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Laravel real-time Code Execution Monitoring | Laravel News

Hi, I’m Valerio software engineer from Italy and CTO at Inspector. As product owner I learned on my skin how an application issue can be so hard to identify and fix, creating negative impacts on the users experience, or block new potential customers in their on-boarding path. Users don’t spend their time reporting bugs, they just stop using our application if it doesn’t work as expected, looking for another one that fits their needs better. The idea behind Inspector is to create a monitoring environment specifically designed for software developers avoiding any server or infrastructure configuration that many developers hate to deal with. In fact, thanks to Inspector, you will never have the need to install things on the server or make complex configuration at the infrastructure level. It works with a lightweight software library that you can install in your application like any other dependencies. In case of Laravel you can use our official Laravel package. Developers are not always comfortable installing and configuring software at the server level, because these installations are out of their software development lifecycle, or are even managed by external teams. Forcing teams with different goals (Developers, IT oprations, Cyber Security, etc.) to work on the same tools can cause confusion or compromise the ability of developers to quickly identify and resolve problems within applications. Inspector is a code-driven monitoring environment totally under the control of software developers helping them to identify bugs and bottlenecks in their applications “before” users stumble onto the problem. Its code-driven nature gives you the right tool to run a successful software development process and to continually increase...

Livewire Admin Panel: Lean Admin | Laravel News

Lean Admin, our TALL stack admin panel package for Laravel, is finally approaching the v1 launch. I started working on the package a bit over a year ago. Originally, it was meant to be something conceptually similar to Laravel Nova, with two key differences — we use Livewire as the tech stack, and customizability is the main focus. I expected to have it finished around this time of last year, so around December 2020. However, as I was developing features, I realized that Lean could be much more than that. The reason why it’s taken so long to finish (most of) it is that it has completely new features, ideas, and patterns — in the sense that they aren’t offered or used by any admin panels or CMS tools. The new patterns we use allow for great extensibility, which means that the ecosystem has become a large focus. Some things are obvious. There will be packages for extra fields, some additional functionality, and things like that. But that’s not the main value of Lean. As we explain in the waiting list welcome email, our goal with the Lean ecosystem is to provide packages that serve as full-stack building blocks for Laravel applications. Say you want to build an application that deals with e-commerce, invoicing, live chat, knowledge base, and support tickets. Before Lean, you’d have to build that app completely from scratch. At most you could install a few packages to handle the specific low level problems related to those features, but you couldn’t really put entire features together. And if any of the features had full stack solutions, rather than just low...

Cross Platform Mobile App Development | Webiotic

And it’s no wonder why more and more apps are emerging. They affect nearly every aspect of our lives, from finance management and entertainment to and more. While you don’t necessarily have to create an app for every platform, most businesses would see not developing an app for all platforms as a missed opportunity. Budget concerns are usually the primary reason why mobile app developers choose one platform over another, but there’s still a way to build an app for multiple platforms while sticking to your budget. In this article, we’ll review everything you need to know about cross-platform mobile app development. Chapter #1: Native vs Cross-Platform Mobile Development which is better: native app development or cross-platform app development, and you’ll get different answers every time. That’s because each has its advantages and disadvantages, and which you choose really depends on what your goals are. Let’s start by defining what each is and go from there. 1.1 What is Cross-Platform App Development? A cross-platform app is essentially a mobile app that can run on multiple operating systems.  Instead of developing various app versions for each platform, with cross-platform apps, you only need to create one version that . There is only one source code that will work on Android, iOS, Windows, and so on. As you can guess, this has a ton of advantages, like saving time and money on building your app, which we’ll get into more in the next chapter. 1.2 What is Native App Development? Unlike cross-platform apps, native app development means building a mobile app for a specific platform, whether that’s Android, iOS, or something...

