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Working with MySQL JSON Columns in Laravel: Custom Properties Example – Laravel Daily

JSON fields are gaining more popularity since they became officially supported in MySQL 5.7.8. Even the popular Spatie Laravel Medialibrary package use them, so why shouldn’t we? This tutorial will show you an example. Let’s say we have an e-shop project and want to store products. For some of them, we don’t really know what the fields will be – some will require sizes, others will require colors, origin country, manufacturer etc. So here’s where JSON field may become useful – we will store whatever custom properties data there. Here’s the form for our product: Notice: For the simplicity, I didn’t implement JavaScript add/remove dynamic fields, this is outside of JSON fields article. Here it’s hard-coded to 5 fields. Step 1. Back-end: Migration + Model To create a JSON field, all we need to do in Laravel migration is use ->json() method: Next, we need to tell our model app/Product.php to cast that column from JSON to an array automatically: This way, we will receive $product->properties as array and don’t need to do json_decode() at all. Step 2. Blade Form With Array As I mentioned before, I added five fields for properties, user may fill one of them or all five: As you can see, a simple @for loop and every key-value pair has an index in the array, from 0 to 4. Step 3. Saving Properties Our ProductController::store() method will be simple. Yes, that’s it. Some validation for required fields in StoreProductRequest, but nothing more fancy. And we don’t need to do anything with our JSON field, because we’re already passing the array from Blade, so it will be automatically...

Appetiser Pledges to Sponsor 150 Children by 2021 – Appetiser: Web and Mobile App Development Melbourne, Australia

Empowering individuals through education is a core belief here at Appetiser. Learning about the education problem in the Philippines was disheartening as we’ve grown a special connection with the country through working with so many talented Filipino team members. 1 out of every 10 young Filipinos aged 6 to 24 is considered an out-of-school-youth (OCSY). This means that more than 4 million Filipinos have not enrolled in formal schooling or graduated from secondary school despite laws that promote the accessibility of free public education in the country. This problem has only intensified because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Enrolment for the school year of 2020 – 2021 dropped 27.3% due to the economic burden of distanced-learning and the need for children to work because of insufficient family income to meet necessities. Our company philosophy has always focused on self-development and team member growth with education playing a big part in this. We’ve witnessed our Filipino team members’ talent and potential made possible by access to a great education. Our aim is to help alleviate the problem faced by so many of the Philippines most vulnerable children, giving them better access to education and in turn, to jobs and opportunities in their futures. So our team efforts began this year to give back to a country that has given us so much. A cause aligned with our core values World Vision is the right partner because of their dedication to making education accessible for all. They’ve worked with children and local communities around the Philippines and the world. In the last three years, the organisation was able to help 3.1 million...

Forrester: Over-reliance on big data, siloed teams impede customer insights | Online Sales Guide Tips

As marketers, we strive to design customer experiences that leave lasting impressions, drive conversions and keep our customers coming back for more. But do we rely too heavily on big data instead of honing in on the specific actions that drive customer engagements? A recent report from Forrester commissioned by customer insights software firm FocusVision surveyed over 500 U.S. consumers to describe what they thought and felt was a truly memorable customer experience and the specific elements of the component that made it memorable. Forrester also surveyed over 200 B2C marketing decision-makers, including 54 CMOs, to gain insight into what methodologies they use to understand their customers. The report defines big data as a “combination of structured and unstructured data, including log files, transaction information, internet of things, social media metrics, etc.” It defines small data as “a combination of VOC data, customer journey data, user focus groups, surveys, behavioral user experience data, etc.” Small data unlocks the “why” behind customers’ actions Over-reliance on big data is a common trend, according to the report findings. When asked if their customer experience strategy and execution was informed more by big data or by small data, nearly a third (29%) of the respondents said they rely “completely” on big data when making decisions. Looking only at big data often leads digital marketers to convoluted customer insights and challenges in terms of understanding the drivers behind customer actions. More than half of the brands surveyed agreed or agreed strongly that small data is critical to unlocking the thoughts and emotions behind the actions customers take. Forty-one percent of brands using small data...

