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Explained: What does a full stack web developer do? Why is the role controversial?

One big misconception, a full stack web developer is an empty title or someone like ‘jack of all trades, master of none’. So not true! What skills a full stack developer must have or acquire? What are the core responsibilities? What programming languages full stack developers must know?  Do you know the average salary of full-stack developer in US? The average salary base is $105,556 / year – Indeed A confusion raises as if they will be doing the development or management or responsible for handling the end product/service? Well, almost all of this and more.  In this blog post, we will try to cover what is a full stack developer and what skills/role he has to perform in product/ project development in detail. What is a full stack web development? Someone who works on the backend (server-side), and the frontend (client-side). In short, someone who can play in a variety of coding niches either related to databases, web design or user experience, can guide in the best way possible.  While looking into the responsibilities of the full stack web developer, he is the one who helps in the design and development of software. Test and debug software for optimization purposes, write clean standard code both for front and back end applications. He can design interactions on the web apps, build databases and servers for backend software running. Looks into cross-platform compatibility of applications, maintains the responsiveness of given design, research and can add new features in a product, develop APIs and RESTful services, reduce security risks and help in scalability.  Why is the role of full stack developer...

Decoding the Top 10 Data Science Jargons For Beginners (Commonly Asked In Interviews) | by Sharan Kumar Ravindran | Dec, 2021 | Towards Data Science

This article is about decoding some of the popular jargon used in data science. It is important to understand these concepts better. They are commonly asked in data science job interviews. Let’s get into the topics. Dependent and Independent Variables A dependent variable (target variable) is driven by the independent variables in the study. For example, the revenue for a retail store depends on the number of customers walking into the store. Here the store revenue is the dependent variable. The number of customers walking into the store is the independent variable. The dependent variable is called so because its value depends on the independent variable. Also, independent variables are called so because they are independent of other variables that could impact the dependent variable. Like, the amount of rainfall (independent variable) is independent of the number of customers walking into the store. Both these independent variables help in making a better prediction. While working on a predictive data science problem. There would be generally one dependent variable and multiple independent variables. Below is a very good resource to better understand dependent and independent variables. An outlier is a value that is not within the normal range for a variable. For example, the average life expectancy is around 70 years. An individual who is of age 119 is considered an outlier because his age is well outside the normal range. While working on a data science problem, it is a general practice to check for outliers in the dataset. Outliers in data could impact the choice of the algorithm in case of a predictive problem. Here is a detailed...

Mobile App Development Process – Step 1 Ideation & Product Discovery

This blog series is all about a step-by-step guide to the mobile app ideation and discovery phase. It explains the significance of planning your mobile app development journey right from clarifying the vision to coming up with a solution. Also, this post describes how the right product discovery strategy proves beneficial in the longer run. You’ll learn the basics of conducting product ideation, who should be involved in this step, and some of the best practices to implement that simplifies your mobile app development process.  So, let’s understand what product discovery in mobile application development exactly means. What is Product Discovery in Mobile App Development? When it comes to custom , product discovery stands imperative to target the right audience and how your app solves a genuine problem prevailing in the market. It is a continuous process of brainstorming ideas or solutions and subsequently adopting them to offer customized user experiences. With a good mobile app discovery phase, you can direct your development team to understand the needs of the user base in advance before moving on to the development. Here’re some questions you need to ask to correctly define it: Are there any other options available in the market to solve the issue your app aims to target? What are the distinctive factors that give it a competitive edge?  What are the core competencies in terms of features and usage of your mobile application? What value do they bring to the table? What is the scope of your app? How will it reach out to your potential users? Is your app capable of satisfying your user base consistently?...

