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New client acquired: Ayuthaya, The Royal Thai Spa

Kudos to the Sales Team. We’ve got a new client from Spa Industry: Ayuthaya, The Royal Thai Spa The Company was incorporated in Singapore on 19th July 2004 to carry on the business as owners, operators and managers of “Ayuthaya Royal Thai Spa”, an authentic Thai style spa providing ancient forms of Thai massage; both Thai Traditional Massage and Royal Court Thai Massage; aromatherapy body massages and beauty treatments, using traditional Thai herbs and natural products. Ayuthaya was once the Royal Capital of Thailand before moving to Bangkok, but many of its Royal influences still remain in traditional Thai massage techniques. Hence the reason for adopting Ayuthaya as our trading name, in order to reflect Royalty, originality and authenticity. The official opening of our first Spa was in December 2004. Ayuthaya Spa is unique in that it aims to provide a real “Royal Thai Spa Experience” with world class standards and quality. We aim to provide a combination of soothing atmosphere, skilled Thai style therapists and the finest in Thai Hospitality, for which Thailand is renowned worldwide. It will be specifically designed Thai contemporary style and the treatments to be provided to the customers are to be authentic and uniquely Thai, as practiced in the ancient Royal Court....

One of the largest driving centres in Singapore has just become our client: SSDC

Singapore Safety Driving Centre, SSDC, a private establishment, was set up to support part of the long term road safety strategy of the Singapore Government. Their mission is to foster both riders and drivers with excellent skills, knowledge and manners for safe riding and driving. Besides a well designed training circuit, 125 motorcycles, 133 motorcars and 254 professional trained instructors, the Centre also introduced Advanced Safe Driving Course, Advanced Safe Riding Course, Refresher Driving Course and Road Safety Education Talk. SSDC has spared no effort in providing students with the best facilities and instructions for training on road safety. Each year, the Centre turns out an average of 4,500 responsible drivers and 4,000 safe riders in the last 5 years. Their rapid development has not gone unnoticed as they were regularly invited to conduct courses in Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Brunei and People’s Republic of China. Visit SSDC website to know more about them:...

New site launched by Vinova team: wholesaler.sg

The Wholesaler shop is a great place for everyone looking for distinctive, high quality and stylish iphone and ipad covers online. It will eliminate the middle man and offer creative products that are both functional and beautiful. The savings are passed on to our customers who will be paying a fraction of what they normally do for the same products in stores. Wholesaler always want to give their customers high quality products at the possible lowest price. Check out their website now:...

New Site Launched! OpenRangePetroleum.com

Open Range Petroleum is a production oil company focused on oil production in the Bakken and Three Forks Formations of the Williston Basin. Their senior management team has over thirty years experience in every discipline applicable to a production oil company. Their business model is based on the oil resources of the Williston Basin and a long term bullish view on the price of oil. Open Range Petroleum create value by acquiring mineral rights and utilizing industry leading techniques for drilling, completions and production. Open Range Petroleum currently hold a net acreage of 8,000 acres and operate our joint ventures holding 11,000 acres. Their 2011 objectives are to substantially increase our net acreage position in strategic areas, increase oil production and enhance our financial...

Salesforce.com Buys Heroku For $212 Million In Cash

“The next era of cloud computing is social, mobile and real-time. I call it Cloud 2,” said Marc Benioff, chairman and CEO, salesforce.com. “Ruby is the language of Cloud 2, and Heroku is the leading Ruby application platform-as-a-service for Cloud 2 that is fueling this growing community. We think this acquisition will uniquely position salesforce.com as the cornerstone for the next generation of app developers.” via...

What Comes After the iPad? The iBoard and iMat, Of Course!

Bigger is always better, right? Most people don’t like the way Apple rolls out products. The company releases a device, only to roll out the “next version” a year later. The newer model usually contains only a few minor tweaks, which could have been implemented on the original (copy-paste on the iPhone anyone?). It was this mindset that had people criticizing the iPad. “It’s just a giant iPhone,” they said. “It even runs the same OS as the iPhone and iPod Touch!” Well here’s one for the people who think Apple’s line of products has gotten just a bit too linear. The folks over at begeek.fr have predicted the next two iterations of the Apple iPad. Behold! The iBoard and the iMat! via:...

Why Singapore can’t produce a Zuckerberg?

Entrepreneurs have to venture beyond Singapore for business opportunities and, even then, “markets around Singapore are not homogenous enough to create scale”, he said. In comparison, US companies enjoy economies of scale to build up to a significant size before they branch out into the rest of the world. This means they get a much larger revenue pool, he explained. Mr Mike Ang, president of the Association of Telecommunications Industry of Singapore, felt that Singapore “just does not possess the eco-system that Silicon Valley has” to nurture billionaires. He observes that Singapore firms prefer to buy products and services from big overseas firms such as HP, Microsoft and IBM, instead of supporting small, home-grown start-ups. Furthermore, Singaporeans are not as receptive to new technology such as Facebook when compared to Americans, he said. It means that if someone wants to launch a new product, he needs to venture into the US to gain credibility, he added. The issue of young billionaires comes in the wake of last Thursday’s news that Mr Eduardo Saverin, 28, the co-founder of Facebook, has been residing in Singapore for the past 11/2 years. San Francisco-based technology site TechCrunch said he had set up an office here for his software-development company Anideo last year, and is said to be providing funding to Facebook game developers. In the film The Social Network, the Brazilian-born technopreneur is portrayed by British actor Andrew Garfield. He owns a 5 per cent share of Facebook while his Harvard schoolmate, Mr Zuckerberg, owns 24 per cent. The former is said to be a regular patron of Singapore’s party hot spots, such...

