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Loan Lending Mobile App Development Cost & Features

Loan Lending Mobile App Development Cost & Features

The current era belongs to the advanced technologies and innovations done by integrating modern machinery. Nowadays, we have mobile applications to do every task and that task can be done in a few minutes just by some clicks on the mobile screen. Be it having household services, shopping, or even banking. Related to the finance sector, nowadays we can see that people are doing their all-financial tasks with the help of these mobile apps. Whether it is transferring the money, getting money from someone, or even if they want to lend some amount, they are doing it online. 

Yes, you heard it right! Businesses are now getting loan lending mobile app development services due to the high demand in the market. There is always a time when a person gets out of money and in that worst situation, they have no option left rather than lending money from other people or banks. but sometimes that is not possible as taking a loan from a bank takes a long time and verification of belongings as well, except it, people are adopting the new way to lend the money. These loan lending mobile apps are proving to be helpful to give them money instantly without taking much time.

These mobile apps help users to have an easy and systematic money lending process despite having a hectic process and schedule of form filling and standing in the long queue and doing various bank visits. Want to know more about it? Get all the insights about loan lending app development costs and must-have features into it. Let’s dive into the details:

Introduction to Money Lending Mobile App

Money lending mobile apps can be called a common platform where money lenders and loan seekers fulfil each other requirements. Borrowers don’t need to visit banks, loan brokers, or other financial organizations to seek a loan as they can now easily borrow money online.

Borrowers and money lenders both must use the app and they don’t need any physical place or infrastructure or any staff. It is just that both parties should be agreed on the same terms and if they are ready, loan seekers can instantly get money.

Working Process of Money Lending App

Businesses that want to have money lending iOS or Android app development services to expand their venture must know about its working first. The app works simply for both borrowers and money lenders. The below steps will clear how the app works?

What is the Need for Money Lending Mobile App?

By seeing the high demand for money lending apps, ventures must need to hire mobile app developers who have the skills and proper knowledge to have efficient apps. Loan lending apps or to say peer-to-peer loan lending apps are having higher growth with each passing year.

Look at the below stats to know about the popularity of money lending app development in the market:

Benefits Provided by Money Lending Applications

Money borrowers and lenders both have a lot of benefits attached to the money lending apps. These numerous benefits are the reason why businesses going gaga over either having money lending Android or iOS app development services from a well-known app development company. What are those benefits? Let’s find out:

Benefits to Borrowers

Look at below to see what are benefits provided to borrowers by loan lending mobile apps:

Easy Loan Procedure 

Borrowers can simply find out a suitable money lender and can fill the form to submit the loan request. If the lender likes it, he will approve the loan.

Low-interest Rate

Moneylenders on the apps charge less interest rates than banks. Money lending apps prefer customers with good credit history as they get good loan offers at a fewer interest rate. 

App Management

Borrowers must update their profile and keep track of the app so that it will prevent them from visiting the bank often.

Subtle Procedure

Based on the rating and review of the app, users can choose them to download and use. They must search online for an efficient app. 

All the money transactions done by users are protected and encrypted as well. Users are also allowed to set a strong password to provide safety to their profile and other details. 

Transaction Records

On-Demand app development solutions always provide this benefit where users can see the history of their past transactions. If they need to access it in any case, they can do it.

Loan Varieties

As we know, all the loan procedure is done on a single screen and online, users are permitted to see into varieties of loan options and choose among them as per their requirement. 


Although this process is done online, still it is fully reliable and trustworthy. You must choose the verified app and trustable lenders to prevent any fraud. 

Benefits to Money Lenders

What are the benefits provided to money lenders? Get to know about them here:

Fast KYC Processes 

Lenders don’t need to meet up with the borrowers often with their documents. These apps have the option to scan out and make copies of the borrower’s documents that can be owned by lenders.

Less Operational Costs 

Lenders don’t need to have a physical space or office to give the loan or proving them verified, it cuts down the overall operational costs.

