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Mobile App Development Client Questionnaire – Mobisoft Infotech

When your business or startup needs a mobile app development partner to successfully execute a project for you, getting your requirements clear is a very important first step. A major reason for failed or poorly executed app projects is neglect for a well-planned requirement gathering process, commonly known as the discovery phase. A poorly conducted or overlooked discovery phase can result in project deliverables not meeting a client’s expectations, wasting valuable time and money. A mobile app development client questionnaire is a great starting point for requirement gathering and laying a solid foundation to build amazing software products that live up to a client’s expectations. First of all, it helps in simplifying the entire app development process. It will help the app development firms to be more knowledgeable and professional about their work from the initial stage of a new client relationship. It proves that they have a procedure to follow for their services. Below you will find a series of questions broken down into logical categories than a professional app development company may ask you to understand your specific app development needs and provide an accurate cost and timeline estimate. If you are feeling overwhelmed, we are here to explain you the most significant questions you need to be able to answer. With a design-driven development process, your app development partner can provide a development team with a clear insight of your requirements, keeping your project on schedule and within budget. Because a quality UI/UX design requires an expertise in mobile design, hence, you must look for agencies with a considerable mobile design experience. In addition, you must...

8 Reasons Cyber Security Is Important

The world is now more reliant on technology than ever before. The emergence and growth of technology has had a positive impact on human life, but the convenience has, however, come with the risk of cyber attacks. If you use a tech device for whatever reason, then you’re highly likely to be exposed to a cyber attack. You’ll need to be protected, and that’s where cyber security comes in.  Cyber security is the protection of electronic data and information. It’s the defense of electronic systems on devices, like computers, cell phones, servers, and networks, from malicious attacks. Regardless of who you are, it’s important to keep your data safe from unauthorized access. Here are some reasons why cyber security is crucial: There Are Different Types Of Cyber Attacks No one is safe from the threat of cyber attacks. These attacks include malware, phishing, man-in-the-middle, and drive-by attacks. Scary right?  Wait till you hear about crypto-jacking. This is where criminals could compromise your computer and use it to steal resources, such as Bitcoins and other digital currencies. If they can get to your computer, then they could easily steal your data. You need cyber security if you want to stand a chance against these threats.  Increase In Cybercrimes The fast development of technology, such as fast broadband, better gadgets, and cloud computing, has led to an increase in the number of connected devices. According to some surveys, there’ll be about 21.1 billion networked devices in the world in 2021. This, with the development of the dark web, has created a fertile ground for cybercrime activities. Cyber security can, nonetheless, minimize...

Keep your ASP.NET Core application’s secrets safe during development· jonhilton.net

You’re building an ASP.NET Core web application and you realise you need to access sensitive configuration details such as passwords, connection strings etc. You need configuration values for your Development environment (e.g. connection details for your local database etc.) and different values for use in Production. Why not just store your secret values in the code? You could just put hard-coded magic strings in your code, but this is bad for all sorts of reasons (for a start, it’s not very secret!) You’re almost certainly going to need different values for different environments. Storing all of these in code (or even configuration files) and “choosing the right one” is asking for trouble. Committing these secrets to your source repository means anyone with access to the code has access to all of the environments. It’s all to easy for you (or another developer) to accidentally (or deliberately, let’s say to debug a live issue) connect to the staging/production instances of the database, at which point mistakes are very easily made… Of course there’s also the possibility that you’re working on open-source software. The chances are, whilst the code may be open, you don’t want all your secret API keys and database connection strings visible to anyone who browses the code on Github. Storing your secrets using .NET Core So what’s the alternative? how can you keep your secrets safe using .NET Core? .NET Core handles this using something called the Secret Manager Tool. With it, you can store your secrets outside of your application’s source code as a series of JSON key-value pairs. Crucially, the values are stored somewhere else...

