> August, 2022 - Vinova
Understanding Middleware in ASP.NET Core | endjin

Understanding Middleware in ASP.NET Core | endjin

TLDR; Middleware is responsible for processing HTTP messages in ASP.NET Core applications. In this post, we define the middleware pipeline, explore a real example, and look at how to create custom middleware components. In this post, we explore the Configure method in the Startup class in a ASP.NET Core web application. Inside of the configure method we find the middleware pipeline, responsible for processing HTTP messages. The Middleware Pipeline Middleware is responsible for processing HTTP messages. Let’s illustrate this with a very simple middleware pipeline. Imagine a middleware pipeline consisting of three elements. Once an HTTP request is received, it will be inspected by the first piece of middleware. If it doesn’t have any response to return or any exception to throw, it passes the request on to the next component in the pipeline. Again, after inspecting the request, this component will either return a response, throw an exception, or pass the request along to the following piece of middleware. Suppose it does pass it along. Imagine this third and last component of this pipeline is responsible for finding something inside of the application that can process the request. If this was a POST request for a certain URL, it would go and look for a Razor Page in the folder with the same name as the URL in the request. If it finds the file, it will pass the request on to that Razor Page, which will generate a response in the form of HTML. At this point, it is important to note that the middleware pipeline is bi-directional. When the request enters the pipeline, it will flow...

Why Opt For React Native For Mobile App Development? – SafeMode Wiki

It is undeniable that the framework is on par with Flutter when it comes to hybrid app creation. Many organizations, including Airbnb, Facebook, and Instagram, use the React mobile app development framework. It is a highly cost-effective alternative for boosting the speed and agility of a given platform. We’re all aware that businesses must create hybrid apps to grow their user base. React Native app development provides one-stop answers to all of these issues. React Native has risen to the top of mobile app development languages due to its outstanding features. Furthermore, we have observed a rapid surge in the use of React Native by developers over the last two years. Here’s a list of a few reasons why. Benefits of React Native Apps Better Performance React Native-based mobile apps aren’t HTML5, hybrid, or mobile web app. They are, in fact, smartphone app. You may improve the speed of your React Native app by optimizing it with native code. Certain aspects can be constructed in your app using native code and React Native for efficiency. Attractive UI React Native’s pre-built declarative components, such as Picker, Button, Slider, Switch, etc., enable you to design distinctive, eye-catching UI’s.  TouchableNativeFeedback and TouchableOpacity can also be used to create your components. Many iOS and Android-specific components are available for proper functioning on Android and iOS mobile devices. Cost-Effectiveness Employing a React Native platform will save you money and time. Since the platform offers cross-platform mobile app development, you will have greater market penetration. React Native is adaptable, allowing designers to create a design that quickly meets the company’s needs. Easier Maintenance There may...
Israeli Startup Talon Cyber security top Finalist for Prestigious Competition – Jewish Business News

Israeli Startup Talon Cyber security top Finalist for Prestigious Competition – Jewish Business News

L-R Ohad Bobrov and CEO Ofer Ben Noon, co-founder of Talon Cyber Security/ credit Shai Sharon Talon Cyber Security, the first secure corporate browser developer, has been named one of 10 finalists for the RSA Conference 2022 Innovation Sandbox Contest. Founded in 2021 by CEO Ofer Ben-Noon and CTO Ohad Bobrov, Talon raised $43 million seed to date. Ofer Ben-Noon, co-founder and CEO stated that the traditional method of giving safe access to current apps is costly, difficult, and puts businesses in danger. “TalonWork delivers a novel, simple, and seamless first line of protection for business security while radically reducing the complexity of the technological stack.” RSA competition is recognized as a catapult for success and the top 10 finalists have combined celebrated 69 acquisitions and garnered $9.8 billion in investments since it started in 2005. On June 6, Talon will present its technology to an industry-renowned panel of judges and a live audience at a conference in San Francisco. Ten candidates will vie for the title “Most Innovative Startup.” Talon will have three minutes to pitch the panel of judges before a question-and-answer round.” Ben-Noon stated, “We can’t wait to unveil our solution at RSA Conference and show everyone how we have changed the browser into a control point and genuine business enabler for security and IT organizations.” Talon enables enterprises to simplify their security programs by bringing enterprise-grade security to the browser and offering native capabilities such as identity protection, data loss prevention, and zero trust controls. Customers utilize Talon to monitor and safeguard SaaS apps, online activities, corporate and non-corporate devices, and non-corporate devices. The company,...
How this web developer thrived for 10 years without learning to code

How this web developer thrived for 10 years without learning to code

Lee Hills has had a storied career as a web developer and designer. Over his decade-long career, he’s created products for himself and clients alike – all without using code! Read on to hear why Lee turned to Bubble in recent years, and how he’s used Building in Public as a tool to grow his businesses. What were you doing before you discovered no-code? I am based in the UK and have spent the last 10 years freelancing online creating animated video content for my clients. I have spent most of my career in design and web development and previously worked in tools like Dreamweaver, Flash, Adobe Director, and WordPress, somehow dodging the need (and desire) to learn to code!   I❤️ building and Launching in @bubble as it has the logic and problem solving of coding without having to write code. Why do you ❤️ building in bubble?#buildinpublic #BuildwithBubble — Lee Launches monthly NoCode Side Projects 🇺🇦 (@LeeLaunches) How did you discover no-code tools like Bubble? I discovered Bubble around 2014, when I Googled “how to build software without code.” I was trying to figure out a way to make my own explainer animation software without the need for a developer, like a DIY Canva-style animation tool. However, I did not pursue the project and went a different route, finding myself back with Bubble years later. Prior to Bubble, I also built a tool using landbot.io that helps aspiring camper van owners figure out which van to get for camper conversion. So what brought you back to Bubble? I was working on projects which required outsourcing to other...
Malcare WordPress Security

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