> March, 2021 - Vinova
NodeJS vs. Rails: How to Learn Web Development

NodeJS vs. Rails: How to Learn Web Development

You may have come across Ruby on Rails, NodeJS, AngularJS, JavaScript, and perhaps the “MEAN” stack — MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, NodeJS — in your research of the different programming technologies. Newcomers will often gravitate towards learning only JavaScript — a single programming language — but it’s often mistaken as a shortcut to becoming a full-stack web developer. Yet, the “MEAN” stack can provide simpler solutions to a wider variety of problems. I frequently get asked questions like this: If I learn JavaScript and not the “MEAN” stack — MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, NodeJS — will web development be 4x easier for me? If I focus my time on JavaScript, will I be 4x better than any developer who uses those four technologies? It seems intuitive that we would be 4x better off as a full-stack JavaScript developer, but this is a common misconception. That’s okay, let’s explore why. Domain Specific Knowledge Learning JavaScript alone is not a fast track to full-stack web development. Learning only a programming language’s syntax — domain specific knowledge — doesn’t mean we’ll become a better full-stack web developer. Domain specific knowledge alone will make our skill progression a negligible amount easier in the grand scheme of any developer’s career. There is a better approach. Procedural Knowledge The smart way to becoming a full-stack web developer is by first learning how to figure out the things that we don’t know — procedural knowledge — and how to teach ourselves foreign concepts. If we want to make the long-term decision that will benefit the growth of our developer careers, we need to think of programming languages differently....

The Front-End Web Developer Roadmap for 2021 | by Mehdi Aoussiad | JavaScript In Plain English | Dec, 2020 | Medium

The Front-End Web Developer Roadmap for 2021 Step by step guide to becoming a modern front-end web developer. A front-end web developer is someone who takes care of building the user interface of a website or a web application. He/She basically works on creating the visual part and making it dynamic in order to allow the user to interact with it. Nowadays, front-end web development has become more complex than it was. It’s more than just HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. There are a lot of technologies you need to learn, the tasks are many as well. However, if you have the passion and discipline, you can definitely become a successful front-end web developer. In this article, we will give a front-end web developer roadmap of how you should learn front-end web development in 2021. Let’s get right into it. 1. How does the web work? Before starting to learn any technologies, it’s way better if you first learn the fundamentals of the web in general. Here we are learning how the web works and how it started, this is a must for every type of developer. You will need to learn about things like HTTP, domain names, hosting, browsers, and how they work. Here is a list of some topics that you need to consider: 2. Learn the basics: HTML and CSS HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is used to build the skeleton or the markup for your website. Here you need to learn the basics of HTML, but you might want to pay more attention to HTML forms as they will be fundamental in the future....
Scientists ‘program’ living bacteria to store data | Science | AAAS

Scientists ‘program’ living bacteria to store data | Science | AAAS

Escherichia coli bacteria can convert electrical pulses into bits of DNA stored in their genome. Scientists ‘program’ living bacteria to store data By Robert F. ServiceJan. 11, 2021 , 1:35 PM Hard disks and optical drives store gigabits of digital data at the press of a button. But those technologies—like the magnetic tapes and floppy drives before them—are apt to become antiquated and unreadable when they are overtaken by new technology. Now, researchers have come up with a way to electronically write data into the DNA of living bacteria, a storage option unlikely to go obsolete any time soon. “This is a really nice step” that might one day spur commercial development, says Seth Shipman, a bioengineer at the Gladstone Institutes and the University of California, San Francisco, who was not involved in the new work. He notes, however, that real-world applications are a long way off. DNA is attractive for data storage for several reasons. First, it is more than 1000 times as dense as the most compact hard drives, enabling it to store the equivalent of 10 full-length digital movies within the volume of a grain of salt. And because DNA is central to biology, the technologies to read and write it are expected to become cheaper and more powerful with time. Storing data in DNA is not a new idea. To do so, researchers typically convert a data file’s string of digital ones and zeros into combinations of the molecule’s four bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine. They then use a DNA synthesizer to write that code into DNA. But the accuracy of DNA synthesis decreases the...
New milestone: 20 million downloads for Laravel Excel | by Patrick Brouwers | Maatwebsite | Medium

New milestone: 20 million downloads for Laravel Excel | by Patrick Brouwers | Maatwebsite | Medium

We are happy to have reached this milestone and thank you all for using our package over the last 6,5 years! Cheers to many more imports and exports! Laravel Excel 3.1.20 In other news, we have released Laravel Excel 3.1.20 with some improvements for running imports on Vapor and working with row numbers, along with some fixes and changes. You can find a write up about this new release here. New features Re-sycing remote temporary file When dealing with a multi server setup (and thus using a remote temporary file), it’s possible for the clean up that occurs after entire queue has been run to only cleanup the server that the last AfterImportJob runs on. The rest of the server would still have the local temporary file stored on it. In this case your local storage limits can be exceeded and future imports won’t be processed (This is especially an issue with Vapor). To mitigate this you can set the new config settings (force_resync_remote) to true. After every queued chunk the local temporary file will be deleted on the server that processed it. Without this setting it will only happen at the end of the process. Remember row number A new trait was added that helps keeping track of the current row number. This can be especially useful when dealing with the ToModel concern. You can get the current row number by using the `$this->rowNumber` property. Remember chunk offset In additional to the row number trait also a chunk offset trait was added. It keeps track of the start row of the current chunk. This can be especially helpful...
How AR brings Radical Changes in Mobile App Development

How AR brings Radical Changes in Mobile App Development

We live in a mobile-driven world. Tasks which earlier took several minutes or hours can now be fulfilled in the blink of an eye thanks to advanced app development services. The thriving mobility platform is evolved by leaps and bounds by implementing several features of emerging technologies like AR, VR, AI, IoT, and Blockchain. These technologies have made our life easier than before and brought revolutionary changes in the way we do business. In this article, we will discuss the role of Augmented Reality in mobile-app development. But before that, let’s highlight the basic concept of Augmented Reality. Augmented Reality is a simulation of the real world, which is made enhanced and more informative with the help of computer-generated incessant data, targeting multiple sensory systems like that of sight, hearing, olfactory (smell), haptic (grabbing), etc. The overall information can be both constructive (adding more data into the real-world) or can be destructive (masking data from the real world). Augmented Reality finds its application in varieties of sectors like the gaming industry, military for enhanced combat facilities, commercial sectors like education, travel & tourism, organizing meetings, etc. Let us now analyze the growing importance of Augmented Reality in mobile-app development. One of the most widely used implementations of AR concept is the development of Facial Recognition-based mobile applications. Users can readily access such apps as their face can act as a password. Another example is providing services based on facial recognition, like Lenskart, where the users can try any frame using the AR face recognition feature. Here, the frames are shown to the users after scanning their face. In this...
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