Where To Start As A Front-End Web Developer?

by Bradley Nice, Content Manager at ClickHelp.com — software documentation tool Front-end development is like an ocean. You happen to have a ship, but no map. First learn the shallow waters, then go deep. Becoming a front-end developer is one of the hottest and most lucrative jobs in the job market today. There is always a high demand for highly skilled developers.Front-end developer is the most popular term for a web developer who focuses on code which is run by the web browser. For a front-end developer the average salary is $75k to $100k for 2+ years experience.A few traits of being a good front-end web developer are: Thorough Empathetic Strong communication skills Good at working with diverse groups of people Interested in design and aesthetics The ability to visualize structure in a concept When we talk about the Front-End we are referring to the languages that are interpreted by the users browser as opposed to the Back-End which are the languages being interpreted on the server (of the website the user is connecting to). The Front-End languages that are interpreted by the browser are HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), and JavaScript and each serve a unique purpose.So tip #1 is 1. Learn HTML & CSS I guess there’s no way around it. Learn HTML & CSS. Why? Because the basics matter.HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are the most fundamental building squares of web coding. Without these two things, you can’t make a site outline, and all you’ll wind up with is unformatted plain content on the screen.There are all...

Top 10 Benefits of having Firebase for Mobile App Development

August 16, 2018 Are you looking for a solution to engage your business through firebase mobile application development Android or iOS? Firebase the latest platform provides scalable, intuitive and app development services. Firebase is the best mobile backend as a service provides various solution to run your iOS, Android mobile apps successful. Google Firebase has the power to keep your business on top of high-quality Android app development services. Here are the list of top benefits of Mobile App Development using Firebase, 1) Unlimited Google Analytics for mobile apps Google Analytics for Firebase is become smarter by providing free and unlimited reporting for 500 distinct events. You can now major user properties, certain events or can build your own custom events for your business. Nowadays Firebase benefits various platform such as iOS, Android, C++, and Unity. With growing competences in the Mobile App market, It is now essential to keep track of your product and market optimization. Firebase provides you services like Google Adwords, Real-Time analysis, notification effectiveness, deep link performance, crash data, and more using Google Analytics Services. With the help of Firebase Custom Analysis which can help you export raw data to BigQuery. 2) Realtime Database Provides Synchronize Data Firebase Realtime Database means you can store and synchronize data with NoSQL cloud database. In other words, when a person goes offline using your mobile app, data remains available across all customers in real time. Integrating the Firebase the Real-time Database SDKs lets you create rich, collaborative and secure data between the client. Developers have greater benefit from the real-time database is that they do not need the...

How to Become a React Native Developer in 2018

If you’ve looked at the results from The State of JavaScript 2017 you’ll find a ton of interesting data.One insight that stood out to me — a lot of people want to learn React Native.This is great to see. I’ve spent the last year, full-time, teaching people to use React Native. From dev teams looking to maximize their existing resources while reaching both iOS and Android to people in Africa and India looking to improve the quality of life of their community through mobile applications.Part of this teaching is answering emails from people, many of them just getting started, trying to figure out the “best” way to learn React Native.Something I do a lot of: answer email. A question that comes up a lot? What’s the “best” way to learn React Native? Though there’s no one way, here’s what I’ve told hundreds of soon-to-be React Native developers. I hope it helps you too. Tips Before we dive into the tactical stuff of actually becoming React Native developer I want to give you a few tips on self-education in general. I‘ve found that people are generally good at teaching themselves new subject… when they put the time in.I understand we’re all busy but by doing a few things you teach yourself a lot. Avoid the Noise You’re on Medium right now. You might’ve found this through Google or while subscribing to the publication. That means you probably see/hear a lot of technology related stuff.This is great! This world of technology we’re living in is constantly growing and evolving.But it can be exhausting, especially if you’re just getting started. My suggestion...

