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How to Implement JWT Authentication in Web API Using .Net 6.0, Asp.Net Core

In this article, we are going to create a web application using .Net 6.0 and ASP.Net Core and also implement JWT Authentication. JWT stands for JSON Web Token digitally signed using a secret key by a token provider. It helps the resource server to verify the token data using the same secret key. JWT consists of three parts: Here I am going to use Visual Studio 2022 and SQL Server 2014. Creating Tables First, we will create a database named “JWTAuthentication” or we can use any name and create two tables “UserInfo” and “Employee”. Open SQL Server and paste the below query to create the tables. Create the Application Here we will create a new project using Blazor WebAssembly App and .Net 6.0. Now open Visual Studio 2022 and follow the below steps. Step 1 In this step, we will select the “Blazor WebAssembly App” project type. Here we will select Framework type as .NET 6.0 and also select the ASP.NET Core hosted option. Now, our application will be created with a folder structure as given in the below image. Install Required Nuget Packages Go to the “Tools” menu, select NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console and then run the below commands to add database provider and Entity Framework Tools. => Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore => Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer => Install-Package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer Adding the Model to the Application Now we will create two Model classes that will contain the UserInfo and Employee model properties. To do that right-click on the “JWTAuth.WebApi” project and add a New Folder as “Models”. Then right-click on the “Models” folder and add two classes as “UserInfo.cs” and...

Top 10 Mobile App Development Companies in Singapore 2022

Selecting the best among the Top App Developers in Singapore is always difficult for everyone when you want the best, user-friendly, optimized and top-rated mobile app for your business. The Mobile App Development Companies in Singapore, always try to make their clients happy through their results and all of their results of iOS Mobile App Development are always unique and demanding. If we talk about the employees at the Android & iOS Mobile App Development Company, then they are very much professional, highly-skilled, expert and talented which make them the best in understanding the needs of their client and all of these skills make them the Best Enterprise Mobile App Development Companies in Singapore. These days, the Mobile App Development Services Provider has expertise in designing and developing the mobile apps for both of the Android as well as iPhone. So, they can easily get the position for the Top App Development Companies Singapore. Other things that also matter in getting mobile app development company on to the top-most position are their reviews, their mediums of communication, their social media, their recent projects, their past history, and many other things. 01. Vinova :The trusted mobile application and software partner for enterprises, SMEs, and startups since 2010. Mobile apps developed by Vinova have been used by millions of users in Singapore. Notable apps include: The Straits Times, The Business Times, STOMP, SoShiok, SG50 Quiz, SG Stocks, Prudential, UOB, OCBC, NUS, and MARS.Constant innovation and dedication are the guiding principles of every employee at Vinova, and they bear these principles in mind throughout their day-to-day operations, and inject these goals into...

Top Blockchain Developers In Singapore

What is Blockchain? Imagine a book in which you record business transactions. Blockchain is essentially an e-book that does just that. Blockchain is a digital ledger which keeps not only records of all transactions, but also does so in a very secure way. All information transferred via blockchain is encrypted, which means that once recorded, the information cannot be changed.  No more concerns about theft or fraud – your precious assets are safe! In addition, blockchain records transactions on a peer-to-peer network, which means there is no middle man, no intermediary you need to pay or deal with. There is no central, certifying authority. Think about how much cost that saves you! Why do you need a Blockchain developer? If you think of cryptocurrency like Bitcoin when you think about Blockchain, then it’s like thinking about pasta dishes when it comes to cooking meals. Sure, you can cook pasta, but there’s so many other dishes you can cook! Blockchain can be used in the following examples: Energy and SustainabilityMedicine, Healthcare, Life SciencesInsuranceCopyright and IdentityLawSports and EsportsMedia and EntertainmentSupply Chain and Logistics… and more! Outside of finance and financial applications, blockchain can be useful in any industry that requires transaction automation and security improvement. Top Blockchain Development Companies in Singapore Vinova We won’t be shy to say that you’ll be in good hands with us. Vinova has a well-established track record of over ten years of developmental success and integrity. Headquartered in the stable and well-connected city of Singapore, Vinova has steadily grown in reputation and expertise to become a market leader with no lack of testimonials to their technical...

