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12 Best Programming Languages for Web & App Development

12 Best Programming Languages for Web & App Development

Programming languages helped us reach the moon and helped us invent new things in computer science, making our lives easier. Over the years, programming languages evolved with the help of open-source projects, companies, and the contributions of developers. Today there are plenty of programming languages for web apps development and ecommerce apps development. With the constant development of these languages and better performance, it has become even more difficult to decide the perfect programming language for your web and apps development.

Multiple options in programming language make it difficult to decide which language is perfect for you. If you, too, are facing this issue of which programming language is perfect for app development, you are at the right place. This article will walk you through the different programming languages, the top 12 best languages, their pros and cons, and how to choose the perfect programming language for your web apps development.

What is Programming Language?

Programming languages are useful to relay instructions to a machine or a computer. They are useful to control the performance of a machine with a set of instructions. The program is in two forms: Syntax and Semantics. Many programming languages use either imperative form, while others use declarative form.

Going further, let’s see different types of programming languages and their importance:

Types of Programming Languages:

Procedural Programming Language:

The procedural programming language is useful to execute a sequence of statements that has certain output. It uses multiple variables, heavy loops, and other essential elements which separate them from functional programming languages. Functions of procedural programming can control variables while other functions return value.

Functional Programming Language:

Functional programming languages are useful to store data and avoid loops in favor of recursive functions. Their primary focus is on the return values of functions.

When working in a functional language, the function should not modify or perform any output. It can build algorithmic calls and change the parameters of these calls. Functional languages are easier to build and find abstract issues. But, they won’t work for machine programming. Hence, the programming model makes it difficult to know, so the code decodes the machine language for the machines to understand and work accordingly.

Object-Oriented Programming Language:

This programming language views the world as a group of internal data and external accessing parts of that data. This language aims to think about the fault by separating it into a collection of objects that offer services which you can use to solve specific problems. One of the main principles of object-oriented programming language is encapsulating that everything an object will need will be inside it. With OOP, the main aim is on reusability of code which is possible via inheritance and polymorphism.

Scripting Programming Language:

These programming languages are procedural languages and fall under the category of full-fledged programming languages. They are mostly useful to build large systems which do not have compile-time checking.

Logic Programming:

These types of programming languages ask programmers to make declarative statements and then let the machine do the reasoning about the consequences of those statements. In this way, the language does not tell the computer what it needs to do, but instead, it tells them what it must consider.

Looking at the benefits of object-oriented programming today, most programming languages follow the concept of object-oriented programming. Each of these programming languages has a dedicated purpose of serving and is useful in its way. It is easier to program in object-oriented languages than other languages as developers can reuse the code and develop efficiently.

Going further, let’s see the top 12 programming languages and their benefits.

Top 12 Best Programming Languages:


Python is the fastest-growing high-level scripting language with a focus on code reliability. It is an open-source language with a huge community support that, with every passing day, makes the language better and easier to use. It is widely useful for scripting, web scraping, and creating data sets. It is mainly useful by the scientific community for scientific computing as there are in-build libraries to share academic code projects.

It is a web programming language, so you can use it for web development, as it knows ways to receive and send web requests and talk to databases. The loosely typed category of programming languages does not require you to state the type of value a function returns when defining the function or the type of a variable before you create it. It is a preferred language for data science, statistics, analytics, ML, and AI.

Below are some of the notable features:



JavaScript was born as a part of Facebook’s internal hackathon, which over the years has become a web-developers language because of its feature-rich object-based scripting language. Some of its known features like asynchronous, event handling, and crisp syntax are widespread use in web development. It started as a simple client-side scripting language and today is one of the most used scripting languages by developers for both backend and frontend development.

JavaScript is a compact yet flexible programming language which has plenty of tools. Below are some of the features of JavaScript language:



Java is one of the oldest, most common, in-demand computer programming languages in use. It is a general-purpose programming language like Python and follows the concept of Object-Oriented Programming. It is widely useful for ecommerce web development, Android app development, Internet of Things, banking apps, etc.

It is a strongly typed, high-level programming language. Developing applications in Java is safe and secure, so it is the first choice while developing banking applications. Java is independent from its platforms and which helps developers to write once and run anywhere. It has been the most in-demand programming language for years, and the demand is high for skilled programmers.



C++ is the upgraded version of C and the most useful programming language for modern-day applications. The language has a root of other programming languages like C#, Java, and JavaScript. It is a simple yet powerful language which has a structured approach to programming. C and C++ are high-performance languages and are widely useful in developing applications where performance is critical.



Google developed Go, an open-source language that makes it easy to create simple, secure, and productive software. It combines the best of functional and object-oriented programming aspects and features a valuable set of inbuilt development tools. The program assembles using packages for efficient management of dependencies. This language supports an environment adopting patterns like a dynamic language.



C# is the most powerful and mature language in the .NET framework. Because of its flexibility provides a comprehensive programming foundation that applies to Java, Objective C, Php, etc. You can say that C# is the blend of C++ and Java because of the ease of development and learning.



SQL stands for Structured Query Language and has a special-purpose programming language useful for interacting with databases. It analyses and understands databases consisting of fields of data within tables. Many fortune 500 companies have built their own high-performance database systems, using SQL to query data and perform analysis. Today it has over 260,000 repositories on Github and is the leading choice for data analytics.



Dart is the second language developed by Google; it is an easy-to-learn, interactive, open-source programming language meant for server-side and browser-side programming. Most of the frameworks have a codebase on different problems. Today Dart allows you to write a single application for Android and iOS and allows code sharing between mobile applications on different platforms.



R is useful by statisticians; it specializes in statistical computing and is known as the lingua franca of statistics. As technology improves, the data companies or research institutions collect has become more complex. Today R is the go-to solution for many companies for analyzing datasets. It is open-source and comes with cross-platform compatibility and a community with over 6 million repositories on Github.



PHP is not an unknown name in the development community. PHP powers up 79% of websites and is widely known for server-side programming languages. It is useful for developing dynamic and data-heavy web applications. It is simple, fast, and platform-independent programming language useful for development and has over 631,000 repositories on Github. PHP has a large ecosystem of users with large frameworks, libraries, and automation tools, to make programming languages easy to use.



In Google I/O 2017, Google officially announced Kotlin as a language for Android development. Kotlin is an open-source programming language that compiles on Java Virtual Machine bytecode and runs along with Java. Kotlin follows the concept of object-oriented and functional programming language, which makes it better to use and develop server-side applications.



Scala uses strong static systems, data science, and machine learning. It is useful for finance-related applications, content management, online learning platforms, distributed applications, etc. It is a general-purpose, high-level, strictly typed language that works on OOP and functional programming concepts.


Which Programming Language to Choose:

Now comes the biggest question, i.e., which programming language to choose to develop applications. Today there are plenty of options available in the market, which makes app development easy. Out of these multiple options, you need to understand your application’s requirements and decide the technologies you will use.

Study the market needs, the latest technologies in use, ways it will help you scale up the applications and handle millions of users. Answering these questions will provide you with more clarity on choosing the right technology.


Over the years, programming languages and technologies have evolved a lot. Programming languages have to be strong, reusable, easy to learn, etc. these things help power up the latest technologies, which are useful by millions of people. If you are thinking of starting with ecommerce app development and need help with choosing the right technology for your business, you can reach out to us. We have helped many companies to build applications and provide better service.

This content was originally published here.

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