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Recommendations on cyber security for the 45th president … Utilize more hackers

2016 was a remarkable year. A record variety of security breaches impacted billions of individuals worldwide, consisting of cyber attacks that significantly impacted the course of organisations and governments.The Unites States , the world’s most linked nation, and the rest of the world will opportunity.2017 can lay the foundation for our nation to construct the world’s biggest cyber labor force through improvements in education chances, financial rewards, and cyber awareness. To seize this chance, the next administration requires to develop an enthusiastic yet practical strategy to speed up the growth of our nationwide workforce.As part of the bipartisan Cyber Policy Task Force hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Researches, a group of the country’s leading cybersecurity professionals guided by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and Chairman Michael McCaul, just recently launched recommendations for the next administration on bolstering US cyber defenses. Accelerating public and private investment in our cyber labor force is critical to United States financial growth and nationwide security. Our country’s cyber labor force needs to be a top priority for the inbound President.Given our backgrounds in security, we know it is critical that items and systems are constructed resistant to digital threats from the start. To deal with complicated cyber difficulties, conventional approaches to info security when security is an add-on are not adequate.The rush of connected, ingenious items, also referred to as the Web of Things, may make companies and homes more effective , but it also expands the attack surface area against specific users, business, and nations. If gadgets and services are insufficiently solidified, the risks might rapidly exceed the benefits.Very few policy-makers visualized...

The 5 Genuine Reasons Showing Mobile App Advancement With Ionic Is The A Smart Option

When the Ionic web advancement was introduced to the innovation world, the designers working with various technologies must have approved it as a missing part of hybrid app advancement. The Mobile App Development innovation is included with all the functionality which can be discovered in native mobile advancement SDKs. It offers a platform to users to build their apps, tailor them for Android or iOS, and release through Cordova. Mobile App Advancement consists of mobile parts, typography, interactive paradigms, and an extensible base theme. It supports to windows Platform, Browser Platforms, and Progressive Web Apps out of the box. Searching for this summary of web development benefits, the option of Ionic will not be incorrect. To be more sure prior to you decide to Employ Ionic Designer take a look on following needs to choose Ionic for mobile app development. 1. Ionic is an Open Source, Well Backed and Free Not just the expert ionic web designers but typical computer and Internet users can be benefited by Ionic, as it offers a free and open source framework. If you had to pay Loan for a license for such structures, then it would become extremely hard to even start. 2. It is based on Angular Structure In Ionic, the development procedure of mobile apps is quite simple with angular as it is extended by Ionic with a bundle of functions. Ionic is based upon Angular which supported and maintained by Google in an open source. 3. Supports Android, iOS, Windows, Progressive Web Apps, and Web Browser Platform Ionic offers native performance for Android, iOS, and Windows and runs in the...

Five Emerging Tips for Enterprise Mobile App development

It’s boom time for mobile applications, thanks to the propagation of smartphones, and the consequent mobile-first approach. Enterprises are taking off applications by the dozens, not simply to offer cutting-edge solutions for their clients, but also to deal with their internal operational and business processes smoothly. However, in the midst of the noise, the development and direction of the mobile app development platform are affected by a few superfluous factors. Here are the top emerging tips for enterprise mobile application development: 1. Analytics and user experience: Clients expect a similar experience and execution from their enterprise applications as they are already accustomed to with commercial mobile apps which make it critical to give an ideal client experience. By collecting and analyzing data and feedback from end clients, associations can identify poor performance and use and all the more rapidly roll out the appropriate changes to upgrade client efficiency. 2. Cross-platform tools: In the BYOD environment, developers must create applications that work over numerous operating system and devices. Employees are as of now utilizing an average of three devices a day and that number will just increment as the IoT keeps on rising. Cross-platform tools let developers build mobile applications in one codebase and deploy those to various devices, taking out the need to hire multiple developers with specific native code expertise. This decreases the time it takes to deploy applications to their mobile workforce. 3. Agile development platforms: Mobile applications need to be reviewed more often than their desktop counterparts to meet client expectations. By embracing agile development methodologies as opposed to the more traditional waterfall technique, organizations can...