Cyber security and the role of Bangladesh Bank

Cyber security is the practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks. It’s also known as information technology security or electronic information security. The term applies into a variety of contexts, from business to mobile computing, and can be divided into a few common categories. Application security focuses on keeping software and devices free of threats. Network security is the practice of securing a computer network from intruders, whether targeted attackers or opportunistic malware. Information security protects the integrity and privacy of data, both in storage and in transit. Operational security includes the processes and decisions for handling and protecting data assets. The permissions users have when accessing a network and the procedures that determine how and where data may be stored or shared all fall under this umbrella. The global cyber threat continues to evolve at a rapid pace, with a rising number of data breaches each year. A report by Risk Based Security revealed that a shocking 7.9 billion records have been exposed by data breaches in the first nine months of 2019 alone. This figure is more than double (112.0 per cent) of the number of records exposed in the same period in 2018. With the scale of the cyber threat set to continue to rise, the International Data Corporation predicts that worldwide spending on cyber-security solutions will reach a massive US$133.7 billion by 2022. Governments across the globe have responded to the rising cyber threat with guidance to help organisations implement effective cyber-security practices. In the U.S., the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has created a...

How to Structure Routes in Large Laravel Projects? – Laravel Daily

Imagine a Laravel project with 100+ routes, separate section for guest, users, administrators etc. Do you really want to keep it all in one file? How can you group them, add prefixes to URLs? Let’s see what options we have. 1. Separate WEB and API Routes This one is easy, as Laravel is shipped with this feature by default. There are two files: So if your project has both visual web-pages, and API (which is more and more common these days), please put API routes in that separate file. For example, if you have /users page and then /api/users/ endpoint, separating them into their own files help to not get confused with the same names in the same file. That said, I recently saw counter-intuitive example from official Laravel project. With Laravel Horizon, Taylor has only API routes, and he didn’t use separate file, instead he put it into routes/web.php: Another proof that structuring in Laravel is very personal and there is no 100% standard, even from Taylor himself. 2. Structure routes/web.php File into Groups That also comes from “basic” Laravel – route grouping. This is an example from the official Laravel documentation: The most basic usage is hiding different groups under different middleware. For example, you want one group to be restricted by default auth middleware, another group by separate admin custom middleware etc. With that, you can also use Route group names and prefixes. Again, a few examples from the official documentation: Also, if you want to add all middleware+name+prefix to one group, it’s more readable to put them into an array: Let’s tie it all together...

Do I need to understand DNS as Web Developer? – DEV

So, do I have to understand what DNS is, as a Web Developer? Let’s find out! Let’s be honest as a Web Developer, we only hear about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MYSQL, MongoDB, Git, etc. How about DNS configuration and deployment on a real web server? Before you say that DNS is not important, read the next wonderful paragraph. Think of a burger 🍔 that does not have its own burger meat between the buns. It’s impossible to imagine it, correct? Well, it’s the same thing for DNS. Without DNS you cannot host your xyz.com website on a web server. The deployment process is really easy and it comes in two steps. In the first step, via FTP, you can upload the files of your website. You can also choose to do it via SSH. However, if you have a shared hosting, due to security reasons, you most probably won’t have access to your server via SSH. Only if you have a VPS/ Dedicated Server. I won’t explain the first concept any further in this article. The second step consists of setting up the DNS configuration of your domain name. To connect to the FTP Server you must connect to your FTP account via Filezilla, or another tool. To connect via SSH, you must have a linux terminal, or Putty. What is DNS? Do you remember the yellow pages that were used in the past to find the phone number/ address of a person? Well DNS (Domain Name Service) is pretty much this. A user types in the browser the URL (web address) of the website he/ she would like...

