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Calling Eloquent from Blade: 6 Tips for Performance – Laravel Daily

One of the most common performance issues I’ve seen in Laravel is using Eloquent methods and relationships from Blade, creating unnecessary extra loops and queries. In this article, I will show different scenarios and how to handle them effectively. Scenario 1. Loading belongsTo() Relationship: don’t forget Eager Loading Probably, the most typical case – you’re looping with @foreach through the records, and in some column you need to show its parent record with some field. @foreach ($sessions as $session) {{ $session->created_at }} {{ $session->user->name }} @endforeach And, of course, session belongs to user, in app/Session.php : public function user() { return $this->belongsTo(User::class); } Now, the code may look harmless and correct, but depending on the controller code, we may have a huge performance issue here. Wrong way in Controller: public function index() { $sessions = Session::all(); return view(‘sessions.index’, compact(‘sessions’); } Correct way: public function index() { $sessions = Session::with(‘user’)->get(); return view(‘sessions.index’, compact(‘sessions’); } Notice the difference? We’re loading the relationship with the main Eloquent query, it’s called Eager Loading . If we don’t do that, in our Blade foreach loop will call one SQL query for every session, asking for its user directly from the database every time. So if you have a table with 100 sessions, then you would have 101 query – 1 for session list, and another 100 for related users. So, don’t forget Eager Loading. Scenario 2. Loading hasMany() Relationship Another typical scenario is that you need to list all child entries in the loop of parent records. @foreach ($posts as $post) {{ $post->title }} @foreach ($post->tags as $tag) {{ $tag->name }} @endforeach @endforeach Guess...


by Shishir Dubey November 1, 2018 This article is going to be all about a comparatively common term which many entrepreneurs neglect when it comes to mobile app development – MVP App Design and MVP App Development for their mobile app based business. The competition is fierce when it comes to mobile app development. You think of an idea and boom! Someone already has built a similar product somewhere or the other. It’s quite a lot challenging to come up with a mobile app idea which is 100% unique. But it’s even more challenging to figure out – Everyone is competing with the other to launch their product in the market first. Gaining the competitive edge in the market has become a NORM more than an EXCEPTION.  If your mobile app doesn’t have the competitive edge, surviving in the market is going to be difficult. A mobile app user always has three expectations from any mobile app he/she uses – Smooth app navigational experience. To-the point solution for the requisite problem in hand. and A well-maintained feedback and customer support channel. If your app has all the above, there is nothing that can stop it from becoming a hit. If not, It’s time to re-work. The reason I am discussing this is because – At ChromeInfotech, we have developed a plethora of apps for various industry segments. Majority of the apps went on to become a market hit. Each of them were well funded (above a million-dollar mark) and were a customer-viable product. Some of them did not perform up to the mark despite having backing of – Adequate...

3 Web App Development Technologies that You Can Use in 2019

Want to start with web app development and don’t know where to start? Then I am here to help you out. In today’s world, web app development has a huge need in the market. As most of the companies are switching to the online world. Hence it is the perfect time to start a career in web development. However, in case if you are someone who does not know where to start, then here are the 3 web app development technologies that you can try out to develop web apps. So let’s just head into the topic without wasting much of the time: 3 web app development technologies that you can use in 2019 Angular First of all, we have the Angular. This is one of the most popular web frameworks that you can learn and use for developing web apps. Even it is one of the latest web technologies out there. Angular is designed for developing dynamic websites. With the help of Angular, you will be able to create front end applications without the need of any frameworks or plugins. Even it comes with well made templates, MVX architecture, code generation, code splitting and so on. Also, the best part is that it does not use any loops or conditional statements. Ruby on Rails Ruby on Rails is one of the top web app development technologies that you can use. However, this technology is pretty old. But there are still people using it. Also, the best part of Ruby on Rails is that it is extremely easy to start with. There are quite a lot of people who...