Myanmar Junta Set to Pass Draconian Cyber Security Law

Myanmar’s military junta is reportedly on the brink of passing its long-threatened cybersecurity law, which in its latest form would outlaw virtual private networks (VPNs), throttle access to social media networks, and force internet companies to hand over user data to the military. The latest version of the Cyber Security Bill, which updates a draft released in February 2021, comes a year after the military seized power, plunging the country into a zero-sum struggle between the junta and a loose coalition of opponents. According to a report last week by Myanmar Now, the military administration submitted a revised version of the bill to stakeholders on January 13 and called for their feedback by January 28. The law is expected to be passed this week. The February 2o21 draft was widely criticized for compelling internet providers to prevent or remove any content deemed to “cause hatred, destroy unity and tranquility,” any “untruthful news or rumors,” or anything that is “inappropriate” to Myanmar’s culture. It also forced internet providers to gather the personal data of users, store it for three years starting from the day of usage, and hand it over to military authorities upon request. While the draft was withdrawn due to the strong opposition of Myanmar’s business community, the advocacy group Free Expression Myanmar (FEM) (which has also released an unofficial translation of the legislation) claims that the military’s new draft “repeats the repressive provisions of previous drafts and adds more, seriously threatening the safety and security of Myanmar’s digital space.” Diplomat Brief Weekly Newsletter Get briefed on the story of the week, and developing stories to watch across...

Meet Our Newest Web Developer: Nick Hemingway | Twin Creek Media Inc.

It is always a pleasure getting to know a new team member and the person behind the talent. Nick Hemingway is a Kelowna local who graduated from the University of British Columbia with a Bachelor of Media Studies. He enjoys long walks on the beach, singing in the rain, and Piña Coladas…. Hold on… Wrong social platform! Let’s push past the small talk and get into what really makes Nick tick. Kokanee Glacier Park, Ainsworth, BC With a passion for adventure and photography, you will find Nick wandering through the woods looking for that perfect shot. “I was hiking in the Kootenay region on the edge of the Kokanee Glacier Park, attempting to find a hidden fishing location that had been stocked by my Grandfather and Great-Grandfather many years prior. We didn’t have cell reception, but luckily, we did have a GPS which helped guide us to the awesome fishing pond.” When he isn’t off looking for hidden gems in the super natural regions of British Columbia, you can find him spending time with his family. Having heritage hailing from Italy and Norway, he loves to come home to his mom’s favourite homecooked meal of spaghetti made with Italian sausage. Fun fact: despite his fiery hair colour, Nick does not have roots in Ireland or Scotland!  Nick has a sense of adventure and loves to dirt bike. So, the ‘boys’ invited Nick to join them on a dirt biking trip to explore the Okanagan’s back-country. And boy, did they come back with a story to tell! Thomas Berger reminisces, “Nick did a whiskey-throttle. Crashed. Hurt his knee. We made...

Reactjs Chat UI Beautiful Template Free

Hello friends, welcome back to my blog. Today in this blog post, I am going to show you, Reactjs Chat UI Beautiful Template Free. Reactjs Chat UI Beautiful Template Demo 2 React Responsive Chat For reactjs new comers, please check the below link: Reactjs Basic Tutorials Friends now I proceed onwards and here is the working code snippet for Reactjs Chat UI Beautiful Template Free and please use this carefully to avoid the mistakes: 1. Firstly, we need fresh reactjs setup and for that, we need to run below commands into out terminal and also we should have latest node version installed on our system: npx create-react-app reacttepmate cd reacttepmate npm start 2. Now we need to run below commands into our project terminal to get bootstrap and related modules into our reactjs application: npm install bootstrap --save npm install jquery --save npm start //For start project again 3. Finally for the main output, we need to add below code into our reacttemplate/src/App.js file or if you have fresh setup then you can replace reacttemplate/src/App.js file code with below code: import React from 'react'; import './App.css'; import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css'; import 'bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js'; import 'jquery/dist/jquery.min.js'; import $ from 'jquery'; class Home extends React.Component { componentDidMount(){ $('#action_menu_btn').click(function(){ $('.action_menu').toggle(); }); } render() { return ( <div className="maincontainer"> <div class="container-fluid h-50"> <div class="row justify-content-center h-100"> <div class="col-md-4 col-xl-3 chat"><div class="card mb-sm-3 mb-md-0 contacts_card"> <div class="card-header"> <div class="input-group"> <input type="text" placeholder="Search..." name="" class="form-control search" /> <div class="input-group-prepend"> <span class="input-group-text search_btn"><i class="fas fa-search"></i></span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card-body contacts_body"> <ul class="contacts"> <li class="active"> <div class="d-flex bd-highlight"> <div class="img_cont"> <img src="https://therichpost.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/avatar2.png" class="rounded-circle user_img" /> <span class="online_icon"></span> </div> <div class="user_info">...