Reactjs Laravel 8 Image Upload Working Tutorial

Hello friends, welcome back to my blog. Today in this blog post, I am going to tell you, Reactjs Laravel 8 Image Upload Working Tutorial. React Laravel Image Upload For react js new comers, please check the below link:React js Basic Tutorials Friends now I proceed onwards and here is the working code snippet for Reactjs Laravel 8 Image Upload Working Tutorial and please use this carefully to avoid the mistakes: 1. Firstly friends we need fresh reactjs setup and for that we need to run below commands into our terminal and also w should have latest node version installed on our system: Guys you can skip this first step if you already have reactjs fresh setup: npx create-react-app reactlaravel cd reactlaravel npm start // run the projec 2. Now friends, we need to run below commands into our reactjs project to install axios and sweetalert2 modules: npm install sweetalert2-react npm install axios --save npm start 3. Now friends we need to add below code into our src/App.js file to get final output on web browser: import React from 'react'; import './App.css'; //Success POPUP import Swal from 'sweetalert2' //For API Requests import axios from 'axios'; class App extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { imagedata : String }; this.addFormData = this.addFormData.bind(this); this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this); } //FileChange handleChange(file) { this.setState({ imagedata: file[0], }) } //Form Submission addFormData(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); const fd = new FormData(); fd.append('image', this.state.imagedata); //Post Request to laravel API Route axios.post('http://localhost/laravel8/public/api/sample-restful-apis', fd ).then(res=> { this.myFormRef.reset(); //Success Message in Sweetalert modal Swal.fire({ title: 'Image has been uploaded successfully.', text: "Thanks", type: 'success', }); } ); } render(Message)...

Is React Native the Future of Hybrid Mobile App Development?

Do you know that React Native is quite a popular JavaScript framework among developers? Amazing UI, smoother experience, compatibility with third party plugins, etc. just makes React Native app development the ideal choice for many developers and businesses! As per statistics from eMarketer, mobile phone users will reach 82.3% by 2021. So for any business which is looking for effective ways to build a mobile presence, the ultimate goal is to come up with a quality solution that is cost effective and comes with faster launch time. Now the problem is that it is not possible to bring together all the three elements the way you wish it to be. They end up having to compromise on one element or the other. If the business wishes to go for development at low cost and with faster time to market, then they may have to compromise on the quality or if they are focusing on the app quality they may have to compromise with costs and time to market. Again, with businesses trying to stick to one platform either Android or iOS, things become more complicated. This is where cross-platform app development steals the show and offers app development with all kinds of native features. When it is about building such apps then there is nothing better than opting for React Native app development. So what is Actually React Native App development? Let’s get an overview React Native is an open source framework based on JavaScript and was formerly called the JavaScript library of Facebook. It is used to build mobile applications for the two prominent operating systems like iOS...

Right move? SolarWinds hires Chris Krebs who was cyber security chief while firm was under hack attack

Get the latest BPR news delivered free to your inbox daily. SIGN UP HERE CHECK OUT WeThePeople.store for best SWAG! Op-ed views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author. The Christopher Krebs era at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) ended unceremoniously with the firing of the first ever director of the new sub-division within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) by President Trump in what was portrayed by some in the media as a vindictive firing by the outgoing President. The firing occurred as President Trump’s legal battle to attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 Presidential Election was just truly getting started. Despite the almost instantaneous efforts of the President’s legal team to collect evidence and wage a public relations battle to delegitimize the election result, a Joint statement from the Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council and the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees clearly contradicted those efforts by proclaiming that, “The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history. Right now, across the country, election officials are reviewing and double checking the entire election process prior to finalizing the result.” The statement also sought to vehemently deny many of the voter fraud arguments that had already sprouted up in the days following the hotly contested election and included in bold lettering that, “There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.” The Krebs firing also created additional speculation there may be more high-profile dismissals related to the election on the horizon. Among the major players serving under Trump that were rumored to...

