> mobileapp Strategy - From Idea to Mobile App RealityVinova Our team will brainstorm with you on where to begin, where to go, and how to get you there. Whether you have a spark of an idea or an existing app – we can help. Getting your mobile strategy right is what our unique services are all about. We’ll wrestle with business challenges, discover new opportunities that will help you define and refine your product ideas into mobile app reality.

[Laravel] PHP Course in Lahore | Best PHP Training in Lahore | Certification Pakistan

Become a Certified Laravel Developer with Angular 8

Course Pre-Requisites:

While the prerequisites for the class will depend on where you take it, there are a few things you will have to have.

You will need to have a basic knowledge of Html, CSS and JavaScript. If Participants has not those skills but still wants to take on this course, we recommended them to get admitted to PNY Trainings Web Designing & Development course prior signing up for this course).

Course Duration:

24 Classes (3 classes per week)

PHP &Mysql:

Part 1: PHP Crash Course

Using PHP & Embedding PHP in HTML

Adding Dynamic Content  & Accessing Form Variables

Part 2 : Storing and retrieving data

Opening a file Writing a File Closing a File Reading from a File      

Part 3 : Using Arrays

Numerically Indexed Array Associative Arrays

Sorting Arrays & Recording Arrays

Part 4: String Manipulation and Regular Expressions        MySQL

Formatting Strings

Joining and Splitting Strings with String Functions Comparing Strings

Matching and Replacing Substrings with String Functions

Part 5: Reusing Code and Writing Functions

Using require() and include() Using Functions

Part 6: Object — Oriented PHP

Object – Oriented Concepts & Creating Classes, Attributes, Operations in PHP

Implementing Inheritance in PHP & signing Classes

Part 7: MVC with Laravel

Laravel Installation & Working with Forms  | Working with Controller

Laravel Blade Template with Bootstrap Responses with Html &Laravel Migration

Laravel Requests, Models &Laravel Eloquent ORM & Build a Complete App in Laravel

Part 8: Designing your web database

Relational Database Concepts

How to Design Your Database & Web Database Architecture

PHP &Mysql:

Part 9: Creating your web database

Creating Databases and Users Introduction to MySQL’ Privilege System

Setting Up a User for the Web Creating Database Tables

Part 10: Working with your MySQL database

Inserting, Retrieving & Updating Data in to the Database Altering Tables after

Part 11: Accessing your MySQL Database from the web with PHP

How Web Database Architectures Work & Checking and Filtering Input Data

Setting Up a connection

Querying the Database

Angualr 8:

Module Objectives:

• Building Strong expertise to develop front end application using Angular 8

• Implement MVC and responsive design to scale well across PC, tablet and

   Mobile Phone

This course provides you strong foundation on Angular 8 driven by hands-on

experience and exposure to develop responsive web application using MVC design pattern. During the course, you should be able to builds strong background about Angular 8 architecture, usage of services and applying Angular 8 concept to develop frontend application.


•             Linux (Fedora / Mandriva / Ubuntu) or Windows Host system

• Firefox, Chrome

Detailed Course Contents:

•             Introduction to Angular 8

•             Angular 8 Expressions & Angular 8 Modules

•             Angular 8 Data Binding &AngularJS Scopes

•             Angular8 Directives & Events

•             Angular 8 Controllers

•             Angular 8 Filters & Angular 8 Services

•             Angula 8 HTTP

•             Angular 8 Tables & Angular 8 Select

•             Fetching Data from MySQL

•             Angular 8 Validation& Angular 8 API

•             Angular 8 Animations & Angular 8 i18n and i10n

This content was originally published here.

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