The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Florist

There’s no denying the fact that the style and design of your home or event will have a profound impact on how you can leave a lasting impression on your guests. After all, the flowers and the sense of style will have a strong impact on how everyone perceives your effort. If you don’t get everything done right, it will be hard to ensure that you’ve nailed it. So when you’re in the process of getting things done rightly, here’s how a professional florist can help you out: ●       Creating a Unique Look Long story cut short, florists are creative people and know-how to come up with the perfect color combination. They will come up with a stunning bouquet combination that will make a statement in your home or at the event. For example, if you consider florist Singapore, you will be thrilled to know that they can easily help you create a nice vibe around the place, which needs to be embellished. The professionals will work on the right color scheme and ensure that the environment is in coherence with the theme. ●       Less Stress No wonder, hiring professionals is one of the easiest ways to declutter your mind. Because home décor or event management is a hefty process, having the expert around will be like a breath of fresh air for you. They will take over the responsibility, so you can focus on the rest of the tasks. Secondly, because you won’t have to choose and buy the fresh flowers in bulk yourself, you will be relieved by the end of the day. The professional will take...

Job Search Mobile App Development Cost & Key Features

In today’s era, finding a job is undeniably a tedious task. You cannot visit each and every company for dropping your resume. Indeed, websites such as Naukri.com, Monster.Com helped the users to seek their desired jobs but eventually, the tech generation is now looking forward to faster and reliable mobile solutions. Well, yes the landscape of the mobile app industry is covering all the domains and thus people are looking for such options in order to hit upon the right business organization. However, developing a job search mobile app is a toiling task, so it is always suggested that you begin with the services for which the users just cannot wait to use. Now once you find the right mobile app development company for making your job finder mobile app, it is imperative that you must have the app idea clear in your mind. So, here you will find out the basic architecture of a job search mobile app along with the technologies, best features, and cost of development. User Panel: The job seekers application development becomes a complicated process, that becomes difficult for the employees to take care of. We have been delivering solutions that make it easier for you to earn a reputation that takes your business to the top of your game.  Our job search mobile app development team ensures that the solutions that are delivered to you help job seekers earn the best of the results. With most features in the application, we make sure that the solutions that are delivered to you are defined by the advanced feature set that makes it easier for...

IBM adds support for cyber security industry standards into IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management Automotive Compliance

Cars are increasingly becoming more like mobile datacenters. From advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS) to connected car services – data driven, personalized and seamless experiences inside the car are now as important to consumers as traditional attributes, such as handling, horsepower or styling. But along with these new software-defined vehicles comes a growing risk of cyber security threats. Several reports have noted a significant rise in malicious programs targeting cars, and consumers are taking note: in a 2019 IBM consumer survey, we found that 62 percent of consumers would consider one brand over another if it had better security and privacy measures. This has prompted new industry standards that automakers need to implement as part of the development process to help curb risks and keep drivers safe. Regulatory compliance paves the way for cyber security Last year, the United National Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) mandated new regulations on the cybersecurity management systems for new vehicles. These regulations require manufacturers to have evidence of a certified Cyber Security Management System, as well as a Software Update Management System for all new vehicles in 2022. And, by 2024, all prior makes and models will need to be updated to comply. In response, this year, the International Organization for Standardization and SAE International introduced ISO/SAE 21434, a new standard with process requirements for cybersecurity risk management of road vehicle systems. Covered processes include the complete life cycle from concept, development, production, operations and maintenance, to decommissioning. While important, these standards become one more compliance requirement for automakers to verify, drawing automotive engineering resources away from innovation. Today during IAA Mobility 2021,...

