> May, 2022 - Vinova
Create Azure B2C users with Microsoft Graph and ASP.NET Core

Create Azure B2C users with Microsoft Graph and ASP.NET Core

This article shows how to create different types of Azure B2C users using Microsoft Graph and ASP.NET Core. The users are created using application permissions in an Azure App registration. Code https://github.com/damienbod/azureb2c-fed-azuread The Microsoft.Identity.Web Nuget package is used to authenticate the administrator user that can create new Azure B2C users. An ASP.NET Core Razor page application is used to implement the Azure B2C user management and also to hold the sensitive data. public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { services.AddScoped<MsGraphService>(); services.AddTransient<IClaimsTransformation, MsGraphClaimsTransformation>(); services.AddHttpClient(); services.AddOptions(); services.AddMicrosoftIdentityWebAppAuthentication(Configuration, "AzureAdB2C") .EnableTokenAcquisitionToCallDownstreamApi() .AddInMemoryTokenCaches(); The AzureAdB2C app settings configures the B2C client. An Azure B2C user flow is implemented for authentication. In this example, a signin or signup flow is implemented, although if creating your own user, maybe only a signin is required. The GraphApi configuration is used for the Microsoft Graph application client with uses the client credentials flow. A user secret was created to access the Azure App registration. This secret is stored in the user secrets for development and stored in Azure Key Vault for any deployments. You could use certificates as well but this offers no extra security unless using directly from a client host. "AzureAdB2C": { "Instance": "https://b2cdamienbod.b2clogin.com", "ClientId": "8cbb1bd3-c190-42d7-b44e-42b20499a8a1", "Domain": "b2cdamienbod.onmicrosoft.com", "SignUpSignInPolicyId": "B2C_1_signup_signin", "TenantId": "f611d805-cf72-446f-9a7f-68f2746e4724", "CallbackPath": "/signin-oidc", "SignedOutCallbackPath ": "/signout-callback-oidc" }, "GraphApi": { "TenantId": "f611d805-cf72-446f-9a7f-68f2746e4724", "ClientId": "1d171c13-236d-4c2b-ac10-0325be2cbc74", "Scopes": ".default" //"ClientSecret": "--in-user-settings--" }, "AadIssuerDomain": "damienbodhotmail.onmicrosoft.com", The application User.ReadWrite.All permission is used to create the users. See the permissions in the Microsoft Graph docs. The MsGraphService service implements the Microsoft Graph client to create Azure tenant users. Application permissions are used because we use Azure B2C. If authenticating using Azure AD, you could...

Free Mobile App Development Tools

The app development space is growing at an exponential pace, thanks in part to a growing number of phone ownership and rising internet penetration. Today, the app development market is one of the largest globally with an average release of 5092 apps on the Google App Store and 6140 apps on the Google Play Store. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things IoT are some of the technologies that are being incorporated in most apps. A virtual assistant is one such improvement in mobile applications. Looking closely, you realize that WhatsApp, TikTok, and Instagram apps are topping the chart of leading apps with the most downloads. Amazon Prime and Netflix lead the entertainment app market, and Candy Crush is at the apex of the gaming app development market. It’s with no doubt that mobile applications have schematically modified human life. Quick navigation and exceptional UI through mobile applications have become a trademark. The projected number of mobile phone users is expected to cross the 7 billion mark by 2025. This growth will automatically bring a shift in app downloads. So, in this context, it becomes important and valuable to understand the best app development solutions prevailing in the market, with the current and future app development trends. In this post, we delve into the top free mobile app development tools. PhoneGap PhoneGap is a popular mobile app development application that allows you to create a hybrid of software. With PhoneGap, the user or developer doesn’t necessarily need to know mobile programming languages. Instead, they can kick-start with languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for app...

