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Meet Our Newest Web Developer: Nick Hemingway | Twin Creek Media Inc.

Meet Our Newest Web Developer: Nick Hemingway | Twin Creek Media Inc.

It is always a pleasure getting to know a new team member and the person behind the talent. Nick Hemingway is a Kelowna local who graduated from the University of British Columbia with a Bachelor of Media Studies. He enjoys long walks on the beach, singing in the rain, and Piña Coladas…. Hold on… Wrong social platform! Let’s push past the small talk and get into what really makes Nick tick.

Kokanee Glacier Park, Ainsworth, BC

With a passion for adventure and photography, you will find Nick wandering through the woods looking for that perfect shot.

“I was hiking in the Kootenay region on the edge of the Kokanee Glacier Park, attempting to find a hidden fishing location that had been stocked by my Grandfather and Great-Grandfather many years prior. We didn’t have cell reception, but luckily, we did have a GPS which helped guide us to the awesome fishing pond.”

When he isn’t off looking for hidden gems in the super natural regions of British Columbia, you can find him spending time with his family. Having heritage hailing from Italy and Norway, he loves to come home to his mom’s favourite homecooked meal of spaghetti made with Italian sausage. Fun fact: despite his fiery hair colour, Nick does not have roots in Ireland or Scotland! 

Nick has a sense of adventure and loves to dirt bike. So, the ‘boys’ invited Nick to join them on a dirt biking trip to explore the Okanagan’s back-country. And boy, did they come back with a story to tell! Thomas Berger reminisces, “Nick did a whiskey-throttle. Crashed. Hurt his knee. We made sure he was ok – then came the laughter!” 

Nick was happy to spend the day riding with James and Thomas saying, “They showed me to lots of new fun and challenging trails that introduced me to a more technical riding style”

Nick explains that he has a supportive family where each member have different ideas and passions. He understands that those differences are what bing them. As a result, it helps him to make friends where ever he goes. It also is one of the reasons he fits in so well with our company culture. 

Postil Trails, Kelowna, BC

Enderby Cliffs, Enderby, BC

We all have a little personal motto that helps us with interpersonal growth.

I tell myself the Nike slogan ‘Just Do It’ before I do something that would make me feel uncomfortable.

He also says that he would love to tell his younger self to, “Stay out of my own head! – that my main blocker was consistently questioning myself and that once I got out of my own way I was capable of even more than I had thought.

Nick is proof that when you set your mind to something – you can achieve it. We also learned that he comes from a family of do-ers and go-getters. So, it makes sense that he takes on every project with passion and dedication. Right now, his focus is learning as much as he can about web development and the marketing industry so that one day (soon) he wants to spearhead projects to see them through from the beginning.

We are fortunate to have such a fun-loving and level-headed co-worker to have in our office. You can see Nick’s talent with our recent web projects, so stay tuned to see what other great things Nick will get up to; because we can’t wait to show you!

Are you looking to refresh your current website? Give us a call and we will bring a fresh new look to your site!

This content was originally published here.

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