Laravel 5.2 – User ACL Roles and Permissions with Middleware using entrust from Scratch Tutorial

Laravel 5 provides authentication to us but that it simple to get user register, login, logout, and reset password and run quickly and easily. Laravel 5 give you simple authentication and it’s fast and it’s consider to all developer requirement. But if you are work on big ERP or Project then you need to control access to certain sections of the website. I mean you require to role permissions based access control database design that way you can specify level of user. Roles and Permissions through you can create several types of users with different role and permission, i mean some user have only see listing of items module, some user can also edit items modules, for delete and etc. So if you also want to build ACL(Access Control List) based on Roles and Permissions with Middleware then you can do it simple by following few step. In this tutorial i give you very simple step to create ACL from scratch using entrust package, it is provides lots of method to check permission and roles, so no worry if you don’t know more laravel. In this examples i created three modules as listed bellow: Role Management Item CRUD Management After registration, you don’t have any roles, so you can edit your details and assign admin role to you from User Management. After that you can create your own role with permission like role-list, role-create, role-edit, role-delete, item-list, item-create, item-edit, item-delete. you can check with assign new user and check that. After complete you can see as bellow perview: Preview: role based access control database design, user role permission laravel,...

Search, Business Intelligence And AI: The 2021 Marketing Trifecta | Online Sales Guide Tips

by Jim Yu , December 15, 2020 Research suggests that companies that make their decisions based on data are 58% more likely to beat their revenue goals. However, rapidly evolving consumer preferences and behaviors during the upheaval and continued uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 crisis have left most companies struggling to align their strategies with new customer demands. A number of these fundamental shifts will have the potential to impact business on just about every level for years to come.  In addition to highlighting just how vulnerable many businesses are to large-scale economic interruption, the Coronavirus pandemic has made us more aware of the critical importance of timelines and actionability with regard to company data. This offers organizations a golden opportunity to rethink their data strategies as a way to better serve their customers today and in a post-pandemic world. Companies forced into a reactive crisis mode this past spring are now trying to plan for Q1 and Q2 in which the previous year’s data will not be representative of the current reality. In the absence of accurate historical data, brands need to approach marketing strategy in the months and years ahead through the lens of three key aspects: search insights, business intelligence, and Artificial intelligence (AI). Search Insights This need to better understand today’s consumer at a more granular, personal level underscores the importance of search insights. Consumers worldwide turn to search engines when they need the information to complete a transaction, and overwhelmingly use Google; in fact, 3.5 billion queries per day are processed there. Real-time search data can provide a much more holistic view of consumer’s interests, not...

.NET Core is the Future of .NET

We introduced .NET Core 1.0 on November 2014. The goal with .NET Core was to take the learning from our experience building, shipping and servicing .NET Framework over the previous 12 years and build a better product. Some examples of these improvements are side-by-side installations (you can install a new version and not worry about breaking existing apps), self-contained applications (applications can embed .NET, so .NET does not need to be on the computer), not being a component of the Windows operating system (.NET ships new releases independent of the OS schedule) and many more. On top of this, we made .NET Core open source and cross platform.  was primarily focused on high performance web and microservices.addedmore APIs and components like Razor Pages and SignalR, making it easier to port web applications to .NET Core. And now .NET Core 3. embraces the desktop by adding WinForms, WPF and Entity Framework 6 making it possible to port desktop applications to .NET Core.  After .NET Core 3.0 we will not port any more features from .NET Framework. If you are a Web Forms developer and want to build a new application on .NET Core, we would recommend Blazor which provides the closest programming model. If you are a remoting or WCF Server developer and want to build a new application on .NET Core, we would recommend either ASP.NET CoreWeb APIs or , which provides cross platform and cross programming language contract based RPCs). If you are a Windows Workflow developer there is an open source port of Workflow to .NET Core.  With the.NET Core 3.0 release in September 2019 we think that all *new* .NET applications should be based on .NET Core. The primary application typesfrom .NET Framework are supported, and where we did not port something over there is a recommended modern replacement. All future investment in .NET will be in .NET Core. This includes: Runtime,JIT, AOT,GC, BCL (Base Class Library), C#, VB.NET, F#, ASP.NET, Entity Framework, ML.NET, WinForms, WPF and...

