> March, 2021 - Vinova - Page 2
Cyber Security Today – More ransomware gangs now using DDoS attacks, more data thefts and an ADT technician admits spying on women | IT World Canada News

Cyber Security Today – More ransomware gangs now using DDoS attacks, more data thefts and an ADT technician admits spying on women | IT World Canada News

More ransomware gangs now using DDoS attacks, more data thefts and an ADT technician admits spying on women Welcome to Cyber Security Today. It’s Monday January 25th. I’m Howard Solomon, contributing reporter on cybersecurity for ITWorldCanada.com. To hear the podcast click on the arrow below: There’s a new ransomware tactic going around: Launching distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks against websites, then demanding organizations pay up to get decryption keys for scrambled data or the attack will continue. Denial of service attacks are like someone knocking on a door for hours. The door is a website. Too many knocks and the website crashes, and the organization has trouble doing business. Last fall the Bleeping Computer news service said two ransomware gangs started using this strategy. Now, it says, a third gang is doing it. Organizations used to ignore ransomware attacks by restoring data from backups. Then gangs began stealing data in addition to encrypting it, as extra leverage: Pay for decryption keys to unscramble the data or you’ll be embarrassed by the release of the stolen data. The distributed denial of service attack is a variation of this threat. Organizations should consider adding denial of service defences to their cybersecurity strategies. Typically these services blunt denial of service attacks by spreading the huge wave of knocks across the Internet. Separately a security firm called Radware warned last week that other gangs continue to launch denial of service extortion attacks against websites and demand bitcoin to stop. These gangs don’t use ransomware. Their weapon is the denial of service attack alone. Where do denial of service attacks come from? They...

Remote debugging with VS Code on Windows to a Raspberry Pi using .NET Core on ARM

I’ve been playing with my new “CrowPi” from Elecrow. It’s a great Raspberrry Pi STEM kit that is entirely self-contained in a small case. It includes a touch screen and a TON of sensors, LCDs, matrix display, sensors, buzzers, breadboard, etc. NOTE: I talked to the #CrowPi people and they gave me an Amazon COUPON that’s ~$70 off! The coupon is 8EMCVI56 and will work until Jan 31, add it during checkout. The Advanced Kit is at https://amzn.to/2SVtXl2 #ref and includes everything, touchscreen, keyboard, mouse, power, SNES controllers, motors, etc. I will be doing a full review soon. Short review is, it’s amazing. I was checking out daily builds of the new open source .NET Core System.Device.Gpio that lets me use C# to talk to the General Purpose Input/Output pins (GPIO) on the Raspberry Pi. However, my “developer’s inner loop” was somewhat manual. The developer’s inner loop is that “write code, run code, change code” loop that we all do. If you find yourself typing repetitive commands that deploy or test your code but don’t write new code, you’ll want to try to optimize that inner loop and get it down to one keystroke (or zero in the case of automatic test). In my example, I was writing my code in Visual Studio Code on my Windows machine, building the code locally, then running a “publish.bat” that would scp (secure copy) the resulting binaries over to the Raspberry Pi. Then in another command prompt that was ssh’ed into the Pi, I would chmod the resulting binary and run it. This was tedious and annoying, however as programmers sometimes we...
Comparison Between Flutter Vs Angular for Web App Development

Comparison Between Flutter Vs Angular for Web App Development

Aug 28, 2019 One of the most annoying dilemmas that web app developers face during web development is to choose the best framework for the project. There are various types of frameworks available for web application development, and sometimes, it becomes a tough choice for developers to choose the right. First of all, let’s understand why developers need a framework. When it comes to native web development, it becomes a costly affair for businesses, especially for startups. They have budget constraints, and they look for cost-effective deals for mobile and web app development, and that’s where these app development frameworks come into the picture. These frameworks have different Development tools and other resources such as plugins and libraries that make the a smooth-sailing affair for developers. And help developers to obtain native-like app experience at low-cost. For a decade, Angular was a preferred choice for developers to develop web apps. However, Flutter is a recent development that has taken the digital space by storm. On every prestigious blog and online forums for web and mobile app development, we hear about Flutter and why developers should prefer it. We have thought of comparing these two amazing frameworks to kill the dilemma that developers face. Why have we decided to compare these two frameworks? The reason is Google develops both the frameworks. Angular is a hybrid app development framework that used to build web applications and mobile apps. It uses typescript language and HTML structure to control and develop web applications. It is good to create an app either for iOS or Microsoft OS. However, it gets complicated when it requires...
Be Careful: Laravel 5.8 Added bigIncrements As Defaults – Laravel Daily

Be Careful: Laravel 5.8 Added bigIncrements As Defaults – Laravel Daily

There is one change in Laravel 5.8 that is not mentioned in the official Upgrade Guide but caused me problems – I couldn’t create a foreign key migration, and spent half-hour until found out the reasons. So I want to share, maybe you will encounter the same thing. My Situation Example and Error While working on one project, I’ve created a simple table transaction_types: And added just one new string() field: And then tried to create a migration for transactions table with a foreign key, with same syntax I used to do all the time: Migration file content: And here’s what happened when running php artisan migrate: As usual, the error “cannot add foreign key constraint” doesn’t give much details so I was just guessing, what could go wrong: Look closer at what Laravel is generating when doing php artisan make:migration command: bigIncrements. BIG increments. And then, of course, if you’re doing a foreign key from just “unsigned integer” type (as I always did my whole life), it fails. Type mismatch. Obviously. How to Fix Well, it’s easy. There are two ways to make it work: The choice is yours. Why Am I so Angry About It Simple – this change wasn’t mentioned anywhere in 5.8 changes. So, it makes me think that probably it’s only me with this problem, and everyone else will actually notice that migrations are being generated with bigIncrements(). After some googling, I’ve found one Reddit thread and one Stackoverflow post about it. That’s it. Oh, and, of course, it was mentioned and discussed in the official Github repository of Laravel, back in November 2018: Don’t get me wrong,...
Programming Language for Mobile App Development|how to make an mobile app

Programming Language for Mobile App Development|how to make an mobile app

In this digital era, smartphones are the fastest developing digital platform, which are providing various business solutions to leverage. Mobiles are the most popular device for internet browsing, approx. 79% of the internet is used only through smartphones. This rapid growing mobile market is getting advanced through mobile applications only. Software companies are looking into every possible app scenario to reach on every tablet, smartphone, and smartwatches. But how to make a mobile app? Which one of the many mobile app development languages is perfect in developing a cutting-edge mobile app is coming up as the biggest challenge for the companies. Here, we have listed some of the dynamically used programming languages in mobile application development:- 1. HTML5: Latest version of HTML including audio-video-specifications HTML5 is one of the most common languages used in programming for mobile apps. Also, an ideal option to create various data types like level browser playing field, to rationalize input parameters, and it accounts for varied resolution and screen size.  You don’t need to create a new application for different mobile platform. Moreover, being an SEO-friendly language, it doesn’t ask for that much of maintenance that the other languages demand for, especially those mobile programming languages which support one-code base. HTML5 can easily scale to work on every browser, device or operating system. Moreover, It is cost-effective in nature. 2.Objective-C: A Smalltalk with ‘C’  Objective-C is commonly used for building mobile apps and Mac OS operating system. As far as an objective oriented programming language is concerned, the code is written with a unique object which includes their own data and logic. Also, the...
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