> September, 2021 - Vinova - Page 7
Understanding Blockchain – A Natural Digital Evolution For Professional Services – Web & Mobile App Development Company | IT Services & Software Solutions | Coding Brains Blogs

Understanding Blockchain – A Natural Digital Evolution For Professional Services – Web & Mobile App Development Company | IT Services & Software Solutions | Coding Brains Blogs

Blockchain is a data model which is widely known as ledger technology. It uses a distributed database that provides a peer-to-peer network for everything. There are many Blockchains to choose from, they can be public and used as internet or private which can be used as an intranet. How to use BlockChain? It is a tool like any other technology, Firms use the technology to connect to other blockchain networks. Who is using blockchain? Bitcoin was the first one that started using blockchain followed by other major financial institutions such as IBM, Japanese firm ripple, and NASDAQ Myths associated with  BlockChain Blockchain is similar to Bitcoin:  This is a myth that many people fall for but in fact, the truth is that Blockchain is a very large electronic system in which you can create applications and currency. Just like email and the internet are two very different things, similarly, Bitcoin and blockchain are two different concepts. This misconception has arisen because of the rising popularity of Bitcoin. Blockchain provides questionable security:  No network is absolutely secure, the same is with Blockchain. But still, it provides a lot of security over other networks. The attacker who has substantial control and enough resources to attack can access the blockchain and tamper with the data. But still, because of the distributed network, it is very secure and safe to use. Monetary perspective: The myth is that Blockchain is just monetary in nature, but it is not so. This has come up because of the rising popularity and interest in bitcoin. The potential that technology provides goes far beyond bitcoin, it is not...
The Urgency of Cyber Security Advancement

The Urgency of Cyber Security Advancement

“There’s time, though not unlimited time, to get the job done. We must make a continuing public commitment to securing cyberspace — and we must do so now.” – Melissa Hathaway Cyber Security Expert and President of Hathaway Global Strategies, LLC On June 10, the McCain Institute for International Leadership at Arizona State University hosted Chris Brose, author and former policy adviser to Senator John McCain, to discuss his book, “The Kill Chain: Defending America in the Future of High-Tech Warfare.” During the discussion with former Director of the National Counterterrorism Center Nick Rasmussen, Brose emphasized the need for American focus and investment in cyberspace and cautioned against risking “calamity and crisis” that could occur absent addressing American cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Brose’s passionate call to action pointed out that our ever-increasing dependency on technology, while greatly enhancing our society, has created systemic risks that require urgent attention. We must be clear-eyed – safeguarding our society from cyber security issues is very complex. Without significant mitigation of these risks, we will see more and more disruptive and damaging cyberattacks that have the ability to greatly impact our day-to-day lives. Protecting our national security, our commercial interests and the security and rights of our civilians is a highly complex task. According to the United States Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, there are 16 critical infrastructure sectors. Some of these include commercial facilities, critical manufacturing, chemical, communications, dams, emergency services, financial services, food and agriculture, energy, healthcare and public health. Cyberattacks on these sectors present extreme risk and the fallout from attacks on any one of them could cause long term damaging consequences....

Ionic vs React Native: Which Cross-Platform Framework is Best for You? | ButterCMS

In this article, we will address two of the most common mobile app development frameworks—Ionic and React Native—to help you consider the primary distinctions between these two frameworks as well as their main features and disadvantages. We’ll also take a look at how you can quickly implement a headless CMS for Ionic or React Native. Before we get into the Ionic vs React Native debate, let’s take a quick look at the differences between native and hybrid (cross-platform) apps. Table of contents Native Apps vs Hybrid (Cross-platform) Apps There are several ways to develop a mobile application as an end product in this modern technological era. The foremost approach is to develop it natively, using the native language of each platform. Native applications are developed for a particular platform in a particular programming language. As an example, when we develop an iOS-specific application using the Objective-C language or an Android-specific application using Java, then the app is called a native app. The use of native code results in better performance, but the only disadvantage is the requirement of multiple teams to manage the mobile application. In contrast, hybrid apps are software applications that are created using web technology such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. PhoneGap/Cordova platforms are used to have a localized experience and navigate native functionality in Android, iOS, or some other app. Cross-platform applications focus on common web resources such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to provide native interfaces while using native functionality. The hybrid approach has the upper hand in improving app development efficiency by using a single project on all platforms and providing UX compatibility...
Announcing the GUI Stake Pool | Small Business Web Design Services and Web App Development | Denver Boulder

Announcing the GUI Stake Pool | Small Business Web Design Services and Web App Development | Denver Boulder

gooWee has officially launched a Cardano stake pool! We’re proud to be supporting this amazing project! 🎉 What’s a Cardano you ask? Good question. Here’s another blog to answer that. Why did we decide to do this? Honestly there are several reasons. For starters, we’re always looking for new projects and new technologies to learn. And while this is a pretty new space for us (coming from websites and apps), it’s actually a logical progression since more and more apps are going to require connectivity with blockchain technology. In fact we’ve already started discussions on a project involving smart contracts and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). So our efforts are kind of dovetailing. Also, gooWee is very much aligned with Cardano’s mission and vision. Cardano aims to be a new financial infrastructure for the whole world, especially in places where old models of financial infrastructure are inequitable or non-existent.  We’re proud to be able to support that infrastructure, and to do it with zero carbon footprint. This last part because we’re running our stake pool out of a European data center that uses 100% renewable energy. Most importantly, and on a very personal note, we feel most productive and useful when finding ways to help and support our own community. As we’ve often said, we’d be nothing without our community and we never forget the importance of giving back. Luckily this aligns perfectly with Cardano’s culture and ethos. Stake pool operators are encouraged to be mission oriented and to give part of their earnings to a good cause. One cause that is near and dear to our hearts is technology education,...
ReactJS vs React Native – The Ultimate Comparison

ReactJS vs React Native – The Ultimate Comparison

ReactJS and React Native are two immensely popular technologies when it comes to app development. Although they retain similar names, and have both been launched by Facebook, their enormous popularity still hasn’t meant that people understand the difference between the two! Notwithstanding the few who are aware that one is a web framework, and the other is a mobile framework, many are still left stumped when asked about the differences between these two frameworks.  and React Native development have both gained prominence among frontend developers with their massive contingencies to build interactive UIs.  The ReactJS framework is a JavaScript library used to develop user interfaces on the web using declarative programming. This permits developers to design a simple overview and keep the app views consistent. Commonly referred to as React, it is used to develop user-friendly and responsive UI components for front end and server-side operations. It is also used to build high performance and scalable web applications. It is a component-based library that allows development of reusable components and also supports rendering of UI components. The ReactJS framework provides support for both frontend and server-side development.  The is a JavaScript framework that enables developers to build apps for both iOS and Android platforms with near native UI by only using the JavaScript programming language. React Native development compiles the native code to create practically native mobile apps with reusable components. It uses ReactJS for abstraction, although the library components vary.  Here, we look at some of the business advantages and limitations of both platforms and outline the key differences when it comes to choosing between ReactJS development and...
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