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6 Websites You Can Use To Become a Web Developer Today

Learning to become a web developer is one of the best investments you can make. If you’re a writer, you’ll be able to design every aspect of your blog with total creative control. If you’re in high school or younger, you’ll be able to make as much if not more money than your parents with skills that are in high demand. So instead of being all talk like a word warrior, you’ll become an actual man of money at any age. If you’re a career professional, you’ll add another skill to your set for you to ask for a raise or better: start your own business and begin a new life of freedom. Learning code is easy if you’re willing to put the time in and invest in yourself: the best investment you can make. Think of all the wasted hours watching TV, and playing video games. There is no return for these activities, so ideally they should have no place in your life. It’s “dead time“—you aren’t actually dead, but you aren’t living your life either. You’re living vicariously through the adventures of another, even if the controller is in your hands. You can become a fully fledged web developer in 4-6 months if you’re able to remove distractions from your life and focus on a brighter future for you. Online education is becoming a massive industry. People just like you are learning that there isn’t a reason to go to college anymore, and it’s no longer a safe place for men to further their skills. If you go to college your chances of catching a false rape allegation increase...

How to report an issue with your website to your web developer/agency

How to report an issue with your website to your web developer/agency Doesn’t work” isn’t a bug report We’ve been helping businesses with their websites since 2001. In that time we’ve had to deal with countless occasions where a client has reported when they think there is an issue on a website.  And in that time we’ve spotted common reporting bug problems which are worth having a chat about as this can help save a lot of time. What support are you paying for? One of the first things you (as the person reporting the problem) needs to ask youself is ‘what support agreement is in place?‘; i.e. if you don’t have any form of support agreement set up, then don’t expect support to be free, and don’t expect your issue to be serviced right away as the developer/agency may well be very busy with current projects – you have to pay extra to jump the queue of work already in the studio. Now, if you don’t have a support agreement in place (or it doesn’t match the level of service you think your business needs) then the simple answer is that you need to chat with your developer/agency. Many companies (including us), will typically have an informal period after a website goes live (if there is no support agreement in place) where things are just fixed, free of charge as this is, in essence, a bedding down period for the website. But please don’t be surprised if the agency makes it clear that this is not a long term, free support option; the bedding in period has to end at...

Penn Arts and Sciences Coding Boot Camp Will Make You a Web Developer in No Time

Technology New Philly Coding Boot Camp Will Make You a Web Developer in No Time One of the city’s top institutions will host it. Developing programming and coding technologies. scyther5 | iStock If you’re looking to expand your professional portfolio with some in-demand tech skills, there’s a new program option in Philly that you might want to consider. The University of Pennsylvania, in partnership with New York’s Trilogy Education Services, recently announced the launch of the Penn Arts and Science Coding Boot Camp, a 24-week coding program. Geared toward adult learners and working professionals, the program will equip students (with little to no experience in coding) with the basics of coding, algorithms and data structure. Participants will also receive intensive training in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Java, Bootstrap, Express.js, React.js, Node.js, Database Theory, Bookshelf.js, MongoDB, MySQL, Command Line, Git, and more. Course material is adjusted according to market demand. In addition to regular classroom instruction that will be held at the Pennovation Center on Saturdays and two evenings every week, students will spend around 20 hours a week on outside projects and experiential learning activities. At the end of the 24-week period, which begins on January 23, 2018, participants will receive a certificate of completion from Penn Arts and Sciences. And at the cost of $11,950 total, the cohort of about 25 to start will also receive career-planning services, portfolio reviews, recruiting assistance and staff support. Trilogy is a continuing education program manager for institutions around the globe. It has already teamed up with 27 other institutions including Northwestern, Rutgers and UC Berkley Extension to host the coding boot...

