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Big New Livewire Release: v2.6.0 | Laravel News

Livewire is getting lots of quality-of-life improvements in the latest release (v2.6). This is the biggest Livewire release since version 2.0. This release is extra special because the majority of these updates were completely PR’d and driven by the community. Special shout out to @joshhanley for developing basically half of them and helping out with most of them. Here’s the full release notes with links to every feature, fix, and PR that was made for this release: https://github.com/livewire/livewire/releases/tag/v2.6.0 Let’s jump in. Here’s what’s up: New boot lifecycle hook As of 2.6, there is a new boot() lifecycle method available for your Livewire components. This method will run before any other lifecycle hook AND will run on every single request, both initial and subsequent component requests. If the words “initial and subsequent requests” in the context of Livewire are fuzzy for you, give this post a quick read. 1class YourComponent extends Livewire\Component 3 public function boot() You can also use this lifecycle hook within traits by adding the class name as a suffix to avoid inheritance collisions. For example: 1class YourComponent extends Livewire\Component 5 public function boot() Because mount() currently runs only on the initial request, and hydrate() only runs on subsequent ones, there hasn’t been a good way to run code on EVERY request. Many users achieved this by overriding the constructor which is highly discouraged. Now we have boot()! Deep model data binding Livewire has supported binding directly to Eloquent model attributes for a long time, however, v2.6 takes it to a whole new level. Let’s look at an example: If you had an Eloquent model set to...

Native vs Cross-Platform: What to Choose for Mobile App Development – Jelvix

The phrase, “There’s an app for that,” could not be more appropriate for 2021. Apps are playing an increasingly significant role in our lives – from retail-based e-commerce businesses to personal finance and life management, entertainment and gaming, and tracing contacts during the COVID-19 epidemic. In fact, as of Q2 of 2020, there were 37.8 billion downloads from the Google Play and iOS stores globally. And in February 2021 alone, about . Many of these were developed for one or both of the two major app stores via native app development, but many were also developed and launched via cross-platform technology, a method designed to reach a much larger audience on multiple platforms. So, which should you choose for your development – native or cross-platform? In this article, you will receive a comprehensive explanation of both types of development and the pros and cons of each. In the end, you should be able to make an informed decision on which type of development is right for your apps so that you can locate the right developer or team for what you want. First, an overview of the Mobile Development Market in the Current Environment , mobile devices surpassed the use of desktop PCs as the venue for consumers to communicate with others, obtain information, search for products or services, make purchases, and solve specific problems they face. And they use them everywhere and in all environments: When users conduct a search related to what they need, they will immediately be rewarded with results that point them to specific websites or apps. And even those websites have apps, which they...

QR code risks: Cyber security experts urge caution | CTV News

TORONTO — With the rise in popularity of QR codes at restaurants and other businesses during the pandemic, privacy and cyber security experts are urging Canadians to be cautious in their use of the technology. While the technology has been around since the early 90s, “quick response” or “QR” codes have experienced a rapid resurgence during the pandemic. The unique black-and-white squares – which serve as a kind of bar code – replaced physical menus at restaurants and other paper forms during the early push to provide touchless service and avoid further spread of COVID-19. Instead of handling a menu or filling out a check-in document, customers could use their smartphones to quickly scan a QR code, which would take them to a digital menu or online contact tracing form, for example. And although the science on COVID-19 has been updated to show the disease is not as easily spread by contaminated surfaces as it was first thought, businesses have continued to make use of QR codes for their convenience and other advantages. Some of those perks include cost savings in not printing menus, the ease of editing a menu online, and the ability to collect information on their customers’ preferences to cater to them. But are there any potential downsides to this QR code technology that’s being embraced so widely? INCREASED TRACKING While directing diners to a digital menu using a QR code may seem innocuous, privacy experts expressed their concerns about what personal data is being collected and how it could be used when a customer visits a particular website. For example, a customer might be taken...

