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Angular Is The Future Of Web And Mobile App Development – TopDevelopers

Angular is one of the most loved technologies by developers. From time to time, developers have found themselves in the tiresome situation of creating the same program or application for web and mobile platforms (native), while keeping the project files separately for each of them. It is tiresome to code the same thing twice, and it’s no wonder developers for years have wanted a technology that can allow them to share the resources between different projects in one place and also keep the codes separate for each platform. Hence Angular was born. Why Do Developers Love Angular Framework? When we talk about technologies, Angular has its own fanbase. Developers love it. It is a google-backed open-source JavaScript frontend framework that allows modern dynamic web application development. It was introduced in 2009, has since then become one of the most preferred platforms. The major reason for mass adaptation of this technology is its ability to eliminate the need for writing unnecessary code. It reduces development time, ensures code quality, and also allows faster and lighter development of applications. Most Broadly Used Tools Among Professional Developers What is Angular Framework Best at Creating? The features of any technology decide its future and also the industry. The same goes for the Angular framework, the use of this technology, however, is widely found, but in some industries that it dominates is: 1.Weather Applications Weather applications are high-performing applications that use an intuitive interface. It is very important that the application is easy to use and provides a great experience to the users. The angular framework can be used to develop weather applications because...

Back to School Cyber Security Tips – Panda Security

Millions of children are back to school. Some of them are physically back to school, while others continue to practice distance learning from home. Whatever the case, little ones from all school-age years are more and more relying on technology to conduct school tasks. While technology is in place to ease their lives and make engagement more appealing, it also comes with many risks that may look obvious to adults but sadly are not as clear for children. Having a conversation with your kids about technology and how to stay safe might help them feel more comfortable using digital tools for education and hopefully will protect them from becoming victims. Children sometimes are more knowledgeable than their parents and grandparents, but understanding technology does not necessarily mean that they understand the risks associated with it. Here are the top five back to school cyber security tips that we believe are worth mentioning to newbies and seasoned school-goers. Familiarize yourself with the tech tools used by your child Distance learning and the transition to at-home education have made children very dependent on technology. One of the first things that parents should consider doing before opening the conversation about cyber security is familiarizing themselves with the digital environemnt and the equipment their children are using. You can learn more about it by simply asking your child to show you how their day is going. Knowing what they do on those laptops/tablets will help parents give better recommendations. Clicking on sketchy links is not a good idea Keep in mind that your kids have grown in a wholly digital world. While some...

Reactjs Ecommerce Template Free – Product Listing Page Grid View

Hello my friends, welcome back to my blog. Today in this blog post, I am going to show you, Reactjs Ecommerce Template Free – Product Listing Page Grid View. Reactjs Free Responsvie Templates For react js new comers, please check the below link:React js Basic Tutorials Friends now I proceed onwards and here is the working code snippet for Reactjs Ecommerce Template Free – Product Listing Page Grid View and please use this carefully to avoid the mistakes: 1. Firstly friends we need fresh reactjs setup and for that we need to run below commands into our terminal and also w should have latest node version installed on our system: Guys you can skip this first step if you already have reactjs fresh setup: npx create-react-app reacttemplate cd reacttemplate npm start // run the project 2. Now friends, please download zip(in this zip file there are js, css and images for ecommerce template) file from below path and extract zip and get all the folders. Create assets folder inside reactecommerce/public folder. Now please put that folders(which we will get from zip file) in “assets” folder. https://therichpost.com/e-shop.zip 3. Now friends please add below inside  reactecommerce/public/index.html file: ... <head> <link href="assets/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="assets/css/ui.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="assets/css/responsive.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="assets/css/all.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="assets/js/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="assets/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </head> ... 4. Finally friends we need to add below code into our src/App.js file to get final output on web browser: function App() { return ( <div className="App"> <header class="section-header"> <section class="header-main border-bottom"> <div class="container"> <div class="row align-items-center"> <div class="col-lg-2 col-4"> <a href="#" class="brand-wrap"> Company Name </a> </div> <div class="col-lg-6 col-sm-12"> <form action="#" class="search"> <div class="input-group...

