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Spring Boot + AngularJS + Spring Data + JPA CRUD App Example – WebSystique

In this post we will be developing a full-blown CRUD application using Spring Boot, AngularJS, Spring Data, JPA/Hibernate and MySQL, learning the concepts in details along the way. This application can as well serve as a base/starting point for your own application. In addition, we will also use the notion of profiles to deploy the application into two different databases [H2 & MySQL] to emulate the local and production environment, to be more realistic. Let’s get going. Following technologies stack being used: Let’s Begin. 2. Dependency Management [pom.xml] spring-boot-starter-parent : In most of the cases[unless imported], your maven project POM will simply inherit from the spring-boot-starter-parent project. The spring-boot-starter-parent provides useful Maven defaults, provides dependency-management section so that you can omit version tags for dependencies you would need for your own project. Once inherited from spring-boot-starter-parent, you would declare dependencies to one or more “Starters” jars. spring-boot-starter-web : Provides typical WEB MVC + Embedded container support. spring-boot-starter-freemarker : Provides freemarker template support. We will be using freemarker in this example. spring-boot-starter-data-jpa : Provides spring-data setup using JPA abstraction. Since we are talking about fast-development using spring-boot, spring-data would certainly save time compare to traditional DAO/Creteria/Query manual setup. HikariCP : Provides Hikari connection pooling support. We could have as well used Tomcat datapooling. Common DBCP is usually not recommended for performance reasons. h2: Provides H2 database support. Please note that it is used here just to demonstrate the real-life scenarios where your local setup uses one database while the one on production might be altogether a different database.Additionally, we are deliberately using a different version of h2, just to demonstrate...

Machine learning in finance: The why, what and how

By Andrew Pavliv, Tetiana Boichenko, Max Nechepurenko, Ihar Rubanau • July 05, 2018 Machine learning in finance may work magic, even though there is no magic behind it (well, maybe just a little bit). Still, the success of machine learning project depends more on building efficient infrastructure, collecting suitable datasets, and applying the right algorithms. Machine learning is making significant inroads in the financial services industry. Let’s see why financial companies should care, what solutions they can implement with AI and machine learning, and how exactly they can apply this technology. We can define machine learning (ML) as a subset of data science that uses statistical models to draw insights and make predictions. The chart below explains how AI, data science, and machine learning are related. For the sake of simplicity, we focus on machine learning in this post. The magic about machine learning solutions is that they learn from experience without being explicitly programmed. To put it simply, you need to select the models and feed them with data. The model then automatically adjusts its parameters to improve outcomes. Data scientists train machine learning models with existing datasets and then apply well-trained models to real-life situations. The model runs as a background process and provides results automatically based on how it was trained. Data scientists can retrain models as frequently as required to keep them up-to-date and effective. For instance, our client Mercanto retrains machine learning models every day. In general, the more data you feed, the more accurate are the results. Coincidentally, enormous datasets are very common in the financial services industry. There are petabytes of data on transactions, customers, bills, money transfers, and so on. That is a perfect fit for machine...

Simple and Complete Module-based Laravel App – Hacker Noon

Simple and Complete Module-based Laravel API Dec 3 I’m a big fan of writing module-based software, but I’m not so fond of relying on third-party packages for trivial things as they could always prevent you from upgrading. For the two years I have been writing module-based software with Laravel and I’m very happy with the result. The deciding factor that drives me towards module-based software is the possibility for continuous improvement. Imagine you setup a project structure and 6 months later you decide that you made a lot of mistakes. It’s usually not easy to just improve the architecture without affecting the 6 months of existing code. There are two major points that I’ve noticed while analyzing this subject: you either have a standard in your whole project and stick with it or you modularize it and improve module by module. Some people prefer to work with standards at all costs, even if that means being stuck with a standard that you no longer enjoy. Personally, I prefer continuous improvement. If the 20th module that I wrote is 100% different than the 1st one, I don’t mind. If I ever need to go back to Module 1 for a bugfix or refactoring, I can improve it towards the new standards being used by the latest modules. If, like me, you would like to work on a module-based Laravel Application and avoid adding unnecessary third-party dependency to your project, here is how I did it. 1- Route Service Provider Laravel Router system is kind of the entrypoint for the application. The first thing that requires changing is the default RouteServiceProvider.php that should...

