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Umbraco 9 release | Umbraco powered by .NET 5 & ASP.NET Core

A little over 2 years ago the initial plan was made for how to migrate Umbraco CMS from .NET Framework to .NET Core. The project was codenamed Unicore, and in the following years a community team of the same name was created, multiple RFCs were posted, tough and exciting decisions were made, quite a few things were named and renamed, and 10 pre-releases across Alphas, Betas, and Release Candidates have been released and thoroughly tested. This all leads us to today. I’m proud to introduce the first official release of Umbraco CMS running 100% on .NET 5 and ASP.NET Core – Umbraco 9 is out 🎉!! New technology – still Umbraco Umbraco 9 is the fully customizable and editor-friendly open-source CMS updated to run 100% on .NET 5 and ASP.NET Core. The underlying framework has been updated to the latest version of Microsoft’s .NET framework but it is still Umbraco through and through with its main focus on editor friendliness and the goal of continuously making content management simpler. This means that most things should be instantly familiar if you’ve worked with Umbraco before – especially if you’re a content editor. With the release of Umbraco 9, we’ve ensured that Umbraco can stay on top of all the new features and improvements that are coming for .NET in the future. In fact, it’s the start of a new major release cadence that will follow Microsoft’s LTS releases of .NET and ASP.NET Core.  It is also the new official version of Umbraco. This means that all feature development will now be done on Umbraco 9 with a new minor release...

Migrating our billing portal to the latest version of Laravel Spark – Flare blog

When Flare was launched, we used Laravel Spark classic to take care of all user, team and billing functionality. We recently migrated to the latest version of Laravel Spark. It offers a beautiful billing management screen. Here’s how it looks like. Our new Spark-powered billing portal allows you to see all available plans easily, subscribe, download invoices, etc… By migrating to the latest version of Spark, we could vastly simplify our codebase. In this blog post, we’d like to share how we performed this migration and how we customised Laravel Spark. How we used Laravel Spark classic # When we started work on Flare, we decided very early on that we didn’t want to code everything around team management and billing ourselves. Using Laravel Spark was a given since we already had some experience with it by building Oh Dear. At Spatie, we very much prefer working with React. We’re also very detail focused when creating a UI. Because Spark classic was built with Vue components, that didn’t work how we wanted, we made a drastic decision: we started using Spark in a headless way. We use everything that Spark classic offered on the backend but used nothing of the front end components. We created our own React components that hooked in the Spark classic back end. For us, this worked out pretty well. Even though we had some work creating our own React billing components, Spark classic still saved us quite some time. Moving to the newest version of Spark # Earlier this year, the Laravel team introduced a new version of Spark. The significant difference between the...

Xamarin Mobile App Development Cost & Key Features

Past technologies were mainly based on native platforms, left as a gap between new technologies and agile frameworks. There is always an urge for some value-driven technologies that fill this gap. One such excellent technology framework is Xamarin. It came into existence in the year 2011 and was later acquired by Microsoft. Since its presence, Xamarin has swung like a storm with a strong reach of 2 million developers across the globe. Microsoft assembled this technology with their Visual Studio environment to enhance the vast control of base libraries and give a surreal experience to the native developers. Xamarin is a popular mobile app platform amongst developers and technocrats. In the first quarter of 2017, Xamarin was used by 1.6 million mobile apps developers, predominant to its excellent native UI codebases support. Xamarin supports cross-platform to flawlessly manage the software life cycle cost with proper utilization of resources. Due to its cross interface support, developers easily develop and configure their apps on multiple platforms and come with regular upgrades. In various industries like Transportation, Healthcare, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Automobile, almost every industry prefers to choose Xamarin over other Android frameworks like React Native or Ionic. Have you hardly considered the theories, but how about facts and stats? According to Statista, 62% of businesses are considered Xamarin for developing their mobile applications. Why? Because it brings them the optimized results best for their business vertices. Let’s explore more and understand the ground behind the importance of Xamarin, its features, cost and time paradigms, and limitations. Why is Xamarin popular for Mobile App Development? The reason behind the popularity of Xamarin over other mobile app...