West faces cyber security ‘reckoning’ with the East, GCHQ boss warns tech experts – Mirror Online

Get US and UK politics insight with our free daily email briefing straight to your inbox When you subscribe we will use the information you provide to send you these newsletters. Your information will be used in accordance with ourPrivacy Notice. Thank you for subscribingWe have more newslettersShow meSee ourprivacy notice Britain faces a cyber “reckoning” with the East, one of Britain’s top spooks signalled today. GCHQ director Jeremy Fleming, boss of the Government’s eavesdropping station, told experts that action was needed if western democracies were to retain powers to decide the future of crucial tech systems. Speaking at the CyberUK 2021 virtual conference, he said: “Without action, it is increasingly apparent that the key technologies on which we rely for prosperity and security won’t be shaped and controlled by the West. “We can see significant technological leadership is moving East. “It’s causing a conflict of interests, of values, where prosperity and security are at stake. “It follows that cyber security is an increasingly strategic issue that needs a whole of nation approach if we are to continue to reap the benefits of technology. “These are really big themes and they have big stakes. “There is no doubt we are facing a moment of reckoning; I am optimistic about our response – after all, the UK has considerable soft and hard power. We are already a leading cyber power. “We have a history of technological innovation – from the early proto computers to the World Wide Web, British ingenuity continues to shape the world. “But it is clear that to face up to this moment of reckoning we need...

Understanding ASP.NET 5 and .NET Core

**Update  – New ASP.NET 5 video coming soon, follow me on Twitter to keep an eye on announcements ** Most of my enterprise career was web based. In around 1997 my first major web project was to create the sign-up 3.5″ floppy disks that were distributed with a good amount of Bell Atlantic phone books. This used all sorts of c-based cgi, Python scripts, and a mish mosh of tech. Things were so very very different then. We were actually the very first all Windows NT Internet Service Provider in the country. Good times but was web tech surely in its infancy. When ASP (Active Server Pages) first came out, it was amazing – it so we thought at the time as we spaghetti coded away our scripts. Fast forward nearly 20 years to ASP.NET 5. A technology that shares only letters with its predecessor. It’s unbelievably fast. It runs an entirely different model than any of its predecessors. It is cross platform – even running on Linux and OSX. This is indeed a new Microsoft. What is ASP.NET 5? ASP.NET 5 is a new version of ASP.NET that has been built from the ground up with performance in mind, it is modular, and supports multiple platforms such as Windows, OSX, and Linux. ASP.NET 5 no longer contains Web Forms, it is purely MVC based and supports both C# and VB.NET. This may be a difficult point for some. Going forward, there was a lot of baggage Web Forms carried around and it was an abstraction to the web, which isn’t how most modern frameworks work. As such, MVC...

Chiccocoin: Learn what is a Blockchain by creating one in NodeJS

Disclaimer: chiccocoin is not a true cryptocurrency and we do not sell it , this article is for recreational / educational purposes only Every day on our feeds we find news about new cryptocurrency or someone who says that they are a big bubble that will soon explode and of which only the blockchain will remain. But, what is the blockchain?By definition : Is a continuously growing list of records, called blocks, which are linked and secured using cryptography. So, the blockchain is an immutable, sequential chain of records called Blocks. Each block can contain transactions, files or any data you like. The important thing is that they’re chained together using hashes .Blockchains are secure by design and are an example of a distributed computing system with high Byzantine fault tolerance . This makes blockchains potentially suitable for the recording of events, medical records, and other records management activities, such as identity management, transaction processing or voting. How does a blockchain technically work? Understanding Blockchains reading article or tutorials isn’t easy. Wandering among the many online guides I found this article by Daniel van Flymen and my curiosity to understand how it really worked has grown so much to try to create a blockchain using NodeJS. 1. Create a logo The first step to creating a new project is to create the logo. It makes everything real. To do this I used Squarespace logo creator and this is the result:Now we can really start with our project. 2. Start with Express To facilitate the creation of the APIs to interact with the blockchain I started the project directly with...

