> January, 2021 - Vinova
ReSharper Ultimate 2017.2: .NET Core 2.0, C# 7.0 and 7.1, better navigation, and more

ReSharper Ultimate 2017.2: .NET Core 2.0, C# 7.0 and 7.1, better navigation, and more

Please welcome : this year’s second major update to a set of JetBrains .NET tools that includes ReSharper, ReSharper C++, dotCover, dotTrace, dotMemory, and dotPeek. Highlights of ReSharper 2017.2 include: Support for .NET Core 2.0 in Visual Studio 2017 15.3. Your favorite code inspections, navigation actions and refactorings are now available in .NET Core 2.0 projects, including the new ASP.NET Core Razor Pages projects. Lots of .NET Core unit testing issues have been resolved along the way, and you can now run xUnit.net, NUnit or MSTest in your .NET Core 2.0 projects. Improved support for C# 7.0 including pattern matching and out variables, as well as initial support for C# 7.1: the default literal, tuple projection initializers, async main and pattern matching with generics. New code inspections around IEnumerable usage and XML documentation inheritance. Null checking preferences that let you tell ReSharper how you want it to introduce null checks when it generates code. Multiple navigation improvements, including search in any order, exact search, textual search in Go to Everything, and navigating to nearby files. TypeScript, JavaScript, JSON and Angular support improvements, including code completion performance, TypeScript 2.3 and 2.4 features, new kinds of language injections and new TypeScript refactorings. Interactive tutorials to help you get started with ReSharper’s functionality or get up to speed with features in new ReSharper releases. Other ReSharper Ultimate products have received their share of improvements as well: ReSharper C++ 2017.2 is mostly focused on better language understanding and supporting features from C++11 and C++17. Other changes include enhancements in code formatter and navigation, improved performance, new code inspections and quick-fixes. dotMemory 2017.2 enables importing...
27 Things to Include on Your Online Web Developer Portfolio (+ Real-Life Examples)

27 Things to Include on Your Online Web Developer Portfolio (+ Real-Life Examples)

Are you racking your brain, trying to think of things to include in your web designer/web developer portfolio…but keep getting stuck? Or maybe you’re coming from an entirely different industry where they’re not standard and wondering “What is a portfolio?” You’re far from alone. It can be tough to think of things to add to an online portfolio, especially when you’re first starting out in the tech industry and all your previous experience seems unrelated. The online portfolio ideas below, when added together, can make your tech portfolio stand out. Plus, you’ll see them in action with real-life portfolio website examples! Disclosure: I’m a proud affiliate for some of the resources mentioned in this article. If you buy a product through my links on this page, I may get a small commission for referring you. Thanks! Join the free portfolio course Sign up below for my *free* course on how to build a portfolio site as a web developer/designer. Thanks! Check your inbox now to confirm your email address. There was an error submitting your subscription. Please try again. Enter your email address Enroll now! Don’t worry. I’ll never, ever spam you! Powered by ConvertKit If you’re not sure where to start with your web developer portfolio, you’re in luck! Keep on reading 🙂 What Is a Portfolio? Let’s start at the beginning: what’s a portfolio in the context of the tech world? (If you’re picturing an art student carrying around a folder of drawings—it’s a little different.) In short, an online portfolio is a website you create to show off your skills, experience, projects, and even your personality...
Translating lost languages using machine learning

Translating lost languages using machine learning

Recent research suggests that most languages that have ever existed are no longer spoken. Dozens of these dead languages are also considered to be lost, or “undeciphered” — that is, we don’t know enough about their grammar, vocabulary, or syntax to be able to actually understand their texts. Lost languages are more than a mere academic curiosity; without them, we miss an entire body of knowledge about the people who spoke them. Unfortunately, most of them have such minimal records that scientists can’t decipher them by using machine-translation algorithms like Google Translate. Some don’t have a well-researched “relative” language to be compared to, and often lack traditional dividers like white space and punctuation. (To illustrate, imaginetryingtodecipheraforeignlanguagewrittenlikethis.) However, researchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) recently made a major development in this area: a new system that has been shown to be able to automatically decipher a lost language, without needing advanced knowledge of its relation to other languages. They also showed that their system can itself determine relationships between languages, and they used it to corroborate recent scholarship suggesting that the language of Iberian is not actually related to Basque. The team’s ultimate goal is for the system to be able to decipher lost languages that have eluded linguists for decades, using just a few thousand words. Spearheaded by MIT Professor Regina Barzilay, the system relies on several principles grounded in insights from historical linguistics, such as the fact that languages generally only evolve in certain predictable ways. For instance, while a given language rarely adds or deletes an entire sound, certain sound substitutions are likely...

Centralized exception handling and request validation in ASP.NET Core

One of the most common things that I have seen developers working with ASP.NET Core struggle with, is the way to centrally and consistently handle application errors and input validation. Those seemingly different topics are really two sides of the same coin. More often than not, exceptions are just allowed to bubble all the way up and left unhandled, leaving the framework the responsibility to convert them to a generic 500 errors. In many other situations, exception handling is fragmented and happens in certain individual controllers only. With regard to input validation, we often have completely customized ways of notifying the client about input issues or – at best – we leave everything to the framework and let it work its defaults via the ModelState functionality. What I wanted to show you today is how you can introduce a consistent, centralized way of handling exceptions and request validation in an ASP.NET Core web application. Problem Details One of the key things about building usable HTTP APIs is consistency. Having consistent responses in similar situations is absolutely crucial when building a maintainable, usable and predictable API. As usually in life, there is no need to re-invent the wheel here. RFC7808 actually defines a problem detail type “as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in a HTTP response to avoid the need to define new error response formats for HTTP APIs”, so it would be a good idea to just embrace that. And that applies both to input validation (4xx responses) and server errors (5xx responses). What’s even better, is that the ASP.NET Core MVC framework, since version 2.1,...
How to Use IoT in iOS 11 for Mobile App Development?

How to Use IoT in iOS 11 for Mobile App Development?

When multiple internet operated electronic devices like smartwatches, webcams, monitors, tablets, PCs, etc., are collectively referred, and then a terminology called ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) comes into existence. IoT is turning out to be the technology of the future as various enterprises have embraced it – according to IDC prediction, in 2020 around $1 trillion will be spent by innovators on IoT technology. However, the use of IoT in iOS 11 is a new way that will empower iOS that makes it important to address topics like how to use IoT in iOS 11 for mobile app development By narrowing down the operational area of IoT, it has been recorded that the IoT mobile application industry is exploding at a very high speed. That’s because the number of internet operated devices is rapidly increasing in an average household – from automation trend to advancement in the technology, everything has surged mobile app development using industrial IoT technology. IoT and mobile app development both are the same sides of one coin because to create IoT ecosystem mobile apps are mandatory and to use automated apps, IoT devices are compulsory. So, they both are important to sustain one another. How to Use IoT in iOS Swift? The relationship of IoT and mobile app development is very deep, but when iOS 11 is thrown into the mixture, then this trio became highly powerful. The integration of IoT into iPhone app development is one of the hottest technologies making the rounds these days. Interestingly, how to use IoT in iOS isn’t a fun topic anymore as iOS app development has gone beyond entertainment....
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