Top international cyber experts call for national cyber security centers

Laial Al-Mansoury KUWAIT: The need for a National Cyber Security Centre to tackle the post-COVID cyber threat has never been greater. That’s the message from a panel of leading global cyber security experts at the upcoming 8th eGovernment Forum (EGOV8) that convenes virtually on 30 and 31 March under the motto of ‘Integrated E-Government, an Urgent Post Corona Need’. Government, the private sector and individuals are all increasingly dependent on the internet and digital technology, and the pandemic has accelerated this shift to online services and home working. Yet, at the same time, the threat of cyber-attack is increasing at a frightening rate. Last year saw a significant increase in cyber-attacks including vaccine hacking and aggressive ransomware attacks, many linked to the pandemic. Experts estimate that global cyber-crime now costs in excess of $6 trillion and is growing at 15 percent per annum. Gen (Ret) Keith Alexander, who led America’s National Security Agency, established US CYBERCOMMAND and is Founder and co-CEO of IronNet Cybersecurity; Dr Henry Pearson, the UK Government’s Cyber Security Ambassador; and Conrad Prince, formerly deputy head of the UK’s cyber agency GCHQ and now a senior adviser to a leading global vendor in cyber security solutions, will speak on a panel chaired by Eng Laial Abdullah Al-Mansoury, Director of Information Security and Emergency Response at CITRA. Their debate will focus on why nations need to adopt a national coordinated approach to defending against these cyber threats to be resilient in cyber-space. Alexander said, “We face the beginning of a digital arms race in which adversaries are using cybersecurity attacks as a tool to wreak havoc, including...

Customizing query string parameter binding in ASP.NET Core MVC

A few years ago I blogged about binding parameters from URI in ASP.NET Web API. One of the examples in that post was how to bind a comma-separated collection passed to your API as a query string parameter. Technologies change, and we now work with ASP.NET Core (and the MVC Core framework), but problems remain the same – so let’s have a look at how we can customize the way parameters are bound from query string in ASP.NET Core MVC. Background Just as a reminder – the default behavior of both old ASP.NET Web API, and ASP.NET Core MVC is to use the following format for array binding: GET /products?sizes=s&sizes=m&sizes=l To make things nicer for the caller, let’s customize the framework to support the following syntax instead: GET /products?sizes=s,m,l Building a custom IValueProvider The old Web API example walked us through creating a custom IModelBinder. Similar extensibility point also exists in ASP.NET Core MVC – we could for example work with . However, this is a bit invasive, because we do not really need to change the process of how array parameters are instantiated in ASP.NET Core, which is what IModelBinder allows us to do. Instead, we’d only like to change how the values used as an input for an array are read from the query string. When it comes to translating a value from some binding source, such as query string or header, to a binder input, ASP.NET Core MVC gives us IValueProvider as a perfect extensibility point. In the query string case, the base class QueryStringValueProvider can be overridden and customized. The IValueProvider interface is defined by...

Machine Learning is Fun!

Update: This article is part of a series. Check out the full series: Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5 , Part 6 , Part 7 and Part 8 ! You can also read this article in 日本語 , Português , Português (alternate) , Türkçe , Français , 한국어 , العَرَبِيَّة‎‎ , Español (México) , Español (España) , Polski , Italiano , 普通话 , Русский , 한국어 , Tiếng Việt or فارسی . Giant update: _ I’ve written a new book based on these articles _! It not only expands and updates all my articles, but it has tons of brand new content and lots of hands-on coding projects. Check it out now ! Have you heard people talking about machine learning but only have a fuzzy idea of what that means? Are you tired of nodding your way through conversations with co-workers? Let’s change that!This guide is for anyone who is curious about machine learning but has no idea where to start. I imagine there are a lot of people who tried reading the wikipedia article , got frustrated and gave up wishing someone would just give them a high-level explanation. That’s what this is.The goal is be accessible to anyone — which means that there’s a lot of generalizations. But who cares? If this gets anyone more interested in ML, then mission accomplished. What is machine learning? Machine learning is the idea that there are generic algorithms that can tell you something interesting about a set of data without you having to write any custom code specific to the problem....