Why Mobile App Development Need To Gear Up? – 360 Degree Technosoft

June 24, 2017 Well, app development was never a lethargic process, and now with the advent of RMAD tools and low or no code app development, the process is like a house on fire. There would be wild thought running around your mind that with already 2.2 million mobile apps existent in the Apple store and 2.8 million apps in the Google play store why is there wave of the rush for Android and iPhone app development? The answer lies in the revenue hidden in this market. Let’s introduce you to the figures of app revenue that are driving more and more developers to gear up app development process. Back in the year 2015, the total revenue of this app development was 69.7 billion US dollars. Now, the projected app revenue for the year 2020 is expected to be 188.9 billion US dollars. The hype in revenue is due to in-app advertising and app stores. This is what driving the developers to develop apps even when there is a massive amount of competition. An individual spends on an average 5 hours, a massive time period of 5 hours, you see. If you are a business owner, you can have access to these 5 hours of users time and engage customers through it. Out of this 5 hours, half of the time is engaged in social media, messaging and entertainment apps. What you are left with is the rest half to attack. Several startups and iPhone and android app development companies do recognize this emerging trend and try to cope with the same but they take an extremely outstretched time...

Top cyber security role can’t be filled because of low salary, says Laois TD

Portarlington-based independent TD Cathal Berry says that the position of the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has been vacant for more than a year because the salary isn’t sufficient to attract a suitable candidate. Deputy Berry, who is a TD for the Kildare South constituency that also includes Portarlington, Killenard and Ballybrittas, is a former Deputy Commander of the Army Ranger Wing, and has hit out the limitations of the NCSC following the cyber attack on the HSE and the Department of Health. “You’re looking at the head of IT security for Ireland being paid €89,000 so they couldn’t get someone to take a job,” he said in an interview with the Irish Times. “(The NCSC) is supposed to be kicking ass when it comes to all the other Government departments so you’d expect someone to have the appropriate status so they can interact with secretaries general across the Government service”. “Our capability is improving but it is still very limited,” he added in a statement.  “The capacity of the National Cyber Security Centre needs to improve on three fronts – premises, budget and staff. “It’s incredible that we still don’t have a dedicated premises yet and their budget of €5 million a year is not sufficient. 2Most importantly, from a talent perspective, we need to improve the amount of people there. “There is currently only 25 people on the staff and the appointment of the Director of the National Cyber Security Centre has been vacant for the last year.” Deputy Berry added that “the National Cyber Security Centre was intended to be a multi-agency entity with the support...

The Non-Technical Guide to Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence

Shivon Zilis and James Cham, who invest in machine learning-related companies for Bloomberg Beta, recently created a machine intelligence market landscape. Below, you can find links to the 317+ companies in the landscape (and a few more), and play around with some apps that are applying machine learning in interesting ways. People to Know in Machine Learning and AI Chief Scientist of Baidu; Chairman and Co-Founder of Coursera; Stanford CS faculty. The godfather of deep learning. CEO of Journal. Former Data Engineering Lead at Mattermark. Google Senior Fellow at Google, Inc. Co-founder and leader of Google’s deep learning research and engineering team. Technical Fellow at Microsoft Research Deep Learning at Google Brain. Computer scientist and E. Fredkin University Professor at the Carnegie Mellon University. General Partner at Andreessen Horowitz. Founder at FastForwardLabs. Data Scientist in Residence at Accel. Tesla Motors, SpaceX, SolarCity, PayPal & OpenAI. The Principal Data Scientist at Booz Allen, PhD Astrophysicist. Co-Founder & CEO SkipFlag. Previously Principal Data Scientist at LinkedIn, Engineer at AOL. Chief Scientist at Lexalytics. Research scientist at OpenAI. Previously CS PhD student at Stanford. Former VP of Data Jawbone & LinkedIn data scientist. Leading Engineering at Quora. Netflix alumni. Professor of Computer Science, Stanford University, Director of Stanford AI Lab. Royal Society University Research Fellow. Associate Professor in Computer Science at London’s Global University. Associate Professor with the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit. University Lecturer in Engineering Science at the University of Oxford. Associate Professor, UC Berkeley, EECS. Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research (BAIR) laboratory. UC Berkeley Center for Human Compatible AI. Co-Founder Gradescope. Slack Data Engineering and Apache Crunch committer. Head of Search, Learning,...

