> July, 2022 - Vinova - Page 4
ComplianceMate: Software Engineer (Ruby on Rails)

ComplianceMate: Software Engineer (Ruby on Rails)

Headquarters: Lawrenceville, GA URL: https://compliancemate.com ComplianceMate is a PaaS company that is building the digital food safety platform of tomorrow – and it’s doing it today. We built the ComplianceMate platform to address a critical need for proactive food safety initiatives at growing restaurant chains. Too many hospitality brands operate without a comprehensive temperature monitoring and HACCP compliance system. As a result, they are putting guests at risk every day. They are also forfeiting a major opportunity to keep staff accountable, reduce food waste, and maintain brand integrity. Through a combination of wireless temperature sensors, mobile technologies, and easy-to-use tools built for the modern kitchen, ComplianceMate provides total control over food safety and compliance in food service establishments. We’re a distributed team, with offices in the United States and the United Kingdom. Our backend tools are fairly standard – Rails, Postgres, Redis, Rspec, Sidekiq, AWS.  Our mission is beyond standard however! We look forward to meeting you! What you would be working on? With ComplianceMate, we are building a platform that makes it easy for food service establishments to manage their food safety. We do this through IoT, Mobile, and anything else we can find that will make it easy for the job to get done and allow our customers to put their focus back on what they love, making and serving food. We are currently mandated in several large food service chains and our growth is scheduled to exponentially expand over the next year. You will help us meet that growth and help us build the best platform in the industry. 2+ years experience with Ruby on Rails...
Introduction to Laravel caching

Introduction to Laravel caching

A common pain point in applications is optimizing and reducing the number of trips you have to take to the database. Say you have an e-commerce admin dashboard. Maybe you have a page that displays all inventory — every product, associated category, vendors, and more. A single page like this may perform dozens of calls to your database before the page can even display any data. If you don’t think about how to handle this, your application can quickly become slow and costly. One option to reduce the number of times you have to go to the database is through caching. Caching allows you to store specific data in application memory so that next time that query is hit, you already have the data on hand and won’t have to go back to the database for it. Keep in mind, this is different from browser caching, which is user-based. This article covers application caching, which happens at the application level and cannot be cleared by the user. Laravel has robust built-in functionality that makes caching a breeze. Let’s see it in action! For this demonstration, you will use a PlanetScale MySQL database to get a practice database up and running quickly. I promise this setup will be fast and painless! Create a free PlanetScale account. Create a new database either in the onboarding flow or by clicking “New database” > “Create new database“. Give your database a name and select the region closest to you. Click “Create database“. Once it’s finished initializing, you’ll land on the Overview page for your database. Click on the “Branches” tab and select the...
What Factors Impact The Success of Your Mobile App Development in 2021?

What Factors Impact The Success of Your Mobile App Development in 2021?

Mobile apps have become a trend-setter for every industry. They have become an essential part of every business that is looking to expand globally. Ever since apps were known for generating revenue and boosting businesses, everyone wants to go for it. If you own a business and have enough budget for app development, you can easily hire mobile app developers and start with your app. However, if you are a startup with a limited budget, you might want to tread carefully here. Mobile app development is not only about the budget. Of course, the cost factor is essential while developing. This also determines success. So, the question is, what makes an app ‘successful’? What are the essential factors we have to consider to make a mobile app development successful? Well, precisely, to make a mobile app successful, it should have user-centric features. Every Android app development company wants to have its app delivering excellently on the app stores as they spend a huge amount on app development. This helps users to fulfill their requirements, on-demand solutions, and demand to achieve the desired result. If we go through the latest applications, we will realize that they are all using the latest technologies in them. Technologies like AI, VR, AR, Machine Learning, etc are used to enhance the user experience. Let us consider an example here. What will a user first notice if he/she lands on your app? It’s its design elements – UI and UX. Then users will realize its features and the performance of the app. This is followed by the regularity of updates and bug fixes. In the...

Journalists at threat after governments passed cyber security laws – NewsDay Zimbabwe

BY VARAIDZO MUDEWAIRI JOURNALISTS have been urged to protect themselves against digital surveillance threats after the country passed cyber security legislation. A statement by Fesmedia Africa yesterday said a survival toolkit has been developed in response to growing digital surveillance threats, and passing of cyber security laws by governments and other people that track and monitor journalists in order to muzzle them from carrying out their work. Fesmedia Africa said some of the countries that have passed cyber security legislation include Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe. “They have acquired sophisticated tools developed by an Israeli company, which they use to monitor the behaviour of citizens online,” Fesmedia Africa said. They said the affected journalists should report to international and local organisations for protection from surveillance. “A journalist, who is subjected to surveillance, or suspects being subjected to such, should notify these international support structures for journalists. They are very instrumental at documenting such cases, making them known through existing networks and exposing blatant abuse of surveillance especially by state and quasi- state actors. “Surveilled journalists should inform local organisations within their countries who work in conjunction with global organisers.” Fesmedia Africa said that journalism often takes place in contested environments, and the very act of exposing the truth can upset powerful people. “Journalists should set up dummy emails, set up investigation accounts, use VPN and browsers to keep themselves and their sources safe.”  Fesmedia Africa said in 2018 the UN Passed the Right to Privacy in the Digital Age instrument which recognises the right to privacy and the need to limit surveillance. They also said that the Declaration of Principles...

Why Choose React Native in 2021 — Rubyroid Labs

React Native remains one of the best technologies for building mobile apps in 2021. But why choose React Native  Why choose React Native as development technology for your prospective app? For one, just look at the stats. In 2020, Statista named it “the most popular cross-platform mobile framework used by global developers,” according to a survey. Flutter got really close, booming in the past few years. Cordova, Ionic, Xamarin and other React Native alternatives have been left far behind. Is React Native going to keep its position through 2021? We think so. Consider this: Coinbase, the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the US, rebuilt its Android app using React Native earlier this year. And fuboTV, a popular US streaming service, is looking for React Native developers to build a sports wagering app. At Rubyroid Labs, we have helped develop more than 30 apps on React Native since 2013. Not every client has known which technology to use at the start. If you, too, are unsure about which framework to choose, write to us — we’ll see if this one will work. So why is this framework so popular? And why do leading companies use React Native for hybrid app development? Let’s take a closer look. Four Benefits of React Native The superpower of the framework is in its nature. If you compare React Native vs. Flutter or React Native vs. Ionic, you’ll see the main difference: the other two are engines, React Native is not. It operates more like a bridge linking the cross-platform code to an iOS/Android-native platform. When the cross-platform code executes a function, React Native will call...
Malcare WordPress Security

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