Graham On Trump, Putin Forming Cyber Security

Graham On Trump, Putin Forming Cyber Security Unit, ‘Not The Dumbest Idea…But It’s Pretty Close’: Republican Senator Lindsey Graham has blasted President Trump’s announcement about working with.. News video on One News Page on Sunday, 9 July 2017 Read...

Infographic – Success Structure of Top Performing Sales Rep

[Infographic] Success Structure of Top Performing Sales Rep Top performing sales personnel do more than just selling, they build and maintain a healthy relationship with the clients that helps in creating a good image of the company. Sales reps are the face of the company, so you need to be extra careful while getting them onboard. Their performance can have a great impact on your business turnover. Good performers are well acquainted with their target audience; they know whom to approach and how to take a deal forward. To successfully pass a deal through various stages of a sales pipeline, a sales rep needs to be tolerant, confident and persistent. These qualities aid in providing a good buying experience to the customers and ultimately helps in increasing sales. Let us have a look at such personality attributes that distinguishes top sales professionals from others and gives them the leading position   Conclusion Every successful company or person comprises of some important components and traits; realizing these traits and working on them is a phase of constant learning. To stay on the top, sales reps must keep working on these traits mentioned in the infographic. Even the sales honcho need to take these traits into account while recruiting a new sales rep. Hiring confident sales professionals who can quickly adapt and grow is necessary to achieve hundred percent positive results. Though they have the potential, you need to nurture their skills. Introducing them to new technologies will help in enhancing their efficiency and boosting their productivity. Tools like Salesmate CRM will help them in managing their sales and maintaining their...

List of Web Designing Companies in Singapore

Web Designing is an express term which covers all the grimy plan code and presents a delightful site. It requires a diverse level of abilities keeping in mind the end goal to create and keep up the sites. To be brief, there are many trains inside the domain of website designing. These controls are interface outline, visual depiction, writing, UX plan, and Website optimization. It likewise incorporates institutionalized code and owner programming too. In this post, I will give you a basic rundown of 5 best Web Planning Organizations in Singapore. This rundown will help you to settle on a superior choice with regards to plan a site for your business. How about we begin and see what these best organizations bring to the table and what are their specialties. Before pushing ahead, I need to give you a straightforward clarification of how I rate these organizations? I just watch their nature of conveyed work and portfolios. Client tributes were additionally useful. Presently, how about we proceed onward to the rundown, ❏   Vinova Pte Ltd Vinova focuses on Mobile and Web application development, servicing the startups, SMEs and enterprises in Singapore with the mobile applications and valuable websites. It is one of the best mobile and web app development company in Singapore. Some key points of the company: Foundation year: 2010 Company size: 30-50 Speciality: Mobile and web app development ❏   PixelCent PixelCent is strongly focus on Web development using WordPress, Mangeto, Laravel and other PHP frameworks. They are well-known for high-quality development services at very competive prices. Some key points of the company: Foundation year: 2015 Company size: 20-30...

Top Search Engine Marketing Courses in Singapore

Top Search Engine Marketing Courses in Singapore There is an increment in seek conduct of individuals from Singapore distinctly searching for Digital Marketing courses Institutes, Digital Marketing courses in Singapore. This field is currently enthusiastically determined by numerous. Keep in mind, Digital Marketing is not a decision; it’s a fundamental and most vital requirement for each business today. A reality that each business needs to confront eventually of time in their life. When you search for data on the web, look for something in a web index, see an advertisement gliding around as you peruse, or see a few messages in your inbox and feel constrained to open it; the greater part of this is advanced showcasing. In any case, it is imperative to recollect that not every person hits the nail on the head. There are numerous things that you do wind up disregarding as you seek, peruse, view, or find in your inbox. In this way, the information of Digital Marketing happens to considerably more significance. There is a considerable measure of commotion out there and to get your image to emerge you should be substantially more exact about who, when, what and where you are focusing on. To know this, you should figure out how to do it right. On the off chance that you are searching for a vocation opportunity in Advanced Promoting, there is no preferred time over now on the grounds that the territory is just now developing and the interest for specialists in this field has been higher than any time in recent memory. By the methods for this post, I am...

