> August, 2021 - Vinova - Page 7
What To Ask Your Web Developer / Designer – Dashal

What To Ask Your Web Developer / Designer – Dashal

I always tell people that finding a good web developer is like finding a good mechanic. Like with mechanics, you can get ripped off, and/or the work might not be up to par causing your website to need to be repaired or redone. Unfortunately, with having been a UX/UI designer and web developer for decades, I’ve seen it all. I have seen code that looks like it was written by someone who is five years old, websites that were incredibly overpriced only to have to be redone, and I have seen clients lose access to their website and not have true ownership of it. Your website is incredibly important. Not only is it something you will likely spend a good amount of money on, it is something that is most likely vital to your company’s revenue capabilities as well as an information hub for existing customers. Also, remember that your website is a reflection on you and your company. It’s often times a first impression. While it would be easiest to just hire Dashal, here are must-ask questions for a web developer or agency you are having design and develop your website.  CMS (Content Management System) What content management system are they using? This is very important as you need the ability to update your own content. You never want to be in a position where you have to rely on other people. Most sites now use WordPress. While there are others, there is really no reason to use them as there isn’t anything that can’t be done in WordPress and it is so popular that should you need...
A Complete Tutorial to Learn Data Science with Python from Scratch

A Complete Tutorial to Learn Data Science with Python from Scratch

Introduction It happened few years back. After working on SAS for more than 5 years, I decided to move out of my comfort zone. Being a data scientist, my hunt for other useful tools was ON! Fortunately, it didn’t take me long to decide, Python was my appetizer. I always had a inclination towards coding. This was the time to do what I really loved. Code. Turned out, coding was so easy! I learned basics of Python within a week. And, since then, I’ve not only explored this language to the depth, but also have helped many other to learn this language. Python was originally a general purpose language. But, over the years, with strong community support, this language got dedicated library for data analysis and predictive modeling. Due to lack of resource on python for data science, I decided to create this tutorial to help many others to learn python faster. In this tutorial, we will take bite sized information about how to use Python for Data Analysis, chew it till we are comfortable and practice it at our own end. Table of Contents Basics of Python for Data Analysis Why learn Python for data analysis? Python 2.7 v/s 3.4 How to install Python? Running a few simple programs in Python Python libraries and data structures Python Data Structures Python Iteration and Conditional Constructs Python Libraries Exploratory analysis in Python using Pandas Introduction to series and dataframes Analytics Vidhya dataset- Loan Prediction Problem Data Munging in Python using Pandas Building a Predictive Model in Python Logistic Regression Decision Tree Random Forest 1. Basics of Python for Data Analysis Why learn Python for...
Enterprise Mobile App Development Challenges and Solutions | Applikey

Enterprise Mobile App Development Challenges and Solutions | Applikey

Today we are witnessing the accelerated development of mobile technologies. People are getting used to the fact that their smart gadget is a reliable source of information, a channel for communication, and a problem-solving tool. Moreover, all these functions are available globally 24/7. Mobile technologies are playing an increasing role not only in personal lives, but also in business. Today, going mobile is one of the top priorities in commerce. Organizations that want to prosper cannot ignore this trend. One of the major steps on the way to upgrading to mobile is the development of an enterprise mobile application. In 2013, corporate analysts had already predicted that mobilizing their key enterprise apps would lead to an increase in productivity of at least 36%. Sounds impressive, right? And, sure enough, in the following years, this trend only intensified. Enterprise mobile apps are intended to simplify processes within the company, while creating a comfortable climate for the involvement of and interaction between employees. An enterprise mobile app helps a business to operate more efficiently by facilitating the solution to several critical tasks: Previously, the development of enterprise mobile apps was the prerogative of big businesses, but nowadays more and more small organizations are implementing customized mobile solutions. Particularly, a mobile client for a corporate portal can become an effective aid for companies in which many employees are working remotely. It allows creating a unified system for the cooperation of people who are not physically present on the premises. An enterprise mobile app is a powerful business tool, which we recommend developing right now so you can start getting the benefits from...
Career Opportunities in Cyber Security

Career Opportunities in Cyber Security

What are the endless opportunities in cyber security for 2021? This is the question answered at last 14th May 2021 Advanced Diploma in Cyber Security Open House. The Open House features Breyvan Tan, Managing Director for Wissen, and EC-Council distributor. Breyvan shared the outlook for the cyber security job sphere in the future and why there is an urgent need for cybersecurity professionals. How do you get yourself ready for the job? Breyvan started the presentation strongly with data from Ciodive that says that there’s a 0% unemployment rate in cyber security. The various data breaches in Singapore and other countries show that the need to protect data is essential. He also mentioned that multiple industries are also hiring cyber security professionals from hospitals to even schools. Of course, these employers won’t hire just anyone who expressed interest in cyber security. To get employed, one must get certified. Breyvan compared the hiring process to driving. Everyone can drive, but can the driver steer the vehicle in the right direction? Entering the cyber security world is just like this. Skills and training are what employees are looking for. This is why professionals who have cyber security certification enjoy up to USD 16,000 higher pay rate than those who don’t have any certificate. How do you get ready for the job? Get proper training and certification. Those who attended the event both onsite and online learned more about Advanced Diploma in Cyber Security through the Open House. Programme Consultant and lifelong learning advocate Thaddeaus Villaruel shared information about the programme in the Open House. Those who signed up during the event...
Ruby on Rails application monitoring with the Elastic Stack

Ruby on Rails application monitoring with the Elastic Stack

Ruby on Rails application monitoring with the Elastic Stack Recently, at the Tochigi Ruby Conference, I gave a presentation on monitoring Ruby on Rails applications. Here’s a quick overview. The slides (in Japanese) are here. The application used in the demo is published on GitHub. Points to keep in mind for application monitoring I introduced the following monitoring areas: Uptime monitoring Host and application metrics Monitoring logs Application performance monitoring (APM) The app created for this demo posts questions from participants. During a session, participants post any questions they have, and at the end of the session there is a Q&A session based on the posted questions. Some details about the application: It is composed of a frontend (NGINX + Rails) and backend (PostgreSQL). On each server, Metricbeat, Filebeat, Auditbeat, and Packetbeat were installed, along with Heartbeat on the backend and the Elastic APM Ruby Agent on the frontend. Then, logs and metrics for each type of monitoring explained below were collected. Also, setup was minimized by using Elasticsearch Service for data storage and visualization. Elasticsearch Service allows you to set up Elastic APM Server, Elasticsearch, and Kibana in a cloud environment. There’s also a 14-day trial, so if you’re interested in monitoring you can get started right away. Monitoring the various areas Uptime monitoring The most important thing in monitoring is whether or not the application status as seen from outside the application is normal. The Elastic Stack enables easy monitoring of HTTP, TCP, and ICMP using Heartbeat. For this demo, I used the following monitoring settings: ICMP: each server HTTP: Rails application page, NGINX server status page...
Malcare WordPress Security

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