A GIF-filled guide to being an unusually good web developer

What does it take to be a really good web developer? If you’re working at your first programming job, you probably found out quickly that it’s not easy. It’s one thing to watch coding tutorials, read programming books, and make portfolio sites. It’s quite another to have to build websites from spec, to meet deadlines, and most importantly, to make sure that your bosses and clients are happy! On top of all that, technology changes fast. You may feel like you have to stay on top of trends or risk becoming obsolete next year. Want to know a secret, though? You don’t have to be afraid. As you keep working, you will gain experience in your job. In the same way that you’ve learned coding, you can also learn how to perform at a high level at work. It’s possible to learn how to be a good web developer. And it’s even possible to be anindispensably good web developer. (Obviously, I can’t guarantee your job security, but you know what I mean.) My first job I’m a self-taught web developer, who never took a formal computer science course. I’ve currently been in the field for about seven years. And of course, I’ve struggled with the learning curve and with impostor syndrome. But I’ve also picked up a lot of valuable experience and skills along the way. You might find some similarities to my experience and your own. When I started out as a junior web dev in my first real job, I was beyond thrilled. But to be completely honest, I was terrified for the first two years. Every day...

Ruby on Rails – Need to Know

1. What is Rails? Rails is a web application framework designed to work with the Ruby programming language. Sound like mumbo jumbo?! I know! Here’s the BIG idea: there is a programming language called Ruby. It’s super fun to write. In fact, the guy who first created it said that his major motivation when writing the language was to design a programming language that would make programmers happy. Nice, right? Let me give you an example. If I want to print something to the screen in PHP I need to write: echo “Hello World”; Notice the semi-colon? And what does echo even mean?!! On the other hand if I wanted to do the same thing in Ruby alls I would write is: puts “Hello World” No semi-colon, and puts may be a little… juvenile, but it makes more intuitive sense to me than echo. Seriously, when you spend hours and hours a day writing code, it’s the little things that make a HUGE difference. So, anyways, the only problem with Ruby was that it’s not designed for use on the Web. Like…you couldn’t really use it to make websites, per se. That is until… Rails! I am not sure if Rails was the first web framework for Ruby but it’s DEFINITELY the most popular. What Rails does is provide all this fancy scaffolding and stuff to make it possible to write a Ruby application and have it be a website. This sounds really abstract when you say it here, but it’s basically like this: if I were to write puts “Hello World” in an HTML document, you would just see the whole...

When Ruby on Rails Is Not a Good Fit

It’s no secret that we love Ruby on Rails at Planet Argon. We’ve been part of the community for 13 years, and have built over a hundred applications using this framework since then. But just because it’s our framework of choice doesn’t mean it’s the right choice for your business. Over the years, we’ve had several companies approach us about their existing Ruby on Rails application, or with the idea of creating a new app in Rails, that we’ve directed away from this framework. In these situations, we could have pitched a maintenance or new build retainer. And if we weren’t looking out for these companies’ best interest, and instead only cared about making more money, that’s surely what we would have done. But as the experts in our field, it’s also our responsibility to educate companies on the smartest decision for their company – even if it means they don’t become a client of ours in the process (I think there’s a Spiderman reference in there somewhere about power and responsibility…). The reasons that Ruby on Rails is not a good fit varies depending on the company’s situation. Here’s one example where we turned a company away from a custom Ruby on Rails app, why we did it, and what we pointed them toward instead. A Mid-Size E-Commerce Website: Queen Bee Creations A few years ago, a local Portland-based bag and accessory company – Queen Bee Creations contacted us about their custom Ruby on Rails e-commerce application. They told us a story we’re very familiar with and have heard again and again: the freelance Rails developer who created and maintained their app was leaving...

