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Your first app using ASP.NET Core 6 and Visual Studio 2022 | BinaryIntellect Knowledge Base

Your first app using ASP.NET Core 6 and Visual Studio 2022 | BinaryIntellect Knowledge Base

Your first app using ASP.NET Core 6 and Visual Studio 2022

If you are keeping an eye on the progress of

ASP.NET Core 6 you are probably aware that

.NET 6,

C# 10, and

Visual Studio 2022 have been released. There are lots of new things, small
to big, added to the overall .NET family and I have discussed a few of them in
my previous articles. In this article I will show you how to create your first
web application in Visual Studio 2022. I assume that you are already familiar
with Visual Studio 2019 and ASP.NET Core in general. This is going to be a quick
introduction to give you a feel of the new IDE and project structure.

Before you go any further, install
Studio 2022 edition of your choice.

So, let’s get going!

Open Visual Studio 2022 as shown below.

This dialog should look familiar to you because it’s quite similar to Visual
Studio 2019.

Click on the Create a new project option to reveal the project templates.

Here you can see a list of all available project templates. I have filtered
them for C# language and Web project type. As far as ASP.NET Core is concerned
the main project templates that you find listed here include:

For this example we will deliberately use ASP.NET Core Empty project template
so that we can setup everything on our own rather than relying on the default
project items.

So, pick ASP.NET Core Empty and hit the Next button.

Specify some project name (FirstAppInAspNetCore6 in this case) and location
and click on the Next button. 

In this dialog you can select a .NET version. When you install Visual Studio
2022, .NET 6 is automatically installed for you and hence this dropdown
currently has only that entry. The Configure for HTTP checkbox is checked
indicating that you want to use Visual Studio’s development SSL certificate
while developing the project.

Click on the Create button to finish the project creation wizaed and to
create the project as per our specifications. The following figure shows how the
Solution Explorer looks like with the Empty project loaded.

Notice that there is no Startup.cs file because VS2022 project templates use
the new hosting APIs for
the projects. Previously you rarely tampered with Project.cs file. But now
Program.cs has a lot more responsibility as you will see shortly.

Double click on the project name in Solution Explorer to open its .csproj
file in the editor.

As you can see the project’s SDK is Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web. The target
framework is set to net6.0 indicating that we are using .NET 6. Notice the
Nullable and ImplicitUsings elements.

The <Nullable> element decides the project wide behavior of

Nullable reference types. The value of enable indicates that the Nullable
reference types are enable for the project.

The <ImplicitUsings> element can be used to enable or disable what is known
as Implicit Usings for the project. When <ImplicitUsings> is set to enable,

certain common namespaces are implicitly imported for you. You can read more
about this feature


You can also take a look at these project settings (and modify them if
required) using the project’s properties page. To open the project’s property
page right click on the project in Solution Explorer and click on Properties
shortcut menu option. The following figure shows a part of this properties page.

You can also search for a particular project setting such as target
framework, nullable, or implicit usings this page as shown below:

For this example we won’t change any of these settings. So, let them be at
their default values and proceed to the next step.

Now add Models, Views, and Controllers folders as usual. And also add a model
class named MyModel to the Models folder. 

The default MyModel class contains the following code:

Let’s change this code to use file scoped namespaces.

As you can see the namespace line now has a semicolon at the end and doesn’t
wrap the class inside curly brackets. This indicates that the whole content of
the file that follows is part of the FirstAppInAspNetCore6.Models namespace.
Thus, MyModel class will be a part of FirstAppInAspNetCore6.Models namespace.
Also note that we have added Message string property to the MyModels class.

You will notice that the Message property shows a green underline and
displays this warning message:

Open the .csproj file again and change the value of <Nullable> element to

You will find that the warning disappears. We did this just to check the
effect of <Nullable> project settings on the code. Change the <Nullable> setting
back to enable.

Let’s also check the effect of <ImplicitUsings> element. Change its value to
disable and try building the application.

You will get this error message in Program.cs file.