Best Practices for Application Performance Monitoring (APM) | Laravel News

Here are the 10 best practices that you can follow for your APM setups: Best Practice #1: Don’t Build Your Own APM Solution(s) Every organization comes across this build vs. buy dilemma at some point or another – do you develop your own set of tools for your project(s), or do you go ahead and buy an existing, working solution? However, when it comes to APM tools, you are much better off not trying to handcraft one for your organization. The primary purpose of APM tools is to take care of unexpected issues in your application. If you build a custom APM solution for your application, you expose yourself to more issues across two platforms – your project and the APM tool itself. Therefore, it is much better to rely on more foolproof, trustworthy, specialized APM tools in the market. Besides, many of these tools are quite affordable and are therefore a much more viable option. There are already many challenges and difficulties associated with running and maintaining applications at scale. By using an existing reliable APM solution, you now have one less thing to worry about. Do what you do best, and let outsourced expertise take care of the rest. Best Practice #2: Ensure You Have the Right Tool(s) for the Job After discussing the advantages of going for a third-party APM suite instead of building one for your own, it’s time to focus on things you need to keep in mind when opting for a tool that works best for your application. Before choosing an APM tool, it is important to research your application requirements, service-level agreements...

Car Wash Mobile App Development Cost and Features

Mobile phones have transformed the daily lives of humans. The majority of the changes came for a middle-class life, which positively raises the standards and luxury. Today you can consume any service with just a few taps on a mobile screen. Smartphones have eliminated the need of waiting in the queue as they made all the services available at the doorstep.  Almost every service has any sort of mobile app and all you need is to download the app with providing little information.  Carwash has also been one of the laziest and tedious tasks ever. But now, people can avoid long waiting lines as the service is available through the app. Customers can book an appointment and the dealer service center staff will help you out with the rest. It helps you to get car wash services, whenever you want. The car wash app is the most manageable app for maintaining your vehicle. All things are possible with the help of an app. The ease of accessing service is helpful for the people and makes their life beautiful at the same time. You can also invest the remaining time in some creative work. From the business owner’s perspective, be it a car wash iOS app development Solution or Android app development Solution, this app is an amazing revenue model. Any service which eases out life and makes the lives less complex is a good source of revenue. The car wash app sets you free to maintain your vehicle without limiting your time by self-involvement in the progress. On-demand car wash app development gives a strong silent breach into the...

How I Landed My First Web Developer Role Without A Degree or Bootcamp: Lessons Learned, Resources & Tips

When I first started working in Seattle! It was a beautiful day I’ve always wanted to sit down and write down my whole journey of how I transitioned into tech and landed a web developer role without a college degree or bootcamp experience. I strictly used free or low cost online resources. My particular journey contains so many mistakes and failures along the way that I ultimately feel like was essential to my growth. I hope you find value in this super long but necessary article and if there’s any questions you may have, feel free to leave them down below. My Background Without diving too deep into my background, I am 23 years old and was born and raised in Southern California. I’m the first in my family to graduate high school. I dropped out of college my freshman year and ended up without direction or a sense of purpose. I started working as a cashier at places like Macys and Kohls. I felt like an embarrassment, not because I was working retail but because people around me had set expectations for me to be an overachieving college student. I didn’t have a passion for years. Falling First Before Learning How to Fly The origins of how I discovered coding is a mystery now because I’ve forgotten. I do remember being inspired by the story of Aaron Swartz, a self taught engineer who co founded Reddit. February 2017 was when I first tried learning how to code via Codecademy’s free Python course. But I was put off by the simplistic syntax and instantly felt like I wasn’t learning....

Top 10 VAPT Companies in India | Top PenTesting Companies

Top 10 VAPT Companies in India Owing to the increasing demand for security against cyber-attacks, many cybersecurity companies have evolved in India over time. Some of these companies have achieved a great deal of success due to their up-to-date and robust cybersecurity solutions.  Before choosing a company for pentesting, have a look at the list of top 10 VAPT Companies in India which are revolutionising the cybersecurity domain in India. Specialisation:  Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Assessment (Website, Network, Desktop, Mobile), UI/UX Assessment, Source Code Review, IoT Devices Assessment & Review, Risk & Compliance Management Vulnerability Patch Management, Incident Response and Digital Forensics, Ethical Hacking Training, Cyber Crime Consultancy. Key Features: Specialisation: Website/Network/Desktop/Mobile Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Assessment, Application/Server Security Testing, IoT Security Testing, Secure Code Review, Incident Response and Digital Forensics, Training programs on Information security Key Features: Specialisation:  Penetration Testing, Vulnerability Assessment, Source Code Review, Mobile Application Security, Configuration Assessment, Wireless Network Assessment, Incident Response, Malware Analysis Key Features: Specialisation: Industrial Control System Security Assessment, Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Assessment, Web-application Security Assessment, Mobile Application Security, Compliance Auditing and Risk Assessment, Cloud Security Assessment, Social Engineering, Physical Security Assessment Key Features: Specialisation:  Penetration Testing, Vulnerability Assessment, Enterprise-wide IT Audits / IT Security Audits, Web, API and Mobile Application Security Testing, Consultation on Certification / Implementation, CERT-IN Certification, Security Operations Centre (SOC) Services, Digital Forensics Reviews, Secure Source Code Analysis as a Service, Enterprise Security Solutions Key Features: Specialisation: Penetration Testing, Vulnerability Assessment, Fraud Risk Management, Risk Compliance, Model Risk Management, Data Security and Privacy Management Key Features: Specialisation: Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security Training, Advanced IT Security, Incident...

