> February, 2021 - Vinova
11 React Native Component Libraries You Should Know in 2019

11 React Native Component Libraries You Should Know in 2019

With the growing popularity of React and the rise of native mobile app development (and PWA ), it’s not surprising that React-Native is getting more adoption in the community every day.Much like React itself, React Native encourages you to build your UI using isolated components. Component libraries and UI toolkits help you save time and build your applications faster, using a pre-made set of components.After reviewing useful React and Vue components libraries, and on popular demand, here is a list of useful (maintained) React-native UI libraries to get you started. Feel free to comment and add your own suggestions!You can combine React UI libraries with Bit ** to easily share and reuse components between apps. Discover and organize components to build faster with your team, and keep them synced across projects. Give it a try. Component Discovery and Collaboration · Bit 1. NativeBase At 10k stars and over 1k forks NativeBase is a widely popular UI component library providing dozens of cross-platform components for React native. When using NativeBase, you can use any native third-party libraries out of the box and the project itself comes with a rich ecosystem around it, from useful starter-kits to customizable theme templates . Here’s a nice starter kit. GeekyAnts/NativeBase 2. React Native Elements At over 12k stars react-native-elements is a highly customizable cross-platform UI toolkit built entirely in Javascript. The library’s authors state that “ The idea with React Native Elements is more about component structure than actual design, meaning less boilerplate in setting up certain elements but full control over their design” , which should make it appealing for both new developers...
Laravel 8.16 Released – Laravel News

Laravel 8.16 Released – Laravel News

The Laravel team released 8.16 last week with an artisan command to take you directly to a database CLI, an excellent progress bar convenience method, and a new Ably broadcaster implementation. This release was jam-packed with awesome new features, so let’s check out the latest changes in the 8.x branch: With Progress Bar Convenience Method Taylor Otwell contributed the withProgressBar() convenience method you can use in console commands. Here’s what you might do to create a progress bar straight from the docs: With this convenience method, it could look like this: Call Silently Taylor Otwell contributed a callSilently() method which is an alias to callSilent in the CallsCommands trait. You might find that this reads more clearly: Release Unique Job Locks Before Processing Paras Malhotra contributed the ability to release unique job locks before the job processes. The new interface is useful for scenarios where a race condition could exist between job completion and unlocking. To learn more, I’d suggest checking out Pull Request #35255 to the framework and the documentation pull request. Ably Broadcaster Taylor Otwell contributed an AblyBroadcaster for broadcasting real-time, live-updating user interfaces. Developers can now pick from Pusher, Redis, and Ably for real-time communication needs. For a refresher, check out the Broadcasting documentation on how you can get started broadcasting in your Laravel projects. Support Delaying Notifications Per Channel Gergő D. Nagy contributed the ability to delay notification delivery on a per-channel basis instead of one overall delay. Defining delays per channel is useful if you need to delay the same notification differently for email, database, SMS, etc., notifications. You may now optionally call delay()...
Top Mobile App Development Companies 2020 – Topdevelopers.co

Top Mobile App Development Companies 2020 – Topdevelopers.co

What are the different types of mobile apps? Before you go hunting for mobile app development companies, it’s good to have some basic understanding of the various mobile apps and its types, so as to be clear about your app requirements. Native apps The coding methodology used for native apps is such that these types of apps become platform-specific. A native iOS app developed will work on only iOS platform and the vice-versa is also true.  The app developers use some specific tools and languages to develop a native mobile app that is supported only by the respective operating system. A native app is normally much faster and has more features as compared to the other two.  You should opt for these kinds of apps only if you need to make use of the lightening processing speed in your app or a large chunk of your targeted users are using a specific Operating system. PWAs  PWAs or Progressive Web Apps are web applications that give a mobile-like experience to the user.  No requirement of storage space on the device, SEO friendliness, low cost, speed of development and versatility to work with various screen sizes and devices are the benefits that have made PWAs popular.  PWAs are ideal for businesses looking to provide a similar experience to their users across multiple devices at an economical cost. Hybrid apps  These apps are platform-independent and they work well on both iOS as well as Android platforms.  They provide versatility to the app as a hybrid app can be easily accessible across many platforms and operating systems. If you want to reach the...

Top Security Threats to Look Out for in 2021 | McAfee Blogs Top Cyber Security Threats to Look Out for in 2021 | McAfee Blog

Top Cyber Security Threats to Look Out for in 2021 2020 was unexpectedly  defined by a global pandemic. Throughout the year, we have all had to figure out how to best live our lives online – from working from home to distance learning to digitally connecting with loved ones.  As 2020 comes to a close, we must ask: will this new normal continue into 2021, and how will it affect how we connect – both with each other and with our online world? McAfee assessed the cybersecurity landscape as we head into the New Year, highlighting the key takeaways we should keep in mind to help protect our digital lives: Hacking the Home Home is a safe space – or is it? With more consumers living and working from home, we have seen an increase in connected devices within the home. In fact, since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, McAfee Secure Home Platform device monitoring shows a 22% increase in the number of connected home devices globally and a 60% increase in the U.S. These trends are also carrying over into mobile shopping habits. Almost 80% of shoppers have found themselves using their IoT devices to make more purchases since the beginning of the pandemic. The evolving world of the connected lifestyle gives hackers more potential entry points to homes and consumers information- through devices, apps and web services- and in 2021, we will be monitoring how this trend evolves. With more of us working remotely, distance learning, and seeking online entertainment, cybercriminals will look to exploit our vulnerabilities. For example, remote employees are more likely to use personal devices...
How to Learn Web Development in 2021 – a Web Developer Roadmap

How to Learn Web Development in 2021 – a Web Developer Roadmap

There are some great roadmaps for web developers out there. But some make you solve a “puzzle” before even getting started, as there are multiple choices that you have to make. When I started to learn Web Development, I wished that I could find an experienced developer who would tell me what they had done to become a Web Developer. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find anyone. Now that I’ve worked in the industry for 4 years, I want to share with you how I would start to learn Web Development in 2021. In this article, I will show you every step that you can take from a beginner to become a developer. I will start with some Essential Tools that you should know, then cover the Programming Languages and Libraries/Frameworks that you need to learn to become a Front-end or a Full-stack Developer. I will also be talking about some example projects that you can build to practice your skills. You can also find an updated roadmap on my website. Tools You Need to Know to Become a Web Developer I’ll assume that you are a beginner. In that case, there are a few tools that you need to know before getting into programming. VS Code (or other code editor) First, you should learn how to use , which is a source code editor. It is a free and powerful tool. In the beginning, I recommend learning some of the basic shortcuts and installing some of the extensions like ESlint, Prettier, or Live Server. Here’s a free, full-length course on the freeCodeCamp YouTube channel to get you started. The Command...
Malcare WordPress Security

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