Ruby on Rails – Anatomy of a Request object

Display current url without base url <%= request.request_uri %> / <%= request.path%> eg: /vinova/development/web_and_iphone_apps Display previous url with base url <%= request.referer %> eg: http://www.vinova.sg/development/web_and_iphone_apps Display base url <%= request.env[‘HTTP_HOST’]%> eg: www.vinova.sg Display protocol <%= request.env[‘SERVER_PROTOCOL’]%> eg: HTTP/1.1 Full url <%= request.url%> eg: http://www.vinova.sg/development/web_and_iphone_apps Display how many parameters found in current url <%= request.query_parameters.size %> url eg: www.vinova.sg/index.html?key=3&d=4 answer: 2 => (2 parameters) Display controller name from current url <%= request.path_parameters[‘controller’] %> eg: contents Display action name from current url <%= request.path_parameters[‘action’] %> eg: login Everything inside a request <%=...

VnCrafts.com – New Ecommerce website launched !

VNCRAFTS, creator of artistic handcrafted lacquer ware, woodenware, ceramics, embroideries, art painting and other beautiful art crafts produced & supplied from Vietnam. Many of VN Crafts are made mainly with traditional technique, using local natural materials, handcrafted by skilled Vietnamese artisans. We welcome our clients’ own designs and OEM orders are equally prepared to undertake production of standard...

Letter to Vinova team

We have been looking for long time a team who can bring new, artistic and creative ideas to our projects. Then we’ve met Vinova. It was the best team we’ve ever worked with. The quality of their work exceeded our expectations! Thanks to Vinova, now our beautiful products could touch and stay forever in our clients’ heart. Very impressive and effective! We would recommend them to anyone who is looking for aprofessional, talented group to help your projects developed in a right way. Tam Nguyen Founder & Director at Vncrafts.com &...

qTip is a tooltip plugin for the jQuery framework

Looking for a jQuery tooltips plugin for your web project? Look no more! qTip is a right choice for you. qTip is an advanced tooltip plugin for the ever popular jQuery JavaScript framework. Built from the ground up to be user friendly, yet feature rich, qTip provides you with tonnes of features like rounded corners and speech bubble tips, and best of all… it’s completely free under the MIT...

Facebook’s style autocomplete jquery plugin

Looking for an jQuery auto complete plugin that has similar effect like Facebook? Here you are: AutoSuggest, a very lightweight jQuery plugin that makes auto-completing extremely easy. Their example might be a little bit complex to understand. Here is a simpler one that i did:  auto_suggest You can take a look. Have fun! How It Works AutoSuggest will turn any regular text input box into a rad auto-complete box. It will dynamically create all the HTML elements that it needs to function. You don’t need to add any extra HTML to work with AutoSuggest. Also, AutoSuggest uses ZERO images! All styling is done 100% in the included CSS file. This means it is super easy to customize the look of everything! You only need to edit the included CSS file. You can even use images if you want, just add the appropriate lines of code into the CSS file. As you type into the AutoSuggest input box, it will filter through it’s Data and “suggest” matched Data items to you. You can pass in an Object of Data to AutoSuggest or you can have it call a URL as you type to get it’s Data from. AutoSuggest will display the matched Data items in a selectable list, which is 100% customizable. You have the option of structuring the HTML elements of that list however you want via the formatList callback function. You case an example of this in the second example above. When you type into the input box and the “suggestion” dropdown list appears, a few things happen: A class of “loading” is applied to the main AutoSuggest...

Ruby on Rails programmers don’t buy books

It’s a fact that Ruby on Rails programmers don’t buy books! Really! Ruby and Rails are changing fast. Books getting outdated in just a couple of months. Buying books is just a waste of time and money for nothing. At the time the books come out, Ruby on Rails developers already read blogs/saw screencasts or even get hands dirty committing to the rails core source code. Books are  just for students, not for RoR...

Git Colors

We can makes Git’s status, branch, and diff commands much more readable by ading the following to ~/.gitconfig: [color] branch = auto diff = auto status = auto [color “branch”] current = yellow reverse local = yellow remote = green [color “diff”] meta = yellow bold frag = magenta bold old = red bold new = green bold [color “status”] added = yellow changed = green untracked =...

Things you can do with a Ruby array in one line

Just wanna share with you guys some of the common ruby array functions that I used every day. 1. Summing elements: This is a fairly common task. We’ll use Ruby’s inject method to sum all the items in the array and then print out the sum: my_array.inject(0){|sum,item| sum + item} 2. Double every item: This is a class of problem where we want to preform an operation on every element of the array. Again, this is fairly simple using Ruby’s map method. Think of performing a “mapping” from the first array to the second based on the function in the block. Keep in mind, this will return a new array and will NOT effect the original array. If we want to do a destructive map (change the initial array) we would use map!. This is a common convention in Ruby: my_array.map{|item| item*2 } 3. Finding all items that meet your criteria: If you want to collect all the values in the array that meet some criteria, we can do this using the (duh) find_all method. Again, this will return an array. The code below finds all items that are multiple’s of three : my_array.find_all{|item| item % 3 == 0 } 4. Combine techniques: Let’s now say we want to find the sume of all elements in our array that are multiples of 3. Ruby to the rescue! This is very simple because we can chain methods together gracefully in Ruby. Check it out: my_array.find_all{|item| item % 3 == 0 }.inject(0){|sum,item| sum + item } 5. Sorting: We can sort items in an array quite easily. Below, I will show...
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