Encapsulating Ruby on Rails views

With the recent release of version 6.1, Ruby on Rails now supports the rendering of objects that respond to render_in, a change we introduced to the framework. It may be small (the two pull requests were less than a dozen lines), but this change has enabled us to develop a framework for building encapsulated views called ViewComponent. Why encapsulation matters Unlike models and controllers, Rails views are not encapsulated. All Rails views in an application exist in a single execution context, meaning they can share state. This makes them hard to reason about and difficult to test, as they cannot be easily isolated. The need for a new way of building views in our application emerged as the number of templates in the GitHub application grew into the thousands. We depended on a combination of presenters and partials with inline Ruby, tested by expensive integration tests that exercise the routing and controller layers in addition to the view layer. Inspired by our experience building component-based UI with React, we set off to build a framework to bring these ideas to server-rendered Rails views. Enter ViewComponent We created the ViewComponent framework for building reusable, testable & encapsulated view components in Ruby on Rails. A ViewComponent is the combination of a Ruby file and a template file. For example: test_component.rb class TestComponent < ViewComponent::Base def initialize(title:) @title = title end end test_component.html.erb <span title="<%= @title %>"> <%= content %> </span> Which is rendered in a view: <%= render(TestComponent.new(title: "my title")) do %> Hello, World! <% end %> Returning: <span title="my title">Hello, World!</span> Unlike traditional Rails views, ViewComponent templates are executed within the context of the ViewComponent object, encapsulating their...

Application Performance Monitoring (APM): Why You Need It | Laravel News

Application Performance Monitoring (APM), as the name suggests, is the process of monitoring the performance of the many aspects of your application. When an end-user logs into your application, for even just one web page to load on their device, there are very many backstage components that need to come together and operate in synchrony to ensure a smooth and fast experience. These include network components (that carry the bytes of data), software components (e.g., server-side frameworks, front-end code, and other dependencies), and hardware components (i.e., CPU processors, memory, and storage of machines that host your web servers, APIs, databases, file systems, etc.) It can become overwhelming to manually keep track of your application performance on all these different levels and across all components. This is even truer when you ideally want monitoring and checks to happen all the time, in real-time! Well, this is precisely the problem that APM solutions target. APM tools, like ScoutAPM, allow organizations to get a detailed analysis of the performance of your applications, in real-time. This includes critical information about server requests, response times, time-consuming methods and end-points, errors and their root cause analysis, and lots more – presented in a way that is easy to understand and troubleshoot. These performance insights provide a lot of valuable information about optimizing resource allocations and effective cost reductions while surfacing other issues that could potentially fail your application – and all before the user gets a hint of anything being amiss. Apart from presenting a bird’s eye view of what is happening within your application as a whole, APM tools provide you with your application’s...

Top Mobile App Development Companies in Ahmedabad

Creating the best products with a pixel-perfect eye for features and a high standard for artistic excellence would soon endow 21Twelve Interactive as one of the top mobile app development service providers in Ahmedabad at GoodFirms. Overview: Incorporated in 2017 and based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, is a web & custom mobile app development company producing cutting-edge apps to solve everyday perplexities, simplify frustrating outcomes, and bring endless fun to clients’ standard of work. As a premium provider, 21Twelve provides hi-tech web and mobile apps development solutions. It is one of the reputed appellations in Android, iPhone application development as it works on core WordPress, PHP, Joomla, and other open-source customization and outcomes. Its mission is to produce innovative and reliable products to meet the client’s needs with almost quality and unwavering business ethics, featuring agile methodology. Besides this, 21Twelve Interactive’s vision is to contribute to the technological era by giving enhanced and compelling products with effective productivity schemes and executing business ethics to match the industry requirements for business people worldwide. GoodFirms’ Research Process: GoodFirms bolsters the service seekers in finding the most pleasant partner with its genuine research on the IT businesses that results from the analysis of the three main factors – Quality, Reliability and Ability. Likewise, also evaluated 21Twelve Interactive for manifesting mobile app development, web development, and digital marketing services in Ahmedabad, Hamilton, and New York, respectively. Mobile App Development: As the world progresses through digital conversion, mobile apps have become essential rather than a value enhancement device. Ergo, the team helps business people to stay relevant in the market; the app developers help...

