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Google I/O 2010 Day 1 Keywords

* HTML5 (More powerful Web Apps) * Mobile (Browsers are everywhere) * WebMProject.org (Open Source Media Technology)  VP8 (Video) + Vorbis (Audio) * JavaScript (In every browsers) * Chrome Web App Store (something similar to Apple iTune App Store) * Interactive Magazine * Google Wave Platform / API * Cloud * Google App Engine for Business  SLA, SSL, SQL...

The Rules of Agile Estimation

The Rules of Agile Estimation: http://railsrx.com/2010/05/13/may-13-2010-the-rules-of-agile-estimation/ 1. Estimates are always wrong 2. If you think spending more time on estimates is a good idea, see rule 1. 3. On average, an experienced developer is not going to improve on his or her gut reaction by thinking it over. 4. Team estimates are important, one person may see something that everybody else missed. Just keep it quick. 5. People are much better at estimating size relative to each other than absolute time a task takes. 6. Separate the problem into smaller chunks, the more estimates you make the better the chance that the law of averages will help you. 7. Decomposition into roughly equal sized tasks is pretty much the whole ballgame. Alex...

HBase vs Cassandra

In my opinion, these differing histories have resulted in HBase being more suitable for data warehousing, and large scale data processing and analysis (for example, such as that involved when indexing the Web) and Cassandra being more suitable for real time transaction processing and the serving of interactive data. Writing a proper study of that hypothesis is well beyond this post, but I believe you will be able to detect this theme recurring when considering the databases. via...

Rails / MongoDB / Big Project

Hashrocket developed Mongoid and recently completed a million-dollar project in which they built a pharmaceutical application with Mongo. via blog.10gen.com Who said that Rails can’t do big project? Is $1M still...

Server Room

This is the server room of SSDC Singapore, one of my clients. I worked with those machines for the past 2 years. I love the noise and coldness of server room. I also love the people there. They are very happy and...

Go-Trendy.com revamp!

We have just launched the new website revamp of our client: Go-Trendy.com. Go-Trendy is an online trendy fashion shop focusing on Hong Kong, Japanese and Korean fashion. Total time taken for us to revamp this website is 1 week. Here is final product: Homepage: Products...

Alice in Wonderland – Facebook legend living in S’pore

“The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it’s possible.” – from “Alice in Wonderland” Eduardo Saverin – Facebook legend living in Singapore Tham Yuen-C Straits Times Site’s co-founder set up a software development firm here last year, but has maintained a low profile. The other Facebook legend – the one who fell out with co-founder Mark Zuckerberg – has set up a software development company in Singapore. Mr Zuckerberg is chief executive officer of the world’s most popular social networking site. His former collaborator, Mr Eduardo Saverin, 28, is one of three people behind Web technologies company Anideo, with offices in Singapore and Miami, Florida. The Brazil-born billionaire is said to have been living in Singapore since last year, and the Singapore outfit of his firm was registered under his name in October last year. His two partners are fellow Harvard University graduates, one of whom had worked with him on a job search site in 2005. Since technology site TechCrunch posted a blog last Thursday about him being in Singapore, netizens – here and abroad – have been speculating about his whereabouts. A film, The Social Network, based on the story of the two co-founders, is currently showing in cinemas around the world. Mr Saverin is portrayed in the movie as the more affable and charming character, in contrast to its depiction of Mr Zuckerberg as a socially inept geek who is also the more cunning of the two. Mr Saverin was Mr Zuckerberg’s partner in 2004 when, as Harvard students, they started thefacebook.com, a website that evolved into Facebook. But the duo fell out...

What Is The Web?

The Web is a global communications medium provided by a decentralized computer system. via...

How to build an iPhone offline web app?

Developing a native iPhone application is really a difficult task if you are  a web programmer with no knowledge of Cocoa programming language. Why not try developing an iPhone web-app with local sqlite database, and sync with the live server whenever you are connected to internet? In this article i will show you how to do it. Steps: 1. Build an offline iphone web-app iPhone offline webapps View more presentations from Home. Example can be found here: Berttimmermans Checklist App 2. Periodically check if the iphone is currently connected to internet, with javascript: <script type=”text/javascript”> var connectionStatus = ((navigator.onLine) ? ‘online’:’offline’); </script> 3. Sync data with web server whenever you are online, via normal http POST/GET requests That’s...

Merging Lucene and Solr

Personally, I feel that this merge is a good thing for both Lucene and Solr: Solr users get the latest Lucene improvements faster and releases get streamlined. Lucene users get access to Solr features such as faceting. The in-sync trunk allows new features to make their way into the right place (Lucene vs Solr) more easily and duplication is minimized. Bugs are caught earlier by the huge combined test suite. More number of committers means more ideas and hands available to the projects Other Lucene based projects can benefit too because many Solr features will be made available through Java APIs. There are a couple of things to be worked out. For example, we need to decide where the integrated sources should live and whether or not to sync Solr’s version with Lucene’s. All this will take some time but I am confident that our combined community will manage the transition well. via shal.in What’s a good news. Solr have been provided Enterprise Level support by lucidimagination.com. Big corporates using Solr: AOL, Comcast Interactive Media, IBM, Netflix, LinkedIn and MySpace. I believe that the future of Solr is...