How to Leverage AR for Ecommerce

How to Leverage AR for Ecommerce E-commerce is an industry that thrives on user engagement. Any strategy that offers a unique way to reach and entertain potential customers is an attractive one. With the advent of augmented reality (AR), there is now an entirely new way for brands to interact with their audience. When brands utilize an AR app developer for success, they enjoy the benefits of a personalized, interactive marketing strategy that appeals to more customers. Here are the ways in which ecommerce businesses can use augmented reality for their own success.   AR Solves the Problem of Shopping Online For many online shoppers, e-commerce is appealing for its convenience factor. Nothing beats buying something you desperately want or need, right from your couch at home. However, what e-commerce lacks is the ability to try before you buy. Augmented reality for e-commerce is addressing this concern by offering shoppers the ability to see the product on themselves or in their home before making a purchase. The basis of AR technology is posting digital features directly within a real-life environment. For consumers, this means they are able to see the product they are thinking of purchasing appear on themselves or in its true setting. It essentially eliminates the guesswork from virtual shopping. Not only does augmented reality provide the opportunity for boosting ROI and sales, but also it can increase customer satisfaction and reduce the number of products returned. With customers able to more easily try a product and visualize it before buying, it removes the guesswork and lets them purchase more confidently.   Engage Customers, Provide Information, Customize...

Top 10 Mobile app development courses in Singapore

You have a dream to develop a mobile app, and you are in Singapore? Here are a few courses that you can enroll. Specialist Diploma in Mobile Apps Development at Singapore Polytechnic NTUC Learning Hub: Android Programming and Applications Development Mobile Apps at Tertiary Courses  Mobile Application Development Training at New Horizons Singapore  Specialist Diploma in Mobile Applications at Republic Polytechnic Specialist Diploma in Mobile Computing at NYP Android Application Development Short Course at iKompass Singapore Android Development Immersive at General Assembly Web & Mobile App Development Courses at SAE Institute Android Application Development Course at iEnabler Study...

Comparison: Vulnerability Assessment vs Penetration Testing

With organisations’ increased reliance on infocomm technology in their pursuit for competitive advantage, keeping the IT infrastructure safe should be one of the top priorities in organisations. Leaving security vulnerabilities unresolved and open for hackers to exploit can lead to severe monetary and reputation loss. Depending on the organisation’s intent – whether it is to find out the security vulnerabilities present in IT systems or to determine the security resiliency of the application, there are two approaches that organisations may adopt. Vulnerability Assessment is a non-intrusive approach that serves to produce a prioritised list of security vulnerabilities. A combination of automated and manual scan may be performed on the organisation’s IT systems or network, to identify flaws that may be exploited during an attack. The systematic approach of identifying, quantifying, and ranking security vulnerabilities enables organisation to select critical vulnerabilities to resolve based on their available resources. Without such assessments, there is a risk that IT infrastructure are not sufficiently secured. It is recommended that organisations should perform a vulnerability assessment on their IT infrastructure on a quarterly basis, and as well as to assess their applications on a yearly basis. Penetration Testing on the other hand, uses an intrusive approach to discover security weaknesses in the organisation’s IT infrastructure and applications. Penetration testers would attempt to exploit identified security weaknesses to gain privileged access into the IT infrastructure and applications. Such approach emulates a real attack, and would determine the robustness of the organisation’s IT infrastructure in protecting sensitive information. The difference between vulnerability assessment and penetration testing is that the former helps to discover the security loopholes present in organisation’s...