Your Guide to Healthcare Mobile App Development and the mHealth Industry

Virtually every industry is tapping into the mobile market to bring new and innovative solutions for users, and the healthcare industry is no different. In fact, more and more people have come to rely on the remote services healthcare apps are offering during this COVID-19 reality we’re living in. In this article, we’re going to take a look at how far healthcare mobile app development has come, what kind of technology new apps are leveraging, and how you can develop your own health app. Chapter #1: How Mobile Apps Are Transforming Healthcare In today’s digital era, we’re embracing smartphone technology as a way of solving our problems. It’s become an integral part of our lives which is constantly evolving as new technologies emerge. The healthcare mobile app industry in particular has seen steady growth over the years by offering a wealth of convenient services for both patients and health care physicians.  In fact, the mobile health market is expected to exceed $300 billion by 2025. And due to the pandemic, health apps have seen a download increase of 25%. In short, if you’re looking to tap into the mobile health market, you’re in a good place. 1.1 Technology in Healthcare Apps So what can the technology in mobile health do? Health apps can do quite a bit nowadays.  Health management apps can record, track, and collect data, like blood pressure, glucose levels, our physical activity, heart rate, and so much more. Mobile technology is being used as a diagnostic tool. We can use our mobile devices to test for certain infections or diseases. General health and wellness apps can...

‘No ransom will be paid’: Waikato DHB not giving in to cyber security attackers – NZ Herald

Waikato District Health Board’s top boss said no ransom will be paid to cyber security attackers who have targeted its IT services today. Chief executive Kevin Snee told Stuff “no ransom will be paid” and he did not know who was behind the attack. Cyber security expert Bruce Armstrong told the Herald he believes it is a ransomware attack on Waikato DHB from Asia or the Middle East, similar to what has hit the Irish health system in recent days. He believes it is similar in nature to the DDoS attacks that rocked the New Zealand Stock Exchange (NZX) last year and overrun its system for days. “Health organisations are highly prized as targets globally and health industries throughout the world are the most attacked and most expensive type of attacks that happen,” the Darkscope founder said. “The normal pattern is they will warn the organisation they will do it, and run half an hour DDoS attacks, and if the ransom is not paid they will attack at hours at a time. “The attack on the NZX played out over three days before they were able to completely stop its affect on their systems.” He said ransomware attacks are not targeting patient data and the only interest is to get money from the organisation. “It’s purely commercial … they’re just doing it to take money from the organisations that they’re attacking,” Armstrong said. “It’s a game of cat and mouse. Unless defence systems can get better we will see them happening throughout the world.” 17 May, 2021 10:10 PMQuick Read The major cyber security attack has been described as...

Reactjs Bootstrap 4 Project Dashboard

Hello friends, welcome back to my blog. Today in this blog post, I am going to show you, Reactjs Bootstrap 4 Project Dashboard. Reactjs Bootstrap 4 Reactjs Tutorial Videos For reactjs new comers, please check the below link: Reactjs Basic Tutorials Friends now I proceed onwards and here is the working code snippet for Reactjs Bootstrap 4 Project Dashboard and please use this carefully to avoid the mistakes: 1. Firstly, we need fresh reactjs setup and for that, we need to run below commands into out terminal and also we should have latest node version installed on our system: npx create-react-app reacttepmate cd reacttepmate npm start 2. Now we need to run below commands into our project terminal to get bootstrap and related modules into our reactjs application: npm install bootstrap --save npm start //For start project again 3. Finally for the main output, we need to add below code into our reacttemplate/src/App.js file or if you have fresh setup then you can replace reacttemplate/src/App.js file code with below code: import React from 'react'; import './App.css'; import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css'; class Home extends React.Component { render() { return ( <div className="maincontainer"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xl-3 col-md-6"> <div class="card bg-pattern"> <div class="card-body"> <div class="float-right"> <i class="fa fa-archive text-primary h4 ml-3"></i> </div> <h5 class="font-size-20 mt-0 pt-1">24</h5> <p class="text-muted mb-0">Total Projects</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-3 col-md-6"> <div class="card bg-pattern"> <div class="card-body"> <div class="float-right"> <i class="fa fa-th text-primary h4 ml-3"></i> </div> <h5 class="font-size-20 mt-0 pt-1">18</h5> <p class="text-muted mb-0">Completed Projects</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-3 col-md-6"> <div class="card bg-pattern"> <div class="card-body"> <div class="float-right"> <i class="fa fa-file text-primary h4 ml-3"></i> </div> <h5 class="font-size-20 mt-0 pt-1">06</h5>...