Location intelligence platform Carto raises $61M to bring businesses big data insights | VentureBeat

Hear from CIOs, CTOs, and other C-level and senior execs on data and AI strategies at the Future of Work Summit this January 12, 2022. Learn more Whether you’re seeking the best location for your next brick-and-mortar store, optimizing warehouse transport routes to cut fuel and maintenance costs, or looking to improve your geomarketing campaigns to incorporate real-world consumer behavior, location and spatial data can play a big role in helping you make better-informed decisions. The global location intelligence market was pegged as a $12 billion industry last year, a figure that’s set to more than double within six years as companies seek to better predict business outcomes using big data. This is something that Carto has been setting out to help with since its inception nearly a decade ago, serving organizations with location intelligence spanning data ingestion, enrichment, analysis, and visualization to better understand not only where things happen, but why. Today, Carto is used by mega corporations such as Mastercard, Coca-Cola, and Vodafone to unlock big data insights. To help it double down on its cloud data integrations and expand its product further across verticals such as retail, telecoms, and logistics, Carto today announced it has raised $61 million in a series C round of funding. Above: Carto: Predicting annual revenues by mixing myriad data points Visualize and understand data Founded out of Madrid, Spain, in 2012, Carto was developed initially as an open source product within a company called Vizzuality, before spinning out as a standalone company called CartoDB and later rebranding as Carto. At its core, Carto is all about creating maps and visualizations out...

Sea Transportation: Cyber Security Stumbles

March 6, 2022: For over a decade the U.S. Coast Guard has been trying to get a better idea of what potential problems ports and large ships face from hackers. In 2013 the Coast Guard established a Cyber Command. The new CGCC (Coast Guard Cyber Command) quickly discovered that they were barely aware of the extent of the vulnerabilities they were responsible for finding and reporting on. CGCC was responsible for inspecting large container, oil and dry cargo ships that increasingly depend on networked automation systems to run the ships. Ports also have networked software systems for rapidly identifying, unloading and moving cargo out of the port. It was only in the last six years the shipping companies and port operators realized how vulnerable they were. In 2020 Israel attacked the computerized network that handled the management of a major Iranian cargo port, seriously disrupting port operations for several days. This was in retaliation for less successful Iranian attacks on Israeli utilities. In 2017 Maersk, one of the largest shipping companies in the world, handling about a fifth of global maritime trade, was hit with a ransomware attack. Maersk has operations in 76 ports worldwide and over 800 large container ships. The software attacks had encrypted all the network files and the hackers demanded $16 million in bitcoin for the decrypt keys. Maersk was advised it was safer to rebuild their network, a process that took ten days and cost Maersk over $200 million in losses due to delayed cargoes. A variant of that software destroys rather than encrypts files and was used by Russia against Ukraine in 2018....

Which Cardano stake pool should I choose when staking my ADA? | Small Business Web Design Services and Web App Development | Denver Boulder

If your goal is to maximize rewards, then pledge, saturation, fees, and performance are the most important factors to consider when choosing a stake pool. Pledge is the amount of ADA that the Stake Pool Operator (SPO) has staked in their own Pool. This is the skin-in-the-game promise that an SPO has made to maintain the Stake Pool. The higher the pledge, the bigger the rewards. There is a point at which the stake pool will start receiving diminishing returns as more ADA is delegated to it. Currently this point sits at about 64 million ADA. Saturation is the percent of delegation achieved of that ~64M. Generally, the higher the saturation, the greater the rewards, but once a stake pool goes over that amount (over 100%), then it is over-saturated and delegators start receiving smaller returns proportional to their stake. The epoch fee helps pay for costs associated with running the stake pool including marketing, infrastructure, etc. The epoch fee is taken from the total rewards for the entire pool. The minimum and standard epoch fee is 340 ADA. Though some SPOs charge a higher fee, most charge the minimum to be competitive. The variable fee is an additional fee that the SPO charges for running the pool (usually 2%-6%). The variable fee is split proportionately based on the amount of ADA staked. Stake pools make rewards when they produce blocks. Pools that regularly produce blocks make the highest rewards. So ideally, choose a stake pool that performs well.    The above are not the only factors to consider!!  As we’ve mentioned, delegations to over-saturated stake pools receive a smaller...
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