PetitPotam – NTLM Relay to AD CS – Penetration Testing Lab

Deployment of an Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) on a corporate environment could allow system administrators to utilize it for establishing trust between different directory objects. However, it could allow red team operators to conduct an NTLM relay attack towards the web interface of an AD CS in order to compromise the network. The web interface is used for allowing users to obtain a certificate (web enrollment), is over HTTP protocol, doesn’t support signing and accepts NTLM authentication. The details of the attack have been presented by Will Schroeder and Lee Christensen in the Certified Pre-Owned whitepaper. The attack forces the domain controller machine account (DC$) to authenticate towards a host which NTLM relay is configured. The authentication is relayed towards the Certificate Authority (CA) and raises a request for a certificate. Once the certificate is generated for the DC$ account an attacker could use this perform arbitrary operations on the domain controller such as retrieving the hash of the Kerberos account in order to create a golden ticket and establish domain persistence or dump hashes of domain administrators and establish a communication channel with the domain controller. Active Directory Certificate Services can be installed as a role on the domain controller or in an individual server which is part of the domain. The following diagram illustrates the steps of the attack: The attack requires identification of the certification authority. The “certutil” binary is a command line tool which can be used to dump and display certification authority information, verify certificates etc. Therefore it could be used as a quick way to discover if there is a certificate...

Need A Web Developer? How To Know Which Skills To Look For

Taking a leap in business is one of the most essential factors. However, in the modern era, everything is digitalized and so it becomes essential to Hire web developers that are reliable as per the company’s standard. It is essential to have a quick scan of different Web development companies to check which one is more reliable than the other. Also, it gives an idea of what the companies can offer. One of the most essential parts is the skills possessed by companies or web developers. In such a case, what are these different skills set that makes web developer stays at the top? We have made a list of different skills that must be watched out for the top Web development services.  In addition to this, there are a number of web professionals that worked with the CSS. This skill is in the combination to the HTML code only that helps in building up the proper strategy. It can easily style the pages and structure them as per the code.  On top of that, every developer must know to work around the tags to get a proper hang on the language. Even while working on CMS editor of ‘What you see is what you get’ (WYSIWYG), it is important to have an idea about HTML. This gives a deep understanding of the tools on a huge level along with control on tasks that are performed in it. It is possible that one might not use HTML on a daily basis but another platform has a bigger impact on it.  Hence, this makes it fun to design, editor-style the...

Asp.NET Core 5 V-Shop Free Ecommerce Template Download

Hello friends, welcome back to my blog. Today in this blog post, I am going to show you, Asp.NET Core 5 V-Shop Free Ecommerce Template Download. Working Video Asp.NET Core 5 V-Shop Free Ecommerce Template Download .Net Core 5 came and if you are new then you must check below two links: Friends now I proceed onwards and here is the working code snippet and use this carefully to avoid the mistakes: 1. Firstly friends we need .net core 5 installed on our machine and for this please check below link: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download 2. Now guy’s we need to install c# extension inside our visual studio code editor and for this please check below images: install c# in visual studio code 3. Now guy’s create `demo` folder and open that folder inside visual studio code and run below command to get fresh project setup of .net code 5: dotnet new webApp -o testproject 4. Now guy’s add below code inside testproject/Pages/Index.cshtml file to check output on web browser: @page @model IndexModel @{ ViewData["Title"] = "Home page"; } <div class="humberger__menu__overlay"></div> <div class="humberger__menu__wrapper"> <div class="humberger__menu__logo"> <a href="#" class="logo">V-Shop</a> </div> <div class="humberger__menu__cart"> <ul> <li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-heart"></i> <span>1</span></a></li> <li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-shopping-bag"></i> <span>3</span></a></li> </ul> <div class="header__cart__price">item: <span>$150.00</span></div> </div> <div class="humberger__menu__widget"> <div class="header__top__right__language"> <img src="~/img/language.png" alt="" /> <div>English</div> <span class="arrow_carrot-down"></span> <ul> <li><a href="#">Spanis</a></li> <li><a href="#">English</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="header__top__right__auth"> <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-user"></i> Login</a> </div> </div> <nav class="humberger__menu__nav mobile-menu"> <ul> <li class="active"><a href="#">Home</a></li> <li><a href="#">Shop</a></li> <li><a href="#">Pages</a> <ul class="header__menu__dropdown"> <li><a href="#">Shop Details</a></li> <li><a href="#">Shoping Cart</a></li> <li><a href="#">Check Out</a></li> <li><a href="#">Blog Details</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="#">Blog</a></li> <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li> </ul> </nav> <div id="mobile-menu-wrap"></div> <div class="header__top__right__social"> <a...