Ruby on Rails – The Modular Way

In this article, I want to share with you a different way to build Ruby on Rails applications. I call it the Modular Way, and the main idea behind that name is to separate your application into small and reusable modules thanks to Rails engines. If you’ve been working with Ruby on Rails, you know how easy it is to create a basic application thanks to the ‘conventions over configuration’ concept. After a while however, it’s usually not enough anymore. The quick and simple application that was created to get an MVP out ASAP is not up to the task and requires changes. People then start to think about ways to optimize their application. But this might not actually be needed. Let’s say the application, whatever it is, is doing well in its niche. It’s not the new Facebook or Twitter but revenue is there and people like the product. The good news is that the concept is good and could be reused in other industries, however not every industry has the same needs. How about we separate the code into smaller components? We would be able to plug or unplug any feature with this solution. We could then use those components in different applications. The tricky part is how we end up separating the source code. The best way to do this is to encapsulate each feature in its own module. That probably sounds quite abstract. Let’s dive in and learn more about modular applications. 1. Monolithic Applications A monolithic application, like the name says it all, is an application built in one block. Basically, like a monolith....

Setup Macbook M1 for Web and React Native development – DEV Community

I recently upgraded from Macbook Air 2017 to Macbook Pro with an M1 chip. My four year old Macbook Air was giving up. The performance to run heavy tasks like using the iOS simulator when developing and working on React Native apps was declining. I had long given up using the Android emulator and have been using a real Android device for testing. December 2020 was the time I decided its time to upgrade. I had a long internal discussion with myself for almost a month that whether should I upgrade to M1 or stick with Intel-based chips and spend them bucks. Don’t get me wrong here, M1 is not cheap either as I did go for a RAM upgrade to max limits which is currently 16GB in the base model. The kind of performance I was expecting after going through some online reviews and research, has been worth it so far (it is fast, no doubt). I received it two weeks back at the time of writing this post and since then I have installed all the necessary tools and utilities that help me work on Web development and React Native apps. My local environment currently includes: Other apps: Rosetta 2 Rosetta 2 is the lifeline that allows you to run apps designed for Intel-based chips that use x86 architecture on ARM-based chips (in this case M1). This solution is provided by Apple in form of an emulator and doesn’t come pre-installed. You have to install it manually. Fire up the Terminal application that comes pre-installed on the Big Sur and let your first command to execute be:...

Laravel Backpack Crud Explained and Reviewed » Laurence Gellert’s Blog

Recently had a project where I needed to get a CRUD admin up and running quick. My go to framework for CRUD is Django Admin. However Python/Django isn’t always an option for various technical or political reasons. In this case it had to be PHP. So I looked high and low for an out of the box framework that would allow editing of tables and thankfully Backpack Crud (docs, github) was there. What is CRUD? The dirty secret: We’re all just building CRUD apps. — I Am Devloper (@iamdevloper) I didn’t really want to roll my own admin interface (been there done that), so I went ahead and installed Backpack Crud. After you get Composer installed, Laravel installed and Backpack Crud installed, you should be ready to start adding models / controllers. Backpack Crud has pretty solid documentation included a nice getting started page. I’m doing this write up to to document the extra things I ran into (see example below). First off, as of January 2018, I ran into dependency conflicts with Laravel 5.5 and Backpack Crud 3.3. I ended up going with this in my composer.json file: How to setup a Backpack Crud model: 1) Run the generator: Say you need CRUD for table of colors with fields: name, sort order and hex code. First run: That will auto generate the model, request and controller files. Then it is up to you to customize the contents of each file. You will also need to setup migrations for the new models. 2) Setup Model (app/models/Color.php): The model is a straightforward Eloquent model with use CrudTrait;. What tripped me...