We’re ditching Ruby on Rails for JavaScript & Node.js

During my college years, as a software engineering student, Java was the new kid on the block. Fortunately, I had a few visionary professors eager to tag C++ as something of the past and move forward to the wonderful world of “code once, deploy anywhere”. Most of the assignments were in Java, but we also tried other technologies such as C, C++, Cobol, OCAML… and JavaScript. As soon as I started to work with JavaScript, I got the immediate feeling that it was designed with an hack & slash approach to get something done and should not outlive more than a couple of prototypes. No one back then was willing to bet the farm on JavaScript, but we couldn’t be more wrong. Twenty years later, our industry allowed JavaScript to move to the back-end and now it’s everywhere. Why Ruby on Rails in the first place? The years following my graduation were, as foreseen by the university professors, spent coding in Java. I loved how Sun designed the language and Java VM, but I always questioned their over-complicated way of designing the Standard Development Kit (SDK). It seemed like they were eager to use every pattern in the famous book written by the Gang of Four, and the first contact with J2EE gave me the impression that Martin Fowler offered Sun the draft to his yet to be published book Enterprise Design Patterns, and they made a TODO list out of it. The Java ecosystem was so over-engineered that it became a common practice to factor two weeks in a project plan just to bootstrap a slightly complex product....

Deep machine learning study finds that body shape is associated with income

A new study published in PLOS One has found a relationship between a person’s body shape and their family income. The findings provide more evidence for the “beauty premium” — a phenomenon in which people who are physically attractive tend to earn more than their less attractive counterparts. Researchers have consistently found evidence for the beauty premium. But Suyong Song, an associate professor at The University of Iowa, and his colleagues observed that the measurements used to gauge physical appearance suffered some important limitations. “I have been curious of whether or not there is physical attractiveness premium in labor market outcomes. One of the challenges is how researchers overcome reporting errors in body measures such as height or weight, as most previous studies often defined physical appearance from subjective opinions based on surveys,” Song explained. “The other challenge is how to define body shapes from these body measures, as these measures are too simple to provide a complete description of body shapes. In this study, collaborated with one of my coauthors (Stephen Baek at University of Virginia), we use novel data which contains three-dimensional whole-body scans. Using a state-of-the art machine learning technique, called graphical autoencoder, we addressed these concerns.” The researchers used the deep machine learning methods to identify important physical features in whole-body scans of 2,383 individuals from North America. The data came from the Civilian American and European Surface Anthropometry Resource (CAESAR) project, a study conducted primarily by the U.S. Air Force from 1998 to 2000. The dataset included detailed demographic information, tape measure and caliper body measurements, and digital three-dimensional whole-body scans of participants. “The...

CASB vs IAM: Compare Cyber Security Solutions

Cloud access security brokers (CASBs) and identity and access management (IAM) tools are both security solutions designed to help protect enterprise assets stored in the cloud from threats. But when it comes to CASB vs IAM, how exactly do these two solutions differ? And how do they work together? To begin with, CASBs monitor cloud-based applications, data, and services. Conversely, IAM manages user access to cloud resources based on identity information — such as usernames and passwords, or digital keys and certificates. CASB vs IAM: Do They Work Together? Each tool serves to improve visibility across hybrid IT infrastructure while enhancing collaboration between security teams. CASBs monitor activity across a variety of cloud-based services, which means they have a bird’s eye view of how people are accessing applications from different locations. CASBs alert IAM tools when new devices appear, and IAM checks with CASB to see what credentials were used. CASBs alert IAM tools when new devices appear on the network, and IAM checks with the CASB to see what credentials were used to gain access. Once the CASB tells IAM about new devices connecting with corporate assets, IAM can check user access levels against permissions in place, blocking or removing privileges for certain accounts while leaving others untouched. These two systems to work together to provide robust protection against common threats, like phishing schemes or malware infections, through vulnerability scanning. How Can You Integrate IAM With CASB? Integration techniques differ depending on your specific needs and priorities, but some simple ways to increase efficiencies can be achieved without too much additional effort. By providing IAM admins with a...