Graph Data Science With Python/NetworkX | Toptal

We’re inundated with data. Ever-expanding databases and spreadsheets are rife with hidden business insights. How can we analyze data and extract conclusions when there’s so much of it? Graphs (networks, not bar graphs) provide an elegant approach. We often use tables to represent information generically. But graphs use a specialized data structure: Instead of a table row, a node represents an element. An edge connects two nodes to indicate their relationship. This graph data structure enables us to observe data from unique angles, which is why graph data science is used in every field from molecular biology to the social sciences: Left image credit: TITZ, Björn, et al. “The Binary Protein Interactome of Treponema Pallidum …” PLoS One, 3, no. 5 (2008). Right image credit: ALBANESE, Federico, et al. “Predicting Shifting Individuals Using Text Mining and Graph Machine Learning on Twitter.” (August 24, 2020): arXiv:2008.10749 [cs.SI] So how can developers leverage graph data science? Let’s turn to the most-used data science programming language: Python. Getting Started With “Graph Theory” Graphs in Python Python developers have several graph data libraries available to them, such as NetworkX, igraph, SNAP, and graph-tool. Pros and cons aside, they have very similar interfaces for handling and processing Python graph data structures. We’ll use the popular NetworkX library. It’s simple to install and use, and supports the community detection algorithm we’ll be using. Creating a new graph with NetworkX is straightforward: But G isn’t much of a graph yet, being devoid of nodes and edges. How to Add Nodes to a Graph We can add a node to the network by chaining on the return...

Know Here, Why LinkedIn, Yahoo, Netflix, Twitter, Trello Uses NodeJS?

Node.JS first appeared in 2009. Since then, its environment has managed to carve a niche in various enterprises. Some of the most renowned and recognized brands are using it for their applications and websites. This fact is proof of the genuineness of the hype that surrounds Node.JS. Here you’ll learn why it’s popular among brands.   Node.JS is nothing but a server environment for JavaScript that can run code outside a browser. This feature of Node.JS makes it perfect for hundreds of websites, particularly games, social media apps, video streaming, time trackers, etc. Node.JS can offer a scalable yet fast solution for all real-time applications.   Today, this technology has become exceptionally trendy. Numerous companies adopt it, including some of the most recognized players, such as Yahoo, LinkedIn, Trello, Netflix, and Twitter.   Market changer Not just a leading node.js web development company but trustworthy market researchers have evidence to prove that Node.JS is the foremost leader in the field of technology. It holds about 50.4% of the market share. So, what’s the reason behind its popularity?     According to the newest report generated by the creators of Node.JS, this technology can substantially affect businesses. It can increase the productivity of the developers by 68%, application performance by 48%, and customer satisfaction by 13%.   A favourite of developers You don’t need to look for a leading node.js web development company just to find out why the developers there love to use it. Almost every development agency has specialists who favour Node.JS over everything else because this environment is easy to worth with. It even enables code execution...

Mobile App Development: Follow Up on a User Story – Altova Blog

My friend Casey used the Solar Tool mobile app created with Altova MobileTogether to track rooftop solar production for a full year now and reports some surprising results. We first wrote about Casey’s user story in the spring, when she anticipated higher solar power production as hours of sunlight increased. Casey expected the billing cycle that included June 21, the summer solstice, to be her best generation month. Her actual results were very different and worth investigating. As summer approached, Casey requested a small enhancement to the Solar Tool mobile app. The original Monthly Production chart we designed together reported 12 full months generation and use, based on bills from the power company, plus the interim period since the last bill. Casey asked me to enhance the chart to show 13 months instead of 12, for easy comparison with the same month last year. Here is Casey’s Monthly Production chart for 13 months: Remember, Casey’s house has two electric meters. The monthly production chart is built in two layers. The orange area in the background layer represents electricity consumed each month, based on power company readings of the usage meter reported on each month’s bill. The blue bars in the top layer are electricity produced by the solar panels, also shown on the bill from readings of the generation meter. Numbers along the x-axis are months of the year, where 07 at the left is the July bill for June 15-July 16 from one year ago, and 08 on the right is the partial month before the next bill due in August. Surprisingly, May was Casey’s best month of...

