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ReactJS Vs. VueJS | Front-end JS Frameworks Comparison

ReactJS Vs. VueJS | Front-end JS Frameworks Comparison

If someone asks, which framework will you select for development in 2020, what will be your answer?Clearly you have two main choices to select from: React.Js and Vue.Js! But, what if you need to select one? Well, the battle between the two most popular frameworks React Js and Vue.Js is real. It is indeed very difficult to manifest which overrules the other. However, we have tried to distinguish between the two frameworks here. Please Read this blog….

It is needless to say, Javascript has won millions of hearts and big Giants are grabbing their share using this technology. But, adding more to the popularity of it are the two most talked Javascript frameworks, React.Js and Vue.Js. Developers are embracing this declarative, and component-based process of designing the applications using the magical frameworks.

Both of the frameworks are popularly known for the easy learning curve and higher performances.

However, in order to stay abreast of the competitors, you need to select any one framework out of these two. Therefore, after getting thorough analysis from our experts, we have discussed the key differences between the two frameworks Vue.Js vs React.Js in this blog. Have a look and select the best fit for your application development.

A major part of the software development companies is using these influential frameworks namely React.Js and Vue.Js. Let’s have a better understanding of the frameworks here.


React is an open-source Javascript library that is developed by Facebook. React development enables developers to create reusable and attractive UI components.

It is best used to , and native applications because it allows developers to change data frequently. This means that it can be used to render on the server-side while working on the client-side.

Since the framework has a component-based structure, it can be broken down to build reusable user interfaces and thereby avoid using templates or HTML.

Key features:

React is a powerhouse of features and functions. The popularity of the framework is major because of the following factors.

It is responsive and flexible:

As compared to all the other frameworks, React.Js offers maximum flexibility and is highly responsive.

It’s simplicity:

We all know that React uses a component-based approach and has a well-defined development life cycle. The framework allows you to use Javascript as well as HTML because of the unique syntax called Javascript XML.

It uses virtual DOM:

Since React relies on the document object module, it creates a replica of UI and stores it in memory for synchronization with real DOM.

It is a treasure trove of Javascript libraries:

React belongs to the Javascript family and hence it has a full house of supporters in the community.

It supports code reusability:

A developer from an experienced web developmentcompany is free to reuse the code components while developing the project. The reusability of codes ensures that less time is spent on project development.

It has one-direction data flow:

React.Js has downloading dataflow. This particular feature facilitates the larger chunk of data to remain unaffected and thereby have a seamless higher output.

It is highly scalable and constantly evolving:

Since it has a large family of developers, the framework is continuously upgraded to ensure that it remains bug-free. Also, the framework has the potential to develop large-scale applications for various industries.

It is SEO friendly:

In order to retain customers on the application, it has to be Search Engine Optimized. The framework itself is SEO friendly and it thereby captures, engages and retains customers on the application.

The list of companies using React.Js is long which includes, Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, Dropbox, Airbnb, Microsoft, Whatsapp and to add a few more, Codecademy, New York Times and Yahoo.

Now let’s learn about Vue.Js:

Even Though Vue.Js was introduced after React in the year 2014, it is a more promising and widely used Vue.Js is also an open-source framework that has the maximum potential to build single-page applications.

Vue.Js is a progressive framework capable of giving native-like builds quite similar to React Native. With the capacity to build eye-catching UIs, Vue.Js has become every developer’s first choice for development.

The re-rendering feature is one of the primary reasons why the framework gained immense popularity in a short span. The code is reusable, the applications are robust and the framework is flexible enough to add components when required.

Few other key hallmarks of Vue.Js that are compelling the users to make a quick shift to the platform are:

It has easy learning curve:

Developers are very much familiar with using HTML-based templates and Vue.Js embraces that. Thus it is quite easy to revamp an already developed application using Vue.Js

The framework is of small size:

You will be surprised to know that Vue.Js framework is extremely lightweight, almost around 30KB. When running a comparison between React.Js vs Vue.Js, the latter is smaller. Because of this advantage, the Vue.Js programmers from can differentiate the template to the virtual DOM compiler.

