> April, 2022 - Vinova
Progressive Web App Development | Progressive Web Apps

Progressive Web App Development | Progressive Web Apps

How Brands Used PWA to Write Their Success Stories Rich with Features, PWA Is a Sales Booster for Brands 1. Twitter Lite PWA Twitter has nearly 320 million monthly active users around the world that consume, create, and share information. With over 80% of users on mobile, Twitter aimed the mobile web experience to be faster, more reliable, and more engaging. Twitter Lite PWA helped the microblogging platform combine the best of the modern web and native app features. It helped deliver a robust experience with instant loading capabilities, increased user engagement, and lower data consumption. Thus, recording a 20% decline in bounce rate and 65% increase in page per session. 2. MakeMyTrip MakeMyTrip a travel booking site operative in India saw a 160% increase in shopper sessions (a triple conversion rate) after launching a PWA that allows users to seamlessly book travel tickets and hotels regardless of time, location, or network availability. 3. Alibaba.com Alibaba.com, the world’s largest online B2B trading platform, serving 200+ countries and regions saw a 76% increase in total conversions across browsers after upgrading their site with Progressive Web App (PWA). With PWA, Alibaba was able to hook both first time visitors as well as repeat visitors. With “Add to Home Screen” prompt and push notifications the company was able to re-engage users by four times as compared to other mobile users. 4. Lancome Lancome the luxury cosmetics brand wanted a fast app-like solution to drive traffic and sales. The beauty brand built a PWA and saw a 53% increase in session length, 17% increase in conversions, and 8% increase in conversion rates on...
The Local Database for React Native App Development

The Local Database for React Native App Development

It is extremely high-pressure work to delivering an offline-first app with good performance that may be scaled anytime. Hence, sometimes to opt(Optional Practical Training) becomes for developers for the relevant technology stack incorporating the proper database for . In this blog, we listed the local database for React Native App Development, and that we attempt to pick everything and each point that you simply should know before selecting the proper database for React Native and also we’ll see what options are available, they could match your requirements like scaling easily together with your base or supporting offline development. However, before we start discussing the simplest local databases for react native app development, let’s know the factors to understand before discussing the local database. Factors to contemplate While Choosing The Local Database for React Native App Development. Here are some aspects to require a note of while choosing a database for your React Native app: 1. Concurrency and Handling Data Conflicts: The more and more addition of features within the app will concurrency and handling data conflicts, sometimes you’ll trying to find sharing the conflict management rules on the repository pages or website. You should always rummage around for a database, which shares the conflict-handling policies on the website or the repository pages. Beware and penetrate the database to urge the documents and watch out for the handle syncing and conflicts or examine the trade-offs that are made and also the effect they might make on the applying. 2. Data Complexity: The data always preserved within the style of JSON(JavaScript Object Notation) structure or either in key values. This makes...

How Much Does Cross-Platform Mobile App Development Cost? | AppFutura

Statista’s forecast states that in 2022, global mobile app revenues are projected to generate about 808 billion U.S. dollars which is almost 4 times more than in 2016. With 6.3 billion smartphone users worldwide, owners of any business from educational services to retail have no doubt: if they want to stand the competition, they need to develop a mobile app. A few years ago, whenever a business went to a mobile app development company with an idea for an app, the immediate follow-up question used to be “Which would be the first platform to launch: Android or iOS?” And the cost of development for both platforms would come out to be very high. But if we roll today’s calendar, we can see that building an app is not expensive anymore – with the adoption and evolution of services like cross-platform mobile app development. According to Gs.statcounter’s November 2021 data, the Android operating system holds an estimated share of 70.75%, whereas 28.53% market share belongs to iOS. By choosing one of them, you deprive users of another possibility to use your mobile application. Cross-platform app development, on the other hand, allows you to target almost 100% of users, reducing development cost and time. What is cross platform mobile app development? Cross-platform application development refers to the process of building a single application to be run on multiple mobile platforms and operating systems. It is usually compatible with both Android and Apple devices, although it can be developed as an app for any cross-channel uses. Cross-platform mobile applications are built using programming languages and technical options that are not specific to...
Spear Phishing Attack: Cyber Security – IP With Ease

Spear Phishing Attack: Cyber Security – IP With Ease

Introduction to Spear Phishing Attack In the cyber community industry nowadays, with the term “Spear Phishing”, we define a targeted attempt to steal private information such as user account credentials or financial information from a specific victim or organization. In order to succeed in this malicious activity, personal details are acquired on the victim such as friendship, hometowns, employers, locations they have frequently visited and what they have recently bought online.  The hackers pretend to be a trustworthy friend or entity to acquire personal information, usually through email or other online messaging platforms. The history of “Spear Phishing” attacks began as a Nigerian prince scam in the mid 1990’s, nowadays they have transformed into well researched and targeted hacker campaigns that are both highly effective and incredibly difficult to mitigate. While spear phishing attacks may target “smaller size victims”, like a mid-range company employee or a random target chosen on social media platforms. Whaling phishing is looking after the “big size victims.” These attacks often target C-Level executives like CEOs or CFOs to attempt to gather larger payments and more private data. Mitigation from Spear Phishing Attacks In the cyber community nowadays there are many theories on how to prevent a spear phishing attack. Most of the commonly used are presented below:       Spear Phishing vs Phishing Nowadays, “Spear Phishing” can easily be confused with simple “Phishing” because they are both cyber attacks on users that aim to acquire private information. Although, with the term “Phishing”, it is mainly used for any kind of attempt to trick victims into sharing sensitive information such as passwords, usernames, and credit card...
Tutorial: Build Metabase Maps with Geocodio | Laravel News

Tutorial: Build Metabase Maps with Geocodio | Laravel News

Have you reached for Metabase’s map visualizations, only to find that your data model is incomplete? This tutorial will show you how to pull in all the geographical data you need from Geocodio to fully utilize Metabase maps, complete with production ready Laravel code. Geocodio is a geocoder that supports the US and Canada, and is especially good for times when you need additional data, like Census data, timezones, or political districts. Geocode an address with a queued event listener We’ll be using an example Eloquent model of a Business for this tutorial. The schema is included below. Your codebase is undoubtedly different, but make sure you have: 1Schema::create(‘businesses’, function (Blueprint $table) { 5 // Columns entered by users 7 $table->string(‘user_supplied_address’)->nullable(); 9 // Columns for data retrieved from Geocodio 10 // Unlike most geo services, Geocodio allows you to store info retrieved from the API (https://www.geocod.io/features/api/) 11  12 // Metabase requires coordinates to be split in two columns, rather than using GIS columns like POINT 13 $table->decimal(‘latitude’, 10, 8)->nullable(); 14 $table->decimal(‘longitude’, 11, 8)->nullable(); 16 // A single formatted string, useful for searching within future analysis 17 $table->string(‘formatted_address’)->nullable(); 19 // Distinct columns for address components. Useful for filters, such as per state, in Metabase. 20 $table->string(‘street’)->nullable(); 25 $table->string(‘country’)->index()->nullable(); 27 // Additional Census data you will be retrieving from Geocodio 28 $table->integer(‘acs_number_of_households’)->index()->nullable(); 29 $table->integer(‘acs_median_household_income’)->index()->nullable(); 30}); We want to retrieve data from Geocodio every time a new Business is created. This means hooking into Eloquent events. 2* The event map for the model. 8]; Next up, you need to create the event class referenced above. You can use artisan to generate a...
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