G2 reveals best cyber security solutions list: High praise for Check Point

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated digital transformations, leading to new cyber security opportunities and new cyber security challenges. As organizations rapidly transitioned their employees to remote work, network firewalls, cloud security, and mobile device security increased in importance. Incorporating the highest levels of comprehensive security into the business environment became an immediate imperative. Check Point Software is a global leader in cyber security, providing fifth-generation cyber security solutions across networks, cloud and mobile environments. The company recently received industry leadership recognition across the G2 platform, a peer-to-peer software marketplace that helps 5.5 million people make software decisions each month. See why Check Point’s customers are so enthusiastic about Check Point’s products. Read on to learn more. Leadership in Next Generation Firewalls: The G2 review Check Point’s firewalls extend cutting-edge technologies to organizations around the globe. With seamless customer protection, “Check Point next generation firewalls (NGFWs) are top of the line network security devices that bring a lot to the table and there are a few key features that put Check Point above the other offerings…These features include the intrusion detection and prevention, threat emulation, and threat extraction features,” stated one enterprise customer in a G2 review. In more condensed statements, customers also say: “Best stable firewall” –IT administrator “Professional service engineers are what sets them apart” –Senior project manager “Clear policy implementation leads to fewer gaps” –Administrator in Financial Services By providing the most sophisticated threat prevention and a consolidated management, Check Point’s firewall appliances are designed to prevent any cyber attack, reduce complexity and lower costs. Amidst a large pool of competitors, Check Point’s firewalls rank...

Laravel Framework Features: That Make It 1st Choice for Development

Who wants to write the code painfully? The answer is nobody. But what if you have less choice of frameworks for efficiently writing codes. Thanks to Laravel, which makes writing code just like a pro and deploys superfast web development processes. Laravel is developed by Taylor Otwell which supports developers with easy and efficient coding emulators. With over 60,000 stars on GitHub, Laravel has enlarged the availability of community members. It is packed with features for developers like routing, session creation, authentication, and flexibility. Laravel framework features provide packed solutions to build compact and code-efficient web applications. Advanced features like MVC architecture support, database migration, diverse template designs, and artisan tools are leveraging the quality and reliability of frameworks. Why is Laravel important? Laravel is one of the forefront PHP framework open source languages. Open source allows new developers to compile their code using the available structure of codes. It also helps them to improve their code reliability. A large group of people is gathered to resolve any issue and welcome to develop any new idea. One of the important features of Laravel is code usability. Web developers need not worry about implementing new code every time. Laravel projects are very budget-friendly, so publishing any new website is a cost-efficient task for developers. Due to its feasible nature, the PHP Laravel framework is mostly loved by small and medium-size projects. It is used for services like web app development, e-commerce, enterprise, and web development. If you are a new developer, and in a dilemma to choose between Laravel PHP framework and other frameworks, then we can help you out by discussing its app-centric...

How to Hire A Ruby on Rails Developer – DistantJob – Remote Recruitment Agency

If you are wondering how to hire a Ruby on Rails developer, you are in the right place. I have been working in the remote recruitment industry for over eight years. During my career, I have met diverse Ruby on Rails developers. More importantly, I had the opportunity to talk with many international clients, listen to their needs, and picture the most suitable candidate for their project.  Working in a remote recruitment agency, my clients have individual needs and different teams. Each company has its culture that impacts the workflow, especially in distributed teams. Daily, your new hire will remotely collaborate with your team members, report to you, and talk to clients. From my experience, an efficient recruitment strategy must find the right personality, not only the right candidate. You want someone who integrates with your workflow to add value with both technical and human skills.  Here is what I have learned during my recruitment journey to help you find the most efficient strategy to hire a Ruby on Rails developer. What Is Ruby on Rails? Ruby on Rails was released in 2004. Since then, you are using it daily with applications like Shopify, Airbnb, Twitch,  SoundCloud, Basecamp, or GitHub. RoR framework is an open-source software free to use. Usually, it ranks as one of the top backend frameworks for the web. Because of its popularity, over 5,000 developers contribute daily to Ruby libraries and the community.  Ruby on Rails is user-friendly and easy to learn. It maximizes the performance by minimizing the written code, maintains time-oriented efficiency, and minimal obstruction during the whole development process. As a result,...