Case Study: How to Migrate from AngularJS to Angular

While some of us are pondering how to run the Angular app, others have already created an application using a different framework, and now they’re puzzled over the proper solution for the migration problem (say, from AngularJS to Angular). The problem really deserves attention, and we’re ready to help in this respect. We’re going to tell you about our experience regarding migrating to Angular and describe what difficulties you may encounter (and how to bypass possible obstacles). In addition, we’ll explain to you when and why there is a need to migrate AngularJS to Angular module and what methods allow to achieve the desired goal. And if after reading the article you still have any questions, feel free to ask them! Application Development Frameworks AngularJS and Angular are web frameworks, tools that facilitate the process of starting a web application. It means you don’t need to write a bunch of code lines on your own and spend time to find errors and bugs. The one who created the framework has already done the lion’s share of your work. In the past, mobile and web applications had to be written “by hand”, and only the developer could modify or deploy them. Various frameworks allowed solving these problems at least partially: now everything related to changing the app structure, put in order by forming a common approach to a web development process. Moreover, depending on the task, you’re free to choose one framework covering all your needs or combine several of them. However, it’s hardly possible to make a choice for keeps. In the end, time moves along, increasingly innovative technologies...

What is The Differences Between Xamarin and React Native Frameworks

React Native and Xamarin are two of the most widely used app development platforms. Trello, Slack and GitHub all use Xamarin. However, popular companies such as Walmart and Instagram also use React Native to build their apps. Both are useful for creating cross-platform apps that work well. It is not easy to choose the right one, as both Xamarin or React Native have their merits and detractors. Today I’ll share the main differences between these platforms that can help you make the right choice. Main Differences Between Xamarin and React Native Key Features Let’s begin the list by listing the main features of each framework. Xamarin uses C# from the very beginning. It is highly preferred by many web developers. Microsoft supports C#, a popular programming language with many useful features, such as functional programming, metaprogramming and portability. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); C# developers can easily switch from web development platforms to mobile apps development with no additional help. Xamarin can be used with Visual Studio and Mac IDE. It makes it easy to access code sharing, test clouds, class libraries and testing clouds. React Native, on the other hand, comes with many important built-in libraries, tools, and frameworks. It utilizes Java and C# respectively for the iOS and Android versions of the app. Hot reloading is one of the main features of this framework. This allows developers to modify the code quickly and without having to spend a lot of time in the compilation process. Also read: Top 10 IoT Mobile App Development Trends to Expect in 2021 Development Environment Xamarin includes complete software packages and tools...

Why Choose NBT for Mobile App Development? Reasons Listed! – Next Big Technology

Mobile application development is a precarious business. Yet, it additionally guarantees a ton of progress and income for the organization whenever done appropriately. Presently most organizations when choosing to go with fostering an application for various purposes, may wind up in an essence. Presently, you can either recruit some new individuals or train the representatives to create an application or cause the generally exhausted team to do this as well. For that, you can rely on NBT, the top mobile app development company. We have all the attributes that are essential for a company to be on the top list. Offer Timely Updates At the point when you pick an application development service. Ask them already what correspondence channels they use, and how much of the time they update you about the interaction of development. This is significant if there have been situations when the organization recruited an application development team, revealed to them how they need the application and when they need it. However, after the underlying discussion, that Mobile application company just vanished, no updates or progress reports, and when they, at last, gave you the application, it wasn’t what they needed. Carry Experience In the Industry You have effectively explored the market and your objective clients for application development. However, it is imperative to work together with an application growing firm that has some involvement with the market and realizes how to focus on the clients. You can even give a go to the new firm, yet they should know about the market. Burrow somewhat more profound and converse with the past customers of the Mobile...