Kenya, UK Partner to Address Cyber Security Crisis

Kenya has partnered with the United Kingdom (UK) to address cyber-security threats that have become rampant since the inception of digital technology. Speaking at a workshop for government communicators at a city hotel, the Principal Secretary (PS) for the State Department for broadcasting and telecommunications Esther Koimett said that the government was moving towards the adoption of provision of services through a digital platform, and as such, there is a need to shield the online systems from threats. Koimett acknowledged the steady rise of cyber threats globally, with Kenya among countries that have been targeted by hackers and cybercriminals. She said a number of government websites had been targeted. “This training is therefore important as it will enhance our capacity as government communicators to effectively play our role in informing citizens about how to protect themselves from cyber threats like the ever-emerging scams and fraudulent schemes,” said the PS. Given the increasing importance of technology and digitization in the delivery of services in every aspect of human interaction, Koimett stated that the goal of the training is to strengthen the strategic communications capability of the UK government, its allies, and partners to jointly understand and counter cyber threats from hostile state actors. “The training project consists of communications planning, delivery and training to support crisis communications and campaigns capability development for partner countries. It also touches on research and insights on critical audience vulnerabilities to underpin joint strategies and campaign development,” she said. Read also: Kebs Approves 40 New Information and Cyber Security Standards The government of Kenya, according to Koimett, recognizes the importance of public communications and uses...

Progressive Web App Development: How to Cook PWA in 2022 – DEV Community

When talking about web development, Progressive Web Apps have been a buzzword for a while. But will your company benefit from going down the PWA road? Read how and when you should use and should NOT use this technology now and in 2022. Introduction to PWA Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are a fairly recent trend in web and mobile app development. Coined by Google engineer Alex Russell in 2015, the term refers to web applications that use “progressive” design approaches in order to behave and function similarly to native apps. What that specifically means may not be perfectly clear, as there is no precise definition of what does or does not make a progressive web app. However, there are some defining characteristics that are indicative of PWA design patterns. These include the use of ServiceWorkers (background scripts that run in the browser in order to provide features like push notifications) and app manifests (standardized JSON files that instruct the platform how to install and manage your app). There are also several common design themes that are often pointed to as being unique to PWA. Benefits and Drawbacks of PWA Employing progressive web app technology in an application’s development has many benefits, though there are also some drawbacks to consider. The main benefit of PWA design is that it is mostly platform-independent. This means that an app can be developed using a single codebase and deployed on several different platforms. Simplifying the development in this way reduces the time and resources necessary to get an app to market. Platform independence combined with the fact that PWAs are inherently installable makes...

Announcing ASP.NET Core in .NET 6

.NET 6 is now released! ASP.NET Core in .NET 6 includes everything you need to build rich modern web UI and powerful back-end services. What’s new? Here’s a sampling of the great new features and improvements in ASP.NET Core for .NET 6: Minimal APIs: Create a new ASP.NET Core app with just a few lines of code using the latest C# features and a simplified hosting model. Async streaming: Asynchronously stream data from the server without any need for buffering. IAsyncDisposable: Support for IAsyncDisposable on controllers, page models, and view components. Bootstrap 5.1: ASP.NET Core now comes with integrated Bootstrap 5.1 support. Null-state analysis: All ASP.NET Core templates now have C# null-state analysis enabled by default. Single-page apps: Built-in support for Angular 12 and React 17 based on a flexible template pattern that can be used with other popular frontend JavaScript frameworks. Strongly-typed headers: Accessing HTTP headers in a strongly-typed way. For a full list of everything that’s new in ASP.NET Core in .NET 6, check out the ASP.NET Core in .NET 6 release notes. Get started To get started with ASP.NET Core in .NET 6, install the .NET 6 SDK. .NET 6 is also included with Visual Studio 2022. Mac users should use the latest Visual Studio 2022 for Mac preview. Upgrade an existing project To upgrade an existing ASP.NET Core app from .NET 5 to .NET 6, follow the steps in Migrate from ASP.NET Core 5.0 to 6.0 To upgrade an existing ASP.NET Core app from .NET 6 RC2 to .NET 6, update all package references to 6.0.0. That’s it! You should be all set to enjoy...