Deploy ASP.NET Core Applications to Azure App Service | Datadog

The ASP.NET Core framework provides cross-platform support for web development, giving you greater control over how you build and deploy your .NET applications. With the ability to run .NET applications on more platforms, you need to ensure that you have visibility into application performance, regardless of where your applications are hosted. In previous posts, we looked at instrumenting and monitoring a .NET application deployed via Docker and AWS Fargate. In this post, we’ll show how Datadog can help you get visibility into a .NET Core application on Azure App Service (AAS), a cloud-based platform-as-a-service (PaaS) for deploying web and mobile applications and other resources. We’ll walk through: Datadog’s Azure integration enables you to capture metrics and logs from all of your resources on Azure, giving you visibility into the performance of your workloads and their underlying infrastructure. Datadog’s extension for Azure App Service provides out-of-the-box instrumentation for .NET applications on AAS as well as support for custom instrumentation, trace ID injection, and application runtime metrics. This enables you to track requests as they move across service and process boundaries, correlate that data with code-level performance, and quickly identify any bottlenecks. To get started, make sure that you have at least version 5 of the .NET Core SDK installed, which includes the .NET CLI. The CLI lets you generate the sample ASP.NET Core application we’ll use throughout this guide. You will also need the Azure CLI in order to publish the application to Azure App Service. Create a new web application project with all of the files needed to run a sample application via the following .NET CLI commands: dotnet...

Real Estate mobile App Development: Cost & Features

Home is called our personal space where we find all the comfort like nowhere. Some people are very selective when it comes to buy or rent a house or a place and they should be, after all, they are going to live there. All the people who are shifting to the new city or buying a new house face a lot of problems, be it about property papers, suitable place, good locality, bachelor problem, and so on. These problems are the reason why real estate app development came into existence and even it is in high demand as well, in the present time. A lot of entrepreneurs want to grab this opportunity and try their hands in this sector to accelerate their business revenue and profit. This high demand also increased the interest of property market fanatics who work between two parties- one who sells the property and the other one who buys it. Real estate app has also made their work easier, similarly, numerous people have developed a sudden interest in the real estate market. But here lies the main question, if you are willing to enter the market with an efficient real estate app, do you have all the information about it? A lot of popular real estate apps are already there in the market like Zillow, Redfin, Trulia, and others, how will you compete with them? Do you know how much does it cost to develop real estate apps like Zillow? By summing up the answers to all these questions, here we have provided you with a complete guide to real estate app development cost &...

Communications Minister, Pantami Becomes Professor of Cyber Security – PRNigeria News

Dr Isa Pantami, Minister of Communication nad Digital Economy Communications Minister, Pantami Becomes Professor of Cyber Security Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, Dr. Isa Ali Ibrahim Pantami has been promoted to the rank of Professor of Cybersecurity. Pantami is among seven Readers (Associate Professors) promoted to Professor by the Governing Council of Federal Univerity of Technology Owerri (FUTO) at its 186th meeting held on Friday, August 20, 2021. Other promoted from Readers to Professor are Engr. Dr Okechukwu Onyelucheya of Chemical Engineering, Dr. Alex I. Opara (Geology), Dr. Conrad Enenebeaku (Chemistry), Dr. Chikwendu Okereke (Geology), Engr. Dr. Lawence Ettu (Civil Engineering) and Dr. Godfrey Emeghara (Maritime Management Technology). The Council also approved the recommendation of the Academic Staff Appointment and Promotions Committee (Professorial) for the promotion of nine Senior Lecturers to Readers and two Senior University Librarians to Deputy University Librarians. An erudite scholar of information technology, Pantami who recently bagged the Security and Emergency Management Award (SAEMA) on Cybersecurity had lectured at Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University (ATBU), Bauchi, on ICT, before joining the Islamic University of Madinah as Head of Technical Writing in 2014. He was appointed the Director-General and CEO of the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) in 2016, before he was appointed the Minister of Communications and Digital Economy on 21 August 2019. A senior lecturer at the FUTO told PRNigeria that the university committee is excited to have Pantami as one of its new seven Professors, even though the Minister as indicated that he would not receive remuneration because of his current position. “We gladly welcome this new set of Professors, in our...