How Long Does it Take to Get Certified in Cyber Security?

Cyber security is the practice of protecting devices, networks, programs, and data from attack or damage or unauthorized access. It is one of the most crucial aspects of digitalized business organizations that hackers constantly target. It is not limited to business but an essential element of the military, corporate, government, financial, and medical organizations that store humongous amounts of data on computers and other online platforms in the form of cloud data. Due to the importance of cyber security,  certified professionals is always on demand. Why you Should Take a Cyber Security Course The cyber security diploma course can enable you to understand the data management, operating systems, and general systems communications crucial for a successful career in cybersecurity. It can equip you with skills and knowledge to enter into the opportunity-filled sector with ease and competence. The cyber security diploma course duration ranges between 40 to 42 weeks of intensive learning sessions conducted by expert tutors. To earn a certification in cyber security diploma, it may take some time to qualify for the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) examination recognized globally by IT security professionals. Individuals may take a different amount of time to pass the same test. However, the CISSP aspirant must hold a work experience of five years, which is the minimum requirement to appear for the examination. A CISSP certification can grow your career trajectory by exposing you to prestigious job opportunities that offer you a higher salary. You can stand out from the crowd by displaying your hands-on experience in cybersecurity. However, to become eligible to appear for a CISSP exam, you must...

How to set-up a powerful API with Nodejs, GraphQL, MongoDB, Hapi, and Swagger

This article was originally published at strilliant.com — please give some love to the original! ❤Separating your frontend and backend has many advantages: The biggest reason why reusable APIs are popular — APIs allow you to consume data from a web client, mobile app, desktop app — any client really. Separation of concerns. Long gone are the days where you have one monolithic-like app where everything is bundled together. Imagine you have an extremely convoluted application. Your only option is to hire extremely experienced/senior developers due to the natural complexity. I’m all for hiring juniors and training your staff, and that’s exactly why you should separate concerns. With separation of concerns, you can reduce the complexity of your application by splitting responsibilities into “micro-services” where each team is specialized in their micro-service. As mentioned above, the on-boarding/ramp-up process is much quicker thanks to splitting up responsibilities (backend team, frontend team, dev ops team, and so on) Forward thinking and getting started We will be building a very powerful, yet flexible, GraphQL API based on Nodejs with Swagger documentation powered by MongoDB.The main backbone of our API will be Hapi.js. We will go over all the technology in substantial detail.At the very end, we will have a very powerful GraphQL API with great documentation.The cherry on top will be our integration with the client (React, Vue, Angular) Prerequisites NodeJS installed Basic JavaScript — if you feel wary, check out this article for the best courses to brush up on your JavaScript game Terminal (any will do, preferably bash-based) Text editor (any will do) MongoDB (install instructions here) — Mac: brew...

China’s ‘surveillance creep’: How big data COVID monitoring could be used to control people post-pandemic – ABC News

China has used big data to trace and control the outbreak of COVID-19. This has involved a significant endeavour to build new technologies and expand its already extensive surveillance infrastructure across the country. In our recent study, we show how the State Council, the highest administrative government unit in China, plans to retain some of those new capabilities and incorporate them into the broader scheme of mass surveillance at a national level. This is likely to lead to tighter citizen monitoring in the long term. This phenomenon of adopting a system of surveillance for one purpose and using it past the originally intended aims is known as “function creep”. In China, this involves the use of big data initially collected to monitor people’s COVID status and movements around the country to keep the pandemic under control. The Chinese government has been quite successful at this, despite recent spikes in infections in eastern China. But this big data exercise has also served as an opportunity for authorities to patch gaps in the country’s overall surveillance infrastructure and make it more cohesive, using the COVID crisis as cover to avoid citizen backlash. AP: Chinatopix How does China’s COVID surveillance system work? Two key shifts have occurred to enable more comprehensive surveillance during the pandemic. First, a more robust system was constructed to collect and monitor big data related to pandemic control. Second, these data were then collated at the provincial levels and transferred to a national, unified platform where they were analysed. This analysis focused on calculated levels of risk for every individual related to possible exposure to COVID. This is...

