> September, 2021 - Vinova - Page 6
Cyber security boost for Inner Range with 2FA

Cyber security boost for Inner Range with 2FA

Figures show one in ten employees will have their security username or password compromised by cyber criminals. For people operating access and security systems, preventing this kind of cyber breach is even more important. Tim Northwood, director of Inner Range, discusses how Two Factor Authentication (2FA) provides an extra layer of cyber security for customers. Benefits of 2FA Two Factor Authentication (2FA), which is offered by Inner Range’s intelligent integrated access and security management system, Integriti, ensures operators must present their usual username and password as well as an additional security credential. This includes extra security passwords or memorable information, biometrics such as thumb or finger prints and facial scans, or a code received on a registered device, such as via an app on a mobile phone. Using 2FA means customers can rest assured that any potential rogue users with stolen usernames and passwords will still be denied access. Easy company-wide set up The initial set-up for company-wide use of 2FA within Integriti can be completed within a few minutes by activating 2FA and adding it to a security policy that makes 2FA a requirement for system operators. Operators are then asked to enroll in 2FA at their next login. For this, they are prompted to scan a QR code using a compatible authenticator app on a mobile phone or other device, and enter the 6-digit code provided. Enrolled operators need to enter the code provided by the authenticator each time they login. The codes time-out after 30 seconds to ensure maximum security. If anyone forgets their phone or device needed to generate 2FA codes, a system administrator can...

Using Machine Learning To Detect Anomalies – SecuriTeam Blogs

I’m going to start blogging more about detection of protocol/app anomalies, detection of lateral movement and/or data exfiltration, and more. For many years I have been watching users and applications furrow their way across networks and I’m gonna start data-dumping that info here 🙂 But…first…I manage a web server for a friend. It occurred to me that machine-learning could be useful in alerting when an attack is under way. I took the following steps 1) Get as much data as possible for this device. For Apache, this just meant gathering all the log files. 2) Parse the data and, for each session, look at the path taken as the user or bot perused the server (Note: outside of my initial scope, but timestamps are useful here to weed out a user versus a machine). 3) So, an average session will look like R1->R2->R3->RX where each “R” is a request. So R1 could be index.html, R2 could be “Contact Us”, R3 could be “contact_form.php”, etc. I started using Markov to build a model; however, instead, I took each set of 2 and initialized those values…e.g. S={R1->R2,R2->R3,R3->RX}. For the next session I might have S={R1->R5,R5->R3,etc.}. At the end of all the parsing, I have a big set of all state transitions possible for each R. So, given RX, there are a finite number of R states that RX can transition to. 4) For each of the R states, I now re-parse the log file and find the number of transitions. This is a matrix that shows the number of observed transitions from RN to every other R state. So, for instance,...
Laravel Or CakePHP: Which is Better for Web App Development?

Laravel Or CakePHP: Which is Better for Web App Development?

Laravel development services are becoming increasingly popular, with the framework being frequently compared to CakePHP. Both Laravel and CakePHP are well-known PHP frameworks. PHP is frequently used to create dynamic web pages and high-end apps. PHP frameworks enable the creation of cost-effective websites with excellent UI/UX. On the other hand, Laravel is an open-source MVC PHP framework that is mostly used to create innovative, creative, and attractive full-featured web applications. It provides a distinct set of PHP frameworks’ fundamental functions. Let’s delve in to get some more information about the two frameworks. What is Laravel? To begin, Laravel is a PHP framework designed specifically for the building of MVC-based apps. It is an open source PHP framework that is often regarded as the greatest of the PHP frameworks. Some of the major advantages of choosing Laravel as your web development environment are listed below. Laravel is another PHP-based open source framework for building online apps and websites. As this amazing php-based framework is open source, there are no expensive licence fees or capital investments required to use it. Laravel is also beginner friendly, which implies that aspiring will find it quite simple to utilize this framework. This framework is used to develop a variety of tools. This framework allows for a great deal of customization. Are you convinced to use the Laravel framework for your next project and or do you need to know about CakePHP? Here we go. What is CakePHP? To begin with, CakePHP is a free and extremely helpful PHP programming framework. It’s also a fantastic development framework due to the capabilities it offers. As a...
Top 10 Laravel development companies in 2021

Top 10 Laravel development companies in 2021

If you’ve been looking around for a Laravel development company, but you haven’t been able to find a good one, you’ve come to the right place. It’s not necessarily as popular as some of the other frameworks on the market, but that’s because it’s a little more specialist and is built with more specific use cases in mind. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves, so let’s take a step back. Now, we will look at what Laravel is and why you might want to think about using it, along with some of the best companies out there to give you a helping hand.  Why use Laravel? Let’s get started by taking a little look at the whats and whys of Laravel so that you’re up to speed with what it is and what it does before we share some suppliers. What is Laravel? Laravel is essentially a free-to-use PHP framework that’s distributed on an open-source model. You can take it and use it to build your applications using the basics that it puts into place. In particular, it was developed for web apps that use a “model-view-controller” pattern(MVC). Branding itself as the PHP framework for web artisans, it’s better than building with pure PHP because of its foundation for developers. It means that less time is needed to build basic functionality because it’s already there. It’s like going in to build a house after the foundations have already been laid down. Which companies use the Laravel? We could fill an entire article just answering this question. That’s because it’s arguably the most popular rapid web app development framework, powering...
An Introduction to MERN: ReactJS

An Introduction to MERN: ReactJS

As an entrepreneur who is looking for a digital partner for the development of their very own application, it can be difficult to follow the technical jargon that’s mentioned in many consultancy meetings and proposals. If you’re not a software developer yourself, the information regarding technical specifications can be complex and difficult to understand. As a company of digital experts, we want to make sure our clients are always on the same page as us, no matter how complex the topic. That’s why we have been taking a deep dive into the technologies and frameworks our development team at Lizard Global works with on a daily basis. Last time, you could read about NodeJS, an indispensable part of the MERN tech-stack. This week, we’re having a look at another programming language of MERN: ReactJS. The tech stack of MERN MERN is a full-stack web development framework consisting of 4 key technologies that revolve around Javascript: MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS and NodeJS. These 4 technologies cover all layers of application development. Most applications consist of a frontend and a backend. Backend is where all the complex logic lies including the database itself, while the frontend is the customer-facing components that consist of forms, tables, buttons etc. An application will communicate continuously with the frontend and backend to provide a useable working application. At Lizard Global, we use the MERN tech stack where Express and NodeJS are comprised of the backend attached to a Mongo database and ReactJS for the frontend. ReactJS is a Javascript library that allows developers to build the frontend of an application with beautiful interactive UI components. It...
Malcare WordPress Security

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