Why My Model with 90% Accuracy Doesn’t Work | by Meagvo | Dec, 2021 | Towards Data Science

Why My Model with 90% Accuracy Doesn’t Work Model Performance Metrics for Imbalanced Datasets When you’re dealing with marketing problems like customer churn (when a customer stops using a company’s product over a certain period of time) prediction, the raw dataset is often imbalanced, meaning that the classes are inherently not balanced. Basically, what this means is the percentage of your customers who churn might be a lot lower than those who don’t. In this example, the binary classification problem might have an 80–20 split, with only 20% of customers discontinuing their engagement with the company and 80% continuing to make a purchase. The problem is, that 20% could be VERY important to the business’s bottom line. Think about it — a gifting company has 100,000 customers with an average value of $50 per person. that’s $5,000,000 from those customers, but if 20% stop buying from the company, you’re losing $1,000,000! Over the course of a few years, that can add up for even the largest of ecommerce companies or brick and mortar shops. Therefore, a major goal for the company’s marketing department is to predict when a customer will churn and implement some sort of intervention to prevent that from happening. Machine Learning for Churn Prediction Now if your company has a good data science/data analytics team, you could be in luck. With a good customer churn prediction model, you can intervene before a customer abandons your business and potentially get them to return to their loyal status. Now, we get to the next problem — when we’re working with binary classification models, the imbalanced classes tend to...

Hire React Native App Developer | React Native Developers for Hire

After selecting the CVs, we provide you with an opportunity to interact with those developers directly. You can interview them as per your comfort through various platforms and React Native App Developer for Hire. You can ask them questions related to the development process and analyze their knowledge, performance, communication skills, confidence levels, etc. and get a clear picture of their capacity and experience. Their expertise in working as a domain can also be analyzed to not face any hurdles in the development stage. Introductory Phase We start onboarding as soon as you finalize the developer. We utilize the excellence of various tools like Trello, Slack, Jira, Webex or other preferred tools for seamless communication. They can conduct Further communications necessary for the project through multiple meetings with the developer to open discussion with our React native create app developer. If you are anticipating a developer for your short term project, then this model can be helpful for you. Hire your React Native Mobile App Developer for a short period for your short term projects. Through this methodology, you can curtail the additional expenses hiding behind hiring an offshore development team. Earmarked Hiring Complete your project and launch on the desired date by Hiring dedicated React Native App Developer. They will do your work at a missile speed, and you will experience all the benefits of a successful project. These dedicated React Native App Developers meant to work only for your project till delivery. You will get the excellence of their complete attention during the development phase, which is the best solution if you opt for a long term...

Native Mobile App Development or React Native vs Flutter vs Cordova: What to Choose in 2021

Native mobile app development: Android vs iOS The first time I faced an issue of choosing between Android or iOS app development was in 2012. Two of my friends from the biomedical engineering department were about to build an app for senior people providing real-time messaging with their doctor. Yet, they couldn’t prove to each other which operating system was better: both certainly had a point.  There are several things to consider if you need to pick a native platform, including: According to data from August 2021, the worldwide market share of Android devices is 72.73%, while for iOS gadgets it’s just 26.42%. However, the general picture is not enough for making a definite decision, and should not discredit iOS. Platforms‘ popularity differs for each particular region, e.g. in the USA iOS market share is substantially higher than the one of Android. At the same time if, let’s say, you develop an app for Ukrainians, you can not count too much solely on iOS. Despite the difference between them, both operating systems constantly improve and create excellent user experience. Here is a closer comparison of iOS and Android that highlights their peculiarities. Things to consider Swift, Objective-C Tools for app development Android SDK supported on all platforms Xcode+iOS SDK supported only on macOS Ease of app development and testing With a broad variety of android devices you need to take into account their peculiarities and a rather wide range of screen sizes. This also makes testing more complicated. Relatively small number of devices and screen sizes for which you develop the app. Testing is rather straightforward. Quite flexible material...

