> March, 2020 - Vinova - Page 2
IoT and Mobile App Development: A Great Combination to Develop Your Business – Techiexpert.com

IoT and Mobile App Development: A Great Combination to Develop Your Business – Techiexpert.com

 Currently, IoT (Internet of Things) is a great methodology in the world of automation, which has helped it in getting popularity among the enterprises and industries. IoT is no more a new matter which people should know in detail. It’s now a famous stage and the IT industry and the business world are completely aware of what it can really do. Be it a smart city, a smart office space or a smart home, IoT has started making its presence powerful everywhere. According to a report, nearly 31 billion connected devices are going to be accessible worldwide by 2020. Hence, it is predicted that all big industries will reap the advantages of this growing technology. In spite of this matter of fact, still, there are many mobile app development companies who exempt integrating this into their procedure. It can be due to insufficiency in knowledge or a fear of accepting the latest revolution. Regardless of this reason, a slight understanding would offer us more benefits. It’s quite interesting that maximum people look for controlling their connected devices while on the move with the use of their fingertips. This need makes the entrance of IoT in mobile app development more seamless. The truth is that IoT is completely ready to control the future of custom app solutions. In this piece, we will discuss some factors through which the IoT technology will transform the domain of mobile app development. The aspects of IoT technology have become really convenient for people in their daily lives. Likewise, it is useful to the mobile app developers as it lowers their app development time undoubtedly....
How AI is Revolutionizing Cyber Security – GBHackers

How AI is Revolutionizing Cyber Security – GBHackers

AI in Cyber attacks — once relegated to flashy movie scenes and TV dramas — are now becoming a part of our everyday lives. Nearly every week, news breaks out about another data breach at a major corporation, and every now and then, we receive emails from service providers about updating our information in light of a new information leak. Even households aren’t safe from these attacks, as Tech Radar reports that our own personal devices are becoming more vulnerable than ever One thing’s for sure: no one is exempt from cyber attacks. Fortunately, new technology is emerging in response to this particular security crisis — one of them being Artificial Intelligence (AI). With hackers now using increasingly sophisticated tactics, the innovative nature of AI could be the next best step to ensure cybersecurity. AI amasses from a large pool of data AI learns through amassing data, which means that the prevalence of cybersecurity attacks can actually be used as an advantage. special Counsel explains that AI is able to automatically assemble content in such a way that all related data is clustered together and represented visually, as well as removing duplicate content so that only the most relevant data is displayed. In a survey featured on CSO Online, it was reported that 54% of companies have all experienced some sort of cyberattack, whether through IoT or industrial controls. This means that there’s a lot of data that AI can go through to predict trends, thus loosening the burden of security professionals to investigate each and every attack. The natural language processing of AI also helps illuminate the logic...
How to Build a Stunning Portfolio Website as a Web Developer — SitePoint

How to Build a Stunning Portfolio Website as a Web Developer — SitePoint

This sponsored article was created by our content partner, BAW Media. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible. In your role as a professional web developer, you’re up for just about any website-building challenge. But, building a creative website portfolio for your own services isn’t something you’re accustomed to. As much as you love web development, you’ve probably never thought of it as being a particularly sexy or creative profession. The truth is, it’s not all that difficult to put an eye-grabbing portfolio together rather easily when you’re armed with the right tools, and you have a selection of inspiring and relevant concepts to choose from. Here are 8 powerful ideas, together with 32 examples, to inspire you and enable you to promote your services on your own stunning portfolio website. 8 Ideas that Will Make Your Web Dev Portfolio Website Stand Out 1. Owning What You Do and Sharing It with Others Many if not most portfolio websites have something in common. Because of their designs, it takes visitors a few seconds to figure out what the author actually does. And, the longer it takes a visitor to figure it out what you do, and who you’re doing it for, the more likely it becomes that he or she will leave before even getting a glimpse of your portfolio. You want to let people know exactly what you do the instant they land on your home page, and here are a few ways to make that happen. This guy tells you straight out what he does. He even used a screenful of code for his...
Google’s AutoML lets you train custom machine learning models without having to code

Google’s AutoML lets you train custom machine learning models without having to code

Google today announced the alpha launch of AutoML Vision, a new service that helps developers — including those with no machine learning (ML) expertise — build custom image recognition models. While Google plans to expand this custom ML model builder under the AutoML brand to other areas, the service for now only supports computer vision models, but you can expect the company to launch similar versions of AutoML for all the standard ML building blocks in its repertoire (think speech, translation, video, natural language recognition, etc.). The basic idea here, Google says, is to allow virtually anybody to bring their images, upload them (and import their tags or create them in the app) and then have Google’s systems automatically create a customer machine learning model for them. The company says that Disney, for example, has used this system to make the search feature in its online store more robust because it can now find all the products that feature a likeness of Lightning McQueen and not just those where your favorite talking race car was tagged in the text description. The whole process, from importing data to tagging it and training the model, is done through a drag and drop interface. We’re not talking about something akin to Microsoft’s Azure ML studio here, though, where you can use a Yahoo Pipes-like interface to build, train and evaluate models. Instead, Google is opting for a system where it handles all of the hard work and trains and tunes your model for you. It’s no secret that it’s virtually impossible for businesses to hire machine learning experts and data scientists these...
Checklist to a successful mobile app development | Top Software Development Company

Checklist to a successful mobile app development | Top Software Development Company

Since the past recent years, mobile apps have been changing our lives constantly. Therefore, the mobile app development industry is one of the fastest growing industries. And it shows no signs of slowing down in the future as well. Because of enormous popularity and usefulness, mobile apps serve to be a significant opportunity for business development. With latest technological advancements and new inventions coming to life almost every day, it’s not wrong to think that 2019 will most assuredly be the year of mobile apps. Many entrepreneurs and business owners start planning great strategies for their mobile app development with a desire of capturing and increasing the market share. However, it is not easy to succeed from the first attempt if you do not know what to expect. After conducting a thorough research by our business analyst team, we’ve identified and listed down below the checklist to a successful mobile app development. Hopefully this checklist will help you succeed in developing your MVP mobile app and start driving revenue through it after market launch. The checklist simply has 3 questions that you need to solve: 1. Why is MVP important for new product launches? While starting up a business or launching a new product, have you ever invested time in the initial idea approval? If yes, then an MVP is the right solution to get to work on your idea from the beginning and test it quickly for launch. Below are the reasons why you need MVP development: While building a mobile app, you must understand that the whole idea of MVP is divided into two main parts: 2. Which technology...
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