Large Base of Customers 

Lenders can have more customers through this than offline. They can get in touch with more people simultaneously.

Higher ROI and Maximum Reach

Moneylenders can have their reach the people who don’t have banks in their area such as rural areas. Apps will also help lenders to have a higher ROI than before. 

Moneylenders can search about the multiple apps together and can get details about the people who want a loan. 

Impressive Features to Add into Loan Lending Mobile Apps

While having loan lending app development services, it is necessary to integrate the salient feature into it to attract the customer base. These features will help your app to shine out among all the other apps. But choose wisely as it can affect the overall cost of money lending app development.

Borrower Panel

Here are some of the must-have features for borrower’s panel:

Register or Login: Users can sign-up for the app via entering their email, phone number, and password. 

Linked Bank Account: Borrowers need to link their bank account to their app profile to do transactions.

Loan Form: There is a form for borrowers to fill out while seeking a loan from any lender. 

Real-time Notification: These are the way to notify the users about the beneficial loan deals or their loan application’s status. 

Geolocation: The app needs to know the user’s location or the user can also add it manually.

Reminders: After approving the loan and money credited into the account, the borrower will get notified about the amount to pay regularly. 

Secure Payment Methods: While transacting the money, the user will have security and can use multiple methods for payment such as credit or debit cards, e-banking, UPI, and so on. 

Protection: The app has two-factor authentication to avoid third-party access and security threats. 

Managing Documents: Borrowers can upload their essential documents on the app to use them whenever needed.

Chat Support: In case of any doubt, borrowers can chat with the app executive or authorities. 

Lender Panel

Make sure your hired mobile app development company or developers include these features into the money lender’s panel:

Sign-up: Any lender who wants to join the app needs to do sign-up first by entering their email, name, phone number, and password.

Profile Management: Lender needs to manage their profile including their personal information in terms of being verified.

Lead Management: All the leads or requests by the borrowers for the loan would be managed by the lender.

Push Notifications: The lender needs to be alert about the new requests from the borrower or getting the EMI payment.

Bank Account Linking: Lender must link their bank account to the app to give the loan and take the EMI payments from borrowers.

Payment Records: Lender can see the past transactions made by them or get by someone else anytime they want.

Admin Panel 

Find out the significant features to add in the admin panel:

Approved Accounts: It is the major responsibility of the admin to approve the profiles of new users that are verified and genuine not the fraud ones.

Notifications: All the money lending mobile apps have this feature used for notifying the admin about the latest payment, policies, new users, new offers, and others.

Managing the Borrowers: With this feature, the admin can check and handle the profile of borrowers, their details, previous loans, credit score, and more.

Managing the Lenders: Along with borrowers, the admin can also manage the lenders within the app including their activities, profiles, offered loans, and others.

Reports & Analytics: Admins can have all the real-time reports and analytics about every app user, approved & rejected loans, number of transactions, earned commission, and others.

Rewards & Offers: Admin can offer rewards and offers to borrowers if they are doing payments on time.

Loan Management: Admin can keep records of all the sanctioned and rejected loans, can manage them, the EMIs, and all transactions.

You can also integrate some of the advanced features into the loan lending app but you must consider that it will affect the complete cost to develop a loan lending mobile appTherefore, choose accordingly.

Cloud Integration: To provide more security to user’s data, app owners integrate cloud storage within the solution.

Automatic Repayments: Through this feature, the EMIs of the loan will be deducted from the borrowers’ account automatically, hence no EMI will be missed.

CMS Integration: Through this, the app owner would be able to manage the content on the loan lending mobile app.

Loan Calculator: App users will be facilitated with the in-built calculator to calculate the interest of the taken loan and the time in which the loan amount will be paid.

Multiple Language Support: This feature will let users from different regions provide a chance to connect with your app.