Moms Who Code: How UT Austin Boot Camps Helped Melissa Cadena Become a Web Developer

Imagine completing a coding boot camp in just six months, with very little prior programming experience. Now, imagine doing that while also working a full-time job, with a two-year-old at home and a second baby on the way. enrolled in the , powered by Trilogy Education Services, a 2U Inc. brand, in May of 2020. At the time, she was six months pregnant and working in a customer service position at Southwest Airlines. With her family’s support, some serious time management, and helpful resources offered through the program, Melissa completed the boot camp with an expert set of coding skills, a new job, and — of course — a brand new baby. Striking the right balance Melissa became interested in coding just a few months before enrolling in the boot camp. She took some free online coding courses and then started researching boot camps, which is how she discovered UT Austin Boot Camps. “I liked that these programs covered full stack coding. I see a lot of boot camps that are focused on one language only,” she said. “Trilogy teaches more than just [the] front end, and goes beyond HTML or CSS. That’s what drew me in.”  Before classes began, Melissa had to figure out how she was going to balance work, class, and raising a family. “My husband and I had to have a conversation before the boot camp started so we could both understand how much time the program was going to consume,” she said. “We had to be very structured and organized with how I was going to spend my time each week.” Melissa worked every...

Why is your ASP.NET server so slow? 10 performance problems and solutions – Michael’s Coding Spot

Server performance problems can happen for many different reasons. Memory issues, slow database requests, and too few machines are just some of them. I witnessed my fair share of problems and learned a few tricks along the way. In this article, I’ll tell you about 10 types of issues that can cause performance problems in your server. That’s not to say I categorized all possible problem types, but these might give you some ideas and nudge you in the right direction next time you’re digging into perf matters. Here they are, in no particular order: 1. Slow database calls A fast interaction with your database is probably the single most important thing for good performance. At least in most applications. Unfortunately, there are lots of things that can go wrong, and even innocent-looking implementations can cause problems. Here are some issues that can originate slow database requests and ruin your application’s performance: var adults = dbContext.Users.Where(user => user.Age >= 18); var adults = dbContext.Users.Where(user => user.Age >= 18).ToList(); var count = users.Count; The hardest part of solving these problems is to identify them in the first place. There are many tools to see how your requests perform in production. Usually, the database itself will be able to show slow queries, scaling problems, network reaching its limits, etc. APM solutions like Application Insights show this very well. It’s also pretty simple to add request execution time to your logs and build queries and automation around that. 2. Memory Pressure One of the most common offenders in high-throughput servers is memory pressure. In this state, the garbage collector doesn’t keep up...

A Guide On Web & Mobile App Development Using AngularJS Framework

We have an abundance of technologies and web & mobile app development languages surrounding us, but foremost call lies in selecting the one that reverberates with your business requirements. If we go with the latest statistics, the language that is making a huge pace and also covering the landscape is AngularJS. Well, being in the latest era, if you are wasting your much time in developing a web & mobile application than just stop right now and opt Angular JS as your first choice. If we define AngularJS in technical terms that Angular JS is one of the leading open source JavaScript frameworks powered by Google. The main Motto behind its introduction is to simplify the development of dynamic & web apps & also widely uses for restructuring the JavaScript Code. So, Let’s Have A Proper Overview Of AngularJS: Let’s understand Angular JS with appropriate briefing… Powered by Google in 2009, it is one of the most widely used JavaScript frameworks. However, it doesn’t arrive with better accompaniments, but eventually; it helps make the development process very simplified as it is easy to use. It helps in gathering data and also helps to keep developers at bay from adding extra source code and eliminates extra code in order to maintain the flexibility of the code. Angular JS works on many building blocks such as, Guidelines to expand HTML characteristic, Directives to accumulate data into HTML, Error and event handling, Unit testing, Routing and binding, Controllers and HTML rendering Apart from the aforesaid basics, it assists to influence J-query DOM libraries. Specifically, Angular JS permits developers to increase the functionality...