The mobile app development toolkit you need | Freelancer.com

1. Google ARCore ARCore is Google’s tool for augmented reality (AR) app development. ARCore uses various APIs to help the user’s device track its motion and position, understand and detect its environment and estimate the environment’s lighting conditions. The tool’s lighting detection means your virtual object can be lit under the same conditions as its environment, and its ability to detect vertical and horizontal feature points allows you to place virtual objects on flat planes. ARCore is platform-specific to Android, meaning you’ll have some work ahead of you to make your AR experience work cross-platform. Pricing: Free 2. Apple ARKit 2 ARKit 2 lets you provide AR experiences that allow multiple users to participate simultaneously. It also allows users to stop the app and resume it later in the same state. In addition to 3D object recognition, ARKit also supports 2D object recognition for items like posters or signs. The limitation of ARKit, like ARCore, is that it’s platform specific, working off Apple’s native XCode codebase. Pricing: Free 3. Wikitude Wikitude works cross-platform to create AR experiences for Android, iOS or Windows. You can use Native or JavaScript, or Unity, Cordova or Xamarin to create a seamless AR experience for phones, tablets and smart glasses on all three supported operating systems. Wikitude can augment multiple images simultaneously and can also recognize, track and augment 2D images. Pricing: Subscription plans range from around $2,800 USD/year to more than $5,000 USD/year. 4. Vuforia Vuforia is primarily for enterprise applications in industries like aerospace, electronics, healthcare and automotive manufacturing. It touts itself as providing enterprise solutions to manufacture, train and service more...

A Practical Guide to Cyber Security for Non-Professionals

A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO CYBER SECURITY FOR NON-PROFESSIONALS “Why does security matter?” is a question that has progressed from community bystanders to boardroom discussions, and it does not end there. It is currently the topic of debate in the industry. Everyone we know is talking about security in some capacity, whether at work or elsewhere. Nowadays, cybersecurity is no longer solely the responsibility of an IT administrator or security administrators in an IT organization. It is now a requirement for everyone, even those individuals who don’t work in large enterprises or carry significant amounts of data on their mobile devices. Over the last decade, the use of organizational computer networks, desktop computers, and the internet, in general, has increased exponentially. It has increased the number of threats from malware, viruses, and hackers looking for vulnerable, sensitive information from all sources. So with that in question, how can someone with little to no information regarding cybersecurity know its importance? Sure, there are plenty of books out there that will show you the nitty-gritty details of cybersecurity, but not everyone has the time and will to read a book – right? So for those who are new to the concept of cybersecurity, here’s a practical guide that contains everything you need to know about it. What is Cybersecurity? Before we begin to get to the depth of everything, let us first define cyber security and its importance. Cybersecurity refers to the technology and procedure of protecting networks and devices from damage, unauthorized access, or attacks. Because data is now the core component of any organization, cybersecurity is critical for a country’s...

How to Set Up Laravel 8 on Your Android Phone

Hey, how are you doing? In this article, I’m going to show you how you can install Laravel 8 on your phone. To get the most out of this guide, you should have some knowledge of PHP and you should know what Laravel is. But if you don’t, don’t worry – I will explain the basics so you can get started. What Is Laravel? Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. It’s built on PHP, which means that Laravel is PHP but it makes things easier to work with. It comes with lots of packages for various features, like authentication, so we don’t need to write authentication ourselves. To learn more about what Laravel can do, you can visit the site at laravel.com. Why I wrote this tutorial I created this tutorial because I want people interested in programming who don’t have a laptop or pc to be able to build things on their phones. My last post on freeCodeCamp made me realize that people are interested in learning how the tech works, so that’s why I’m making more guides like this. So let’s dive into it. In this tutorial I am going to show you how you can install composer.php and use it to set up Laravel 8 on your phone 🔥🔥. I am Precious Oladele, and I’m almost 19 this month 🥴. I’m from Nigeria and I will be taking you through this process. And if you’re wondering how I know so much about this, it’s because I also don’t have a laptop so I explore with my phone instead 😎. To go through...