A Complete Guide (10 steps) for Creating Contact Form in Laravel 5.7

A Complete Guide (10 Steps) For Creating Contact Form In Laravel 5.7 Laravel is known as the best PHP framework because of its embedded functionality for managing authenticity, caching, sessions and routing very efficiently.Contact Form adds more functionality which is needed by every website developer for small to large scale website development. Hence we are going to illustrate all the required steps to create a Contact Us form in laravel 5.7.Step 1: Install Laravel 5.7Run below command to Install Laravel 5.7 framework successfully.composer create-project laravel/laravel contactUs –prefer-distAfter the installation head to the project folder cd contactUs Step 2: Configure the Mysql Database.Open . env files and perform following function by replacing DB_HOST,DB_DATABASE,DB_USERNAME, and DB_PASSWORD.DB_CONNECTION=mysqlDB_HOST= // your hostDB_PORT=3306DB_DATABASE=homestead // your database nameDB_USERNAME=homestead // your database usernameDB_PASSWORD=secret // your database username Step 3: Create the Contact Us table using Database Migration.Run the following command to create the migration file.php artisan make:migration create_contact_us_tableNow the migration file is created. Go to database/migration/date_ create_contact_us_table.php and add the following code to it. use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;class CreateContactUsTable extends Migration{/*** Run the migrations.** @return void*/ public function up(){ Schema::create('contactus', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->increments('id'); $table->string('name'); $table->string('email'); $table->string('subject'); $table->text('message'); $table->timestamps(); });}/*** Reverse the migrations.** @return void*/public function down(){ Schema::drop("contactus");}} Now add this command to complete the migration.php artisan migrate Step 4: Create the Model.For creating the model run the following command into the command prompt.php artisan make:model ContactUsNow you have successfully created the ContactUs model, go to app/ContactUS.php and add the following code to it. namespace App; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; class ContactUS extends Model { public $table = 'contactus'; public $fillable = ['name','email','subject','message']; }? Step 5: Create Routes.Add the following...

The impact of 5G on mobile app development

Introduction The advent of the 4G network took the world by storm, and it was like all the network issues of people will be resolved. They could communicate seamlessly, get signals in the remotest of towns, and enjoy über fast speed. But how about going a step ahead and introducing the consumers to the 5G network. The fifth generation of cellular networks can become a game-changer for the world as a whole. With 5G in the limelight, the apps will also see the impact.  App developers would realize the impact of this fast network and work on the possibilities that it offers to see the benefits accruing to it. It will majorly impact the mobile app development industry with speedier speed and connectivity for mobile apps. The changes in cellular technologies Before we discuss 5G, let’s take an overview of the cellular technologies existing before- 1G- The first generation of wireless communication helped people make simple calls with their mobile phones. It had a data transfer speed of about 1.9 kbit per second. 2G- Launched in 1991, which offered its users voice calls, text messages, and internet connection facilities. It had a speed of 10 kbit per second. 3G- the third generation of wireless connectivity was introduced in1998, which offered a speed of 200 kbit/s and a maximum of 14.7 Mbit/second. This provides facilities like sending pictures and making video calls. 4G- introduced in 2008, it is the currently used wireless technology that allows users to engage in data-intensive activities like gaming, video-conferencing, high definition media streaming, and much more. It has a speed of 60 Mbit per second....

Cyber Security Today – Week In Review for Friday March 19, 2021 | IT World Canada News

Welcome to Cyber Security Today. This is the Week In Review edition for the week ending Friday March 19th. I’m Howard Solomon, contributing reporter on cybersecurity for ITWorldCanada.com. With me today is Dinah Davis, vice-president of research and development at Arctic Wolf. In a few minutes we’ll delve into one item that’s been in the news. But first a review of what happened in the last seven days: Hate getting robotic calls on your phone? The U.S. Federal Communications Commission has given you a bit of revenge. This week it fined two Texas-based telemarketers $225 million for running an automated phone scam that spoofed the phone numbers of real insurance companies. Their servers made millions of robocalls a day. In addition to going after scammers in the U.S. the agency also issued cease and desist letters this week to robocall companies in the United Kingdom., and six firms here in Canada. says Russian President Vladimir Putin authorized Russian government organizations to try and undermine American public confidence in last November’s elections. However, unlike 2016 these efforts didn’t include attempts to get into the election infrastructure. Iran also ran a misinformation campaign to undercut President Trump’s chances of re-election. The report concluded the registration and voting process itself was untouched by foreign actors. A teenager believed to be the leader of a group that hacked Twitter accounts of people including celebrities last summer to spread a bitcoin scam is going to jail. The teen pleaded guilty to four charges in a Florida court and will serve three years in a facility for juveniles. Meanwhile a judge in Atlanta sentenced a...