11 Best Checklist for A Successful Mobile App Development – DEV Community

Did you know! The worldwide revenues from the mobile apps are expected to cross a whopping 693 billion USD in 2021 as per Stats. Growing dependence upon mobile app technology has led to massive downloads crossing the 28.3 billion mark for Google Play store alone, as per Statista. Social media apps are the highest used mobile apps. To leverage this outstanding growth in the field of mobile apps, multiple hefty billion enterprises, S.M.E.s, entrepreneurs, etc., are investing in this technology. However, it is scary to invest in something you aren’t an expert in. As far as mobile apps are concerned, there’s tons and tons of crucial decisions that involve passionate thinking and valuable time. It is not enough to just have an idea and to complete the project. Multiple aspects have to be taken care of. To make this daunting task more comfortable for you, we have accomplished an absolute checklist based on years of experience in mobile app technology and intense research for an app development project. So, without wasting any more time, let’s read this eye-opening checklist that will help you helm the success to your mobile app idea. 1. Visualize the app you want to offer the end-users The chances are little that you are thinking of something unconventional or unexplored. Mainly because there’s hardly a category which the mobile app technology hasn’t touched yet. Don’t believe us! Have a look: Well, that was just some bizarre apps to think of. So, the chances are high that there are apps available, similar to what you are aiming to develop. You can use them to understand what’s...

Cyber Security Today, Week In Review for May 7, 2021 | IT World Canada News

Welcome to Cyber Security Today. This is the Week In Review edition. From my studio in Toronto, I’m Howard Solomon, contributing reporter on cybersecurity for ITWorldCanada.com. In a few minutes guest commentator Terry Cutler of Montreal’s Cyology Labs will be here to discuss some of the interesting news of the past seven days. But first a roundup of what happened: Employees of a company hired by the state of Pennsylvania to do COVID-19 contact tracing ignored privacy rules and compromised the health information of up to 72,000 people. They did it by sharing files online on people who may have been exposed to the virus. This is one of the items Terry and I will discuss. Is your firm looking to get cyber insurance? If so it better be using multifactor authentication to protect logins from stolen passwords. That’s what a Canadian insurance broker told a webinar I covered this week. Tired of big losses from their cyber business, insurers are demanding more proof clients have tough security procedures, including MFA, or they won’t get cyber coverage. Hackers are actively trying to find ways of bypassing multifactor authentication. A report this week from Symantec is a reminder of that. It notes the group behind the hack of SolarWinds’ Orion update mechanism also found ways of bypassing two-factor authentication on victims, as did attacks on Pulse Secure’s virtual private network appliances and on Microsoft Exchange servers. It’s been known for a while that text-based two-factor authentication services are vulnerable to attack. One way to prevent being exploited is by keeping your software updated and protecting your multifactor authentication technology from...

Ruby on Rails for Startups – deploy your apps on Vultr with Cloud 66

Ruby on Rails is one of the first choices to build applications by startups and small businesses across different sectors. In this article, we will answer the following questions: What are the benefits of using the Rails framework? How do Vultr and Cloud 66 support small businesses? How do you deploy a Rails application to Vultr with Cloud 66, step-by-step? Why do startups choose Ruby on Rails? There are a number of good reasons why successful companies like Airbnb, Shopify, Hulu, or GitHub run on Rails. You can find more about it in the 50 Best Ruby On Rails Companies Websites [State For 2021]. Here are the top benefits of Rails applications for your startups. It’s an established framework that has been around since 2003. Rails is time-efficient, which is valuable especially to small startup teams. It contains a range of ready-made plugins and modules. Plus it’s based on a Model–View–Controller design pattern that supports rapid project development. This allows for up to 40% faster development compared to other similar frameworks. It’s an open-source framework, which solves one of the most common startup problems – a constrained budget. Ruby on Rails has a strong, friendly, and active community behind it, with nearly 5K people contributing to Rails code. So not only can you rely on support from the community, but you also know that it is safe to bet on Rails, even though it is open-source. The Rails community keeps the Rails framework up to date and it ensures that any new plugins or features are tested before releases. With a secure development life-cycle Rails creates a safe environment...