Mobile App Development Process – How Does an Idea Become an App? – Mobisoft Infotech

Smartphones have revolutionized the way we do business at a faster rate than we anticipated. Be it booking a travel ticket or arranging accommodation, ordering food or buying groceries and paying bills, mobile applications help us do the task conveniently and efficiently. Subsequently, the popularity of mobile apps is increasing at a swift pace. With the number of smartphone users expected to reach 2.5 billion by 2019, the usage of mobile apps is sure to skyrocket in the coming years too. As per a market research study, the app economy will be worth 6.3 trillion by 2021. On the other hand, having a mobile app has become more or less a necessity for businesses these days. It facilitates brand building, increases awareness, improves customer engagement, promotes revenue growth, just to name a few of its benefits. To put in a nutshell, having an app opens up new opportunities for business growth. However, most of us lack awareness above the efforts that are needed to convert an app concept into pixels on a screen. The mobile app development process is not a walk in the park. It requires a thoughtful and step-by-step approach in order to reap the desired benefits. If you are contemplating building a mobile app, here is a comprehensive guide on the topic. To make it easier for you to understand, we have broken down the entire app development process into six key steps backed by rich visuals and an app development infographic. 6 Key Stages of Mobile App Development Process Be it any mobile app development project, dividing the work into steps makes the process less...

Java or .Net: Which is Better for Web App Development? | Rlogical Techsoft Pvt Ltd

During the last decade, programming has turned out to be the mainstream compared to the other fields. Enterprises have started shifting their business platform towards the online mode with an increase in mobile gadgets across the globe. The development of apps or software by has been the most effective way to accomplish this. For this, developers who are experienced in app development are hired by the companies. Java happens to be the fundamental language employed in the development of software. However, it is not known to many of us that there is one more rival to Java, which is referred to as Dot Net. There is a frequent clash between Dot NET and Java in the programming scenario. .Net has been introduced by Microsoft to keep up with Java. .NET has become quite well-known in the development of apps and is used extensively right now. In the following paragraphs, we will mention why the Dot net is considered to be better than Java. However, before that, we will discuss Dot net and Java in brief for better understanding. Java is considered to be a programming language that happens to be object-oriented, class-based, and general-purpose. Usually, the applications in Java are compiled to byte codes, which can operate on any JVM (Java virtual machine). Although Java’s syntax is identical to that of C and C++, it comes with lesser low-level facilities compared to both of them. According to GitHub in 2019, Java happens to be among the most popular programming languages out there and has been used mainly for client-server side applications with more than 10 million registered developers. Java...

Police probe ‘cyber security incident’ affecting teachers at Peel School Board | The Star

Many teachers employed by the Peel District School Board turned on their computers Tuesday morning to find they were unable to access online grades, their union says — with some locked out of email and even virtual schooling — following a “cyber security incident” that has yet to be resolved. A spokesperson for Peel Regional Police confirmed Thursday that the event is under investigation, although they declined to provide further details to the Star. The incident, the board told staff in an email, “resulted in the encryption of certain PDSB files and systems,” and after it was discovered, the board “took immediate steps to isolate the incident,” the statement goes on to say. Officials have also hired a cybersecurity firm and notified police to help with remediation and a forensic investigation. The school board stresses classes are continuing as normal. Gail Bannister-Clarke, president of Peel Elementary Teacher’s Local, a union that represents thousands of educators in the area, says the breach seemed to affect anything related to the school board’s website, and left teachers scrambling to find alternative ways of accessing online resources. Bannister-Clarke said the school board, the second largest in the province, hasn’t been clear about the extent of the problem with teachers, which is putting an additional burden on a workforce already stretched to the brink not only by the pandemic, but by recent allegations of racism and dysfunction levelled at the board. Speaking two days after the incident occurred, Bannister-Clarke said educators are now able to access virtual school, but remain locked out of grading systems with a week to go before report cards are...