How to use Live Templates for Ruby on Rails in RubyMine

What is Live Templates and why use it for Ruby on Rails Live Templates (aka Code Snippets in many text editors) is a simple solution allowing you to generate frequently-used custom code constructs, and quickly insert them in the editor. While RubyMine has a built-in set of keywords for Ruby and Rails, and provides autocompletion for them, there are cases when using shortcuts is more preferable. In the case of Ruby on Rails development, this is especially applicable to HTML and ERB tags. As you probably know when you start typing <% in .html.erb files, the IDE suggests inserting the whole tag, and puts the caret right inside: But there are alternatives that you may find more convenient, especially if you are used to the default shortcut ⇧⌘./Ctrl+Shift+. that inserts ERB expression printing tag <%= %>, which doesn’t have a similar version for the “non-rendering” Ruby code execution tag <% %>. This is exactly the kind of case where live templates come in handy because they allow you to create one. Here’s how: Go to Preferences / Settings | Editor | Live Templates. Choose Rails from the list of available language/markup templates, and hit + to add a new template: Then take the following steps: Create an abbreviation that you will type for a quick insertion in the editor (like erbext), and provide a description that will help you remember what a specific template does(F1). Type the code that should be generated in the Template text field. Specify where the cursor should be put after the template is inserted by typing $END$. In our case we want to have the caret right inside the tag. Finally, decide if you want to insert the tag with Enter, Tab, or Space, and choose in...

Easter Weekend Sale: Complete Web Developer Course 2.0 going for $19

Rob Percival, the renowned coding instructor, released a completely revamped Web Developer course earlier this year. His first Web Dev course was the most popular of its kind to ever be released. In response to feedback from thousands of his students, Rob has renovated the course to make it even more comprehensive. The course is normally available for $200 from sites like Udemy, but for the next few days, you can snag it for from Tech Deals. We’re calling that a pretty stellar offer. The contains over 30 hours of content that will walk you through building 25 websites. You also gain access to Rob’s online forums where he actively engages his 95,000+ students. All students get lifetime access to all course materials. Course in a Glance: “Web developers are highly in-demand – that’s no secret. Whether you’re looking to build a lucrative career from scratch or pick up some extra cash building and monetizing your own websites, this course is a great place to start. With this fully immersive course that covers everything ‘code’, you’ll learn everything you need to start programming like a pro. It’s time to join the 21st century workforce!” Access 288 lectures & 30.5 hours of content 24/7 Learn fundamentals of HTML5, CSS3 & Python Build responsive websites w/ jQuery, PHP 7, MySQL 5 & Twitter Bootstrap Develop blogs & ecommerce sites w/ WordPress Discover smart ways to add dynamic content by using APIs Receive free unlimited web hosting for one year Make a Twitter clone to put your knowledge into action Ready to stop stalling and start coding? Click the button below to...

Fast JSON API serialization with Ruby on Rails

by Shishir Kakaraddi, Srinivas Raghunathan, Adam Gross and Ryan Johnston We are pleased to announce the open source release of Fast JSON API gem geared towards Ruby on Rails applications. Introduction Fast JSONAPI is aimed at providing all the major functionality that Active Model Serializer (AMS) provides, along with an emphasis on speed and performance, by meeting a benchmark requirement to be 25 times faster than AMS. The gem enforces performance testing as a discipline. Active Model Serializer is a great gem and Fast JSON API was inspired by it when it comes to declaration syntax and features. But, AMS begins to slow down when a model has one or more relationships. Compound document, AKA sideloading, on those models makes AMS slow down further. Throw in a need for infinite scroll on the UI, and AMS’s slowness starts becoming visible to users. Why optimize serialization? JSON API serialization is often one of the slowest parts of many well implemented Rails API’s. Why not provide all the major functionality that AMS provides and with great speed? Features: Declaration syntax similar to Active Model Serializer Support for belongs_to, has_many and has_one Support for compound documents (included) Optimized serialization of compound documents Caching Instrumentation with Skylight integration (optional) How do you write a serializer using Fast JSONAPI? We like the familiar way Active Model Serializers lets us declare our serializers. Declaration syntax of fast_jsonapi is similar to AMS. class MovieSerializer include FastJsonapi::ObjectSerializer attributes :name, :year has_many :actors belongs_to :owner, record_type: :user belongs_to :movie_typeend How fast is it compared to Active Model Serializers? Performance tests indicates a 25–40x speed gain over AMS, essentially making serialization time negligible on even...
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