like Livewire allow to develop interactive UI like React but in pure...

Mobile App Development Privacy and Security Checklist

With over available in leading app stores, it is clear that the mobile app market is flooded. On the other hand, consumers aren’t willing to use any old app. They want only the best ones. These apps have to be beautifully designed, offer friction-less navigation, should be easy to use, and provide value. Various parameters, like compatibility, performance, and functionality, must be thoroughly tested. So yeah, designing and developing a mobile app is no simple task. But above everything else, people are increasingly concerned about privacy and security issues. After the Facebook fiasco, people are anxious about sharing data and personal information. They prefer to use only those apps which are secure. Now, these concerns are more valid than ever. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone is being forced online. And there has been a significant . People have every right to be more vigilant about what apps are safe to use. However, with the right privacy and security guidelines, you can take your app to the next level. As a developer, here are some of the best practices that you should follow to create more secure apps. 1. Evaluate all open source codes Open source and third-party libraries are changing the app world, helping to speed up development and deployment. Enterprises apps can contain as much as 90% open source codes. Unfortunately, third-party codes have often been the reason behind vulnerabilities, allowing attackers to remotely exploit a system. Open-source apps can be reverse-engineered. So leaving the source code open could put your app at risk. By using new and protected codes, app developers can build an app from...

Bengaluru-based deep-tech startup Seconize helps global enterprises assess cyber security compliance

Security is a vastly complex subject and only the largest organisations can spend a fortune to stop threats in the digital age. So with the world moving online, every CIO has to face a perplexing question – ‘how does one manage risk?’  Risk management is the process of identifying, assessing, and responding to risk. Companies invest in application security, network security, database security, and endpoint security. Each of these security attributes operates in silos and require large IT teams to manage them. Three-year-old Bengaluru-based startup Seconize uses risk management processes to enable organisations to prioritise decisions regarding cybersecurity.  Seconize offers a SaaS product – DeRisk Centre – that looks at all the asset types of the company and provides a unified view of the security. The startup was founded by Chethan Anand and Sashank Dara in 2017. The early days  Chethan has 23 years of experience in the industry and has an MS (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) as well as an executive MBA from IIM-B. Sashank has 18 years of experience and a PhD from IIIT-B.  They both were working for Cisco when they met. Chethan was a Senior Product Manager, creating products and taking them to the market, and Sashank was a Technical Leader in the security group. While at Cisco, both began interacting to discuss security-related aspects of some of the products that Chethan was working on.  “During our conversations, we realised that companies were getting impacted despite the increase in security spending. These cyber-attacks were getting automated and sophisticated, so companies had to address the problem in a slightly different way, instead of trying to address...

The Role of Data Science and Marketing Analytics to Fuel Killer Campaigns

Data Science and Marketing Analytics: The Formula for Better Marketing Data science and marketing analytics play a critical role in understanding your audience and what motivates them to buy so you can develop and execute successful marketing strategies. These technologies enable marketing professionals to gain powerful insights into buyer behavior by leveraging big data. According to Deloitte, “Data science and analytics are driving big shifts in marketing. In fact, the possibilities are unfolding so quickly that new applications for data science-led marketing are emerging nearly as fast as marketers can imagine them.”  Marketing analytics is nothing new. How we go about getting the data for those analytics, however, has dramatically changed over the years. In the past, marketers looked at basic sales data and rudimentary data to create their own customer profiles and marketing strategies. They analyzed data mostly manually, inferring all kinds of assumptions based on the best, albeit limited, data they had. Data science wasn’t even a thing. My, how things have changed. Today, we have web analytics, predictive analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning to not only access big data but crunch the data for us in ways we couldn’t have dreamed of just a decade ago. These technologies help marketers save time and money while building more successful marketing campaigns that reach the right people at the right time on the right channels. Data science and marketing analytics are powerful marketing tools. They used to be a differentiator but have now become table stakes. Marketers who aren’t leveraging these technologies are not only at a major disadvantage, they are likely in danger of becoming completely...

Decentralized Web Developer Report 2020 | by Evgeny Ponomarev | Fluence Labs | Medium

The is often acknowledged as a nebulous umbrella term for a suite of new technologies that will revamp many aspects of the modern web over the next few years. Some endeavors include overhauling core protocols for routing web traffic, while others involve upending the centralized data storage and sharing models that have allowed big tech firms to build vast moats of wealth. In any case, the primary emphasis has been a bold return to the origins of the Internet. Projects are chipping away at the stranglehold of major tech firms and financial intermediaries whose collateral deficiencies continue to surface. The current iteration of the web has drifted away from its decentralized origins. Initially crafted by Tim Berners-Lee to serve an open community of users and developers, the web has been hijacked by major players (e.g., Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple) to lock-in users and extract value from them. Consequently, abuses of data privacy, security vulnerabilities, and subpar performance have followed suit. But that early vision for a decentralized web never dissipated. Behind grassroots projects in the early 2000s such as Napster, Tor, and BitTorrent was a narrative burrowed deep into Internet user sentiment — a return to decentralization. Unfortunately, many of these projects have been outshined by their centralized counterparts over the years. Wielding user-friendly applications, companies have flourished extracting value from users by building platforms on top of the Internet’s core protocols. Flashy (and free) apps like Facebook herded users into vast closed networks of value capture, effectively launching the modern age of the social media and advertising paradigm. But with all that social interaction and web tracking has...

Malcare WordPress Security

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