How David Sengeh is using prosthetic limbs and data science to help Sierra Leone

The first time I met David Moinina Sengeh, he was a college senior studying biomedical engineering. The university president asked him to introduce me at a lecture I was giving, and he charmed the crowd by talking about the ways he and I are similar (we both want people to live healthy, fulfilling lives) and how we’re different (our hairstyles). I remember being blown away by his intellect, his ambition, and his sense of humor. It was clear that David had a bright future ahead of him, but I don’t think anyone could have predicted where he’d end up just a few years later: as Sierra Leone’s first chief innovation officer and youngest ever education minister. David grew up in Bo, the second largest city in Sierra Leone. His uncle was a surgeon, and David would sometimes get to sit in and observe his procedures. David remembers one time when a woman showed up for her surgery only to be turned away. His uncle explained that the hospital where he worked didn’t have an ultrasound machine, and he wasn’t comfortable performing the procedure blind. Just a few hours later, during a different procedure, the lights went out in the operating room with a patient open on the table. That’s when he realized what he wanted to do with his life: make sure every health care worker had access to the tools they needed, “I left that day thinking it was great to be a doctor, but I wanted to do biomedical engineering,” says David. So, he went abroad to study—first at a university in Norway and then at Harvard...

How to Build an Android News App with React Native and Native Base

We live in a world where things are constantly changing. So if you want to stay up to date on what’s happening, you’ll want a good News app. To help you learn some cool tech and stay current, in this blog post we’ll build a News Application for Android using React Native. It will fetch headlines from different news channels and show them by category. This is how our app will look when we’re done. So let’s jump right into it. How to Install Expo So, what is Expo? Expo is a framework that helps you build and deploy a React Native app quickly and easily. Let’s install it. Run this command in your terminal to install the Expo CLI. Here, we are using --global to make sure it installs everywhere. After it has been installed, we need to create an Expo Project. Use the above command to initialize the project. It will ask you a few questions, like the name of your application, whether you want add TypeScript in your project, or start with a blank project. Just select blank, and press enter. Then, it will download all the packages and dependencies in the folder. Now, after that’s done, navigate into the project folder. To start the application, type expo start. It will open up developer tools in the browser. Here you’ll see many options on the left, like run on Android device/emulator, or on iOS simulator. We will run the application on the Web Browser, so click the Run in Web Browser option. This is our App.js file, which contains the default boilerplate. Now our application is...

What is Web Development? How to Become a Web Developer [2021 Career Path]

You have just decided to learn how to code and you want to pursue a career in web development. But what exactly is web development? Where can you start learning? How much do web developers make? How do you get a job as a web developer? When I first started learning how to code, I had these exact same questions and more.   In this article, I will provide a basic introduction to web development and provide career resources on how to land a developer job. What is Web Development? Web development is the act of building and maintaining websites for the internet or intranet (private network). Examples of websites you might build would include blogs, personal pages, E-commerce sites, or social media sites. Web developers will work with the client to understand their requirements for the website. Developers will then build, test, and deploy the site and maintain it by fixing issues and adding features. Difference Between Web Developers and Site Builders There are many website builders like Wix and Weebly that make it easy for non-developers to create and launch a website. The question is, why do we need web developers if people can just use website builders instead? This largely depends on the needs and requirements of the project. There are times where it makes sense to hire developers and then there are times where using site builders is an option. For example, if someone wants to create a basic site for their handmade jewelry, then using a website builder is a viable option. These tools are easy to use and inexpensive. But what if someone...
Malcare WordPress Security

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