How to Know the Right Mobile App Development Framework

Defining Mobile App Development Framework In simple terms, a mobile app development framework a collection of tools that help developers to create mobile applications. The framework offers a sturdy structure that boosts the process and gives support to mobile app development. The advantage of the mobile app development framework is that it is cost-effective. Let us now analyze the factors to consider when selecting the right mobile app development framework. Factors to consider when choosing a Mobile App Development Framework Some of the burning questions when creating a mobile app are Due to increased technology, a lot of mobile app development frameworks keep rising, and selecting the best one becomes a bit tricky. Choosing the best mobile app development framework is more than just comparing a few distinctive features but knowing what tasks you need the framework to accomplish for you.  Before settling for one, understand the needs of your business deeply. Below are some of the tips to help you select the best mobile app development framework: Design & UI for Your Mobile Apps Think about the type of UI you need before choosing a mobile app development framework. Different business setups have different UI parameter needs; thus, analyzing your business first will give you a clear direction on the best mobile app development framework to use. Mobile App Development Partner The types of partners matter a lot when selecting the best mobile app development framework. There are many vendors in the markets offering different services and support for the framework you choose. It is advisable to conduct an analysis of the market and select the framework that...

Too many accounts hurting your cyber security?

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The world runs on technology. Regardless of your industry, software powers your enterprise. Roughly 10% of enterprises use more thoftware apps. Much of the time, these tools require usernames and passwords for each user. Does this translate to too many accounts to keep track of? Unused accounts can pose security risks, both for organizations and for individuals. Why we have too many accounts Remember that time when so-and-so encouraged your enterprise to check out a free trial version of that new software service? Or that one-off occasion when you ordered a bottle of whisky as a thank you gift for a business partner? The online accounts created and no longer used could leak company or personal credit card information, passwords or other sensitive data. Unused online accounts, aka “zombie accounts,” can pose significant security risk. If a data breach hits the host organization, your enterprise could suffer downstream effects, which could manifest in a wide variety of different ways. It’s more common than you might think. Examples of “zombie account” risks For enterprises, certain types of older, unused administrative accounts can place your online environment in jeopardy. While administrative accounts used to represent a necessary component of platform use, today’s technology configurations mean that many of these accounts can be closed. Removing administrative account access when unnecessary can help limit security vulnerabilities. For enterprises and employees alike, “you may be supplying a steady stream of personal data to online companies you’ve forgotten about,” warns a consumer report. These companies may collect calendar information, contact information, or even bank account details. Because unused accounts are usually out-of-sight and...

How to set up a project with Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL and GraphQL

Setting up a project with Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL and GraphQL is actually pretty straightforward. But first, some prerequisites. For this tutorial (tested on versions 2.7.3, and 11.0 respectively), you must have all three, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL and GraphQL installed on your development machine. Some general knowledge of Ruby and Rails is also recommended. Before we begin, however, you might be wondering why anyone would want to replace the perfectly fine experience provided by the traditional REST API with one offered by GraphQL. Well, one obvious reason is that GraphQL deals quite elegantly with resources over- and under-fetching. With GraphQL you are given the exact information you request – nothing more, nothing less. Moreover, it is almost self-documenting, making that one less item on your list of things to worry about. And there are other pros to GraphQL, such as it being both strongly typed and language and database independent. But in the meantime, I’ll leave those for you to explore on your own. So, without further ado, let’s set up our first GraphQL API on Ruby on Rails. Setting Up GraphQL for Rails Step 1 – PostgreSQL database Let’s create a Ruby on Rails API app with PostgreSQL as the database. We’ll be making a very simple bookshelf API. Step 2 – GraphQL to Gemfile Let’s add GraphQL to our project. To do so, add gem ‘graphql’ to your Gemfile. For testing your queries in development, add gem ‘graphiql-rails’ under the development category. Now, let’s install our gems. Make sure that your config/routes.rb includes the following: Step 3 – Create database Time to create the database...