Cyber Security Today, Jan 10, 2022 – Beware of unexpected USB keys in the mail, FlexBooker admits data theft and more

Beware of unexpected USB keys in the mail, FlexBooker admits data theft and more. Welcome to Cyber Security Today. It’s Monday January 19th. I’m Howard Solomon, contributing writer on cybersecurity for ITWorldCanada.com. The group behind the Darkside and BlackMatter ransomware malware is mailing infected USB keys to American organizations. According to several news reports, the FBI has sent that warning to American businesses that subscribe to its security alerts. The contaminated USB keys are being sent by a package delivery service seemingly coming from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and allegedly have COVID-19 guidelines, or they are sent to seemingly look like a gift in a box with a fraudulent thank you letter. Infecting USB keys is an old tactic used by threat actors, stemming back from the days when memory sticks were expensive. Threat actors have been known to drop infected USB keys on the floor of a company or its parking lot. They have slipped them onto the desks of booths at trade shows, where USB keys are often given away by vendors. The attackers hope unsuspecting people will plug the device into their computers to find out who lost it, or to see what expect is a vendor’s product information. In the most recent case the infected USB key registers itself as a keyboard and installs code that downloads malware, leading to a ransomware attack. The best way to fight this kind of attack is to regularly remind employees to never plug USB sticks into that they don’t own into their computers — even if it’s a gift. Here’s some good news: Salesforce,...

Top 10 Advantages of Using Laravel Framework

30 Nov,&nbsp2021 Laravel is one of the most popular frameworks that offer custom software development. This framework has got the highest stars on Github, which mentions that more than 56000 developers are currently using it across the globe for responsive web development. Based on Github’s report, it’s quite evident that you have ample choices if you want to hire Laravel developer for your online presence. However, before choosing any framework, it’s essential that you know its pros and cons well. Otherwise, you won’t be able to make the best out of your project. Therefore, we are sharing the top ten advantages of using the Laravel framework for custom software development. Based on these advantages, you can create a plan that aligns with your business goals and your industry niche by discussing it with your Laravel development company Before we explain the advantages of the Laravel framework to you, here is a snippet of the Laravel framework and its possibilities What is Laravel and What are its Uses? Laravel is a free and open-source PHP framework based on MVC architecture that offers effortless web and app development. Taylor Otwell founded this framework, which got released in June 2011. The latest version of the framework is 8.16.1. Laravel is suitable for developing complex and large websites. Though Laravel is a bit complex as compared to the other PHP frameworks, it is the most suitable one when it comes to developing extremely powerful web applications. Laravel provides expressive tutorials (Laracasts), documentations and boasts a huge community to assist the developers worldwide. Some of the vital features of the Laravel framework are Bundles, Query Builder, Reverse Routing,...

What Are Mobile App Development Services? | Webiotic

Mobile app development services cover more than many companies realize. An app isn’t simply a feat of programming, after all. The mobile app development industry is comprised of many people in many different disciplines, including programming, marketing, business, finance, and more.  And App development requires a combination and balance of their expertise to create a successful end-to-end development cycle for any new mobile app. This is why mobile app development goes all the way from concept to completion, including strategizing, marketing, cross-platform support, design, consulting, testing, maintenance, optimization, and more. In this article, we’ll review the scope of disciplines necessary to create a mobile app and how your company can benefit from mobile services app development. Chapter #1: Define Mobile App Development Services Services in the mobile app development industry provide end-to-end organization, conceptualization, design, optimization, and maintenance of your mobile app project.  They’re equipped to take a simple idea and turn it into a functional product that could be your next . Future trends point to an app development process that prioritizes customization.  It’s no wonder that companies want to stand out – through Google Play alone, there are that businesses have to compete with. Standing out with a unique, functional interface, specific marketing and branding strategies, and conversion optimized for the modern era have all become requirements for companies hoping to turn their mobile app into a success. Chapter #2: Mobile App Development Trends The sheer number of mobile apps is not the only .  Several changes in how apps are used, advertised, and searched for can impact your company’s app development process. Chapter #3: Why Use...

Why is Cyber Security Vital in Today’s World?

