> Uncategorized Strategy - From Idea to Mobile App RealityVinova Our team will brainstorm with you on where to begin, where to go, and how to get you there. Whether you have a spark of an idea or an existing app – we can help. Getting your mobile strategy right is what our unique services are all about. We’ll wrestle with business challenges, discover new opportunities that will help you define and refine your product ideas into mobile app reality.

Why You Should Let MK CyberSecurity Handle Your Pen Test

MK CyberSecurity is a certified cybersecurity consultant based in Singapore. We provide professional and affordable pentesting services for your websites, applications, servers, and more.

What is pentesting?

Pentesting is an IT Security practice where you test a system to discover how vulnerabilities can be exploited. Your goal is to ensure a cyberattack cannot happen before it is too late. The best way to do this is to perform a penetration test or pen test. The Cyber Security Consultancy of MK CyberSecurity, as an expert group in ICS/SCADA Penetration Testing, Cyber Security Consultancy, Incident Response, and Network Security, provides you with effective, safe and reliable cyber security services. Benefits of Getting a Professional Pentest Service Pentesting will offer you, a certified cyber security consultant in Singapore, a unique way to identify the potential vulnerabilities in your systems.

What is an ethical hacker?

An ethical hacker is a person or organization, who performs penetration testing and other cyber security assessments for clients. He/she is usually an educated, mature and responsible person who can look for vulnerabilities and risks in web applications/servers, applications/software etc. Ethical hackers typically work alone. They will always have personal protection equipment and we always advise our customers to use of UTM services and only two or more members of the team should be present when conducting a pentest or other assessment. If you don’t feel comfortable with the group, you can always look for a reliable penetration testing company or at least have a physical full-time security consultant to assist you. What is a white hat hacker?

Why MK CyberSecurity?

We can find every vulnerability in the industry and test the vulnerability using tools such as SSH, Metasploit, SilverRose, BurpSuite, Bomgar, Mimikatz, Web app vulnerability scanner, Phantom and Netcat. This is how we can create secure environment for you: Pen Testing & Vulnerability Analysis SSH and other basic Linux commands Basic Active Directory Access IRC/Jabber/UCC/XMPP Browsers PHP, Java, Python, Ruby, Perl and other common OS or programming languages Internet/VPN, DNS, SSL, and other network based protocols Miscellaneous open source tools One of the major reasons why we come across most of the vulnerabilities, is because the researchers are very cautious in avoiding common traps, such as using vulnerable website.

What are the benefits of pentesting?

Tests how the target works Brings your website to an honest and realistic state Tests vulnerabilities and exploits against websites, apps, servers, etc Allows you to improve your cybersecurity Turns your test on various aspects like server, web application, hardware, network, browser, etc. The Price The price is always based on various factors which depend on the complexity of your website and app. But to give you an idea, we start with a basic level for testing a simple website that has up to 3 plugins. We give you a quote of a one-time hourly rate for several days after you inform us of your requirements. The downside We don’t handle security audits. We focus only on pentesting.

How to get a pentest?

Please refer to our Pen Test Reports for a list of the 10 Reasons why you should let us perform your pen test for you: Cisco, Trend Micro, Microsoft, and Akamai are world renowned names in cybersecurity, having received numerous cybersecurity awards. They all have a broad portfolio of products and services which can help you protect and secure your businesses against numerous cyberattacks. If you are looking for high quality and affordable pentest services please check out our Templates for our Helpers page Our pentests are performed using modern, highly advanced and industry-standard tools and techniques. We use modern equipment such as Linux based workstations, Windows based workstations and virtual servers.


Pentest is an important practice, and deserves to be mentioned on the radar of every developer. Penetration testers are constantly coming up with new techniques to test the boundaries of the systems. When a project is assigned to the developers, they usually conduct the test manually. They either gather data with a client’s help or do a manual test using their hands, keyboard, and mouse. Sometimes, they may have to wait for more than a week to complete a test. From the developer’s perspective, they have the benefit of being notified when there is a chance that a vulnerability has been found. They can apply the patch and avoid critical downtime.

Malcare WordPress Security

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