.NET Core July 2019 Updates – 2.1.12 and 2.2.6

Today, we are releasing the .NET Core July 2019 Update. These updates contain security and reliability fixes. See the individual release notes for details on updated packages. NOTE: If you are a Visual Studio user, there are MSBuild version requirements so use only the .NET Core SDK supported for each Visual Studio version. Information needed to make this choice will be seen on the download page. If you use other development environments, we recommend using the latest SDK release. .NET Core 2.2.6 and .NET Core SDK ( Download | Release Notes ) .NET Core 2.1.12 and .NET Core SDK ( Download | Release Notes ) Security CVE-2019-1075: ASP.NET Core Spoofing Vulnerability Microsoft is releasing this security advisory to provide information about a vulnerability in ASP.NET Core 2.1 and 2.2. This advisory also provides guidance on what developers can do to update their applications to remove this vulnerability. Microsoft is aware of a spoofing vulnerability that exists in ASP.NET Core that could lead to an open redirect. An attacker who successfully exploited the vulnerability could redirect a targeted user to a malicious website. To exploit the vulnerability, an attacker could send a link that has a specially crafted URL and convince the user to click the link. The update addresses the vulnerability by correcting how ASP.NET Core parses URLs. Getting the Update The latest .NET Core updates are available on the .NET Core download page. This update is also included in the Visual Studio 15.9.14, 16.0.6 and 16.1.6 updates. Choose Check for Updates in the Help menu. See the .NET Core release notes (  |  ) for details on the...

Liverpool are using incredible data science during matches, and effects are extraordinary – Liverpool.com

87 minutes of football had been played in North London last Saturday, as Jose Mourinho’s Tottenham Hotspur clamoured in a desperate search for an equalising goal. Liverpool managed to gain a lead earlier in the contest through Roberto Firmino but had been unable to add to their tally, resulting in the final stages of the match descending into chaos, with ball moving rapidly up and down the pitch, and Spurs missing a pair of excellent chances through Heung-min Son and Giovani Lo Celso. But in one moment, Liverpool managed to kill Spurs’ momentum dead. As Dele Alli took control of possession of the ball near the halfway line, Jürgen Klopp’s team morphed into a solid, narrow block and gave their opponents a simple ultimatum – ‘go around us’. 10 players wearing red had positioned themselves in the centre of the field, separated from back-to-front and from side-to-side by a total of no more than 20 yards. Unsurprisingly, the ploy worked and the contest ended with Liverpool securing their sixth clean sheet in a row. The Reds have now conceded at least seven fewer goals than any other Premier League outfit this season, and that record stems from the team’s ability to control the pitch. The large majority of football clubs have data analysis departments, but very few, if any at all, incorporate such knowledge into top-level decision-making and processes to the extent that Liverpool do. Michael Edwards, the club’s sporting director, is a former analyst himself having previously spent time at Portsmouth and Spurs. He’s since been promoted through the ranks at Anfield, with his current role centred around...

Can AI and ML Cause Disruptive Innovation In Mobile App Development?

Today every business wants to work on to build a base of new customers all while retaining the existing ones through their mobile applications. This can only become possible if the business manages to satisfy the needs of its target audience and potential customers. This is the reason why the mobile app development businesses should work towards presenting the idea of their business to the users as well as convey what the app actually stands for in the first place. So the question arises– when you can actually find all the information on Google, why take the effort to download and install an app which is focused on serving a particular need? Now, this is the traditional method of collecting information about the users and by using mobile applications which focuses on fulfilling particular needs of the users in which you also get a better chance to know more about what goes on in their minds. By making use of artificial intelligence along with machine learning, the market is building up a strong competition now to come up with smarter mobile applications. As per PwC study conducted on 2500 US business decision makers and consumers, 72% believe that AI has the power of offering a business advantage. Mobile app developers pose themselves as the controller of mobile technology but the real work today is done by artificial intelligence technology and machine learning algorithms which work on to turn these mobile applications into awesome things for users. The way these mobile apps are built and used have changed with the introduction of these two technologies. Find the ways in which...
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