Zen and the Art of Data Science — How To Avoid Gumption Traps | by Wouter van Heeswijk, PhD | Nov, 2021 | Towards Data Science

To me, Robert Pirsig’s bestseller Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (1974) was definitely one of the more engaging reads I’ve come across. The aim of this article is not to give a synopsis on the Metaphysics of Quality, but to distill some insights that might aid data scientists when getting discouraged with their project. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance For those who have not read it — or those in need of a quick recap — the book interweaves the philosophical life journey of the author with the fabric of an All-American motorcycle road trip. It provides a thesis on the concept of quality, unifying the romantic and the classical perceptions of the world. As an illustration of those two viewpoints, the titular act of motorcycle maintenance serves as an extensive anecdote throughout the book. The romantic soul is primarily interested with how the motorcycle drives, looks and feels. A mechanical failure is nothing but a source of frustration. The classical soul, on the other hand, is concerned with the inner mechanisms of the machine, wants to know exactly what each part does. For them, a breakdown might actually pose an interesting challenge. It is not hard to see the analogies with programming and data science. When faced with a malfunctioning piece of software or nonsensible results, many users will throw up their hands in despair. It takes a certain fortitude and analytical mindset to dive into the underlying data sets or error messages. The classical soul is at work here. However, even one with a strictly classical view on the world is not immune...

Laravel Eloquent Power Joins Package | Laravel News

If you have some experience using databases, it is very likely you have used joins at least once in your career. Joins can be used for a bunch of different reasons, from selecting data from other tables to limiting the matches of your query. I’m going to give a few examples on this post, so, in order to contextualize the examples, imagine we have the following database/models structure. User -> hasMany -> Post Post -> hasMany -> Comment Post -> morphMany -> Image On Laravel, using eloquent, joining the posts table would look something like this: In case you want to join the posts and the comments table, your query would look something like this: This is fine and we can understand, but we can do better. We already have all these relationships defined in our models, but we are repeating some of the implementation details when we write the join statements. So, instead of doing this, wouldn’t be cool if you could just do the following? This is less code to read, and more importantly, easier code to read. It also hides any implementation details on how your relationships work. So, if your relationship changes, your joins will be automatically updated. Introducing the Eloquent Power Joins package We felt the way we did joins in our applications wasn’t really the “Laravel way”, so we decided to introduce some of the Laravel fine touch into the way we do joins. joinRelationship is a method introduced by the Eloquent Power Joins package. It works with any type of the existing Laravel relationships. The installation of the package is as simple...

Loan Lending Mobile App Development Cost & Features

The current era belongs to the advanced technologies and innovations done by integrating modern machinery. Nowadays, we have mobile applications to do every task and that task can be done in a few minutes just by some clicks on the mobile screen. Be it having household services, shopping, or even banking. Related to the finance sector, nowadays we can see that people are doing their all-financial tasks with the help of these mobile apps. Whether it is transferring the money, getting money from someone, or even if they want to lend some amount, they are doing it online.  Yes, you heard it right! Businesses are now getting loan lending mobile app development services due to the high demand in the market. There is always a time when a person gets out of money and in that worst situation, they have no option left rather than lending money from other people or banks. but sometimes that is not possible as taking a loan from a bank takes a long time and verification of belongings as well, except it, people are adopting the new way to lend the money. These loan lending mobile apps are proving to be helpful to give them money instantly without taking much time. These mobile apps help users to have an easy and systematic money lending process despite having a hectic process and schedule of form filling and standing in the long queue and doing various bank visits. Want to know more about it? Get all the insights about loan lending app development costs and must-have features into it. Let’s dive into the details: Introduction to Money Lending Mobile App Money lending...