8 Startups That Owe Their Success to Ruby on Rails – Nopio

Ruby on Rails is an established, battle-tested technology that served as an excellent framework for software developers. But what’s the secret behind the success of Rails? One good reason is that ever since it appeared on the tech scene, it’s been part of projects launched by companies that have become some of the fastest-growing and largest startups we’ve ever seen. Read on to find out why startups choose Rails and discover the most spectacular success stories of companies based on RoR. Why do startups pick Ruby on Rails? There are many reasons why Ruby on Rails has become such a critical technology for startups that want to transform their business ideas into applications and saleable products quickly. But these 3 features make RoR incredibly successful among startups: Efficiency – Rails includes many tools, plugins, and modules that allow developers to save plenty of time and avoid writing boilerplate code. Rails teams build applications 30–40% faster than teams with a different technology stack. Scalability – it’s easy to scale up applications built with RoR to match the constantly evolving business need or unpredictable events. Moreover, if you’re creating a product for a large user base, Rails helps to ensure that once it kicks off, it can cope with all the visitors. Cost-effectiveness – Rails is an open-source framework distributed under the MIT license, so you don’t need to spend any money on the framework. RoR is surrounded by an ecosystem of fantastic free tools that speed up the development process and let your team focus on what matters most – the value your product brings to end-users. Now that you...

Announcing .NET Core 3.0 Preview 9

Today, we’re announcing .NET Core 3.0 Preview 9. Just like with Preview 8, we’ve focused on polishing .NET Core 3.0 for a final release and aren’t adding new features. If these final builds seem less exciting than earlier previews, that’s by design. Download .NET Core 3.0 Preview 9 right now on Windows, macOS, and Linux. ASP.NET Core, EF Core and Visual Studio are also releasing updates today. Details: .NET Core 3.0 is launching at .NET Conf Tune in for .NET Conf, September 23-25th. We will launch .NET Core 3.0 during .NET Conf. Yes, that means that Preview 9 is the last preview, and .NET Core 3.0 will be released in its final version later this month. We have a lot of great speakers and content prepared for .NET Conf this year. It’s one of the big .NET developer events each year, and you cannot beat the price. It’s free and streaming online. Visual Studio Support .NET Core 3.0 is supported with Visual Studio 2019 16.3 Preview 3 and Visual Studio for Mac 8.3, which were also released today. Please upgrade to it for the best (and supported) experience with .NET Core 3.0 Preview 9. See Visual Studio 2019 16.3 release notes for more information. We know that some folks have been successful using .NET Core 3.0 builds with Visual Studio 2019 16.2 and wonder why 16.3 is required. The short answer is that we only test .NET Core 3.0 with Visual Studio 2019 16.3 and have made many improvements and key fixes that are only in 16.3. The same model applies to Visual Studio for Mac 8.3. The C#...

React Native-the prime choice for Fintech apps | Fortunesoft

Fintech apps are saving the world population from a lot of complications by making financial transactions easy, convenient, quick and secure. Both businesses and people are fascinated by these simple to use applications that save them time and discard the need for an individual’s physical presence during payments.  What is it that makes these apps so user-friendly? Yes! You guessed it right. It is the framework that goes behind these applications. Given the high pace at which our digital globe is revolving, often the developers do not have much time on their hands. They are required to work at multiple tasks in short spans of time without losing focus. In such a situation, what if you are told that your coders do not need to develop separate pieces of code for iOS and android apps? How about having a framework that just needs a single code-base for both iOS and android platforms! Well! React Native (React Native) makes it possible, resulting in large scale time and resource savings. React Native-the origin First launched by Facebook as an open-source project in 2015, React Native became one of the top solutions in the mobile development space in a matter of a few years. This framework has been built based on React which is a popular Javascript library.  Features of React Native: React Native incorporates cross-platform development which implies that the right code once written can be shared from 90-99 percent between iOS and android platforms. It provides ready-to-use code components thus dismissing the need to write everything from scratch. This feature increases the development speed many times.  Although there are navigation...