10 Youtube Channels To Follow As a Junior Web Developer / Designer

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present. – Bill Keane As junior web developers and web designers in the industry, one of the biggest challenges faced at times for some and most of the times for others is the question of knowing the right resources to use to learn. This where youtube comes into play. Youtube is a video sharing service that allow users to create their own profile, upload video content, watch videos and a lot more. As a beginner, you need to stay sharp and current, learn by seeing live code examples and this is what youtube provides. Not everyone has the stamina to watch or buy a 22 hours course video that may get outdated in a few months time. That is why I have put together this awesome list of awesome content creators who will help you move your career as a beginner even further. So, let’s get started in descending order: 10). Dev Ed From teaching frontend languages and libraries like javascript and react, backend runtime environment like node js, to teaching about design using tools like figma and photoshop. Dev Ed provides you with web development tools that makes sure you don’t get bored. You can check out the Dev Ed channel Here 9). Tech Lead Tech Lead channel does not teach your practical examples of how to write code. Rather, Patrick Shyu who is the creator of the channel pours out his knowledge of years of experience as a former tech lead in Google. He provides insight on...

Scheduling MySQL Backups with Laravel

You can export your whole database by running one line in your command line. It’s accessible and useful. But it’s a bit wiser to you automatize the entire process. Let’s see how! The Background A few days ago, I signed in to the wrong database and deleted around 18 000 records that were in use. Not to mention, we had no backup for that data. So after all, I decided to make a little script to dump the database and save it to an SQL file automatically. But, if you are here for a fully working backup system, you should take a look at this package. We won’t cover more just scheduling database exports and its scheduling. The Dump Command With this one-liner , you can quickly dump and save your database to an SQL file. Many apps use this to export data from a database. mysqldump -u[user] -p[pass] [db] > [file_path] As you see, we give the user, the password, and the DB, then put the output to the given file. Quick, easy and helpful. Now let’s wrap this in an artisan command, to make it easily runnable and schedulable. Warming Up the Artisan Console One of the main point to integrate the shell command in the artisan console is that we can make it work in any environment. All we have to do, to use the config we have and use them. It means, if any of the parameters change, we don’t have to bother with the command itself. Move on, to create the console command. You can create commands by running the php artisan make:command order.  We...

Scheduling MySQL Backups with Laravel – Pine

You can export your whole database by running one line in your command line. It’s accessible and useful. But it’s a bit wiser to you automatize the entire process. Let’s see how! The Background A few days ago, I signed in to the wrong database and deleted around 18 000 records that were in use. Not to mention, we had no backup for that data. So after all, I decided to make a little script to dump the database and save it to an SQL file automatically. But, if you are here for a fully working backup system, you should take a look at this package. We won’t cover more just scheduling database exports and its scheduling. The Dump Command With this one-liner snippet, you can quickly dump and save your database to an SQL file. Many apps use this to export data from a database. As you see, we give the user, the password, and the DB, then put the output to the given file. Quick, easy and helpful. Now let’s wrap this in an artisan command, to make it easily runnable and schedulable. Warming Up the Artisan Console One of the main point to integrate the shell command in the artisan console is that we can make it work in any environment. All we have to do, to use the config we have and use them. It means, if any of the parameters change, we don’t have to bother with the command itself. Move on, to create the console command. You can create commands by running the php artisan make:command order.  We named our command to BackupDatabase. After...