The Best Google Chrome Extensions For Every WordPress Web Developer

Google Chrome wasn’t the first web browser to enter the arena, yet despite a growing number of competitors over the years, it continues to hold the title of most popular. Since arriving on the scene in 2008, Chrome steadily closed ranks, then easily surpassed the once-dominant Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer (the latter of which had upwards of 90% market share in its heyday). Even diehard Foxophiles and Gate(s)keepers―currently retaining barely 5% of the browser market combined―have long since switched to the metallic maven. Whether surfing from a desktop or a mobile device, Chrome is definitively the most-used browser in pretty much any country. As a web developer, you want to be sure that what you’ve designed is able to adapt to any device or browser. Google Chrome, as the most used browser, should be at the top of that list. Aside from using Chrome as part of your browser testing, it’s also helpful in terms of the tools (or extensions) that were specifically created for web developers. To that end, we’ve put together a handy list of Chrome web developer extensions that we feel really pass the muster. Keep reading to find out what they are, or use the jump links below to go to any section. And off we go… Developers Paradise Aside from using Chrome as part of your browser testing, it’s also helpful in terms of the tools/extensions that were specifically created with Chrome web developers in mind. WordPress developers know how powerful the CMS is on its own, but you can make it even faster and more efficient directly from your Chrome browser...

Desktop Cyber Security – The Best Defense… is a Good Offense

Know Where you Stand and What Threats you Face I’ve talked about desktop tools and infrastructure solutions designed to block hacker intrusions and clean systems of virus and malware. We’ve reviewed testing and training users to make sure the human element is addressed to keep the bad actors out. We’ve looked at several ways to mitigate the risk and give you recovery and continuity. You may know IPDRR – Identify. Protect. Detect. Respond. Recover. These are the basic tenets of cyber security protocol. The first three are the keys to a proactive methodology – a good offense. Simply put, they are knowing the pieces of your network, deploying blocking tools to those pieces and setting up an alerting system that can detect threats – in real time. Know your networks The asset and inventory tools we use to track our knowledge of client systems are initially populated when we take on a new client. This is all part of Beringer’s tried-and-true onboarding process. That database is then updated as every change is made to the network, whether it be due to a project to upgrade infrastructure, a remediation for performance, modifications to local or cloud access, or security or any other change. Deploy Your Safety Net We use anti-virus and anti-malware tools in every case… An Endpoint/Managed Detection and Response (EDR/MDR) solution provides an additional underlying layer of managed detection and response. This way, we can defend against malicious, persistent footholds, ransomware and more – that are not readily apparent to the other cyber security tools above.. Add ThreatOps to The Arsenal The solutions above provide alerting to our...

Async processing of long-running tasks in ASP.NET Core | elmah.io

Async processing of long-running tasks in ASP.NET Core Written by Thomas Ardal, September 14, 2021 Sometimes, invoking an API endpoint needs to trigger a long-running task. Examples of this could be invoking an external and slow API or sending an email, which you don’t want the caller of your API to wait for. There are multiple ways of implementing this using a message broker, a fire and forget API request, or something completely third. In this post, I’ll show you how to implement async processing in ASP.NET Core, using a queue and the Background Worker feature. To understand how to process long-running tasks, let’s start by creating an example and making it sloooooow. Create a new ASP.NET Core application through Visual Studio, dotnet, or your preferred scaffolding engine. For this example, I have chosen the MVC template, but it could just as well be one of the other options. Next, in the HomeController.cs file, create a new method to simulate a call to a slow running task: For the demo, I’m waiting 10 seconds to simulate some work. The Task.Delay line would be replaced with some integration code in a real-life example. I have wrapped the code in information messages, which I can later inspect in Visual Studio or through the configured logger (maybe elmah.io?). Then, invoke the CallSlowApi method from the Index method: Let’s run the application and inspect the performance in Developer Tools: As expected, loading the frontpage takes just above 10 seconds (10 seconds for the Task.Delay and 30 milliseconds to load the page). Refactoring time! To process the message asynchronously, we’ll implement a background worker...