Mobile App Development Terminology | Webiotic

It’s incredibly common for someone to have a , but what’s not so common is moving forward with that idea. So what’s stopping people from taking the next step? It’s actually not too hard to imagine why. After all, the app development process has so many moving pieces.  Sure, there’s the of the app to think about, but there’s also app architecture, marketing, testing, and app store submission to consider. In short, there’s a lot involved in a mobile app’s success. The very first step you should take before diving in head-first is understanding the terminology involved. In this article, we’ll review the most important mobile app development terminology you need to know about when building an app. Chapter #1: Types of Mobile Apps Rather than creating a daunting list of terms to know about, we’ll be breaking it up into sections that make sense, starting with the types of mobile apps you can build. When you say you want to build a mobile app, what type? Let’s look at the options. 1.1 Native Mobile Apps When you hear the term “native apps”, this just means that the app was built for one specific platform, whether it’s Android (Google) or iOS (Apple).  There are many advantages to building an app to be native to just one platform. For example, native apps tend to have a more optimal user experience and better performance since it’s designed for one platform. 1.2 Hybrid Mobile Apps Unlike native mobile apps, can be used on while only requiring one codebase. It can be installed on devices, looks and feels like a native app, and...

How to Prepare Your Business For a Cyber Security Disaster

Running a business is rewarding, but it does come with a variety of risks that can threaten not only its success, but its very existence. IT solutions are vital to any business nowadays. It is the engine room that keeps business moving, but this engine can be at risk of faults – faults that could steer your business into disaster. Advances in technology has brought a plethora of benefits for companies, from e-commerce to facilitating productivity and enabling remote working. As technology advances, so do the methods cyber criminals use to steal data. In order to combat this, we’ve learned that simply deploying antivirus software is not enough anymore to keep our business data secure. A cybersecurity breach can be devastating or even life-threatening to a business. From cyber-criminals stealing funds to holding your data for ransom, the cost of a cyber-attack can be incredibly high. Furthermore the implications with data security and GDPR compliance can reduce customer trust in your brand, incur hefty fines and cause legal issues. In short, the biggest threat to your business is cyber security and knowing how to prevent an IT disaster is a vital measure you can take to protect your business. At Elite, we know the impact a cyber security breach can have on a business and the threat of an attack is very much a case of ‘when’ rather than ‘if’. You have put a lot of time, money, stress and care into building your business, it’s only right that you take the time to ensure you and your team know how to avoid cyber-attacks. Furthermore, investing in effective cyber...

Using multiple APIs in Angular and ASP.NET Core with Azure AD authentication

This article shows how an Angular application could be used to access many APIs in a secure way. An API is created specifically for the Angular UI and the further APIs can only be access from the trusted backend which is under our control. Code: https://github.com/damienbod/AzureADAuthRazorUiServiceApiCertificate Setup The applications are setup so that the Angular application only accesses a single API which was created specifically for the UI. All other APIs are deployed in a trusted zone and require a secret or a certificate to use the service. With this, only a single access token leaves the secure zone and there is no need to handle multiple tokens in an unsecure browser. Secondly the API calls can be optimized so that the network loads which come with so many SPAs can be improved. The API is our gateway to the data required by the UI. This is very like the backend for frontend application architecture (BFF) which is more secure than this setup because the security for the UI is also implemented in the trusted backend for the UI, ie (no access tokens in the browser storage, no refresh/renew in the browser). The advantage here is the structure is easier to setup with existing UI teams, backend teams and the technology stacks like ASP.NET Core, Angular support this structure better. In this demo, we will be implementing the SPA in Angular but this could easily be switched out for a Blazor, React or a Vue.js UI. The Authentication is implemented using Azure AD. The APIs The API which was created for the UI uses Microsoft.Identity.Web to implement the Azure...

My first year of freelancing | Silvestar Bistrović—fearless web developer, CSS craftsman, JAMstack enthusiast, and WordPress theme specialist.