It supports smooth integration:

Since Vue.Js has a logic and component-based structure, it is easy to develop single-page applications or add on features to the existing applications. Additionally, it won’t disturb the structure of the whole system.

It supports two-way communication:

It is possible to speed up the handling of HTML blocks because of the two-way communication of the Vue.Js framework. And not only this, but the framework also extends its support to the one-way working flow using different components.

It has very less development time:

If you wish to custom build a website, it is possible to develop it using Vue.Js. The extensive library of templates and uncomplicated framework structure makes it possible to code seamlessly even for a large-size application.

The list of companies using Vue.Js already is as long as React.Js. Facebook, Grammarly, Behance, Alibaba Codeship, Gitlab, Laracasts, Adobe, Netflix and Xiaomi are included in the list.

So the question is, where does the main difference lie?

Let’s have a deeper look into the comparison between React.Js vs Vue.Js

Re-rendering and Optimization:

As mentioned above, Vue.Js is better in performance than React.Js. The reason being, if you try changing a component state using React, the entire component hierarchy is changed. This means the subcomponents will rearrange everytime new features or properties are added. On the contrary, Vue.Js is an optimized platform that allows the system to keep the record of the change in components and other dependencies and thereby re-renders accordingly.

Template and Style:

Both of the frameworks ace the game because both Vue.js and React.Js are used to design the UI. However, there is a huge difference in the way both of them approach designing UI.

As mentioned above, since both of them come from the Javascript family, they have adopted many features of it. React.Js is highly dependent on functions and the logic & markup are treated as one. The syntax of React is similar to HTML but yes has some major differences. The community of React is huge and thereby responsible to give quick and effective solutions to all problems like JSS, CSS’s flaws and more.

React developer however has a smooth developing, debugging and code readability experience.

Vue.Js is more of an old-school framework. The markup and the logic are separated, and every HTML input in the markup is considered in the Vue template. The same goes for the styling, you can write pure CSS or any preprocessor and get the work going. Developers can use,, scoped” attribute to style encapsulation on component level.

The Vue.Js ecosystem might seem more natural to the developers but offers inadequate flexibility when compared to React.

Routing and State Management Solutions:

Since both of the frameworks are component-based frameworks, the focus majorly lies in the data flow and management within the system. The reason being, data scaling in these frameworks start right at the application layer, and every component in the application interacts with each other. When we talk about React.Js, it uses Flux/Redux architecture, which has a unidirectional flow of data which is a good alternative to MVC architecture. However, Vue.Js uses an advanced level architecture called Vuex. This architecture integrates well into Vue, thereby giving a classic development experience.


It is quite easy to integrate third-party libraries into Vue and React applications. But on running Vue.Js vs React.Js comparison, it is found that the third-party libraries of React are more or fewer components than boost the existing ones. But in the case of Vue, these third-party libraries are in the form of plugins that can be added into the system by directly using the Vue.use method.

Building tools:

The ecosystem of both the framework is favorable for the easy and seamless development of an application. Both frameworks use Bootstrap tools that give utmost comfort and flexibility to the coders.

So the next question is, Who is the clear winner?

Well, it is upon you to decide the best framework of your choice. Depending on the project requirements you may select an option that offers maximum flexibility.

When to opt for Vue.Js?

Vue.Js helps in creating simpler and faster web applications. If you have a project that demands a lightweight, modern UI library and Single Page application, then go for Vue.Js. It creates magical applications specially for the developers who know HTML coding very well. It has improved and comprehensive documentation which helps in coding.

When to opt for React.Js?

When you do not have a project that requires you to build mobile applications but only large-scale applications, then React is definitely your go-to option. It is lightweight, flexible and supports easy migration.

Final Words:

The clear winner between the two is clearly subjective to the individual’s project requirements. Both frameworks are great tools to build highly interactive user interfaces. React gives more control to the users whereas Vue.Js gives better built-in features. Both the platforms ace the game of developing superior cross-platform applications.

If you wish to develop a project using the above frameworks, you can contact our experts and get the necessary guidance.

This content was originally published here.

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