> October, 2020 - Vinova
Mobile App Development Process in 2020 – 7 Stages of App Development

Mobile App Development Process in 2020 – 7 Stages of App Development

What are the stages of app development process? How does a mobile app development process look like? How to start the development process of my application? If you are you thinking about developing an app, these are the questions you’re probably asking yourself right now. This article is a guide for current and future app owners who want to know – step-by-step – how their product will be created. What are the stages of the app development process? In short, a mobile app development process consists of the following stages: 1. Choosing a partner – select a company to design and develop your app Research, analysis, and selecting a company to cooperate on your product with. Signing an Independent Contractor Agreement. 2. Product Discovery – define what you want to create, for who and why Clarifying your app’s vision, defining your product’s goals & its final users. Deciding which features are the most crucial in creating your MVP. Useful tools: Product Canvas, Personas, Event Storming, Prioritization Chart. 3. UX / UI app design – determine how your app will work and look Creating a User Journey Map, clickable wireframes, visual user interfaces, and motion design (animations & screen transitions). 4. Project kick-off & setup – last preparations before the start of app development PO gets to know the development team and vice versa. Defining every role in the team, agreement on rules and next steps, as well as configuring tools. 5. App development with Quality Assurance  App production with Continuous Integration: plan, code, build, test (and repeat). Ensuring Quality Assurance at every stage of app development with manual and automated tests....
Web Developer Security Checklist V2 | SenseDeep

Web Developer Security Checklist V2 | SenseDeep

Web Developer Security Checklist V2 Developing secure, robust web applications in the cloud is hard, very hard. If you think it is easy, you are either a higher form of life or you have a painful awakening ahead of you. If you have drunk the MVP cool-aid and believe that you can create a product in one month that is both valuable and secure — think twice before you launch your “proto-product”. After you review the checklist below, acknowledge that you are skipping many of these critical security issues. At the very minimum, be honest with your potential users and let them know that you don’t have a complete product yet and are offering a prototype without full security. This checklist is simple, and by no means complete. I’ve been developing secure web applications for over 14 years and this list contains some of the more important issues that I’ve painfully learned over this period. I hope you will consider them seriously when creating a web application. This is version 2 of the checklist. It has been re-organized from Version 1 and has a few new items by public demand (Thank you). While I try to keep the list tight and focused, please comment if you have an item that you think I should add to the list. Store and distribute secrets using a key store designed for the purpose. Don’t hard code secrets in your applications and definitely don’t store in GitHub!. For CMS fans, don’t store your credentials in a file in the document directory. Use a team-based password manager such as 1Password for all service passwords...
Mobile App Development Company | Professional Web Design Company.

Mobile App Development Company | Professional Web Design Company.

Affordable SEO Services in India Not just affordable but result-oriented. As SEO experts, all we ask for is your commitment, trust and patience. Success doesn’t come overnight. It demands perseverance and consistency. Similar is the case with SEO, our qualified SEO professionals need time to research, analyze and create business-specific plans that are, then, intelligently put to action. With Coherent Lab, you can be sure of generating not only organic leads for your business but also profits. Our focus as a leading and affordable SEO service provider in India is to make your brand visible on the global stage and capture leads that are relevant to your business. For this, we design a plan exclusively for you, depending on your requirements and carry out its execution from the ground up. From local SEO to enterprise SEO, from web SEO to app SEO, we do it all. Operating in the domain from a decade now, we are aware of the challenges and procedures that lead to success. We are excited to tell you what we do best. The list of SEO services we offer in India is as follows. We Stand Out As Affordable SEO Company In India We are proud of what we do because we know we do it in the best way possible. Along with the core technical SEO services India mentioned above, we believe in transparency of work, integrity, honesty and promises. Unlike others in the industry, we abide by the policies stated below which is what gives us an edge over others. The years of hard work and hands-on experience have let us become what...
Simple authorization in Ruby on Rails apps

Simple authorization in Ruby on Rails apps

Here at Elabs, we’ve been using CanCan for authorization in a number of applications. Ryan Bates managed to build an authorization system which is both simple and powerful. A step away from the bloated role based system available at the time, yet more sophisticated than simply tacking on methods on ActiveRecord models. Over time though we’ve come against a few grievances with CanCan. And finally: at the time of writing, CanCan has 128 open issues, 28 open pull requests. Important functionality in the gem is broken, and attempts to fix it through pull requests are ignored. The test suite depends on ActiveRecord < 3.1 and won’t even run with later versions of ActiveRecord, unless someone fixes this, we don’t actually know if CanCan works at all with newer versions of AR. In a recent project we worked on, we were running against bugs in CanCan which forced us to run a forked version, and we were fighting against an ability file which was growing out of control. We decided that we needed a new way to approach the problem. Back to basics We really like CanCan’s simple approach. The ability file isolates all authorization logic, and it leaves you free to handle authorization however you want to. You are free to grow your authorization system from a single user role to whatever complexity you need. We were intent on keeping this flexibility. We wanted something simpler though. Something which we can implement without really needing a library at all. We wanted to have full control over how the authorization system works. We took inspiration from objectify and Bryan Helmkamp’s...
Why NativeScript with Angular Makes the Ideal Solution for Mobile App Development?

Why NativeScript with Angular Makes the Ideal Solution for Mobile App Development?

While Angular remains as one of the most important and developer-friendly technology solutions for building mobile apps, Angular projects can further get a performance boost if you choose to use NativeScript open-source framework along with it. Using NativeScript with JavaScript frameworks like Angular developers can easily build mobile apps for multiple OS platforms, including iOS and Android. The biggest value proposition of the framework is its capability to deliver a completely native user experience for mobile apps. The framework is considered to be ideal because it can utilise the native rendering engine of the iOS or Android platform. This is precisely the reason why any leading Angular development company prefers NativeScript instead of the Ionic hybrid approach of development. Key NativeScript Value Propositions and Offerings NativeScript framework comes well equipped for the developers and provides a JavaScript-based virtual machine, a runtime and a bridge module. While native app developers need to use separate languages like Java for Android and Objective-C or Swift for iOS, NativeScript can get these jobs done by using JavaScript. The JavaScript virtual machine intercepts and executes the JavaScript code and as and when this is completed the bridge module translates the calls to APIs specific to the OS platforms and the caller gets the result. This clearly shows how a common JavaScript framework can be used to make commands for both native platforms such as Android and iOS. In contrast to the hybrid development approach, which basically builds a single app for multiple platforms, the native development approach using NativeScript along with a JavaScript framework can deliver native user experience specific to each platform. To...
Malcare WordPress Security

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