> September, 2021 - Vinova - Page 8
How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing The Future Of Mobile App Development | e3zine – E-3 Magazine International

How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing The Future Of Mobile App Development | e3zine – E-3 Magazine International

Artificial intelligence has been getting a lot of press lately. It is no longer the realm of science fiction stories – we now experience a wide array of AI systems almost every day. Whether you are a professional in digital strategy services or the average consumer, you probably see that there is a lot of potential for machines that can simulate human intelligence. When you look at mobile app development, you see an industry that is currently experiencing big changes as the result of AI. It is not only changing the way developers work, it is helping to deliver better apps for consumers.  While we are still at the beginning of the AI revolution in mobile app development, we can already see significant changes. The following are some of the ways AI is changing the future of mobile app development. Automation in development  App development is a field that requires a lot of skill. With that said, there are also many repetitive tasks and processes that take up a lot of time. With AI, development teams can save time and money by automating many of these tasks.  Beyond saving time and money, automation in app development could help to deliver better consistency while also eliminating errors. While many of these tasks are simple, the tedious nature of doing them can lead to mistakes on the part of human programmers. With a machine doing this work, most of these mistakes can be eliminated. Understanding the user AI systems can be trained to pick up on cues from the user of an app. By analyzing the behavior and actions of an...
UT Austin Selected as Home of National AI Institute Focused on Machine Learning – UT News

UT Austin Selected as Home of National AI Institute Focused on Machine Learning – UT News

AUSTIN, Texas — The National Science Foundation has selected The University of Texas at Austin to lead the NSF AI Institute for Foundations of Machine Learning, bolstering the university’s existing strengths in this emerging field. Machine learning is the technology that drives AI systems, enabling them to acquire knowledge and make predictions in complex environments. This technology has the potential to transform everything from transportation to entertainment to health care. UT Austin — already among the world’s top universities for artificial intelligence — is poised to develop entirely new classes of algorithms that will lead to more sophisticated and beneficial AI technologies. The university will lead a larger team of researchers that includes the University of Washington, Wichita State University and Microsoft Research. “This is another important step in our university’s ascension as a world leader in machine learning and tech innovation as a whole, and I am grateful to the National Science Foundation for their profound support,” said UT Austin interim President Jay Hartzell. “Many of the world’s greatest problems and challenges can be solved with the assistance of artificial intelligence, and it’s only fitting, given UT’s history of accomplishment in this area along with the booming tech sector in Austin, that this new NSF institute be housed right here on the Forty Acres.” UT Austin is simultaneously establishing a permanent base for campuswide machine learning research called the Machine Learning Laboratory. It will house the new AI institute and bring together computer and data scientists, mathematicians, roboticists, engineers and ethicists to meet the institute’s research goals while also working collaboratively on other interdisciplinary projects. Computer science professor...
Cyber Security Practices We Should All Do- Staying Protected – PCS

Cyber Security Practices We Should All Do- Staying Protected – PCS

Cyber security is one of the most talked about subjects in the technology field. Having your business data secured is crucial, but there are ways to stay protected. We’re here to help you keep your data protected with these security practices we should all do to ensure cyber security! Changing Passwords/Password Strength Password safety cannot be stressed enough! Changing your passwords every 60-90 days will allow your information to stay protected. With that, your cyber security will continue to increase. Not only will changing your password help, but also make sure it is STRONG. Adding symbols, numbers, and making sure the length is 8 or more characters will help keep the password strong. In the example presented above, pa$$word1a has a stronger password strength than password1 (please don’t use example above for your next password). Webroot has given some greats tips for creating a new password. Using a phrase and incorporate shortcut codes and acronyms will keep the password strong while being able to remember your favorite phrase or saying. Some examples are 2BorNot2B_ThatIsThe? (To be or not to be, that is the question) or ABT2_uz_AMZ! (About to use Amazon).  Unique passwords are harder to break through than weak and simple passwords (please do not use any examples given above). When selecting a password, do not use any personal information! Using personal information can lead to hackers knowing the answers to your security questions. Examples of personal information to not use: Your name Age Date of birth Child’s name Pet’s name Favorite color/song Don’t Use The Same Password For Everything! Using the same password for multiple logins will cause a bigger...
Everything You Need to Know About The New Version of React Native 0.64.2 – Tech Updates

Everything You Need to Know About The New Version of React Native 0.64.2 – Tech Updates

React Native is an open-source framework employed widely by mobile app development companies. The framework is usually developed to build iOS, Android, Web, Android TV, Windows, etc. The latest release of React Native is 0.64.2, has made the applications lighter, faster, and quicker. This version also helps to fix several other bugs that were previously found in the applications developed. According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey , React Native stood at the 6th position in terms of usage for the development of apps. The new version of React Native is all set to benefit developers, especially iOS developers. This version contains enhancements in terms of applications’ performance and specific other bug fixes that the developers have been waiting for a long time! Developers involved in React Native app development have placed their high expectations on this version since it has bought some fantastic new features in the development spectrum. Without further ado, let us know more about the features of the new version that have some breaking changes. Hermes Support for iOS: Hermes is an open-source new Javascript engine optimized for React Native and enhances the startup time of the application developed. Additionally, it also decreases memory usage, cuts the interactive time down, and enables the reduction of app downloading size. It is because of this ability, that the framework was used to develop almost 31 thousand apps . Initially, Hermes was available with the 0.60.4 React Native (RN) version and for the android platform only. The newly introduced version supports the iOS platform as well. Facebook engineers initially developed Hermes as a lightweight solution for the problems....
How To Upgrade Ruby on Rails Legacy Applications

How To Upgrade Ruby on Rails Legacy Applications

Since 2004, Airbnb, GitHub, Zendesk, Shopify, Kickstarter, UrbanDictionary, CrunchBase, and hundreds of amazing products, including yours, have been built with Ruby on Rails. Is Ruby on Rails dead in 2021? The language has recently offered some reasons for developers to consider migration to different tools. In 2020, Ruby was still loved by 42% of developers. Why? Because it was built with the key thought in mind that it could “make developers’ lives easier”. Development with Ruby was fun, interactive, and fast. Nowadays, it is hard to imagine a development task for which there is no existing Ruby library. Over the past year, several clients addressed us with the request for updating Ruby-based enterprise products. And yes – modernization is possible; having an outdated Ruby product doesn’t mean it should be rebuilt from scratch with different technology. We believe that in most cases it is possible to work with existing legacy code, and we’d like to share our approach to modernizing legacy Ruby / Rails applications. Read on, if you endeavor to reanimate your Ruby-based project. When You Need to Modernize Ruby / Rails App 1. Your application needs updating if you have any of the following issues: Why is this a risk for legacy systems? Improving user experience (UX) is usually considered as a designer task. It is important to know that modern UI/UX tools require both frontend and backend enhancements. 2. Slow application performance Why does it happen? Application architecture and database schema design are complex and time-consuming engineering tasks. In the early stages, serious investment is perceived as high risk because the product may not succeed. Subsequently,...
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