Why did this error occur? That’s because the WebApplication class resides in
the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder namespace. When <ImplicitUsings> was enable,
this namespace got automatically imported for us. When we disabled implicit
usings, the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder namespace was no longer automatically
imported for us and the compiler generated the error.

Change <ImplictUsings> back to enable and build the application again. This
time the error will disappear and the app will build successfully.

Now add HomeController class to the Controllers folder using Add New Item

The default HomeController class looks like this:

This code should look familiar to you. We will change this code to the

Notice the code marked in bold letters.

The using statement at the top now has global keyword added to it. This will
automatically import the concerned namespace in all the C# classes. For example,
if you have three controller classes then you no longer need to use
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc in all of them. Just one “global” using will make it
available for all C# classes. You can separate all the global using directives
in a separate .cs file. For example, you can place the above global using inside
a file named GlobalUsings.cs. This way you can manage all the global usings at
one place. The following figure shows such a file in a sample project.

The HomeController.cs also uses file scoped namespace –
FirstAppInAspNetCore6.Controllers – as discussed earlier.

Now modify the Index() action as shown below:

This code is quite straightforward. We simple create an object of MyModel,
set its Message property, and pass it to the Index view.

Next, add the Index view using Add New Item dialog.

Write this markup and code in Index.cshtml:

We haven’t added _ViewImports file in the project and hence we need to
specify the fully qualified name of the model class in the @model directive.

Before we run the application we need to configure the application’s startup.

Open Program.cs and add the following code to it:

Previously we used two separate files namely Program.cs and Startup.cs to
configure app hosting and startup. Now, that task happens in Program.cs itself.
The new hosting APIs and
new routing APIs along

C# top level statements simplify this process to a large extent.

First, we create a WebApplicationBuilder using the CreateBuilder() method.
Then we register MVC specific services with DI container using the
AddControllersWithViews() method.

Once a WebApplication instance is built with the help of Build() method we
wire a series of middlewares to the HTTP pipeline. This is done using a series
of UseXXXXXXX() methods.

Finally, we configure the routing endpoints. The MapGet() method configures a
minimal API endpoint at
/hello and MapDefaultControllerRoute() takes of the default MVC routing –
/controller/action. The MapGet() handler delegate simply returns a List of
string messages to the caller. We will invoke this minimal API endpoint from the

The Run() method starts the web application.

Now that our app startup is done, we are ready to run the application. Click
on the Start Debugging icon from the Visual Studio toolbar or press F5. You will
notice that Visual Studio 2022 uses Kestrel web server by default rather than
IIS Express. Of course, you can switch them from the toolbar menu. 

Visual Studio 2022 may prompt you about the development SSL certificate. If
all goes well you will see “Hello World!” in the browser as shown below:

Notice that the Kestrel web server now uses a randomly generated port numbers
instead of fixed 5000 and 5001. You can configure them in launchSettings.json
file under Properties folder.

Now, go to the browser’s address bar and navigate to /hello to check whether
the minimal API endpoint works as expected. Here is the outcome:

As you can see, we get a JSON array with the three string messages.

Let’s conclude this exploration by checking

Hot Reload in action.

Run the application as before so that “Hello World!” is displayed in the

When you run the app, Visual Studio hot reload button menu will be enabled
for you like this:

Hot reload allows you to make changes to the HTML, CSS, and C# code and apply
them to the app running in the browser, all without stopping and restarting the

To test the basic usage of hot reload, go to the Index() action and change
the message from “Hello World!” to “Hello Universe!” (don’t stop the app, it
should be running in the browser).

Also open the Index.cshtml and change <h1> to <h3>.

Save both the files, click on the Hot Reload buton (see above figure), and
refresh the browser window. You will see the changed message and markup as shown

You can further simplify the process of applying the changes by selecting the
“Hot Reload on File Save” option. This will perform hot reload as soon as you
save the changes (you won’t need to explicitly click on the Hot Reload button).

To summarize, we touched upon several improvements in ASP.NET Core 6 projects
and Visual Studio 2022 including <Nullable>, <ImplicitUsings>, global usings,
file scoped namespaces, new way of app startup, minimal API, and hot reload.

That’s it for now! Keep coding!!

This content was originally published here.

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