> April, 2021 - Vinova
Angular 2 and .NET Core – route directly to your components· jonhilton.net

Angular 2 and .NET Core – route directly to your components· jonhilton.net

Last time out, we took a quick look at creating a simple HelloWorld component and displayed it on one of our existing web pages using its selector. <helloworld></helloworld> Which rendered something like this… Using the helloworld selector you can now include this component anywhere you like in your app, it doesn’t matter how many times you use it. Anywhere you can write html, you can include your component; this includes in the template of another component. For example, you can display your helloworld component in the template for the home component. <h1>Hello, world!</h1> <helloworld></helloworld> <p>Welcome to your new single-page application, built with:</p> <ul> <li><a href='https://get.asp.net/'>ASP.NET Core</a> and <a href='https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/67ef8sbd.aspx'>C#</a> for cross-platform server-side code</li> <li><a href='https://angular.io/'>Angular 2</a> and <a href='http://www.typescriptlang.org/'>TypeScript</a> for client-side code</li> <li><a href='https://webpack.github.io/'>Webpack</a> for building and bundling client-side resources</li> <li><a href='http://getbootstrap.com/'>Bootstrap</a> for layout and styling</li> </ul> </pre> Get the code: ASP.NET Core and Angular 2 Weather Checker Source Code Get the code: ASP.NET Core and Angular 2 Weather Checker Source Code I hate SPAM and will keep your email address safe. You will be signed up to my weekly emails and can easily unsubscribe if you’d rather not receive them. Route to a component All well and good, but what if we want to show this content by itself, not nested in another page. The Angular 2 router is a powerful tool which enables you to do just that. Specifically you can configure it to route to a component when the user enters a specific url for your site. So in this case, we could configure it so that navigating to http://thissitesaddress.com/hello routes directly to the hello world...
How Does Mobile App Development Help Your Business?

How Does Mobile App Development Help Your Business?

Asking for the importance of mobile app development in any business is similar to asking for the requirement of emails when we had a system for sending letters. It is not about communication, but the convenience that the mobile applications are providing in terms of customer engagement and increased accessibility is way ahead. Mobile App Development is one of the best inventions of the human being as it makes the customer access easier and exciting towards any business. Before moving forward, let’s get a glimpse of what exactly mobile app development is or what is the exact motto of mobile app development. What Is Mobile App Development? In simple words, mobile app development is the process of creating software applications that are operable on mobile devices. These are designed in such a way that they get installed on mobile devices. It also grabs the internal or external space of the device for providing a proficient response. Mobile App Development is not restricted to industries or huge organizations but also open to all the local as well as high-grade businesses. Those businesses may include e-commerce, reservations or appointments, Food Delivery apps, a variety of payment apps, social media apps, etc. The eCommerce industry is one of the most challenging industries for mobile app development. The reason behind this is, most of the topmost eCommerce industries are coming up with the most eye-catching features that fascinate the customer towards the mobile application. Why Mobile App Development is Required? Customer Engagement: Mobile applications can be installed on any of the iOS or Android devices; by this your store will reach most of...
There’s No Margin for Error in Port Cyber Security

There’s No Margin for Error in Port Cyber Security

There’s No Margin for Error in Port Cyber Security By Joel Snape 03-09-2021 03:08:16 With the global shipping industry already under pressure, Joel Snape, Security Researcher at Nettitude, explains why addressing the risk to port infrastructure from cyber-attack has never been more critical. In early November 2020, the 20,400 TEU Ever Grade was forced to skip its scheduled call at the UK’s Felixstowe port, instead heading straight to Rotterdam and unloading UK-bound containers there for onward transport via London Thamesport. Similarly, the first call of CMA CGM’s new ultra-large container vessel to Southampton was cut short with around a thousand containers staying aboard until a later visit. The UK’s port infrastructure has never before been under such strain – the double challenges of COVID-19 and Brexit mean that freight volumes are at an all-time high. This has caused significant backlog with importers struggling to obtain their goods and factories pausing manufacturing lines due to a shortage of component parts. Although this is not the result of any kind of malicious activity, it has sharply highlighted the significant impact that port disruptions can have on the wider economy. With the global shipping industry already under pressure, and the UK facing new challenges in 2021 as the Brexit transition period has ended, addressing the risk to port infrastructure from cyber-attack has never been more critical. The risk is not just academic – 2020 has seen the IMO, MSC and CMA CGM both attacked, and port infrastructure in the USA targeted by ransomware. In Iran a cyber-attack on the Shahi Rajaee port, allegedly carried out by Israel, cased significant disruption to both...
10 Things Every Modern Web Developer Must Know

10 Things Every Modern Web Developer Must Know

Web development is a huge field, with a lot to learn. It can be overwhelming to decide what to spend your precious time learning. But there are some core skills that you can count on. These ten skills will improve your website building and streamline your workflow. Hypertext markup language (HTML) is the backbone of all websites. Some tools will allow you to create websites without writing HTML, but HTML takes your web development to the next level. Coding in HTML gives you more control over the content and understanding HTML will help you diagnose issues faster. You can also add SEO information directly in your HTML to help web crawlers read your page and increase your visibility. The power of cascading style sheets (CSS) has grown. Developers used to primarily use CSS to define the color and layout of a website, but now it can handle animation and some interactive design. However, one of its most important features is responsive design. Tech moves fast! Stay ahead of the curve with Techopedia! Join nearly 200,000 subscribers who receive actionable tech insights from Techopedia. Nowadays, users expect websites to seamlessly transition from computer to tablet to mobile. Responsive design ensures that the display is optimized for each platform. A CSS concept that will take your layout to the next level is flexbox. It is a layout mode that makes creating flexible responsive layouts simple. If HTML is the backbone of the website, JavaScript is the brain. Websites are no longer electronic versions of newsprint. Users expect interactivity—and interaction is the basis for many designs these days. To add this interactivity,...
★ Building a realtime dashboard powered by Laravel, Vue, Pusher and Tailwind (2018 edition)

★ Building a realtime dashboard powered by Laravel, Vue, Pusher and Tailwind (2018 edition)

At Spatie we have a tv screen against the wall that displays a dashboard. This dashboard displays the tasks our team should be working on, important events in the near future, which tasks each of our team members should be working on, what music they are listening to, and so on. Here’s what it looks like: We’ve open sourced our dashboard so you can view the entire source code on GitHub. It is built with Laravel 5.7, Vue and Tailwind CSS. This dashboard is not entirely new. The initial version was published a couple of years ago. At our company, we like to tinker with new stuff. That’s why we perform a big cleanup of the source code every year. We also update all the dependencies and technologies used. This year we focused on updating the design. The dashboard now uses Tailwind CSS. In this blog post, which is an update to the previous one, I like to explain how this dashboard is built. You’ll need to be familiar with both Laravel and Vue to get the most out of this post. If you need to brush up your Vue knowledge, I can highly recommend Laracasts lessons on Vue. History # We’ve had a dashboard at Spatie for quite some time now. Before our current Laravel-based one we used Dashing, a framework to quickly build dashboards. The framework was created by the folks at Shopify and uses Ruby under the hood. When I first built our dashboard, a few years ago, we were at a crossroads with our company. There wasn’t much momentum in the PHP world and we...
Malcare WordPress Security

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