Wikitude’s Augmented Reality (AR) review

2016 flew by and we can’t believe how incredible this year was for the augmented reality industry: large investments, new players, new tools, advancements in our SDK and a handful of showcases such as Porsche, IKEA Delft, Media Markt and many others. Apple ate up Metaio. ARToolWorks to Daqri, Vuforia to PTC, Oculus to Facebook, Moodstocks to Google, Layar to Blippar, Cimagine to Snap – when will this nightmare end. All the developer friendly SDKs have been swallowed up by bigger players to stay competitive. 2014-2016 has been where augmented and virtual reality Developers got screwed over and over again.   Time to build a new AR SDK ourselves?     Source:...

What is the Internet of Things?

All across the globe, people are connecting to the Internet to access information, communicate with other people, and do business. But it’s not just people that are using the Internet: objects use it too. Machine-to-machine communication is widely used in the manufacturing and energy sectors to track machinery operations, report faults and raise service alerts. Increasingly, everyday objects are also using the Internet to connect to the cloud forming an ‘Internet of Things’. It’s estimated that 1.9bn devices are already connected to this Internet of Things (source: BI Intelligence.) Some of the most prominent Internet of Things sensors or devices in the consumer sphere so far have been activity and fitness monitors like the Nike FuelBand and Fitbit, the Google Glass wearable computer and ‘Hive’ connected heating systems from British Gas. Sports equipment manufacturer ASICS used Salesforce to develop its Support Your Marathoner website, delivering messages of support to a trackside screen when a unique tag was detected on the athlete’s shoe. The Internet of Things is growing rapidly, and it’s forecast that, by 2020, it could include between 30 billion and 75 billion things ranging from smartbands, toys and photoframes to medical devices, earthquake sensors and aeroplanes. Why is everyone talking about the Internet of Things? The Internet of Things is set to revolutionise business – and in particular, the relationship between organisations and their customers. That’s because it creates a completely new channel of communication. And like the Internet, it will create huge opportunities for companies ready to exploit it. Networking giant Cisco predicts that the opportunity represented by the Internet of Things will be worth $14.4...

Top 7 IoT Gadgets for Christmas

The new buzzword on many people’s lips as we head into the Christmas period is the Internet of Things or IoT. Experts are predicting that the influence exerted by IoT will fundamentally transform most aspects of our lives. So just what is this all about? The IoT is merely a network of inter-connected devices and machines that can collect and share data with each another via the internet. This is not small news, for it is estimated that from the start of 2015 up to 2020, in excess £4.5 trillion (1) will have been invested in IoT solutions. Further estimates are suggesting that a total of 34 billion IoT devices will be connected, by then. Many of these devices are used in business, of course, though many others will enter the retail consumer markets. The way we eat, shop and sleep will be affected by technology that is being described as potentially bigger than the industrial revolution. Here are 7 IoT devices that could change our everyday lives or are nice Christmas presents. Fisher-Price, 4-in-1 Smart Connect™ Cradle ’n Swing This creative cradle takes the effort out of getting baby off to sleep. All its movements are controlled via your smart device and in addition to the lights and music to smooth your little one off to the land of nod. It also has a range of rocking and swinging motions.           Samsung, Family Hub Refrigerator If like most of us, you suffer from scatter-brained moments, this is the device for you. A camera fitted inside your fridge photographs the contents so that at any given...

Ruby on Rails 5.1 has been released!

Ruby on Rails 5 Release Notes Highlights in Rails 5.0: Action Cable Rails API Active Record Attributes API Test Runner Exclusive use of rails CLI over Rake Sprockets 3 Turbolinks 5 Ruby 2.2.2+ required These release notes cover only the major changes. To learn about various bug fixes and changes, please refer to the change logs or check out the list of commits in the main Rails repository on...

Infographic: Insight of Mobile app development process

Developing an awesome mobile application is not an easy task, both developers and business owners struggle to understand the numerous aspects of mobile app development. Many times, business owners are not able to decide which platform to choose for their new mobile app and many times developers are not able to understand the exact requirements of their customers. This causes multiple problems and unsuccessful deployments of a mobile app. You certainly do not want your app to be unsuccessful, thus it is necessary that you understand the basic process and principles of developing a smartphone application. Nine Hertz, an iPhone app development company has recently researched about all these facets of mobile app development and designed a beautiful infographic. This visual graph describes multiple things: the whole back end and front end process of mobile application development the cost to build an app according to features the per hour rate of various countries for iOS and Android app development the latest trends that will dominate the mobile app development industry in the upcoming years...