I am writing this article from a frontend developer perspective, as I am one. I have specialized in User Interface, Static Page Generators, WordPress, and page speed optimization. About a year ago, I started with a freelance career. This experience has changed me as a professional, but also as a person. I am a member of Toptal talent network, and most of my clients are part of this formidable networks as well. I worked with seven Toptal clients. I also worked with a couple of Upwork clients. Two of my clients engaged me via my website. I worked as a mentor on Codementor. I also worked on a couple of projects with my friends, pro bono. Toptal is a private, elite talent network with thousands of members across 100+ countries. Of the hundreds of thousands who apply each year, fewer than 3% gain admission to the network. In total, I worked with thirteen clients and seventeen mentees. Clients came from all over the world: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark, Romania, and Croatia. Most of them were agencies, but I also worked with designers and developers, too. In my opinion, investing in the relationship with a client is the most critical part. Earning trust from a remote position is not easy. Being kind could take you a long way with your client, and it doesn’t cost you a thing. During my first year of freelancing, I didn’t have a single negative experience with any client. ❤️ Getting the job done is also important. Never promise what you cannot deliver. It is okay to say that you need a...

How low-code platforms enable machine learning | InfoWorld

Low-code platforms improve the speed and quality of developing applications, integrations, and data visualizations. Instead of building forms and workflows in code, low-code platforms provide drag-and-drop interfaces to design screens, workflows, and data visualizations used in web and mobile applications. Low-code integration tools support data integrations, data prep, API orchestrations, and connections to common SaaS platforms. If you’re designing dashboards and reports, there are many low-code options to connect to data sources and create data visualizations. If you can do it in code, there’s probably a low-code or no-code technology that can help accelerate the development process and simplify ongoing maintenance. Of course, you’ll have to evaluate whether platforms meet functional requirements, cost, compliance, and other factors, but low-code platforms offer options that live in the gray area between building yourself or buying a software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution. But are low-code options just about developing applications, integrations, and visualizations better and faster? What about low-code platforms that accelerate and simplify using more advanced or emerging capabilities? I searched and prototyped for low-code and no-code platforms that would enable technology teams to spike and experiment with machine learning capabilities. I focused mainly on low-code application development platforms and sought machine learning capabilities that enhanced the end-user experience. Here are a few things I learned on this journey. Platforms target different development personas Are you a data scientist looking for low-code capabilities to try out new machine learning algorithms and support modelops faster and easier than coding in Python? Maybe you are a data engineer focusing on dataops and wanting to connect data to machine learning models while discovering and validating new...

Introduction to gRPC in .NET Core and .NET 5

gRPC is a high-performance RPC framework with pluggable authentication and load balancing features. In this post, you will learn about gRPC and protocol buffers, how to build gRPC services in .NET Core/5 using C# and also how to create gRPC clients. gRPC is a high-performance RPC framework that efficiently allows service-to-service communication within and across data centers. It also supports connecting mobile devices and browser clients to backend services. It was implemented in Google and later open-sourced, and it’s currently a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) incubation project. Its features include: Bi-directional streaming Powerful binary serialization Pluggable authentication, load balancing and health check If you adopt microservice architecture in your organization, gRPC would most likely give a performance boost for the communication between your microservices. In this post, I’ll show you how to create a gRPC service using .NET Core 3.1 (or later). I will break down some important foundational concepts of gRPC and also include steps for doing those for Mac and VS Code users. As a prerequisite, I expect some familiarity with C#, ASP.NET Core and either Visual Studio or VS Code. Create a gRPC Server We will start by creating a new dotnet project with the gRPC service template. If you use Visual Studio, create a new project and select the gRPC Service template. Use GrpcAuthor as the name of the project. If you use VS Code, you’re going to create the project using dotnet CLI and open it in VS Code. Open your command-line application (or Terminal if you’re on Mac) and run the command dotnet new grpc -o GrpcAuthor. Then open the project in...

Malcare WordPress Security

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