Cyber security: 10 questions Canadian Board of Directors need to ask – IT World Canada

By Cheryl McGrath, ICD.D; Area Vice President and Canadian Country Manager, Optiv Security | James Turgal, Vice President Cyber Risk, Strategy & Transformation, Optiv Security This is the whole game. Cyber security is an enterprise-wide risk management issue, not just an IT issue. Boards need to constantly be looking beyond the headlines that detail the latest breach and consider how they can learn from attackers’ latest methodologies and strategies and ensure the organizations they oversee are prepared. Board and management discussions should include identification of which risks must absolutely be prevented and which to mitigate or transfer through insurance, as well as what specific roadmap and plans are in the company’s detailed cyber plan. What are the current top 10 cyber preparedness questions boards of directors need to ask management? We should number the questions as we’ve stated there are 10. 1) What are the organization’s high value assets? How does the company protect both Information Technology and Operational Technology? Working with Optiv to understand the threats facing your critical assets (including Information Technology and Operational Technology) and closing vulnerability gaps within and between these ecosystems will allow you to gain competitive advantages, greater efficiencies and new market opportunities. We help you through rapid threat assessment, penetration testing, deployment and managed tooling and beyond. 2) Does the organization have a relationship with local police jurisdictions, RCMP, CCCS (Canadian Centre for Cyber Security) and/or reporting thresholds for notifying the police/RCMP/regulators? Working with law enforcement is a vital component of the cybersecurity world. Threat actors come from all backgrounds and locations and working with the local police force, RCMP and regulators...

Web designer vs web developer – Pixetiс

When it comes to building a new website/app or updating the existing one, it is essential to know the difference between a web designer and a web developer, whose goals may seem a bit similar at the first glance. Although these two positions relate to building a website or a product and can use the same tools, their roles are distinctive in the terms of goal achievement. So let’s dig in and break down each role in detail, so you can easily figure out which one will best suit your project. A web designer: takes care of feel and look A web designer is a person who is responsible for layouts and the visual aspect of your product, as well as for the interaction between different pieces and parts in order to provide a user with usability and seamless flow. Web designers do not build a website – they make prototypes, wireframes (let’s say they craft ideas in a beautiful way) to help developers proceed with the implementation.  In essence, a designer is like an architect who focuses on technical aspects such as wireframes, code, content management. However, a great design is not about the integration of all visual elements into functionality – it is rather about adhering to the design process, which results in feasible products that are ready to be worked on by the developers’ team.  In order to conceptualize the product and make it stand out from the crowd, a designer has to stay updated on the latest design trends and follow best practices. User persona must be an essential part of a designer’s research before...

Build an Authenticated GraphQL App with Angular, ASP.NET Core and IdentityServer – Part 1

Build an Authenticated GraphQL App with Angular, ASP.NET Core and IdentityServer – Part 1 Published Dec 8, 2019 • Updated Mar 19, 2020 Whatever end of the software development stack you spend the majority of your time in, if you’re building a modern web or mobile application in 2019, you’ve at least heard of or are actively working with GraphQL in some capacity. Originally created and open-sourced by Facebook back in 2015 its rapid adoption saw it move to its own foundation in 2018 to be maintained by The Linux Foundation technology consortium. Its become popular due to its ability to simplify client-server interaction while improving the developer experience and productivity. These benefits are a result of reducing the amount of friction and complexity front-end, and back-end teams face while trying to build critical data integrations between application UIs and backend APIs. With such a high emphasis on flexibility and speed to market in today’s software solutions, GraphQL is taking preference over traditional REST APIs for these reasons. Last year I did an introductory post on using GraphQL dotnet with ASP.NET Core. That article still generates some questions from folks involving more real-world use cases that require things like user authentication and UI integration with a given front-end web or mobile technology. With the recent release of ASP.NET Core 3 and continued interest in GraphQL since my original post, it’s a great time to look at a complete example that includes an Angular front-end along with IdentityServer on the back-end to build a fully integrated, modern GraphQL solution. There’s a bit to cover here, so as you may have...