Why iPhone/iOS & Xcode12 Are Still Favoured For Mobile App Development in 2020? – Evince Blog: From Tech Gurus to Techies

Listen to The Most Important Information related to Why iPhone/iOS & Xcode12 Are Still Favoured For Mobile App Development in 2020? through our Blog’s Podcast!! Mobile app business is heading with a supersonic speed. Most companies want their products, services and/or brand to have an online presence. Some of today’s innovative business models couldn’t launch without a mobile or web app. Thus, having a digital platform is a must, whether it is a corporate or startups. However, this also brings the concern of mobile app development and which platform to choose, to quickly generate ROI while maintaining the aesthetics of the app intact. This raises the bar not only for consulting a top mobile app development company but also whether to go with iOS or Android app development. We are not going to get into a debate or the nitty-gritty of which one is better. Instead, we are going to focus on the new release of Xcode version 12.0. But first, we’ll need to cover much ground with iPhone app development services and solutions. So, shall we? Let us first understand what iOS is. When business owners, startup entrepreneurs, or let’s say small shop vendors approach an iOS mobile app development company, they are often left confused with technical jargons. Simply put, iOS (formerly iPhone OS) is a mobile operating system created & developed by Apple. If you choose to build your app on the iOS platform, then you are targeting your users who are using Apple products such as iPhones and iPads. Of course, there are certain advantages of investing in iPhone app development services like you get...

Cyber Security Today, March 29, 2021 – Ransomware group now threatening customers of victims, ransomware attack could cost company over $20 million and update your Apple devices | IT World Canada News

Ransomware group now threatening customers of victims, ransomware attack could cost company over $20 million and update your Apple devices. Welcome to Cyber Security Today. It’s Monday March 29th. I’m Howard Solomon, contributing reporter on cybersecurity for ITWorldCanada.com. A ransomware attack on U.S. managed services provider CompuCom will be expensive. In a security filing on Friday the company said it could cost up to $20 million to restore crippled IT systems. In addition, it could lose up to $8 million in revenue because some services had to be suspended to some customers. Some of the costs could be covered by cyber insurance. CompuCom was hit at the beginning of the month. By March 17th it had largely restored its ability to deliver service to customers. It says it will have service delivery restored to substantially all customers by Wednesday. Meanwhile Canadian wireless component manufacturer Sierra Wireless says it has resumed production and started to recover internal systems following a ransomware attack. That attack started March 20th. The company says the attack did not hit customer products or systems. Sierra Wireless makes modules embedded in industrial systems from pipelines to transport trucks. And a ransomware group has found a new way to pressure victim organizations to pay up: It’s contacting customers and warning them their sensitive data was copied from the ransomware victim. The crooks warn that data will be publicly released unless the victim firm pays a ransom. According to the Bleeping Computer news service, this tactic is now being used by a ransomware group called Clop. Squeezing customers to put pressure on others is a tactic that will...

Full stack web developer adds iPhone app design skills

“We tend to think of apps as small, little things, but actually they’re very powerful and very fast.” About one in four Americans have listened to a podcast in the last month[1] and Vincent Gabrielsen, 51, who just finished up a pair of iPhone app developer courses, is making it easier to tune into one podcast in particular. Emotions in Harmony is a new San Jose-based nonprofit organization providing counseling services as well as an ongoing series of bilingual podcasts about health and balance produced by psychologist Carmen Román, Gabrielsen’s wife. So, he created an app for it. Podcast topics covered by Román, Ph.D., range from “Listening to your body” to “Sexist microaggressions that women face,” and “Mothers’ emotions at the perinatal stage.” The International Latin Podcast Association recently nominated Emotions In Harmony for the Latin Podcast Awards 2018. “The main app feature is to be able to go in and play all the podcasts for my wife’s nonprofit so you don’t have to fish around for them in the iTunes library or Google Play Music,” says Gabrielsen who gained his new mobile app-building skills in Developing Applications for iPhone and iPad, Introduction and Developing Applications for iPhone and iPad, Advanced. iPhone App Development Courses The two courses are included in the eight-unit Mobile Application Development professional award program, a focused miniseries offered at Extension. They are taught by Bess Ho whose day job is to head up products for Phorena, a smart-building hardware startup. Students learn first to create simple iOS native applications, explore XCode libraries and inspectors, build scenes in storyboards, and gain some fluency in the...
Malcare WordPress Security

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