Web/Mobile Penetration Testing: Black Box vs. White Box

If you are considering having your network penetration tested then more than likely you with either go down the black box or white box route. Black Box Testing The main differences are that with black box texting the testers are given very little or no information prior to the penetration test. It is also referred to as “blind testing” because the tester has to find an open route to access the network. White Box Testing Is when the tester is given full disclosure about the network prior to the penetration testing. This will include IP addresses, source code, network protocols and diagrams. Also known as “Full Disclosure” testing. Grey Box Testing “Partial Disclosure Testing” In between black box and white box testing, you will find grey box penetration testing. The penetration tester will be given partial details about the network infrastructure. Pros & Cons of Back Box & White Box Testing In a black box penetration test the attacker will be unfamiliar with the network, which is generally more realistic to everyday penetration attacks or “hacks”. This will stimulate more accurate results, as they will not be privy to any additional information and would give you the most realistic indication of potential threats to your network. White Box penetration testing would indicate results if you had a threat from inside the network that was using knowledge of your network, such as IP addresses, router access, active ports, web servers, FTP, and even passwords. A black box tester would not have this information and usually unable to scan the network for threats as thoroughly.   Vinova is providing affordable and...

Top enterprise mobile app development companies in Singapore

Recent statistics shows that many business enterprises are now embracing the use of mobile apps to develop their business. The trend has recently brought some significant changes in app development globally. Many app developers are now deviating from targeting consumer markets to targeting business enterprises by highly embracing enterprise app development. Enterprise app development has become the new trend for developers with many apps already being showcased in Singapore. Leading app development companies are now investing in machinery and manpower to increase their marketability for business enterprises these days. We give a quick review of some of the best app development companies in Singapore that offer affordable and cutting-edge technology to develop applications for business enterprises. 1. Vinova Vinova helps Singapore companies and start-up individuals to make their ideas reality by providing our IT services and solutions. Vinova specialises in developing mobile apps, web apps and mobile games. We’ve been developing and maintaining many eCommerce and responsive websites, mobile apps and games on iOS and Android platforms, as well as complex Enterprise system. Vinova is among TOP 10 Mobile Applications Development Companies in Singapore – according to Medium.com. Awarded 1st prize “Best In Show” for our game at Casual Connect Asia, Vinova is featured on MDA site and annual report. Vinova is well-known for Speed and Quality in the industry, since their founding in 2010. Their portfolio is available for download here. And their company video is available here. 2. Buuuk Buuuk started as an experimental app but turned into a full fledged client servicing studio over a few years. They believe in honesty, respect and substance, making them a mobile app...

Overview: mobile app development process

Building a mobile app is a long process which involves lots of planning, researching, strategic decision-making, and testing. When decision-makers in your organization determine the need to create an app, they should be aware of the length of time, the necessary steps, and the level of involvement along this process. Building a mobile app is a long process which involves lots of planning, researching, strategic decision-making, and testing. When decision-makers in your organization determine the need to create an app, they should be aware of the length of time, the necessary steps, and the level of involvement along this process. This is why it’s important to know what to expect when you consider approaching a mobile app development company and be prepared to offer your input during all the phases. Here’s a comprehensive overview of the typical mobile app development process: 1. Initial planning Before you contact the app development team, your organization should have a clear image of what you want from the mobile app. When you present your brief to the app developers, you should include the following information: The purpose of the app: overview of core functionalities; what problem or need the app is supposed to solve; Customer personas and stories: who the typical users of the app are, how they interact with your company, their app usage patterns, and their tech-savviness; Initial sketches: hand-drawn or computer-generated sketches with a general design of how you want your app interface to look; The budget you have in mind to build the app. 2. Wireframing Wireframes are sketches or mock-ups of the actual design of your app, screen...
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