Best Healthcare Mobile App Development Tips in 2021

Today is assuredly the best day to start a . Indeed, people are turning to technology to track and improve their well-being. Naturally, anyone would want a reliable and trusted solution to manage their health. For instance, it is no secret that doctors are already taking advantage of mobile technologies in their practice. User bases grow, and so does demand. There is even some indication that data from patients’ wearables will increasingly be used in the analysis. And what about the mental health space? There probably isn’t a person who hasn’t seen a YouTube commercial for one of those apps. Anyway, in 2017 the market size was estimated at 2.4 billion dollars. Guess what? In 2025, it is  in comparison. So, looking to get into the lucrative mHealth as they call it? Here are the cherry-picks among all the mobile health app advice for 2021. Setting correct goals Users are picky. They want all the features they can get, but do you have the time to deliver it all perfectly? Oftentimes, it just isn’t worth it to chase desires. On the other hand, what makes sense is to plan exactly what your app is. What problem does it solve at the core? What does it do best? What do the users need to expect from your app at the very least? This application you’re making – it’s made for people. Sometimes they can’t tell you what they want. Thus, it’s up to you to figure out what it is that they need. How do you do that? Incorporating user feedback and doing it early Healthcare apps are there to make our...

TIA Portal for improved cyber security in an industrial setting // TIA Portal für mehr Cybersicherheit im industriellen Umfeld

Better safe than sorry: Companies risk disastrous consequences if they try to save on security measures in their automation systems or to do without them entirely. In a worst-case scenario, companies are not only regretful following a cyberattack, but can also suffer serious losses – or even lose their competitive edge. As a central engineering framework, TIA Portal combines a number of functions that can minimize the risk of a cyberattack. I’d like to introduce you to a few of them. “That isn’t going to happen to me – I’d see if anything like that was happening!”– I’d bet that a lot of us are pretty confident we’d never fall victim to a cyberattack. After all, we’re far too clever for that, we recognize phishing emails immediately, and would never download malware. But are we really so clever? According to a report by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) on the state of IT security in Germany in 2021, one in every four Germans has been the victim of Internet crime. Such cyberattacks are much more lucrative when directed against companies rather than individuals and, sadly, criminals are enjoying more and more success in that area: A study by digital association Bitkom showed that nine out of ten companies (88%) were affected in 2020-21. Effectively combating cyber threats What makes it so easy for attackers is the constantly increasing pace of digitalization and the associated growth in networking between OT (Operational Technology) and IT (Information Technology). As a result, OT is increasingly becoming the focus for cyber criminal attackers, and must be protected with the same security measures...

Why Data Science & Business Analytics is a versatile skills that opens new doors across sectors – The Hindu

Today,  have gained the status of being all-pervasive across functions and domains. The mammoth wings of data and analytics are determining how we buy our toothpaste, how we choose dating partners, and how we lead our lives. Nearly 90% of all small, mid-size, and large organizations have adopted analytical capabilities over the last 5 years to stay relevant in a market where large volumes of data are recorded every day. They use it to formulate solutions to build analysis models, simulate scenarios, understand realities and predict future states. According to a recent report by LinkedIn here’re some of the fastest-growing in-demand jobs of the past year and the next few years to come. Hiring for the roles of Data Scientist, Data Science Specialist, Data Management Analyst, Statistical Modelling has gone up by 46% since 2019. While there has been a surge in job openings, there are also some common myths co-existing with them. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need a programming background or advanced math skills to learn  skills. This is so because most of the tools and techniques are easy to use and find ubiquitous application in all domains and professionals from vastly different industries like BFSI, Marketing, Agriculture, Healthcare, Genomics, etc. A good knowledge of statistics will need to be developed though. Also, Data Science and Business Analytics is based on the use of common human intelligence that can be applied to solve any and all industry problems. Hence, you don’t need Fourier series or advanced mathematical algorithms to build analytical models. Math learned till 10+2 level is good enough and can serve as a starting base for...
Malcare WordPress Security

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