11 React Native Component Libraries You Should Know in 2019

With the growing popularity of React and the rise of native mobile app development (and PWA ), it’s not surprising that React-Native is getting more adoption in the community every day.Much like React itself, React Native encourages you to build your UI using isolated components. Component libraries and UI toolkits help you save time and build your applications faster, using a pre-made set of components.After reviewing useful React and Vue components libraries, and on popular demand, here is a list of useful (maintained) React-native UI libraries to get you started. Feel free to comment and add your own suggestions!You can combine React UI libraries with Bit ** to easily share and reuse components between apps. Discover and organize components to build faster with your team, and keep them synced across projects. Give it a try. Component Discovery and Collaboration · Bit 1. NativeBase At 10k stars and over 1k forks NativeBase is a widely popular UI component library providing dozens of cross-platform components for React native. When using NativeBase, you can use any native third-party libraries out of the box and the project itself comes with a rich ecosystem around it, from useful starter-kits to customizable theme templates . Here’s a nice starter kit. GeekyAnts/NativeBase 2. React Native Elements At over 12k stars react-native-elements is a highly customizable cross-platform UI toolkit built entirely in Javascript. The library’s authors state that “ The idea with React Native Elements is more about component structure than actual design, meaning less boilerplate in setting up certain elements but full control over their design” , which should make it appealing for both new developers...

Laravel 8.16 Released – Laravel News

The Laravel team released 8.16 last week with an artisan command to take you directly to a database CLI, an excellent progress bar convenience method, and a new Ably broadcaster implementation. This release was jam-packed with awesome new features, so let’s check out the latest changes in the 8.x branch: With Progress Bar Convenience Method Taylor Otwell contributed the withProgressBar() convenience method you can use in console commands. Here’s what you might do to create a progress bar straight from the docs: With this convenience method, it could look like this: Call Silently Taylor Otwell contributed a callSilently() method which is an alias to callSilent in the CallsCommands trait. You might find that this reads more clearly: Release Unique Job Locks Before Processing Paras Malhotra contributed the ability to release unique job locks before the job processes. The new interface is useful for scenarios where a race condition could exist between job completion and unlocking. To learn more, I’d suggest checking out Pull Request #35255 to the framework and the documentation pull request. Ably Broadcaster Taylor Otwell contributed an AblyBroadcaster for broadcasting real-time, live-updating user interfaces. Developers can now pick from Pusher, Redis, and Ably for real-time communication needs. For a refresher, check out the Broadcasting documentation on how you can get started broadcasting in your Laravel projects. Support Delaying Notifications Per Channel Gergő D. Nagy contributed the ability to delay notification delivery on a per-channel basis instead of one overall delay. Defining delays per channel is useful if you need to delay the same notification differently for email, database, SMS, etc., notifications. You may now optionally call delay()...

Top Mobile App Development Companies 2020 – Topdevelopers.co

What are the different types of mobile apps? Before you go hunting for mobile app development companies, it’s good to have some basic understanding of the various mobile apps and its types, so as to be clear about your app requirements. Native apps The coding methodology used for native apps is such that these types of apps become platform-specific. A native iOS app developed will work on only iOS platform and the vice-versa is also true.  The app developers use some specific tools and languages to develop a native mobile app that is supported only by the respective operating system. A native app is normally much faster and has more features as compared to the other two.  You should opt for these kinds of apps only if you need to make use of the lightening processing speed in your app or a large chunk of your targeted users are using a specific Operating system. PWAs  PWAs or Progressive Web Apps are web applications that give a mobile-like experience to the user.  No requirement of storage space on the device, SEO friendliness, low cost, speed of development and versatility to work with various screen sizes and devices are the benefits that have made PWAs popular.  PWAs are ideal for businesses looking to provide a similar experience to their users across multiple devices at an economical cost. Hybrid apps  These apps are platform-independent and they work well on both iOS as well as Android platforms.  They provide versatility to the app as a hybrid app can be easily accessible across many platforms and operating systems. If you want to reach the...
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