> May, 2020 - Vinova
Top 5 Cross-Platform Mobile App Development Tools

Top 5 Cross-Platform Mobile App Development Tools

Cross-platform mobile app development – one of the most sought-after terms in the mobile app industry. Everyone likes to code and customize the mobile app. But keeping the same time and definitely the same code. Yes, write once and run everywhere is becoming not just the trend but the demand indeed and in need of today’s world. The cross-platform mobile apps are the all-new form of mobility. Technology means there should not be the barriers resisting the mobility and power of making codes flexible as much as possible. Here are the top five imperative tools to consider for Cross-Platform Mobile App Development: Xamarin: Xamarin is the most called platform for native mobile applications. The latest and advanced. Mainly used for easy access to data and building apps for almost every mobile platforms such as iOS, Android and Windows. Xamarin uses C# as the base language. The one who enjoys coding with C sharp can surely mingle up with this platform as a developer. Also, the Swift language is fine to use with this platform for programming for cross-platform apps. The platform allows using an integrated development environment and APIs directly into the Xamarin Studio. The mobile apps built with this platform are highly seamless and device friendly for many different devices. So we can consider Xamarin as playing the most vital role in defining the cross-platform apps. PhoneGap: PhoneGap is one of the open source platforms and it is completely free for developing cross-platform apps. It builds a single app that works with several platforms and easy to handle the programming part. Because of its library functions and easy...
International Women’s Day: Anna Chung – one woman’s experience in cyber-security

International Women’s Day: Anna Chung – one woman’s experience in cyber-security

My name is Anna Chung and I am a Principal Researcher at Unit 42, the global threat intelligence team at Palo Alto Networks. In celebration of International Women’s Day, I wanted to share my experiences as a woman working within cyber-security; and my advice for others who are looking to get involved within the technology and cyber-industries.    My role on the Unit 42 team is to understand the cyber-threat landscape and provide intelligence assessments to help customers prioritise their actions, time and resources. I typically spend my day researching new malicious tools, tactics and procedures discovered by the global security community. I use both internal and external tools to monitor cyber-threats, and then transform the raw materials into actionable threat intelligence. The final research results are delivered through the Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 blog, and feed into our products, as well as community sharing programmes. My advice for women looking to start a career in cyber-security is don’t be put off by the scientific image sometimes presented.   When many people hear the term cyber-security they think it is about mathematics, coding and engineering. This can create for some an assumption that there’s a high barrier to entry.  I have a confession. My mathematics was terrible in high school and in the national entrance exam I received a score of 50 out of 100, leaving me feeling inadequate. However, I still found a career path in the information security industry. So how did I get here? Cyber-security is such a young industry and full of potential that it doesn’t just need people who are into maths, engineering and coding;...
Getting Started as an Ethereum Web Developer

Getting Started as an Ethereum Web Developer

UPDATE: I have created a repo for you to play around with that showcases most of the stuff covered in this article. I routinely build web applications that use Ethereum and I think I take for granted the amazing toolset that I use every day. Our ecosystem is growing rapidly and I think a lot of newcomers are feeling overwhelmed. Ethereum is an amazing technology, but it is also nascent and there simply hasn’t been enough time for expertise to sufficiently permeate. I want people to know that Ethereum development is actually very compatible with modern web developer workflows — it’s relatively easy to integrate Ethereum functionality into any web application, and you can start today .Because I fancy myself a champion of Ethereum on a mission to show mainstream developers the light, I have decided to put a bunch of scattered knowledge into one place (not very decentralized, I know). You will of course need to consult the proper documentation at each step, but my hope is that this article will show you how everything, more or less, fits together.If you’re ready to learn, please let me be your spirit guide. Come join the Ethereum ecosystem and help us conquer the world. Step 1: Get a blockchain There are lots of clients to choose from, but I suggest not yet worrying about geth vs parity vs pyethapp (the up and coming python client — represent!). For everyone who just wants a freaking blockchain so they can start building stuff (e.g. you), I suggest testrpc for all your development needs. Once you have it installed, you can start it...

Harvey Weinstein jury selection: bias, big data and ‘likes’ – Reuters

(Reuters) – When lawyers in the Harvey Weinstein rape trial question potential jurors on Thursday, they may already know who has used the #MeToo hashtag on Twitter or criticized victims of sexual harassment in a Facebook discussion. FILE PHOTO: Harvey Weinstein exits the New York Criminal Court after his sexual assault trial in Manhattan, New York, January 7. REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz The intersection of big data capabilities and prevalence of social media has transformed the business of jury research in the United States, which once meant gleaning information about potential jurors from car bumper stickers or the appearance of a home. Now, consultants scour Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and other social media platforms for hard-to-find comments or “likes” in discussion groups or even selfies of a juror wearing a potentially biased t-shirt. “This is a whole new generation of information than we had in the past,” said Jeffrey Frederick, the director of Jury Research Services at the National Legal Research Group Inc. The techniques seem tailor-made for the Weinstein trial, which has become a focal point for #MeToo, the social media movement that has exposed sexual misconduct by powerful men in business, politics and entertainment. Weinstein, 67, has pleaded not guilty to charges of assaulting two women. The once-powerful movie producer faces life in prison if convicted on the most serious charge, predatory sexual assault. On Thursday, the legal teams will begin questioning potential jurors, a process known as voir dire. More than 100 people passed an initial screening and the identities of many of those people have been known publicly for days, allowing for extensive background research. Mark Geragos, a...
Phishing Windows Credentials | Penetration Testing Lab

Phishing Windows Credentials | Penetration Testing Lab

It is very common in Windows environments when programs are executed to require from the user to enter his domain credentials for authentication like Outlook, authorization of elevation of privileges (User Account Control) or simply when Windows are inactive (Lock Screen). Mimic this behavior of Windows can lead to harvest credentials of Windows users that could be used for lateral movement during red team assessments. This technique can be useful when initial foothold has been achieved on the system and credentials of the user cannot be discovered by alternative methods. C# Modern red teaming technique require tradecraft to be based in C# language since it allows in-memory execution by various frameworks such as Cobalt Strike, Covenant etc. The FakeLogonScreen is a Windows utility that was developed in C# by Arris Huijgen that will mimic Windows logon screen in an attempt to obtain the password of the current user. The tool has the ability to show the background that is currently configured in order to reduce the risk of security conscious users to spot this malicious operation. Windows Fake Logon Screen When the user enter his password on the fake logon screen it will perform a validation against the Active Directory or locally to ensure that the password is correct. The password will be displayed in the console. Fake Logon Screen – Credentials There is also a secondary binary which is part of the project and stores the credentials to a file (user.db) on local disk. Specifically executing the following will read the file that contains the credentials of the domain user. Fake Logon Screen – Credentials Stored A similar...
Malcare WordPress Security

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