Development Process of a Money Lending Application 

Do you want to know how to create a money lending app? If yes, then just go through the below steps, here you will get knowledge about via step-by-step procedure. Let’ get details about it:

Research & Conceptualization 

The first step while having loan lending app development services is to form a good project concept via researching the market and competitors. Decide all the things in starting such as which type of loan app you want? Who are your target audiences? Do you have a solid plan for app marketing and promoting? Do in-depth research about the related market to make a different strategy for app success. You can also conduct a PESTLE or SWOT analysis of the market to know the strength and weaknesses of your competitors.

App Documentation

You must hire a well-known loan or Fintech app development company that can provide you an efficient application. It will also help you with app idea validation, building a strong execution strategy, and app documentation. 

Creating an MVP Version

You can ask your hired loan app development company to deliver you a minimum viable product with only basic and important features within your budget. It will give you a chance to see the user’s feedback on your app idea and you can improve the app after that.

App Design & Development 

Users prefer to go with an app with interactive design, minimal but useful features, and smooth functionality, thus tell your hired firm or team to provide you with Fintech app development services with impressive design documents, attractive UI/UX wireframes, and so on. Apart from the app design, the app development must be smooth and included all the essential aspects.

App Testing 

After the app development, it needs to be tested to see if it is working smoothly or not? If there will be any error or issue that will be removed at the initial stage. After that, the app will be re-tested to remove any other bugs. This cycle will be continued until the app will be error-free.

App Launch

If the product is perfectly developed, then it is ready to launch in the market and tested by the users. It will be launched on all the targeted platforms. But before the launch, you need to make a powerful strategy for marketing &promotion, and to make the app stand out among the competitors. 

Maintenance and Support 

Launching the app is not the end of the process as the app seeks support & maintenance even after the development. After a particular time, it needs to upgrade its software that can include some more advanced features to make the working smooth. 

Tech Stack and Team Structure 

Before and at the time of the app development process, both team tech stack and team structure are the two most significant things. Integration of advanced tech stack makes the app worth using and hiring of a dedicated and skilled team makes that integration possible. Let’s know about them in detail:

Tech Stack

Do you know what are the necessary technologies that must be integrated into a loan lending mobile app? They are as follows:

Team Structure

The success of any project depends upon the entire team behind it who makes the project development better. If you want successful loan lending mobile app development, hire a team with knowledgeable and experienced designers and developers. Keep your team limited otherwise get ready to bear a higher loan lending app development cost.

How Much Does It Cost for Loan Lending Mobile App Development?

After getting knowledge about how to build a loan app? you must know about the overall cost to develop a loan lending app. The general cost of the app remains distinct via various aspects such as:

App Platform

Choosing between iOS and Android for the app platform is very difficult as it affects both the budget and your targeted customer base. 

App Design

The app design must be so eye-catching and attractive enough to grab the customer’s attention, hence, hire such app designers who can provide you with an app including interactive UI/UX but be careful as it will increase the app cost and its complexity as well.

App Features

Features are an integral part of the app. Integration of basic features doesn’t affect the overall cost but advanced features integration can differ for sure. Therefore, choose wisely.

Location & Experience of the Company

While hiring a mobile app development company, it is required to check their experience to decide the final cost. It also matters that if you are taking in-house or outsourcing services, it has a direct impact on the app development cost. 

We can estimate that the overall loan lending app development cost would be around $15,000 to $35,000. As we have mentioned, it can vary due to these above-described factors. Keeping these factors in mind will benefit you in every possible way and it will help you to have mobile app development services within your budget and not extending it due to unnecessary reasons.

Wrap Up

In this article, we have mentioned all the essential details regarding money lending app development costs & features. We have also described the different factors responsible for affective the complete cost of money lending application.

If you are an entrepreneur and looking for having loan lending app development services or any kind of Fintech app development services, consider all these points covered in the above post. Also, hire a top mobile app development company that can deliver you an efficient and multi-purpose loan lending mobile app.

This content was originally published here.

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