> February, 2022 - Vinova
Exploring the Auth0 ASP.NET Core Authentication SDK

Exploring the Auth0 ASP.NET Core Authentication SDK

Auth0 brings you the new ASP.NET Core Authentication SDK, which improves your development experience and better integrates with Auth0 features! Let’s take a tour through the main features of the SDK to see how easy it becomes to integrate your ASP.NET applications with Auth0. The SDK Overview So far, you were used to relying on the standard Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OpenIdConnect package to integrate your ASP.NET application with Auth0. That library does its job very well. However, when you move away from implementing the simple login and logout, your code starts becoming verbose until it gets messy. You can mitigate this issue by implementing your authentication with C# extension methods. But why do it yourself when the experts at Auth0 can provide you with a ready-to-use SDK? The ASP.NET Core Authentication SDK allows you to write less code to integrate Auth0 authentication and authorization into your ASP.NET applications. It simplifies configuration, supports additional query parameters and refresh tokens, natively supports Auth0 Organizations and user invitations. It is actually a wrapper around the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OpenIdConnect library, but it brings you a standard and easy way to integrate Auth0 into your applications. You can use the SDK for all your ASP.NET applications that require authentication, such as ASP.NET MVC apps, Razor web apps, and Blazor server apps. Install the ASP.NET Core Authentication SDK You can install the Auth0 ASP.NET Core SDK by using the NuGet Package Manager UI in Visual Studio, as shown below: You can also install it by running the following command in the Package Manager Console: Or you can use the following command in a terminal window: Independently of your preferred approach,...

Mobile App Development Process: A Seven-Act Play

Did you know that there are around on the Google Play Store and that almost there monthly? The numbers don’t lie, they’re screaming, “Wake up! It’s time to develop a mobile app.” But how do you develop an app you might wonder? Our comprehensive, yet concise, guide through the cycle will help you with that. No matter what you’ve decided to build — an enterprise application or a startup app with a wide audience — we’ll put your fears to rest and describe all the steps to creating an app in detail. With that said, here’s the seven-act play “Mobile App Development Process.” Client — a business owner who has an app idea; Project Owner — a person responsible for the project. Probably, but not necessarily a business owner that builds the image of app;  Stakeholders —all the parties that have an interest in the client and their app idea; PM — a project manager who controls the development process to achieve the client’s requirements for the project; Business Analyst — an analytics expert who defines and then prioritizes requirements for a product; UI/UX Designer — a creator of intuitive and attractive UI; Developer — an engineer who writes the app code; QA Engineer — a quality assurance engineer testing the app. Act #1. Casting or Hiring Developers who will help you through the struggles of developing an app. Analyze their strengths and their weaknesses and pick the best one for your project. Act #2. Project Kick-Off In the final moments before the development team sets off you should: outline roles, development milestones, and monitoring methods, establish agreements and...
Global cyber security landscape – what to expect in 2022 | NCC Group – JDSupra

Global cyber security landscape – what to expect in 2022 | NCC Group – JDSupra

To kick off the new year we’re sharing thoughts and predictions on what may shape the global cyber security landscape in 2022. We’ve interviewed industry leaders from our four key geographies – the UK, the Asia and-Pacific (APAC) region, North America and Europe – to understand the key developments in each region over the last twelve months, and what we might expect from the year ahead and beyond. Three key themes were evident across all four regions… 1. Governments are taking a far more interventionist approach to regulating and legislating cyber security and resilience There appears to be broad consensus amongst policymakers that the free market approach to delivering secure, resilient infrastructure in the digital age has – thus far – failed. As such, our interviewees are seeing the governments in their respective regions becoming more interventionist, introducing an increasing number of seemingly stringent regulations that organisations need to abide by. In some cases, there has also been a shift from outcomes-based regulation to more prescriptive regulation, potentially indicating regulated entities’ lack of maturity in understanding what they need to do to achieve the required outcomes. These trends are particularly evident when it comes to securing critical infrastructure, with the EU expanding what constitutes critical infrastructure, the UK introducing flagship legislation on telecoms security, and governments in the the Asia and Pacific region taking steps to better protect their essential infrastructure. Meanwhile, in, and from, the US, the Biden administration is leading the global charge to improve supply chain security. One sector that may go against the grain, according to Global Head of Research Jennifer Fernick, is decentralised finance...
Machine Learning on Sound and Audio data | Towards Data Science

Machine Learning on Sound and Audio data | Towards Data Science

In this article, you will learn the basics of doing Machine Learning on sound data. Sound data (often called audio data) is a data type that is not very intuitive to work with. At the end of this article, you will understand: Sound data The big difficulty when starting with sound data is that, unlike tabular data or images, sound data is not easy to represent in a tabular format. As you may or may not know, images can be easily represented as matrices, because they are based on pixels. Each of the pixels has a value that indicates the intensity of the black and white (or for color images you have an intensity of red, green, and blue separately). Sound, on the other hand, is a much more complex data format to work with: An Example Sound Data Set for Genre Classification Before going into depth, let’s first introduce an example data set. As we are working with songs, it is difficult to obtain a dataset of which we can be certain that there are no copyright violation problems. For this article, I have therefore decided to create a small database myself that uses only beats from a website for copyright-free music called Uppbeat: I do not want to re-distribute the songs, but if you want to follow along, you can easily create a free account and download a number of songs from the two categories to follow along. How to organize your data and environment for working with sound For following along in your own environment, I advise you to create a folder called tracks, in which...
How to Choose a Mobile App Development Company – 6 Factors You Should Consider

How to Choose a Mobile App Development Company – 6 Factors You Should Consider

There is no limit to what custom mobile application development can do for your business. The dependencies on mobile apps for various aspects of our lives are increasingly obvious. In this scenario, engaging a custom mobile app development company to build a product could be one of the best decisions that one could make. There’s a saying that goes – ‘More options only lead to confusion’ And this couldn’t be truer when it comes to choosing a custom mobile app development company to build an app for your business! As of 2019, there were more than half a million tech establishments in the United States alone. With such humungous numbers, there cannot be a perfect ‘choice’ when it comes to deciding upon the best smartphone app development company to work with. This is akin to searching for a golden needle in a haystack.  Businesses that wish to make a splash in the online sphere must perform due diligence before they choose a smartphone app development company for custom mobile application development. Finding the right vendor goes a long way in transforming your app idea into reality, and here are 6 important factors that can help businesses select the ideal custom mobile app development company.  1. Competence and Experience  Vendors that provide custom mobile application development services must have demonstrable expertise as well as a portfolio of iOS and deliverables. Such expertise demonstrates problem solving capabilities in different development scenarios at various stages of the development cycle. It gives businesses a sense of ease knowing that the vendor is aware of what they are trying to achieve and how they...
Malcare WordPress Security

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