The Democratization of Data Science

Patricia Toth McCormick/Getty Images Want to catch tax cheats? The government of Rwanda does — and it’s finding them by studying anomalies in revenue-collection data. Want to understand how American culture is changing? So does a budding sociologist in Indiana. He’s using data science to find patterns in the massive amounts of text people use each day to express their worldviews — patterns that no individual reader would be able to recognize. Intelligent people find new uses for data science every day. Still, despite the explosion of interest in the data collected by just about every sector of American business — from financial companies and health care firms to management consultancies and the government — many organizations continue to relegate data-science knowledge to a small number of employees. That’s a mistake — and in the long run, it’s unsustainable. Think of it this way: Very few companies expect only professional writers to know how to write. So why ask only professional data scientists to understand and analyze data, at least at a basic level? Relegating all data knowledge to a handful of people within a company is problematic on many levels. Data scientists find it frustrating because it’s hard for them to communicate their findings to colleagues who lack basic data literacy. Business stakeholders are unhappy because data requests take too long to fulfill and often fail to answer the original questions. In some cases, that’s because the questioner failed to explain the question properly to the data scientist. Why would non–data scientists need to learn data science? That’s like asking why non-accountants should be expected to stay within budget. These...

Cyber Security Today, July 14, 2021 – Interpol says ransomware may become a pandemic, expert advice on fighting ransomware and security updates for ForgeRock and Etherpad | IT World Canada News

Interpol says ransomware may become a pandemic, expert advice on fighting ransomware and security updates for ForgeRock and Etherpad. Welcome to Cyber Security Today. It’s Wednesday July 14th. I’m Howard Solomon, contributing writer on cybersecurity for ITWorldCanada.com. Ransomware attacks continue to spread. They’ve gotten so common that the Secretary General of Interpol, the international police co-operative, said this week police and cybersecurity companies must work closer to avoid a ransomware pandemic. Attackers are operating with near impunity, he said at a ransomware conference. Its estimated that crooks around the world pulled in $350 million last year in ransomware payments. Conference attendees, who included national computer response teams and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, agreed to raise public awareness, to increase partnerships and do more information sharing. Separately, Andy Bennett, the former deputy chief information and security officer of the state of Texas who is now with a California cybersecurity firm, issued advice on how to fight the attacks. In 2019 Texas faced co-ordinated ransomware attacks on 22 municipalities in the state. Yes, Bennett wrote, some groups will use new tactics that might not be caught by traditional cybersecurity. But, he added, if IT departments have to choose one strategy to improve the odds of beating ransomware it’s using multifactor authentication as an extra requirement for employees and customers to log into accounts. There are other important strategies, such as segmenting data systems so an attacker can’t leap from one network to another. For example, if an attacker gets access to the low-priority heating and air conditioning system they shouldn’t be able to jump to the high-priority...

Tips to Finalize the Top AngularJS Development Company

AngularJS is an open-source primary system. It is particularly known as a front-end development structure made by Google. AngularJS is useful in making dynamic web applications. For better UI/UX implementation, Tips to Finalize the Top AngularJS Development Company. Why AngularJS is a Popular? AngularJS being extraordinary compared to other front-end development stages for Java Script helps in making responsive applications. Java Script is the customer-side prearranging language utilized for creating site pages. Java Script is regularly utilized these days which successfully deals with AngularJS. Likewise, with the arrival of numerous AngularJS adaptations, it hits notoriety. The following are some of the major things to consider while choosing AngularJS . Major Things to Consider While Choosing AngularJS Development Company Tip 1: Hold an Interview Session You need to inspect the past project dealt with by the developers. The devices, methods, and undertaking extension should be checked. The initial step is to employ developers is to check their relational abilities. Since the developers need to report you about the errand. You came to know whether the developers will satisfy the accompanying four prerequisites by holding a correspondence meeting. Tip 2: Have Up-Degree in Technologies You need to investigate the learning capacities of the AngularJS development organization. Google is delivering AngularJS forms during the progression time frame, so the developers can redesign themselves. Simultaneously, JavaScript is the most utilized dialects in AngularJS, consequently, you can recruit a group who are having information in both AngularJS renditions and Java Script. Tip 3: Engage You with the MVVM Architecture The developer ought to be educated in MVC, MVVM development, and furthermore about information restricting....