The importance of cyber security is on the rise. Basically, today’s world is more dependent on technology than it was ever before, and it seems like this trend will prevail for a long time in the future. Moreover, businesses, whether small or big, tend to depend on cloud and computer systems for their day-to-day activities. Hence this increases the risk of data leaks, giving rise to the requirements of cyber security expert professionals.  Further, cyber security expert courses are more accessible to people across the globe at present. And it seems like this trend will prevail for a long time in the future.  In this article, we will explore the importance of cyber security in the current world scenario and the possible risks that cybercrimes can cost businesses.  Explain the field of “cyber security”?  Basically, cybersecurity refers to a process that protects and recovers online networks, programs, computer systems, and devices from different cyber attacks.  Cyber or online attacks are the growing risks for your sensitive digital data as attackers are always up for using new methods for data breaching. In fact, they make use of artificial intelligence and social engineering to violate conventional online security procedures. And this is where cyber security comes into play. Here, the cyber security expert professionals, with their knowledge in the field, create specific algorithms that can eradicate any kind of online attack with their knowledge in the field.   You will learn all these aspects of online hacking and other threats while completing your cyber security training online program.  Due to the continuous development in innovative technologies, our society is all set to...

Big data analytics expected to grow to $100B in value by 2027 | VentureBeat

Hear from CIOs, CTOs, and other C-level and senior execs on data and AI strategies at the Future of Work Summit this January 12, 2022. Learn more This article was contributed by Dmytro Spilka. As the world online becomes increasingly congested in the wake of competitors discovering the potential of a rapidly accelerating market, big data analytics is quickly becoming an essential way for businesses to outperform their many rivals. With this in mind, how best can companies tap into the wealth of data left behind by consumers to better understand the ways they can mould their marketing campaigns? Statista data suggests big data market volume is set to top $100 billion over the next five years. This indicates that the marketing industry’s early analytical adopters are likely to pave the way for greater prosperity in the age of the “new normal” as ecommerce continues its growth away from the COVID-19 pandemic. Recent years have hosted a significant increase in the market volume of big data, and the pandemic is likely to ensure that this growth is sustained throughout the decade. This presents plenty of opportunities for marketers to strategize their growth beyond the ecommerce boom period brought on by the pandemic and widespread consumer adoption of online shopping. We can see that big data analytics has not been recognized as an essential facet in the sales and marketing departments of the pharmaceutical industry — more so than in any other sector. In fact, big data is almost twice as prevalent across this area of the industry as artificial intelligence. “The pandemic gave a big boost to the digital...

How do I Hire a Node js Development Company?

29 Dec,&nbsp2021 Node.js is no doubt one of the best IoT platforms around the world. It is considered to be more advanced in the coming years. As a back-end JavaScript framework, it is widely used by skilled developers to build feature-rich and highly scalable web and mobile apps. And so, if you are planning to hire Node.js developer for your business, here are some tips that you can follow. From healthcare to fashion, e-learning and IT, all the industries require an online presence nowadays to promote their companies, products and services. For this reason, choosing the best framework is essential. Since there are so many Node.js developers available across the world today, finding the best can be problematic sometimes. No worries as we can ease your hiring process. But before we start explaining how you can hire the best Node.js development company, let us give you an overview of the framework. It will help you to narrow down your search better. What is Node.js? As a JavaScript code execution environment, Node.JS is quite popular among programmers. It requires Chrome V8, which is basically a JavaScript engine for translating JavaScript calls into machine code. Introduced in 2009, by American developer Ryan Dahl, this platform mainly focused on events. While the other platforms mainly focused on one thread for each connection, this one had its main purpose in building scalable network servers. Since then, the platform has gone through much advancement to become a stand-alone command-line tool today. The platform definitely excels in developing fast and scalable applications. Below are the reasons for choosing Node.JS for your business. 1. Node.JS has the ability to...

