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Industries Using Ruby on Rails in 2022 – Nestack Technologies Pvt Ltd

Industries Using Ruby on Rails in 2022 – Nestack Technologies Pvt Ltd

Ruby on Rails is a brilliant framework that includes all of the necessary components for quickly and efficiently developing a web application. It provides a fantastic development environment for building high-performing web apps. Get Ruby on Rails for a dynamic, dependable, and scalable app with devoted programmers and active community support.

Due to its pioneering characteristics such as perfect transformations, database table constructions, and structuring of views to assist speedy development of web applications, Ruby on Rails is used by a number of well-known firms. Ruby on Rails development companies fuel their online programmes, which is advantageous to both start-ups and established businesses.

Rails is a prominent online framework based on the Model View Controller concept, which is the most common web project structure. As this technology platform continues to evolve, the continual updates and stable release of RoR demonstrates that its expectations are higher than ever. Let’s have a look at how this incredible framework delivers well-known online apps and aids firms in these six industries in scaling up efficiently and quickly.

What is the purpose of Ruby on Rails?

Ruby on Rails offers a wide range of integration options to meet the needs of each project. This is possible thanks to the vast collection of gems available. It uses an agile development process, which speeds up the process and ensures that it meets all of the client’s criteria.

We are a dedicated RoR development business that specialises in developing dynamic websites, e-commerce sites, web applications, and single-page applications using the Rails framework. This provides an answer to the most frequently asked question, “What is Ruby used for?” The MVC pattern in Ruby on Rails splits the task into three modules: model, view, and controller, resulting in a clear functioning of the entire project. It splits codes of various functions, such as the data layer, data tier, and resource layer, using such a structure. This allows RoR programmers to operate on varied aspects at similar periods.

Millions of websites use Ruby on Rails, including well-known organisations like Github, Shopify, Airbnb, and Fiverr, to mention a few. Back-end and front-end are not included in programming languages such as HTML, JavaScript, SQL, and CSS. The RoR language, on the other hand, combines the two, allowing developers to design a complete web application framework. Ruby on Rails, which is centred on the Ruby programming language, has revolutionised web development culture with its pragmatic approach. Let’s have a look for some of the most popular RoR-based websites.

Ruby on Rails-Useful Companies

Ruby on Rails is a very versatile and flexible framework. It isn’t exclusive to a specific business or even a certain web service. Companies that use Ruby on Rails include financial institutions, fintech firms, startups, and organisations of various sizes.

RoR is also a good fit for a variety of websites and web apps, including social media platforms, e-commerce sites, and video-streaming services. Let’s take a look at some well-known companies that use RoR for web development.

Ruby on Rails in Retail / E-commerce

Rails may benefit e-commerce sites the most, thanks to a vast choice of Gems that cover everything from accountancy to security. The RoR community provides all of the resources needed to launch a successful e-commerce or online retail site. Rails is used to power online marketplaces and significant retailing operations across a wide range of industries.

Shopify is used by over 800,000 merchants in 175 countries to take their businesses online. The company built its e-commerce platform with Rails and then scaled its backend to safely service over a million active users. As a result, Shopify is one of the framework’s most successful applications.

Groupon is a global e-commerce website that connects 50 million people with local companies, with 370,000 active deals every day. The original US platform, as well as many of its international branches, were built fully on Rails and continue to rely on it heavily for their backend. RoR was very useful in Groupon’s early development, as it was in many other cases, helping the company to quickly incorporate new features.

Nedap is a world leader in RFID and is one of the ten oldest exchange-listed firms in the Netherlands. It provides a variety of technical services for businesses and is one of the ten oldest exchange-listed companies in the Netherlands. Nedap’s retail sector has been using Rails from its early versions and continues to rely on it for cloud-based retailer RFID, security, and POS solutions.

Ruby on Rails in Marketing

In the marketing world, Rails is increasingly being used by both startups and large corporations. Ruby on Rails’ success in the construction of cutting-edge technology and websites for the industry is due to its efficiency, vast choice of useful frameworks, and ability to easily integrate a number of databases.

Crazy Egg 

Hundreds and thousands of website owners, like Intuit and Radio Free Europe, use Crazy Egg to improve their digital marketing efforts. Crazy Egg is the number one heat map service provider because it relies on the efficient code and database-agnostic features of Rails to construct its web app and many of its services.

BBDO, which employs 15,000 people in 289 offices and was founded in 1891, has grown to become the world’s most effective and award-winning marketing firm network by constantly looking for creative and efficient solutions. Its San Francisco branch demonstrated this by designing a beautiful and user-friendly website with Ruby on Rails.

Accenture is a Fortune Global 500 firm that delivers brand management business services to many of the world’s major corporations. 92 of the Fortune Global 100 are among its clients. Rails’ wide adaptability is frequently used in Accenture’s web development and online marketing solutions.

Development of software

It’s not surprising that Rails has become so influential in the software industry, given its focus on developer ease. Much of the technology for interactive software development is powered by it. Small businesses focusing on RoR development abound, but the architecture has also piqued the interest of major industry heavyweights.

With over 100 million repositories produced by 40 million engineers, GitHub has become an invaluable tool for collaborative software development. GitHub’s extensive infrastructure soon demanded a more varied software stack, but Rails remained at the company’s base throughout its expansion.

Over 100,000 businesses, including Uber, Tesco, and Airbnb, use Zendesk’s cloud-based customer support services. Rails runs the backend of those services and, thanks to its flexible APIs, makes it simple to link them with client apps.