Using ActiveRecord to access Microsoft SQL Server via ODBC

Recently I need to insert 400+ rows of data into an eight year old MSSQL 2000 and MSSQL 2008 database. It’s really a pain in the ass if I have to do it by hand or learning a new tool to do it. Luckily, I can use ActiveRecord to do that easily thanks to activerecord-sqlserver-adapter and and auto table field mapping of ActiveRecord. Here is a quick step-by-step guide: Install Ruby on Windows machine (that run SQL server). Download One-Click Ruby Installer for Windows for Ruby 1.8.6 P26 at http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/29263/ruby186-26.exe And install it. If you use the default setting, it will setup ruby at c:ruby folder with rubygem 0.9.3 Update RubyGems Open “Command Prompt” cd c:rubybin gem update –system Install ActiveRecord with SQLServer Adapter gem install activerecord-sqlserver-adapter –source=http://gems.rubyonrails.org If the installation result is: Successfully installed activesupport-2.2.2 Successfully installed activerecord-2.2.2 Successfully installed activerecord-sqlserver-adapter- 3 gems installed Create a DSN (Data Source Name) Luckily I can reuse DNS from current ASP project so I don’t need to create new one. If you have to, you can follow guideline in [1]. Setup connection and create property ActiveRecord based classes require “active_record” ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( :adapter => “sqlserver”, :mode => “odbc”, :username => “yourusername”, :password => “yourpassword”, :dsn => “yourDSN” ) class AnyNameYouWant < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name “TableNeedToAccess” set_primary_key “PrimaryID” end Start irb by: cd c:rubybin irb And paste above chuck of code in to irb. From now, you can use ActiveRecord based classes to read/write/add/remove SQL Server table as in a Rails script/console environment. I also got a problem with Time.mktime and need to some code adjust by hand Open c:rubylibrubygems1.8gemsactiverecord-sqlserver-adapter- Replace “Time.mktime” by “Datetime.new”...


Teamwork is the capability to comprehend and recognize the diverse strengths and abilities in a group setting and then applying them to one final solution. Working as a team makes it easier to accomplish goals, some things cannot be accomplished by people working individually – From...

Backuping and restoring a single table using mysqldump

mysqldump can retrieve and dump table contents row by row, or it can retrieve the entire content from a table and buffer it in memory before dumping it. Buffering in memory can be a problem if you are dumping large tables. To dump tables row by row, use the –quick option (or –opt, which enables –quick). The –opt option (and hence –quick) is enabled by default, so to enable memory buffering, use –skip-quick. Backuping a single table from a database mysqldump -u -p database_one table_name > /var/www/backups/table_name.sql Restoring the table into another database mysql -u -p database_two <...

Giving it away for free isn’t a Business Model

If you give your product or service away to would-be customers, you set a dangerous precedent that you’re willing to give it away forever.  As I’ve said before: if a customer isn’t paying for your product in some way, shape, or form, you’re not running a business. Getting a customer to use your product for free only proves a customer’s willingness to pay nothing.  True value is established when a customer forks over a dollar (or lots of them) for your product. How could Netscape invent one of the most popular and widely adopted software applications in history and at the same time never make any real money at it? Simple – they established the price at “zero.”   Getting customers to go from “free” to “paid” is extremely difficult to do.  Companies establish the value of their product mostly from the price they set for their product.  Does a Bentley Continental GT really cost $160,000 to build?  No, but if Bentley sold the Continental for $20,000 there’s no way they would be able to change the price to $160,000 and hold the same amount of value in consumers’ eyes. Going from “free” to “paid” works the same way. Giving a product away for free is an easy way to confuse the concept of “people really like it” with “people really like it and they are willing to pay me for it.”  People should pay for products that have value and creating a business that ignores this is digging your own grave.  Give them a taste, maybe, but if they want the whole entrée (and if you want to stay...

Rails 3.0 Upgrade Handbook

Guys, Rails 3.0 is now at the stage of beta release. Why not consider update your self with state-of-the-art technology? Below is the handbook that we think it will be very useful to you! Let’s check it out !! Inside you’ll find: Almost 120 pages of upgrade information A step-by-step guide to upgrading your app to Rails 3 High-level discussion of what’s new in Rails 3 Practical tips on using Rails 3’s new features to improve your code Real case studies of upgrading apps and plugins Detailed checklists for upgrading via:...
Malcare WordPress Security

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