The Queen is hiring £60,000-a-year cyber security expert | Daily Mail Online

The Queen is looking to hire a cyber security expert to protect the Firm’s emails and Google searches from hackers. The Royal Household posted an advertisement for a Cyber Security Engineer, earning between £50,000 and £60,000 and working 37 and a half hours a week. The role will involve monitoring the household’s ‘network and systems’, identifying security threats and leading ‘response activities’.  The advert, posted on the royal vacancies website, asks that candidates submit their CVs by May 26, before interviews start in June. Other jobs currently listed on the site include a liveried helper – responsible for getting the Queen’s horses ready for Royal events – and an operational support coordinator for the Royal Collection Trust.  The advert for the cyber job states the job involves ‘delivering work that matters’ and ‘being a part of the professional business behind the monarchy’. The Queen (pictured during a zoom call) is looking to hire a cyber security expert to protect the Firm’s emails and Google searches from hackers The Royal Household (pictured) posted an advertisement for a Cyber Security Engineer, earning between £50,000 and £60,000 and working 37 and a half hours a week It adds: ‘Joining our Cyber Security team, you’ll have a vital role in delivering our Cyber Security and Resilience Strategy. ‘You’ll monitor our network and systems, identify potential security threats and lead on response activities. ‘Carrying out technical investigations, you’ll identify potential risks and impacts, and ensure controls are in place across our hardware and software to keep us cyber secure and resilient. ‘You’ll regularly review and evaluate our cyber security and response activities and working in close collaboration with...

Microsoft Researchers Claim Entire Universe Is a Machine-Learning Algorithm

The Autodidactic Universe Up for some light reading? Theoretical physicists working with Microsoft released a paper on Friday asserting that the universe is essentially a machine-learning computer. The researchers working with Microsoft published a titled “The Autodidactic Universe,” .  It describes our universe as an algorithm that’s continuously learning about itself.  Like humans, the universe itself observes and learns about its own laws and structures — and changes as a result.  From the paper:  “For instance, when we see structures that resemble deep learning architectures emerge in simple autodidactic systems might we imagine that the operative matrix architecture in which our universe evolves laws, itself evolved from an autodidactic system that arose from the most minimal possible starting conditions?” The researchers behind this paper built on research done by physicist Vitaly Vanchurin .  Impossible Physics So we’re all living in a huge self-learning algorithm… but what does this mean?  For one thing, it makes unifying physics as a whole practically impossible. After all, if the universe is capable of learning and changing its laws as a result, the laws of physics will also be in constant flux.  That means that what we currently understand as the laws of physics might have functioned differently in the universe’s past — and will change in its future as well.  Of Memes And Men The paper’s authors also dive into the idea that memes are a great example of how the universe might not just be learning out of its own survival — but also purely because it just wants to learn.  “The example of memes in human social structures show that a...

How to Build an Event-Driven ASP.NET Core Microservice Architecture

Use RabbitMQ, C#, REST-API and Entity Framework for asynchronous decoupled communication and eventually consistency with integration events and publish-subscribe In this guide, you will create two C# and ASP.NET Core Microservices. Both microservices have their own bounded context and domain model. Each microservice has its own database and REST API. One microservice publishes integration events, that the other microservice consumes. Decoupled Microservices — A Real-World Example With Code The application uses a real-world example with users that can write posts. The user microservice allows creating and editing users. In the user domain, the user entity has several properties like name, mail, etc. In the post domain, there is also a user so the post microservice can load posts and display the writers without accessing the user microservice. The user entity in the post domain is much simpler: The microservices are decoupled and the asynchronous communication leads to eventual consistency. This kind of architecture is the basis for loosely coupled services and supports high scalability. The microservices access their example Sqlite databases via Entity Framework and exchange messages via RabbitMQ (e.g. on Docker Desktop). Overview diagram of the workflow, components, and technologies: The code and configurations in this article are not suitable for production use. This guide focuses on the concepts and how the components interact. For this purpose error handling, etc. is omitted. Steps of this Guide Create the .NET Core Microservices Use RabbitMQ and Configure Exchanges and Pipelines Publish and Consume Integration Events in the Microservices Test the Workflow Final Thoughts and Outlook 1. Create the .NET Core Microservices In the first part of this guide, you will create the User and Post Microservice. You will add the...