Microsoft, one of the Big Five technology corporations and a founding member of the trillion-dollar market cap club, requires no introduction. After acquiring Yammer, a corporate social networking platform with a Rails backend, in 2012, Microsoft bundled it into all Office 365 and Microsoft 365 enterprise plans, with 85 percent of Fortune 500 organisations using it. Yammer was also frequently used within Microsoft to manage software development.


The broadcasting revolution that shook the whole entertainment business was made possible by RoR’s highly efficient coding, stability, and rapid development cycles. Even after their early growth spurts, online entertainment companies who moved away from relying only on Rails still find the framework useful. More established industry players have shown interest in using RoR by recruiting developers in recent months.

Netflix may rightfully claim to be the world’s leading Internet entertainment firm, with 154 million customers worldwide. Netflix relies on Rails as a large element of its infrastructure, including microservices and internal security apps, after using the framework early in the creation of its streaming platform.

Hulu, a fast-growing Netflix competitor, has already racked up 28 million users to its streaming service. Because of the framework’s productivity and ease of testing, the company decided to build all of its services using Rails. In 2019, Ruby on Rails is still used to run Hulu’s backend.

Twitch began as a general live streaming site with a concentration on video games, and has since grown to become the world’s leading esports platform. It has a daily average of over 1 million viewers and over 45 thousand active channels. While Twitch has tried to broaden its tech stack in recent years, its website still mainly relies on Ruby on Rails in 2019.

Ruby on Rails in Hospitality and tourism

Ruby on Rails is powering internet platforms that are forever changing travel and hospitality. Interactive data technologies and horizontal scalability are used by tech-savvy internet businesses to build huge, international databases that are critical to their success. Since then, major hotel chains have begun to include Ruby on Rails into their web operations.

Couchsurfing provides the greatest hospitality gift economy in 200,000 places around the world using online and mobile apps powered by Rails.

Social Media

Rails has mission-critical features for the social media sector, such as advanced horizontal scaling capabilities and an unique mode for quick and rapid API development. This makes it excellent for social networking sites with a lot of activity and material.


Ask.fm is the world’s largest Q&A social network, with over 200 million monthly active users from over 150 countries. Ask.fm was able to maintain an amazing early expansion by depending on the flexibility and scalability of Rails for its backend development.

We Heart It

We Heart It is a social media network for sharing positive images. It has 45 million members and is always growing. Rails supplies the complete infrastructure for their website, which handles over 60 billion photos each month, demonstrating its horizontal scaling capabilities once again.

Goodreads is the world’s largest social book cataloguing site, with over 90 million book reviews and nearly as many registered users. With barely six months of programming experience, the site’s inventor used Rails to build the first version of Goodreads on his own. Rails is still a critical component of the Goodreads technology stack, allowing for the company’s rapid expansion.Finance

Fintech firms place a premium on security, scalability, and consistent performance. Rails, with its huge, community-driven library collection, high-quality code, and built-in security features, covers all of those bases. Ruby on Rails’ popularity is particularly evident in the building of crowdfunding websites.

Bloomberg is a renowned multinational media corporation with 20,000 employees that also offers 325,000 users big data analytics and other financial sectors. The major framework used to create Bloomberg apps is Ruby on Rails.

Kickstarter is the clear leader among crowdfunding platforms, with 17 million cumulative supporters financing 170,000 projects. Its designers used Rails as their foundation to create a fast, dependable, and user-friendly website.

Fundera, a business-to-business lending software, has enabled over 35,000 small businesses and companies to get over $1 billion in funding for their projects. It has continued to grow rapidly, owing in part to the cost-effectiveness of building with Rails. RoR’s security and fraud detection capabilities also aid Fundera.

Ruby on Rails in Human Resource Management

Due to the necessity to offer a big and dynamic set of information in an easy-to-access manner, software updates are a top priority for the human resources industry. Rails has been the framework of choice for many new online employment platforms due to its adaptability, efficiency, and capacity to accommodate large datasets.

5.5 million customers and 830 thousand vendors utilise Fiverr, a NYSE-listed firm that provides an online marketplace for freelancing services (freelancers). Rails is a critical component of the platform’s tech stack, allowing it to manage a huge database of over 6 million freelancing gigs.

Helpling is a network that links 100,000 consumers with local cleaners in 200 cities for on-demand cleaning services. Its Rails-based software enables it to combine a wide range of functions, including database search and secure payments.


Yellowpages.com is one of the most popular websites in the United States, as well as a popular app. It is used by freelancers to connect with local businesses. The company updated its website on Rails to reap the benefits of RoR’s simplified efficiency after it was originally designed in Java.

Summing Up

As you’ll see, the Ruby on Rails website templates provide numerous benefits for a wide range of businesses. Is there anything we’re missing? Apart from the aforementioned well-known organisations, there are more that use Ruby on Rails, such as CrunchBase, Ask.fm, Dribble.com, Bloomberg, and SlideShare, to name a few.

It offers a community-driven development strategy that allows it to evolve in response to the feedback of a diverse user base with a variety of needs, and it’s ideal for small enterprises. Read our Ruby on Rails blogs for more such informative blogs on the subject. Your company will profit from many unique software solutions as this framework continues to evolve. Given this validation, we can see why Ruby on Rails is so popular.

Contact us at any time to discuss your web ideas with our IT specialists for your dynamic web app development. Our best Ruby on Rails programmers will provide you with experienced advice at Nestack. Building your IT team has never been easier, but we got you, we at Nestack not only provide validated but also specialised recommendations based on your development needs. You can contact us at  

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This content was originally published here.

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