> August, 2021 - Vinova - Page 6
Sports Mobile App Development: Features and Cost | 21Twelve Interactive

Sports Mobile App Development: Features and Cost | 21Twelve Interactive

There are two kinds of sports fans, one who likes to play sports, and the other who wants to enjoy watching someone else play sports. The sports industry is as old as the first Olympic games in ancient Greece. Ever since, it has been adored by millions of sports fans, be it sports persons or spectators. These happenings drive mobile app developers to invest in sports mobile app development. This article will go through some key sport app features and estimated sports app development prices if you are also planning to invest in building a sports app. Then, reach out to a and properly estimate sports app development costs. Facts and Stats Related to Sports Mobile App Market Before we know about the sports app features and cost, let’s have a quick view of why sports mobile app development can be a good investment. Here are some amazing facts and figures for you: All these facts and figures justify that the people have been and will always be interested in sports. Thus the existing business owners in the sports industry should anticipate high revenues. They have provided that they have a full-proof business strategy, management, and planning. So it would be best for you to step into the market with innovative approaches by building a sports app and launching it for the crowd. Undoubtedly the idea is not just good. It’s great. But before you enter, you need to be clear about the sport app features you want to integrate into your sports mobile app as these features and functionalities will help you make your space in the competition....
Dearth of talent risky for cyber security

Dearth of talent risky for cyber security

The dearth of trained cyber security professionals, in fact, has prompted a few institutes, including Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, to offer courses on cyber security Hyderabad: The cyber world is in a bit of turmoil of late. Cyber crooks are gaining an upper hand with an exponential rise in cybercrime threatening to disrupt normal life in multiple ways, even as law enforcement agencies struggle to find trained professionals to counter this all-pervading branch of crime. The dearth of trained cyber security professionals, in fact, has prompted a few institutes, including Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, to offer courses on cyber security. The University introduced B.Tech (CSE — Cyber Security), a full time four-year undergraduate course last year. Giving insight about why the University included this course, JNTU-H Rector Dr A Govardhan says there is no doubt that cybercrime is growing exponentially. “There is an urgent need to train young professionals. Although JNTU introduced B.Tech (CSE — Cyber Security) only last academic year, we have been conducting mandatory training for not just the CSE batch, but every stream of engineering. We also have an in-depth training programme for our faculty members. We also have introduced a first-of-its-kind online internship, where our students will be mentored by industry experts,” he said. Sandeep Mudalkar, CEO, Sytech Labs Pvt.Ltd, feels it is imperative that more workforce is employed to ensure cyber security. “The field is evolving, and thus there are new ways in which criminals are operating. Many a times, owing to their busy schedule, police personnel are not able to attend certain sessions. Those who are trained may or may not...
Step by Step – Repository Pattern and Unit of Work with Asp.Net Core 5 – DEV Community

Step by Step – Repository Pattern and Unit of Work with Asp.Net Core 5 – DEV Community

In this article we will be exploring Unit of work and Repository pattern with EF Core and .Net 5. You can watch the full video on Youtube: Please find the source code on GitHub: https://github.com/mohamadlawand087/v33-repo-uow So what we will cover today: As always you will find the source code in the description down below. Please like, share and subscribe if you like the video. It will really help the channel What is a Repository Pattern The repository pattern is talked about a lot, especially in the API-and-microservice-heavy world that .net core shines in. The repository pattern is a strategy for abstracting data access layer. So what is a data layer? it is made up of the code in the application that is responsible of storing and retrieving the data. Adding, removing, updating, and selecting items from this collection is done through a series of straightforward methods, without the need to deal with database concerns like connections, commands, cursors, or readers. Using this pattern can help achieve loose coupling and can keep domain objects persistence ignorant. Why use Repository Pattern There are many reasons why we want to use code absatractions What is Unit of Work (UoW) If the Repository pattern is our abstraction over the idea of persistent storage, the Unit of Work (UoW) pattern is our abstraction over the idea of atomic operations. It will allow us to finally and fully decouple our service layer from the data layer. The unit of work pattern now manages the database states. Once all updates of the entities in a scope are completed, the tracked changes are played onto the database in...
10 Ways to Reduce Mobile App Development Costs

10 Ways to Reduce Mobile App Development Costs

10 Ways to Reduce Mobile App Development Costs Any business pursues quite an obvious goal — to reduce mobile app development costs. The limited budget is one of the reasons why some customers refuse to develop a project, losing new business opportunities. However, since the product development process consists of several stages, you will be able to significantly reduce the time and money costs if you understand the features of each particular stage. In this article, we will talk about ways to reduce mobile app development costs without losing the coming product’s quality. 1. Make Detailed Requirements Specification Software engineers cannot read minds. Consequently, the more blurry the customer explains their requirements the more unpredictable the result may turn out in the end. Describe your project in detail: Based on a detailed project description, developers will evaluate implementation costs and development time much easier and answer customers’ other important questions. Want to start a project? Our team is ready to implement your ideas. Contact us now to discuss your roadmap! 2. Start with One Platform and MVP MVP (minimum viable product) is the product working prototype, using which it is possible to test market demand before a full-scale launch. The main goal of MVP is to test the software idea spending minimal cost. We can name Foursquare, Uber, and Snapchat among the well-known apps which started as MVP. It is better to spend a certain amount of money and understand that a specific idea or feature is not in demand than to spend ten times more money and then come to the same conclusions. The first version should have...
Cyber Security Today, Week in Review for May 14, 2021 | IT World Canada News

Cyber Security Today, Week in Review for May 14, 2021 | IT World Canada News

Welcome to Cyber Security Today. This is the Week in Review edition for the seven days ending Friday May 14th. I’m Howard Solomon, contributing reporter on cybersecurity for ITWorldCanada.com. In a few minutes guest commentator Dinah Davis, vice-president of research and development at managed service provider Arctic Wolf, will be with me to discuss what we think were notable events. But first some of the headlines from the past week: Outrage and worry erupted after one of the biggest gasoline pipelines in the U.S. was hit by ransomware. Colonial Pipeline decided out of an abundance of caution to shut its service, which provides fuel to almost half of the East Coast. Operations were restarted on Wednesday. Also on Wednesday President Biden signed an executive order to toughen cybersecurity in the federal sector. It removes barriers to cyber threat information sharing between American agencies and the private sector. It also orders federal departments to implement mandates multifactor authentication and use encryption to protect data. Ryerson University’s cybersecurity policy exchange called on the Canadian government to find ways of stopping misinformation, disinformation and fake news from being spread on private messaging services. These are services like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and Telegram. A report says many of these platforms are being used to spread hate, unwanted sexual comments and materials that incite violence. A student’s eagerness for free software led to a ransomware attack on a European biomolecular research institute. The student worked as an intern at the institute. They hunted the internet for a free version of a data visualization tool. What they got was an infected application that stole the...
Malcare WordPress Security

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