> February, 2021 - Vinova - Page 2
Deploy your NodeJS App to a server with Docker – DEV Community

Deploy your NodeJS App to a server with Docker – DEV Community

Hey there! Welcome to my short crash course on deploying your NodeJS app to a DigitalOcean VPS using Docker and NGINX Introduction and comparision to Heroku If you’ve wanted to deploy your web apps easily, you would have come across something called Heroku. Heroku is a PaaS, or Platform as a Service, that allows you to deploy your apps without worrying about servers, scaling, load balancing, maintenance or any of that jazz. It does have a free tier, which is nice to get started with, but once you have some sort of revenue from your app, it’s time for you to upgrade Why upgrade? The Heroku free tier has something called sleeping apps. Sleeping apps will “sleep”, i.e. shut down after 30 minutes of inactivity, i.e. 30 minutes of nobody visiting your website. After it sleeps, it takes a good 15-30 seconds to start back up, and this is REALLY BAD for an API. Because of your API sleeping, it can cause the performance of the apps who use your API to suffer, making them move to other APIs. If you only want to remove the sleeping apps thing, it would cost you $7 a month, PER APP. Your app will get 512MB of ram. If we compare this pricing to something like DigitalOcean, you can see that we get a 1GB ram instance for just $5 a month. I’m using DigitalOcean because I have a bit of the free credit left 😛 Creating and setting up a droplet Let’s create a DigitalOcean Droplet. A droplet is DigitalOcean’s way of saying VPS, or Virtual Private Server. A VPS is...

How Does Business Intelligence Benefit the Average Solopreneur? | Online Sales Guide Tips

How Does Business Intelligence Benefit the Average Solopreneur? Business intelligence (BI) is a catch-all term for the process of analyzing data related to your company. It helps you make more informed decisions about things like sales, marketing and sourcing. Business intelligence and BI tools are sometimes considered best for larger corporations with significant resources to throw around. After all, they have plenty of money to put toward analysts and data collection schemes. In addition, many older BI tools aren’t that user-friendly and expect you to have some kind of programming or data analysis experience. This may be a reasonable ask of a company with a team of analysts, but it’s so practical for individuals running their own business. Fortunately, there are business intelligence tools and strategies that can help solopreneurs and the self-employed. In some cases, they can be almost essential to business success. Here’s how BI can benefit just about any solopreneur — and how you can incorporate it into your business’s decision-making workflow. Why BI Can Be a Major Competitive Advantage for Business Owners At its core, business intelligence is all about using available data and analyzing it so you can have the best possible idea of how your company stands. This information can tell you who you’re selling to, the competition you face and which of your investments are paying off. That way, you can make highly informed decisions about the direction of your business. With BI, you can better understand who your customer base is, what needs they have, and how best to communicate with them. BI can also provide hard data to support or...
Understanding MVC pattern in Nodejs – DEV Community

Understanding MVC pattern in Nodejs – DEV Community

This is part two of the Test-driven Development with Nodejs, Express, Mongoose & Jest, in part one, we set up our development environment and ran our first test. In this tutorial, we will focus on building the endpoints using the MVC Architecture. Definition of terms MVC – Model View Controler Model View Controller is a software architectural pattern that involves the separation of the application logic into three interconnected elements the Model, View, and Controller. Restful API REST is an acronym for Representation State Transfer, API on the other hand is an acronym for Application Programme Interface. A RESTful API is an architectural style for an application program interface (API) that uses HTTP requests to access and use data. I surmised you are familiar with the terms involved in this tutorial. Let’s get started. In the previous tutorial, we had a very basic folder structure, with few dependencies. Let’s install the required dependencies for our API development. $ npm i --save-dev body-parser dotenv nodemon Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode After installation, your package.json file should look like the one below. { "name": "tdd-with-nodejs", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "index.js", "scripts": { "test": "jest", "start": "nodemon index.js" }, "keywords": [], "author": "", "license": "ISC", "devDependencies": { "body-parser": "^1.19.0", "dotenv": "^8.2.0", "express": "^4.17.1", "jest": "^26.6.3", "mongoose": "^5.11.9", "nodemon": "^2.0.6" } } Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode You notice we have configured our initialization script to run with nodemon, nodemon will keep track of every change made to our index.js file and refresh our application accordingly. Next, Let’s set up a server. create a new file within the root directory...
Top AI- Consulting & Mobile App Development Company India

Top AI- Consulting & Mobile App Development Company India

PiggyBee was among the very first ventures to launch a two-way marketplace for crowd-shipping & crowd-shopping by connecting people who wish to ship or get things with verified travellers or commuters. This 2012’s French-Belgian startup is a Peer-to-peer networking between crowd-shoppers and crowd-shippers. All the user needs to do is to specify the pick-up and delivery location while listing the item on the website. Travellers using the platform look for appropriate opportunities and share their travel plans accordingly with the user. Piggybee does the task of matching the requirements of both parties.  Travellers with unoccupied space in their travel bags can act as personal shoppers and delivery-person to their clients. Travellers get to earn some extra money to fund their journeys. How Does The Piggybee Peer-To-Peer Delivery App Work? You can easily find travellers on the homepage of the Piggybee website via the search bar. Requests from the clients and trip information from travellers are both published on the website.  Piggybee proposes several travellers to the client (requester). Requesters can contact the travellers via internal messaging integrated into the website. The traveller transports the required item for the client. It could sometimes involve purchasing an item from his current country for the customer and delivering it to him on his journey to the client’s location. In exchange for the parcel delivery, the requester pays a tip to the traveller.  Both the parties can discuss the tip amount before finalising the deal. Through the website payment module, the requester gets to set the tip amount and purchase price (if a purchase had to be made by the traveller). All the...
Foundation linked to Biden pick for cyber security gave $500,000 to pro-Israel lobby AIPAC

Foundation linked to Biden pick for cyber security gave $500,000 to pro-Israel lobby AIPAC

WASHINGTON — A family foundation linked to President Joe Biden’s senior director for cyber policy on the White House National Security Council donated more than half a million dollars in recent years to the main pro-Israel lobbying group in Washington, according to public records. The donations, first reported by David Corn of Mother Jones magazine, do not appear to pose a legal issue, but some current and former national security officials told NBC News they risk creating the possible appearance of bias in favor of Israel by a top American official. While Israel is a close American ally, it operates in its own interest and aggressively spies on the U.S., including using cyber capabilities, current and former officials say. Other current and former officials disagreed, saying they do not think the donations pose a problem. The lobbying group, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, describes itself as a “bipartisan American organization that advocates for a strong U.S.-Israeli relationship.” Most Republicans and many Democrats are closely allied with the group, while other Democrats are not. Iran vows revenge, says Israel used ‘electronic devices’ to kill nuclear scientist The official, Anne Neuberger, recently was named senior director for cyber policy on the National Security Council. She spent the last decade at the National Security Agency, the Pentagon’s digital spying arm, where she worked her way up the ranks to become head of a newly created cyber security directorate. Neuberger did not immediately respond to email and phone messages. A spokeswoman for the National Security Council declined to answer detailed questions about the matter, saying, “As a senior NSC employee,...
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