The Ultimate Web Developer Resources List 🔥Awesome 200+ Resources

Web development is not an easy task for beginners, to create a web project that standout takes lot of effort, time and vast knowledge in various html elements, CSS properties and JavaScript. I list 200+ resources that will help junior web developers to fill the gaps in knowledge they lack in HTML and CSS. These will definitely help developers to create amazing web projects with less effort and quickly. All the resources listed here are free to use. These resources can be used to understand how CSS works which help to learn CSS quickly. Hope this will help you, Happy Coding. CSS Filters The below site help you to generate CSS filter code. You can adjust various parameters like brightness, contrast etc. ——————————————- Media Query Generators The below listed sites help to generate CSS media query codes. ——————————————- CSS Spinner Free CSS spinners that can be used in your web projects. 1.Loading.io 2.Tobiashlin 3.Icons8.com ——————————————- Font Generators / Font Mixers These links help to play with various fonts, mixing them to create beautiful patters, these patters can be copied to your web projects. ——————————————- Box shadow Help to create box shadows using css code. ——————————————- Meta Tag Generator These links help to generate meta tags based on your inputs. ——————————————- Free Favicon Maker Favicons are small 16×16 icon files that are displayed next to the URL of your site in a browser’s address bar, the below sites helps you to create favicons. ——————————————- Profile Picture Maker Websites that help to create profile pictures. ——————————————- Neumorphism Neumorphism is a design trend which is marked by minimal and realistic-looking UI. A...

How To Use React Native Flatlist – Flatlogic Blog

In Flatlogic we create web & mobile application templates built with React, Vue, Angular and React Native to help you develop web & mobile apps faster. Go and check out yourself!See our themes! A list is the most basic and simple component that apps have, it is used almost everywhere in our life. You may make a shopping list when deciding to go to the market. And you likely make it in the notes app as a list.  JavaScript offers a map function to build a list, since React.js is JavaScript-based the way to work with lists is similar. On the other hand, React Native is supposed to render native elements both for Android and iOS, so it has a different way to build lists. The most generic option to display a scrolling list of data in React Native was using ScrollView. Today two options are available to represent lists of data: FlatList and SectionList.  Do you like this article?You might want to read: React Native accelerates the process of building apps across different platforms, thanks to the possibility of reusing most of the code between them. FlatList is a component that looks great both on iOS and Android. Let’s get to know it better.    Basics of React Native Flatlist FlatList is a component that responsible for the display of a list with similar data objects. The display of every element has an identical format and uses a common stylesheet. The data goes in a structured and scrollable manner.  Check out React Native Starter! FlatList uses ScrollView component to render elements, however, it comes without pure performance issues...

Get Quotes from Top Mobile App Development Companies in India

Get a Quote from Top App Development Companies in India Following Major Factors were considered while creating this list of Top App Development Companies  – Years of Exp, Clientele, Variety and Quality of Apps, Average cost of App development, aggregated client reviews across major review platforms like Clutch, GoodFirms, Trustpilot. 1. Agicent App Company (Noida & New Jersey) Being in the Apps Business for 11 years, Agicent is the Full Service App Development company behind famous Fitness App , , SmartIRX Doctors Platform and 1000 + other Apps across various categories. Agicent recently got included in the Top 20 App Companies for Startups List by MobileAppDaily and its Apps got featured by NBC, Women’s Health, Men’s Health, Runner’s World, Mashable, TechCrunch, Huffington Post, MSN, Product Hunt, Computer World, CNET, and more. Agicent is a Startup Friendly App Company as it offers great quality App development services at highly affordable prices and Flexible Payment Plans that almost any startup can afford. The average project price at Agicent is $ 15000, or you can hire us for Hourly Projects. On hourly basis, the charges vary between $ 20- $ 25 per hour. Besides App Design & Development Agicent also offers help in the App Got-To-Market Strategy Consulting, Mobile App Promotion & Marketing, Investors and Fund Raising campaign.s We work on both native and cross-platform Frameworks and use modern Web Technologies to create Powerful backend and front-ends like node.js, angular.js, react.JS, redux with Mongo DB, AWS. Contact us at sales@agicent.com to get an instant app quote or use our app cost calculator to ease up things for you. 2. Sourcebits (Bengaluru) Sourcebits is one...

