> March, 2021 - Vinova - Page 4
Mobile App Development – Top Aspects to Consider | Blog by WeblineIndia

Mobile App Development – Top Aspects to Consider | Blog by WeblineIndia

Read also : React Native – Build Mobile Apps with Increased Developer Productivity For any business, this is the basic thing that they expect. But if you try to push the development process too hard you will end up spending more down the years. It will cost you more in all terms. However, if you are too much specific about things then chances are more that the development process will get stretched from the expected timeline and this can also badly affect your pockets. Now this is not something you want to happen too. So, it would be better that you come up with a solution that falls in between the two scenarios. No doubt app development timeline may vary based on different projects, still you can try to know the time period by understanding a few things. Some of such factors have been mentioned below. Once you go through them you will get an idea about how long will it take for your project to get completed. Contact us to hire smart & tech-savy app developers to build agile, fresh & automated mobile apps for startups, SMBs,and enterprises business. We are a Top Mobile App Development Company. You need to be very sure that the timeline for app development should not affect the quality of the app. So, for the same reason it is very important that you set realistic goal. Don’t make promises which you may not end up fulfilling in the end. Doing this may affect the quality of the app. Suppose for example, you have a good business and you are . This all seems...
Palestinian Wins Settlement from Cyber-Security Firm for “Terrorist” Listing – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם

Palestinian Wins Settlement from Cyber-Security Firm for “Terrorist” Listing – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם

Zaher Birawi, founder of the UK-based Palestine Return Centre זאהר ביראווי, פעיל פלסטיני תושב בריטניה שהשב”כ טען כי הוא “מחבל המשתייך לחמאס”, זכה בניצחון משפטי ושמו הוסר מהרשימה השחורה الناشط الفلسطيني زاهر بيراوي، الذي وصفه الشاباك بإرهابي، فاز المعركة القضائية UK Palestinian activist, Zaher Birawi won a years-long legal battle against cyber-security company, Refinitiv, which maintains a security database called World-Check, used by governments, law enforcement, airlines and others to avert risk or danger to themselves, their citizens, or businesses.  It is compiled from numerous sources and designates individuals based on a level of risk they pose. When Birawi and the Palestine Return Center (of which he is former board chair) , found themselves listed, their bank accounts were closed, which prohibited them from engaging in both personal business and the activities of his organization.  When an NGO has no funds it cannot pursue its work.  Which of course was the intent of those who provided the information used to place him on the list. “Terrorists in Suits,” Israeli Strategic Affairs Ministry report But who provided it?  And what evidence did they offer to verify the claims?  Well there’s a story.  I consulted with an Israeli security source who told me that his agency told Refinitiv that Birawi was “connected” to Hamas.  The same claim is made in a lurid document, Terrorists in Suits (Hebrew, page 72), published by the Israeli Strategic Affairs ministry “exposing” the purported ties between Palestinians rights groups and so-called terrorist movements like Hamas.  Pro-Israel NGOs like NGO Monitor and UN Watch have also echoed these claims.  And Israeli media have dutifully reported what the...
9 Popular GitHub Repos For Every Web Developer – DEV

9 Popular GitHub Repos For Every Web Developer – DEV

GitHub is the one-stop-shop for everything related to (web) development these days. Frameworks, demos, collections of all sorts — there’s probably nothing you cannot find on GitHub. However, this huge quantity of things is the problem. There are cool things you’ll probably never hear about, simply because there are so many repositories available. So, once again I’ve decided to bring to you some of the most popular GitHub repositories you should know about, each of them having at least ~30,000 stars. The first repository in this list is Realworld. Its creators call it nothing less than “The Mother of all Demo Apps.” A bold statement, for sure, but I don’t think it’s an exaggeration. Realworld is an exemplary Medium.com clone. But not only that. The repository lets you choose between different front end and back end implementations, which you can happily mix. Vue.js + Node/Express or React /Redux + Rust? They got it! Realworld shows you how the exact same blog app is built on almost any popular language or framework. How awesome is that? You Don’t Know JS Yet This repository is a popular book series by Kyle Simpson who is widely known under his alias, Getify. The books dive deep into the mechanics of JavaScript and cover the following topics: The best thing? It’s completely free to read! It’s definitely one of the best series about JavaScript and it really helped me to understand what JS is really about. Even if you think you know JavaScript well — read the books! You will be surprised, I promise. Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide A mostly reasonable approach to JavaScript....

Announcing React Native 0.60 · React Native

After months of hard work from hundreds of contributors, the React Native Core team is proud to announce the release of version 0.60. This release handles significant migrations for both Android and iOS platforms, and many issues are resolved too. This blog post covers the highlights of the release. As always though, refer to the changelog for more detailed information. Finally, thank you contributors for helping us to make this milestone! Focus on Accessibility There have been many improvements to the accessibility APIs, like announceForAccessibility, plus improvements to roles, action support, flags, and more. Accessibility is a complex science, but we hope these improvements make it a bit easier to be an A11Y. Be sure to check React Native Open Source Update June 2019 for more details of these changes. A Fresh Start React Native’s start screen has been updated! Thank you to the many contributors who helped create the new UI. This new “Hello World” will welcome users to the ecosystem in a more friendly, engaging way. AndroidX Support AndroidX is a major step forward in the Android ecosystem, and the old support library artifacts are being deprecated. For 0.60, React Native has been migrated over to AndroidX. This is a breaking change, and your native code and dependencies will need to be migrated as well. With this change, React Native apps will need to begin using AndroidX themselves. They cannot be used side-by-side in one app, so all of the app code and dependency code needs to be using one or the other. While your own native code will need to be migrated by you, @mikehardy, @cawfree,...
Performance Improvements in .NET Core 3.0

Performance Improvements in .NET Core 3.0

Back when we were getting ready to ship .NET Core 2.0, I wrote a blog post exploring some of the many performance improvements that had gone into it. I enjoyed putting it together so much and received such a positive response to the post that I did it again for .NET Core 2.1, a version for which performance was also a significant focus. With //build last week and .NET Core 3.0‘s release now on the horizon, I’m thrilled to have an opportunity to do it again. .NET Core 3.0 has a ton to offer, from Windows Forms and WPF, to single-file executables, to async enumerables, to platform intrinsics, to HTTP/2, to fast JSON reading and writing, to assembly unloadability, to enhanced cryptography, and on and on and on… there is a wealth of new functionality to get excited about. For me, however, performance is the primary feature that makes me excited to go to work in the morning, and there’s a staggering amount of performance goodness in .NET Core 3.0. In this post, we’ll take a tour through some of the many improvements, big and small, that have gone into the .NET Core runtime and core libraries in order to make your apps and services leaner and faster. Setup Benchmark.NET has become the preeminent tool for doing benchmarking of .NET libraries, and so as I did in my 2.1 post, I’ll use Benchmark.NET to demonstrate the improvements. Throughout the post, I’ll include the individual snippets of benchmarks that highlight the particular improvement being discussed. To be able to execute those benchmarks, you can use the following setup: Create a directory named BlogPostBenchmarks. In that...
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