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Huawei commended for training 40,000 women in cyber security

Huawei Technologies Ghana has been commended for organizing Cyber Security Training for over 40,000 women as part of their Huawei Seeds for the Future Women in Tech program for 2021.

The ICT giant received the commendation from the Deputy Minister of Communications and Digitalization, Hon. Ama Pomaa Boateng, during her Keynote Address of the African Union (AU) – Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE) Africa Cyber Experts (ACE) Community Kick-Off Meeting which is on the theme, Setting the Scene for Cybersecurity Status in Africa. The event is happening in Accra, Ghana from March 16 to 18, 2022.

In her speech, the Honorable Minister praised Huawei for their outstanding contribution to increasing the Cyber Security awareness of Ghanaian Women. She said, “We are grateful to Huawei and MTN for partnering with the Ministry to train over 50,000 women in Cyber Security last year.”

She added that she is confident that the efforts of private sector partners and the program of activities and sessions outlined for the ongoing AU-GFCE are relevant for Ghana’s Cyber Security mission and goals. Stating that such initiatives aside having the potential for creating jobs for men and women in Cyber Security, will also go a long way to ensure that the Ministry’s goals of ensuring that Cyber Space if safe for children, the public, business and government is achieved.

Last year Huawei cooperated with the Ministry of Communications through the Ministry’s ‘Girls in ICT’ program to offer Digital skill training to thousands of women from the Junior High School level through to Tertiary and working professionals and traders to build their digital literacy and capability. Other courses offered included, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cloud Computing, Big Data, Basic Computing, Basic Coding, Financial Technology (FinTech) among others.

In 2022 Huawei will continue to empower more Ghanaians in ICT, by implementing various digital skills training, workshops and capacity building initiatives to bridge the ICT Skill gap while nurturing more talents for Ghana’s ICT ecosystem.

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This content was originally published here.

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