Getting Started with ASP.NET Core and gRPC

As developers, we find ourselves in a renaissance of API design philosophies. There is REST, HTTP APIs, GraphQL, SOAP, and the list continues to grow. Given all the choices, we can understand that it can be difficult to tell which one to use. In this post, we’d like to introduce you to gRPC, one of the newer approaches .NET developers have in designing their APIs. The method is gaining popularity due to its efficiency, contract-based design, interoperability across technology stacks, and code-generation tooling. By the end of this post, you’ll have an idea of what gRPC is, what makes it work, and how to implement an ASP.NET Core client/server demo. At which point, you’ll have the tools necessary to decide if the approach is right for you. Let’s get started! What is gRPC? gRPC, which stands for google Remote Procedure Calls, is an architectural service pattern that helps developers build and consume distributed services in the same style as invoking in-process object methods. The goal of gRPC is to make distributed applications and services more manageable for both clients and server implementations through a predefined set of interfaces. gRPC is a modern open-source, high-performance Remote Procedure Call (RPC) framework that can run in any environment. It can efficiently connect services in and across data centers with pluggable support for load balancing, tracing, health checking, and authentication. It is also applicable in last mile of distributed computing to connect devices, mobile applications, and browsers to backend services. — gRPC About Page gRPC is technology stack agnostic, supporting client and server languages like Java, Go, Python, Ruby, C#, and F#. In...

eCommerce Mobile App Development Cost Deep Analysis

The thriving eCommerce market has brought several new opportunities for startups and brick-and-mortar retailers. Now, it is out of the trend when people head to the shopping stores holding carry bags in their hands to buy their essential items. Leading eCommerce websites and mobile apps like Amazon and Flipkart are allowing their users to shop online for a wide variety of products ranging from daily essentials to electronics to fashion from the comfort of the home using the smartphone.   These days people prefer to shop online from the convenience of their home, therefore the popularity of the eCommerce website is at the peak point. You can also provide this convenient shopping experience to your customers by developing a similar eCommerce mobile app like amazon.  However, while starting an eCommerce mobile app, the first thing that comes to mind is how much does it cost to develop an eCommerce app. That’s why we come in aid to you, here in this blog post, we will give you a detailed explanation of the eCommerce mobile app development cost. So with no further ado, let’s dig deep into this post to determine the cost to develop an eCommerce mobile app.  What Are Different Types of eCommerce Mobile Apps? If you want to determine the cost of eCommerce mobile app development, you first need to understand the different eCommerce mobile apps. This will help you choose a better and more sustainable business model. Also, it will help you target your audience in more effective ways and it will ensure the amazing growth of your business.  >>>Read More: How to Increase eCommerce Sales Effectively...

Ireland’s Cyber Security Academy Recruiting the next generation to Fight Cyber Crime – Cyber Ireland

The Cyber Security Academy is the first of its kind national cyber security training programme in Ireland for young people and is now recruiting 4th, 5th and 6th year students who want to learn the essential skills to identify, prevent and predict cyber-attacks. Cyber Academy is funded under the Science Foundation Ireland Discover Programme, which was launched on the 22nd March by Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris, TD and supports 49 public engagement and education initiatives that aim to improve public understanding of science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM) and engage a wide audience of people with STEM topics.  We have all become increasingly dependent on our smartphones and the internet, especially due to COVID-19. There is a significant lack of awareness and skills around cybersecurity in society in general, and amongst young people in particular. Furthermore, Ireland has a dire shortage of cybersecurity professionals, which is placing our digital economy at risk. Ireland needs to develop young people that have the aptitude and skills to become the next generation of cyber security specialists to protect our digital world. Not only is it one of the most well-paid, in-demand sectors around, but it also offers young people the chance to forge a career doing something that really matters.  The Cyber Security Academy is a series of fun and engaging activities for young people (11-18 year old’s) to help them explore their interest in tech by introducing them to the world of cyber security:      The Cyber Security Academy is preparing the next generation to contribute to Ireland’s economic growth and as a safe and secure place to live and work by promoting science and technology among school students, reducing gender imbalance in this field and improving proficiency in computer science among its trainees.  Do you...

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