> October, 2021 - Vinova - Page 3
Umbraco 9 release | Umbraco powered by .NET 5 & ASP.NET Core

Umbraco 9 release | Umbraco powered by .NET 5 & ASP.NET Core

A little over 2 years ago the initial plan was made for how to migrate Umbraco CMS from .NET Framework to .NET Core. The project was codenamed Unicore, and in the following years a community team of the same name was created, multiple RFCs were posted, tough and exciting decisions were made, quite a few things were named and renamed, and 10 pre-releases across Alphas, Betas, and Release Candidates have been released and thoroughly tested. This all leads us to today. I’m proud to introduce the first official release of Umbraco CMS running 100% on .NET 5 and ASP.NET Core – Umbraco 9 is out 🎉!! New technology – still Umbraco Umbraco 9 is the fully customizable and editor-friendly open-source CMS updated to run 100% on .NET 5 and ASP.NET Core. The underlying framework has been updated to the latest version of Microsoft’s .NET framework but it is still Umbraco through and through with its main focus on editor friendliness and the goal of continuously making content management simpler. This means that most things should be instantly familiar if you’ve worked with Umbraco before – especially if you’re a content editor. With the release of Umbraco 9, we’ve ensured that Umbraco can stay on top of all the new features and improvements that are coming for .NET in the future. In fact, it’s the start of a new major release cadence that will follow Microsoft’s LTS releases of .NET and ASP.NET Core.  It is also the new official version of Umbraco. This means that all feature development will now be done on Umbraco 9 with a new minor release...
Migrating our billing portal to the latest version of Laravel Spark – Flare blog

Migrating our billing portal to the latest version of Laravel Spark – Flare blog

When Flare was launched, we used Laravel Spark classic to take care of all user, team and billing functionality. We recently migrated to the latest version of Laravel Spark. It offers a beautiful billing management screen. Here’s how it looks like. Our new Spark-powered billing portal allows you to see all available plans easily, subscribe, download invoices, etc… By migrating to the latest version of Spark, we could vastly simplify our codebase. In this blog post, we’d like to share how we performed this migration and how we customised Laravel Spark. How we used Laravel Spark classic # When we started work on Flare, we decided very early on that we didn’t want to code everything around team management and billing ourselves. Using Laravel Spark was a given since we already had some experience with it by building Oh Dear. At Spatie, we very much prefer working with React. We’re also very detail focused when creating a UI. Because Spark classic was built with Vue components, that didn’t work how we wanted, we made a drastic decision: we started using Spark in a headless way. We use everything that Spark classic offered on the backend but used nothing of the front end components. We created our own React components that hooked in the Spark classic back end. For us, this worked out pretty well. Even though we had some work creating our own React billing components, Spark classic still saved us quite some time. Moving to the newest version of Spark # Earlier this year, the Laravel team introduced a new version of Spark. The significant difference between the...
Xamarin Mobile App Development Cost & Key Features

Xamarin Mobile App Development Cost & Key Features

Past technologies were mainly based on native platforms, left as a gap between new technologies and agile frameworks. There is always an urge for some value-driven technologies that fill this gap. One such excellent technology framework is Xamarin. It came into existence in the year 2011 and was later acquired by Microsoft. Since its presence, Xamarin has swung like a storm with a strong reach of 2 million developers across the globe. Microsoft assembled this technology with their Visual Studio environment to enhance the vast control of base libraries and give a surreal experience to the native developers. Xamarin is a popular mobile app platform amongst developers and technocrats. In the first quarter of 2017, Xamarin was used by 1.6 million mobile apps developers, predominant to its excellent native UI codebases support. Xamarin supports cross-platform to flawlessly manage the software life cycle cost with proper utilization of resources. Due to its cross interface support, developers easily develop and configure their apps on multiple platforms and come with regular upgrades. In various industries like Transportation, Healthcare, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Automobile, almost every industry prefers to choose Xamarin over other Android frameworks like React Native or Ionic. Have you hardly considered the theories, but how about facts and stats? According to Statista, 62% of businesses are considered Xamarin for developing their mobile applications. Why? Because it brings them the optimized results best for their business vertices. Let’s explore more and understand the ground behind the importance of Xamarin, its features, cost and time paradigms, and limitations. Why is Xamarin popular for Mobile App Development? The reason behind the popularity of Xamarin over other mobile app...
PetitPotam – NTLM Relay to AD CS – Penetration Testing Lab

PetitPotam – NTLM Relay to AD CS – Penetration Testing Lab

Deployment of an Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) on a corporate environment could allow system administrators to utilize it for establishing trust between different directory objects. However, it could allow red team operators to conduct an NTLM relay attack towards the web interface of an AD CS in order to compromise the network. The web interface is used for allowing users to obtain a certificate (web enrollment), is over HTTP protocol, doesn’t support signing and accepts NTLM authentication. The details of the attack have been presented by Will Schroeder and Lee Christensen in the Certified Pre-Owned whitepaper. The attack forces the domain controller machine account (DC$) to authenticate towards a host which NTLM relay is configured. The authentication is relayed towards the Certificate Authority (CA) and raises a request for a certificate. Once the certificate is generated for the DC$ account an attacker could use this perform arbitrary operations on the domain controller such as retrieving the hash of the Kerberos account in order to create a golden ticket and establish domain persistence or dump hashes of domain administrators and establish a communication channel with the domain controller. Active Directory Certificate Services can be installed as a role on the domain controller or in an individual server which is part of the domain. The following diagram illustrates the steps of the attack: The attack requires identification of the certification authority. The “certutil” binary is a command line tool which can be used to dump and display certification authority information, verify certificates etc. Therefore it could be used as a quick way to discover if there is a certificate...
Need A Web Developer? How To Know Which Skills To Look For

Need A Web Developer? How To Know Which Skills To Look For

Taking a leap in business is one of the most essential factors. However, in the modern era, everything is digitalized and so it becomes essential to Hire web developers that are reliable as per the company’s standard. It is essential to have a quick scan of different Web development companies to check which one is more reliable than the other. Also, it gives an idea of what the companies can offer. One of the most essential parts is the skills possessed by companies or web developers. In such a case, what are these different skills set that makes web developer stays at the top? We have made a list of different skills that must be watched out for the top Web development services.  In addition to this, there are a number of web professionals that worked with the CSS. This skill is in the combination to the HTML code only that helps in building up the proper strategy. It can easily style the pages and structure them as per the code.  On top of that, every developer must know to work around the tags to get a proper hang on the language. Even while working on CMS editor of ‘What you see is what you get’ (WYSIWYG), it is important to have an idea about HTML. This gives a deep understanding of the tools on a huge level along with control on tasks that are performed in it. It is possible that one might not use HTML on a daily basis but another platform has a bigger impact on it.  Hence, this makes it fun to design, editor-style the...
Malcare WordPress Security

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