Docker 201: Use NGINX as a Reverse Proxy for NodeJS Server in 2020! 📦 🙌 (practical guide) – DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻

I will skip “What/Why Docker?” part to make it straight to the point! 🤝 Goal: We are gonna use NGINX as a Reverse Proxy for a NodeJS Server. ⧚ For that, I will use 2 Docker images from Docker Hub – One is for NodeJS and another one is for NGINX 🤞 Let’s see this in action! I have already installed – We will create a simple Node Server. We will use http module from node and make a simple http server. server.js file contains the code of our server- var http = require('http'); var server = http.createServer(function (request, response) { response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"}); response.end("Node & Docker Running..."); }); server.listen(3333); console.log("Node HTTP Server started at http://localhost:3333/"); If we run node server.js on our terminal, it will start the server at 3333 port on localhost. We can open a browser and hit http://localhost:3333/ and we can see server is sending the text Node & Docker Running…. Awesome 👏 Now, we want to create a docker image for our Node Server. To do this, we need to create a file named Dockerfile with the below commands- FROM mhart/alpine-node COPY server.js . EXPOSE 3333 CMD node server.js Here, I have used mhart/alpine-node(Minimal Node.js Docker Image) for having NodeJS environment. EXPOSE 3333 means – 3333 port is intended to be published. Now that we have our Dockerfile ready, we will build a Docker image from this file. We can run on the terminal- docker build -t docknode . *Here, docknode is the image name. We can use any name. I will run the docker image now which will make a container for us-...

Advisor Baseer Khan visits Kulgam; Inspects Rural Development, Flood Protection, PDD works; E-inaugurates AALOW Mobile app, development works – India Education | Latest Education News | Global Educational News | Recent Educational News

KULGAM : Advisor to Lieutenant Governor, Baseer Ahmad Khan, today conducted an extensive tour of Kulgam to inspect various development works being executed in the district besides reviewing Independence Day preparations, flood protection and Power Development Department works. Advisor inspected ongoing restoration work on Hernag at Pahaloo being executed by Rural Development Department under MGNREGA with an estimated cost of Rs. 19.95 lakh. He directed the Deputy Commissioner to link the project with Jal Shakti Department to utilize this water source under Jal Jeevan Mission. Advisor inspected work on flood protection bund at Aadigantnoo and was informed that two thousand running feet bund has already been constructed with an estimated cost of Rs. 2.92 crore in convergence mode and the department has now undertaken the extension work of this flood protection project with a cost of Rs. 1 crore. He gave on spot instructions to RDD and Flood Control Department to identify critical spots along the banks of river Veshow which endanger the habitations during rains and floods so that necessary work is taken up there under convergence mode. Later, Advisor convened a meeting with District Development Council Chairperson, Mohammad Afzal Parrey, Deputy Commissioner, Dr. Bilal Mohiudin Bhat, Director Rural Development, Tariq Ahmed Zargar, Senior Superintendent of Police Gurinderpaul Singh and other senior officers. Deputy Commissioner highlighted achievements recorded under various sectors in the district through a Power Point Presentation. While reviewing power scenario in the district, Advisor directed the concerned officers to ensure adequate power supply across the district. He directed to submit additional requirement for augmenting the power network in the district. He also asked for replacement...

What is purple teaming and how can it strengthen your cyber security?

Red and blue teaming are well-established concepts in information security, but recent years have given rise to a more collaborative approach – purple teaming. To defend against rapidly evolving cyber threats, businesses need to continually adapt and innovate. This means that red and blue teams must work together on an ongoing basis to maximise their individual and collective impact. Red vs blue teams – what’s the difference? A red team is a group of offensive security professionals tasked with using real-life adversarial techniques to help organisations identify and address vulnerabilities across infrastructure, systems and applications, as well as weaknesses in processes and human behaviour. In contrast, a blue team, typically based in a Cyber Security Operations Centre (CSOC), is a group of analysts and engineers responsible for defending organisations from cyber-attacks through a combination of threat prevention, deception, detection and response. Implementing a joint approach Regardless of size, industry or resources, all organisations need red and blue team expertise to effectively combat cyber threats. Red team activities, from vulnerability assessments and penetration testing to full-scale cyber-attack simulations, are specifically designed to identify security exposures by challenging blue teams and assessing detection techniques and processes. Red team assessments can be used to test organisations against the latest tools, tactics and procedures used by criminal adversaries, and provide vital feedback to improve threat hunting, monitoring and incident response. The reality for many organisations, however, is that red and blue teams are often completely separate and disconnected entities. In some small organisations, for example, in-house IT staff are often tasked with monitoring, detection and response, while ethical hackers are commissioned by external...
Malcare WordPress Security

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