Dumping RDP Credentials – Penetration Testing Lab

Administrators typically use Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) in order to manage Windows environments remotely. It is also typical RDP to be enabled in systems that act as a jumpstation to enable users to reach other networks. However even though this protocol is widely used most of the times it is not hardened or monitor properly. From red teaming perspective dumping credentials from the lsass process can lead either to lateral movement across the network or directly to full domain compromise if credentials for the domain admin account have been stored. Processes which are associated with the RDP protocol can also be in the scope of red teams to harvest credentials. These processes are: The above processes can be targeted as an alternative method to retrieve credentials without touching lsass which is a heavily monitored process typically by endpoint detection and response (EDR) products. The service host (svchost.exe) is a system process which can host multiple services to prevent consumption of resources. When a user authenticates via an RDP connection the terminal service is hosted by the svchost process. Based on how the Windows authentication mechanism works the credentials are stored in memory of the svchost process in plain-text according to the discovery of Jonas Lyk. However, looking at the process list, there are multiple svchost processes so identification of which process, hosts the terminal service connection can be achieved by executing one of the following commands. Querying the terminal service: Querying which task has loaded the rdpcorets.dll: Running netstat: Looking at the memory strings of the process the password is displayed below the username. Memory Strings Process dump from...

Announcing Coinbase’s successful transition to React Native

By Harry Tormey As of January 2021, the Coinbase iOS and Android apps have transitioned away from native development to React Native, and all mobile engineers are now collaborating in a single codebase. The transition from native to React Native did not happen overnight, and in the interest of helping those contemplating such a decision, we want to tell the story of how we got here. Specifically, we want to share our deliberate and methodical process of testing and observing results, then upping the stakes with increasingly more impactful trials, as this approach was critical to the migration’s success. To put the impact of this technological shift in perspective, Coinbase provides financial services to 56 million users and generated $1.8 billion in revenue in Q1 2021 alone. Regressions in features or lackluster performance could have serious implications for our customers and our business. The size of our native codebases was also notable. Migrating to React Native meant reimplementing over 200 screens, many of which contained substantial business logic. The transition also involved retraining our 30+ native engineers while continuing to make progress building new features and sunsetting our legacy apps. There were many moving pieces, but we were able to deliver significant product performance improvements at each stage of the migration. When Coinbase was founded in 2012, it only had a website — we began our mobile program in 2013. The first iOS and Android apps we released were native, written in Objective-C and Java, respectively. By 2017, we had a small team of Android and iOS engineers working on these apps, but despite our best efforts, we were having a hard...

15 Parts of How I Built Food Delivery App, Lessons & Ideas through Laravel and Vue

Introduction There are a lot of apps made for food delivery for big cities, but not a lot of them are made for the small cities. The article covers how the app is made, its structure, common problems, and solutions. Why article might be important to you? Do you plan to make a delivery app, or you want to buy one, or are you interested in starting a delivery app? Or you want to see how a problem can be solved using the web? Then, this content is for you. “Make sure you understand the fundamental principles, i.e., the trunk and big branches, before you get into the leaves/details, or there is nothing for them to hang on to.” – Elon Musk Here is the app. Take a look. There is a big chance that the app data will be populated by random users because access to almost every account is open to the public. Please don’t populate the application with unrelated stuff. If you cannot log in, try to make a new account. Link: https://dostava-online.com User credentials: Phone number: +387 99/999-999 Email: johndoe@gmail.com Password: 123123123 Link: https://dostava-online.com/restaurant Restaurant credentials: Link: https://dostava-online.com/admin Admin credentials: Phone number: +387 11/111-111 Email: dostava.online@gmail.com Password: 123123123 Overview on the main page are shown: top 3 foods, according to the selling/ratings all restaurants sorted according to the sales/ratings/sponsorship/availability cart for users additions for foods, free and paid additions multiple user addresses delivery/pick up as soon as possible or at the desired time delivery/pick up food 6 types of notifications for users; order is: accepted not accepted in the making in delivery delivered you can...
Malcare WordPress Security

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