> November, 2020 - Vinova
This is not theatre | Tableau D’Hôte Theatre

This is not theatre | Tableau D’Hôte Theatre

For a few years now, the actions from Canada Council for the Arts (CCA) have resolutely turned towards digital technology. While the theatre community recognizes the undeniable value of these tools when it comes to production and outreach, it is quite a different matter when it comes to creation. Since the beginning of the crisis, an optimistic discourse, although unfortunately misleading, is gaining momentum: that the survival of the arts will require they move online. It is true that virtual spaces of togetherness comfort us. We want to believe that they will adequately replace live arts, if not how can we possibly envision the months, or perhaps years, to come? However, to better participate in the current transformation of the world, we must first be honest: the direct nature of the performing arts is, in general, incompatible with digital arts. Perhaps it is the stunning prospect of a lasting no man’s land of live performance that has caused so many voices to emerge to sing the praises of our digital salvation. Liza Frulla and Louise Beaudoin, two strong advocates for arts and culture, said in an interview with Radio-Canada that the artistic community was going to have to reinvent itself through digital technology. In a blog post published on April 19th in La Presse, Simon Brault, director of the CCA, invites us “to consider the future with a real desire to experiment and innovate” and encourages “the rapid and widespread adoption of digital tools.” He reiterated his position, still in La Presse, insisting on the fact that “we need to encourage the conversation about the digital […].” The CCA...
Pros and Cons of Laravel PHP Framework for web app Development | DDI Development

Pros and Cons of Laravel PHP Framework for web app Development | DDI Development

The success of any business is closely tied to time. The faster you act, the higher your chances of success. We do not have time to wait for our competitors to get ahead of us, do we? We need first-class solutions to speed up time to market. And here comes the challenge of having a framework that can withstand the high speed with which we intend to work. One such framework is Laravel. Let’s go deeper into what Laravel is and why businesses choose it. What is the Laravel framework? It is difficult to put into words the description of the Laravel framework in such a way that it is correctly understood not only by a technical specialist but also by a non-tech savvy person. We can go into detail and sugarcoat our article with terms and figures, but this will not make the article more valuable for readers. Instead, our aim is to explain to you in simple language, the meaning of the Laravel framework and answer the question of why you should choose it when you need to launch a web application quickly. Laravel is an MVC-based (Model-View-Controller principle) PHP framework. It is an open-source, intuitive, easy-to-manage, and scalable framework providing advanced multifunctional applications and enterprise systems. The core of the Laravel mindset is the belief that the development process must be as smooth and enjoyable as a high-quality application use. To this end, the Laravel framework is packed with developer-friendly features that allow experts to focus on the fundamentals without being distracted by writing code from scratch. Laravel helps create applications using various elements of many...
Healthcare Mobile App Development: Types, Market Size, Tech Stack | RiseApps.co

Healthcare Mobile App Development: Types, Market Size, Tech Stack | RiseApps.co

The healthcare market has undergone major changes. We would like to outline two of the major spheres that changed significantly: patients and the health care model. According to the Accenture 2019 Digital Consumer survey, convenience becomes the top factor when seeking medical treatment. People are also paying attention to affordability and reputation of a medical provider. Even three years ago it was enough for a provider to offer additional digital solutions, e.g. online appointment scheduling, sending notifications, etc., to be in the top, today such services are the must just to be in the game. The global health market is worth almost $10 tn in both private and governmental sectors. In 2018 the USA digital health market was valued at USD 86.4 bln as reported by Global Digital Market research.  According to various estimations, the global market size is to increase, exceeding  $118 bln in 2021 to more than $504 bln in 2025 due to the adoption of advanced technologies. These expectations are not accidental, as the younger generation is in demand for such services. As demand is changing, healthcare market players are in need to shift accordingly, by taking advantage of emerging opportunities to establish more direct and personal relationships with the patients. Digital health market today is becoming interconnected and patient-centered. As Research2Guidance 2018 states, an app has become a center of the digital healthcare ecosystem. Being in the center of this new model apps are the bridge between hospitals and the patients. They are filling the patient’s demand for convenience in their fingertips and help medical institutions establish more personal and direct relationships with their patients...
Machine Learning AI Casts Henry Cavill as the Next James Bond

Machine Learning AI Casts Henry Cavill as the Next James Bond

The first ever AI-assisted casting process has determined Henry Cavill should be the next James Bond. Daniel Craig has played the iconic spy since 2006’s Casino Royale and has since put in five performances in total. His final outing as 007, No Time to Die, was scheduled for release in April, but the coronavirus pandemic delayed it. Currently, No Time to Die is slated for November 20, and a new trailer will arrive online tomorrow. The film will pick up with Bond after he’s left active service, though a request from an old friend brings him back in to the fray. Beyond No Time to Die, the biggest question on fans’ minds is: Who will be the next Bond? As the James Bond franchise has existed for decades, it’s inevitable that a new actor will be brought in for the next generation of films. However, it remains to be seen who will take the reins from Craig. There have been a number of names thrown around by fans, from Idris Elba to Richard Madden. One thing is certain though: The next Bond won’t be a woman, as producers said earlier this year. If AI casting had its way, however, Cavill would be James Bond. In a new study conducted by Largo.ai, AI software was used to compare an actor’s attributes and Bond’s attributes in order to best assess which performer would earn the most positive audience reactions. When it comes to British actors, Cavill won with a score of 92.3%, followed by Richard Armitage (The Hobbit films, 92%) and Elba (90.9%). When expanding the study to international actors, star Karl Urban topped the list with a whopping 96.7%,...

Mobile App Development Company Dubai | Mobile App Developers Dubai – AjathInfotech Technologies LLC

Mobile App Development Company in Dubai AjathInfotech Technologies LLC:”A mobile app can serve your business with an unseen hike” With our years of expertise, we are helping the companies to thrive and make a better grip in their businesses. Our motive is to present a well-equipped mobile application, to flag the industry of Mobile App Development Company. Our experience makes the applications better. As one of the most preferred and admired Mobile App Development Company Dubai, we are blessed to get a topmost position in the industry. From our designers to developers, every enthusiast is contributing to serve the best of her or him. We are creating the landmarks, gradually, to make the businesses realize the real worth of an effective mobile application. A mobile application can give a kick to the business with a whole new approach! We do create and initiate that. Why one needs to choose a design from Mobile App Development Company Dubai and how – Choose a design that suits your expectation Compare the design with your expectation A Mobile App Development Company in Dubai can serve you direct feedback from the clients A Mobile App Development Company in Dubai can serve you direct feedback from the clients This is a way to get feedback and reviews without paying for those, separately. You will get easy to make a decision We are the fastest growing Mobile App Development Companies in Dubai, UAE We are counted as one of the finest Mobile App Development Company in Dubai. We are serving different industries by accomplishing their different app designs.We can answer the questions to know the...
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