> October, 2021 - Vinova - Page 6

How David Sengeh is using prosthetic limbs and data science to help Sierra Leone

The first time I met David Moinina Sengeh, he was a college senior studying biomedical engineering. The university president asked him to introduce me at a lecture I was giving, and he charmed the crowd by talking about the ways he and I are similar (we both want people to live healthy, fulfilling lives) and how we’re different (our hairstyles). I remember being blown away by his intellect, his ambition, and his sense of humor. It was clear that David had a bright future ahead of him, but I don’t think anyone could have predicted where he’d end up just a few years later: as Sierra Leone’s first chief innovation officer and youngest ever education minister. David grew up in Bo, the second largest city in Sierra Leone. His uncle was a surgeon, and David would sometimes get to sit in and observe his procedures. David remembers one time when a woman showed up for her surgery only to be turned away. His uncle explained that the hospital where he worked didn’t have an ultrasound machine, and he wasn’t comfortable performing the procedure blind. Just a few hours later, during a different procedure, the lights went out in the operating room with a patient open on the table. That’s when he realized what he wanted to do with his life: make sure every health care worker had access to the tools they needed, “I left that day thinking it was great to be a doctor, but I wanted to do biomedical engineering,” says David. So, he went abroad to study—first at a university in Norway and then at Harvard...
How to Build an Android News App with React Native and Native Base

How to Build an Android News App with React Native and Native Base

We live in a world where things are constantly changing. So if you want to stay up to date on what’s happening, you’ll want a good News app. To help you learn some cool tech and stay current, in this blog post we’ll build a News Application for Android using React Native. It will fetch headlines from different news channels and show them by category. This is how our app will look when we’re done. So let’s jump right into it. How to Install Expo So, what is Expo? Expo is a framework that helps you build and deploy a React Native app quickly and easily. Let’s install it. Run this command in your terminal to install the Expo CLI. Here, we are using --global to make sure it installs everywhere. After it has been installed, we need to create an Expo Project. Use the above command to initialize the project. It will ask you a few questions, like the name of your application, whether you want add TypeScript in your project, or start with a blank project. Just select blank, and press enter. Then, it will download all the packages and dependencies in the folder. Now, after that’s done, navigate into the project folder. To start the application, type expo start. It will open up developer tools in the browser. Here you’ll see many options on the left, like run on Android device/emulator, or on iOS simulator. We will run the application on the Web Browser, so click the Run in Web Browser option. This is our App.js file, which contains the default boilerplate. Now our application is...
What is Web Development? How to Become a Web Developer [2021 Career Path]

What is Web Development? How to Become a Web Developer [2021 Career Path]

You have just decided to learn how to code and you want to pursue a career in web development. But what exactly is web development? Where can you start learning? How much do web developers make? How do you get a job as a web developer? When I first started learning how to code, I had these exact same questions and more.   In this article, I will provide a basic introduction to web development and provide career resources on how to land a developer job. What is Web Development? Web development is the act of building and maintaining websites for the internet or intranet (private network). Examples of websites you might build would include blogs, personal pages, E-commerce sites, or social media sites. Web developers will work with the client to understand their requirements for the website. Developers will then build, test, and deploy the site and maintain it by fixing issues and adding features. Difference Between Web Developers and Site Builders There are many website builders like Wix and Weebly that make it easy for non-developers to create and launch a website. The question is, why do we need web developers if people can just use website builders instead? This largely depends on the needs and requirements of the project. There are times where it makes sense to hire developers and then there are times where using site builders is an option. For example, if someone wants to create a basic site for their handmade jewelry, then using a website builder is a viable option. These tools are easy to use and inexpensive. But what if someone...
Big New Livewire Release: v2.6.0 | Laravel News

Big New Livewire Release: v2.6.0 | Laravel News

Livewire is getting lots of quality-of-life improvements in the latest release (v2.6). This is the biggest Livewire release since version 2.0. This release is extra special because the majority of these updates were completely PR’d and driven by the community. Special shout out to @joshhanley for developing basically half of them and helping out with most of them. Here’s the full release notes with links to every feature, fix, and PR that was made for this release: https://github.com/livewire/livewire/releases/tag/v2.6.0 Let’s jump in. Here’s what’s up: New boot lifecycle hook As of 2.6, there is a new boot() lifecycle method available for your Livewire components. This method will run before any other lifecycle hook AND will run on every single request, both initial and subsequent component requests. If the words “initial and subsequent requests” in the context of Livewire are fuzzy for you, give this post a quick read. 1class YourComponent extends Livewire\Component 3 public function boot() You can also use this lifecycle hook within traits by adding the class name as a suffix to avoid inheritance collisions. For example: 1class YourComponent extends Livewire\Component 5 public function boot() Because mount() currently runs only on the initial request, and hydrate() only runs on subsequent ones, there hasn’t been a good way to run code on EVERY request. Many users achieved this by overriding the constructor which is highly discouraged. Now we have boot()! Deep model data binding Livewire has supported binding directly to Eloquent model attributes for a long time, however, v2.6 takes it to a whole new level. Let’s look at an example: If you had an Eloquent model set to...
Native vs Cross-Platform: What to Choose for Mobile App Development – Jelvix

Native vs Cross-Platform: What to Choose for Mobile App Development – Jelvix

The phrase, “There’s an app for that,” could not be more appropriate for 2021. Apps are playing an increasingly significant role in our lives – from retail-based e-commerce businesses to personal finance and life management, entertainment and gaming, and tracing contacts during the COVID-19 epidemic. In fact, as of Q2 of 2020, there were 37.8 billion downloads from the Google Play and iOS stores globally. And in February 2021 alone, about . Many of these were developed for one or both of the two major app stores via native app development, but many were also developed and launched via cross-platform technology, a method designed to reach a much larger audience on multiple platforms. So, which should you choose for your development – native or cross-platform? In this article, you will receive a comprehensive explanation of both types of development and the pros and cons of each. In the end, you should be able to make an informed decision on which type of development is right for your apps so that you can locate the right developer or team for what you want. First, an overview of the Mobile Development Market in the Current Environment , mobile devices surpassed the use of desktop PCs as the venue for consumers to communicate with others, obtain information, search for products or services, make purchases, and solve specific problems they face. And they use them everywhere and in all environments: When users conduct a search related to what they need, they will immediately be rewarded with results that point them to specific websites or apps. And even those websites have apps, which they...
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