He went from web developer to furniture maker: A more fulfilling life making chairs

Kim Choy has had a tough couple of years. Two years ago, the artisan woodworker lost two digits on his left hand in a table saw accident. Just as he had recovered enough to begin working again, the pandemic hit, causing work to stop, classes to shut down, and forcing this former web developer to give up on plans to open a Shibui Furniture Collective showroom. He took the time, though, to rethink his craft and his business. Today, he is focusing on chairs, as opposed to larger furniture formats. The chair designs he has come up with have been selling well, both in Singapore and overseas. He tells us he has a new curriculum in mind for his classes and he is embarking on other new professional challenges. WHEN DID YOU FIRST DISCOVER A LOVE FOR WOODWORKING? It all started when I wanted to tinker with things physically instead of digitally. My previous profession as a web developer required me to deal with coding, even on weekends. I wanted a more balanced lifestyle so I looked for ways to unplug. Bookmatched Claro Walnut low coffee table. (Photo: Shibui Furniture Collective) I tried working with metal but it didn’t really work out, hence I moved on to wood. I found this new hobby to be very empowering, so much so that it got me to delve deeper whenever each weekend came around. HOW DID YOU LEARN THE CRAFT? I am mostly self-taught and I learnt mainly through books with a lot of trial and error. I also visited craftsmen in Japan to get points of references when I hit...

Appetiser Featured on TechCrunch for Our Impact on Startup Founders. – Appetiser: Web and Mobile App Development Melbourne, Australia

Appetiser is now a TechCrunch featured company after being nominated by its clients. TechCrunch is read by millions around the world and is one of Silicon Valley’s most famous and well-respected tech websites.  “We’re so proud of our client’s success. We’re very fortunate to be in a position where that has been recognised by TechCrunch.” said co-founder Jamie Shostak. TechCrunch is running a global initiative to survey founders and tech leaders to uncover excellence within the field. The newly published article asks the question “Which software consultants do startups love to work with?”. Appetiser was featured top of the list with a glowing testimonial from Andre Eikmeier, the founder of . Here’s what he had to say about working with us:  “They had a good reputation globally and had produced some good products. We also liked their flexible model. We were able to use our CTO to lead a team of six devs from the Appetiser team, with occasional UX/UI, product management and project management as needed, it was properly collaborative, not a blackbox agency arrangement. So we were able to build capability in house at the same time, rather than dependency. [Working with them] allowed us to get a first iteration of the product to market from scratch in three months. We were able to build iOS and Android versions simultaneously.” Dominate the App Store. Get the latest industry news first. Good Empire is an app driven by goodwill and care to the people, using game design to empower communities to join together, take action and save the planet. The company has recently been through two successful equity...

Mandatory Beijing Winter Olympics app has ‘devastating’ encryption flaw, cyber security watchdog says

An app all attendees of the upcoming Beijing Olympics must use has encryption flaws that could allow personal information to leak, a cyber security watchdog said Tuesday. The “simple but devastating flaw” in the encryption of the MY2022 app, which is used to monitor Covid and is mandatory for athletes, journalists and other attendees of the games in China’s capital, could allow health information, voice messages and other data to leak, warned Jeffrey Knockel, author of the report for Citizen Lab. A screenshot of the MY2022 app available for download from the iTunes store. Photo: Screenshot The International Olympic Committee responded to the report by saying users can disable the app’s access to parts of their phones and that assessments from two unnamed cyber security organizations “confirmed that there are no critical vulnerabilities.” “The user is in control over what the… app can access on their device,” the committee told AFP, adding that installing it on cellphones isn’t required “as accredited personnel can log on to the health monitoring system on the web page instead.” The committee said it had asked Citizen Lab for its report “to understand their concerns better.” Unclear who app shares information with Citizen Lab said it notified the Chinese organizing committee for the Games of the issues in early December and gave them 15 days to respond and 45 days to fix the problem, but received no reply. “China has a history of undermining encryption technology to perform political censorship and surveillance,” Knockel wrote.  “As such, it is reasonable to ask whether the encryption in this app was intentionally sabotaged for surveillance purposes or whether...
Malcare WordPress Security

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