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The Key Benefits of Native Mobile App Development

The Key Benefits of Native Mobile App Development

Mobile app development, no doubt, is a profit reaping strategy for any business enterprise but at the same time challenging as well for the developers. This is challenging because mobile app development isn’t a spontaneous decision; there are many vital factors that the entrepreneur has to consider and take decisions depending on his/her business requisites.

It begins with choosing the right the mobile app type, Operating System for the app i.e. Android or iOS, development of the Minimum Viable Product or the MVP, selecting the most necessary features, and the choice between native and hybrid platform etc.

Both native and hybrid mobile app development have their pros and cons. But of late, the native mobile apps are getting more preference in comparison to the hybrid apps. This is primarily due to the various advantages that they offer.

What is a Native Mobile App Development?

Before we can actually discuss the major benefits of native apps, let’s dig into what the native mobile app development is.

When developers are developing native apps, they are mostly focusing on the specific type of Operating System such as Android or iOS. As for the users, they can access the mobile application using the Apple Store or the Google Play Store.

While creating the native apps, the developers can implement the two most common programming languages for both the major OS; including Swift and Objective C and Kotlin and Java. The Google Android and Apple iOS also offer development tools, Software Development Kit as well as interface elements.

Major Benefits of Native Mobile App Development

The web apps depend on some browsers and core technologies including the HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS etc. However, there lies a security related issue with the web apps due to their non-standard behavior.

So, the native apps have come for the rescue as they offer more robust and reliable security and the platform gets updated on its own.

Moreover, the business enterprises are free to manage their own mobile device solutions and get access to the remote management control of the apps as well. You can even clean the app and its data up to some extent.

Native Apps Known for Their Optimal Performance

If you want your app to offer speed and optimal performance then you can put your money on the native app development. We have mentioned the fact that native apps are built for a particular platform and this is what accelerates the speed and scales the performance higher.

The native apps are responsive as well. The specific platform approach coupled with the right combination of the programming language and APIs offers the app efficiency that you are looking for.

The device lets the software process speed and stores the app. The native app also allows the user to browse through the app content and the visual elements through faster loading speed.

The native apps not only offer native coding but also the architect and user experience.

The Showcasing across the App Store

Do you know where does a majority of the app idea generate in the client’s mind? Well, it’s across the app store. Yes, if a business entrepreneur is looking for a particular kind of app, he would probably look into the store using the keywords.

Now, this is interesting to note that most of the attractive and highly downloaded apps that you find in the app store are native apps. So, this becomes easier for a business to get more customers on board as your app will rightly be showcased if a user types a particular keyword to find an app.

In that case, you just have to optimize and engage an efficient marketing team to increase the app ranking.

With Native Apps, you get a seamless operation including additional benefits of attracting more interactive and intuitive apps. The apps tend to inherit the devices as well as the Operating System interfaces.

This is one of the major reasons why the native apps are able to offer a much-enhanced user experience. Since they are platform specific, they strictly adhere to the guidelines laid down by the Apple or Google even during the app designing.

The user interface and the flow of the app become more natural because the apps are developed in a systematic manner. This also makes it easier for users to interact with the app without learning much about it. They become familiar with the features quickly.

Easily Add Additional Features in the App

The native apps offer the developers extra benefit of adding additional features with ease. As you know the trends keep on changing and so does the innovative technology. Therefore, you get the freedom to add more extra features that can prove beneficial for the app and the client’s business.

The native apps allow how to showcase your creativity due to the presence of APIs. You can even develop your own APIs if you don’t need the existing ones. On the contrary, the web apps offer limited resources on what you can do with a browser.

Allows Complete Access to all the Features of the App

The fact that the native apps are built for a specific Operating System and platform allows the developers to get comprehensive access to all features of the app. The apps can also access the device’s hardware elements including the camera, microphone, or the GPS facility. This helps in executing the app faster ultimately leading enhanced user experience.

The native apps also allow you to add the most important feature in the app today; the Push Notifications. There is no denial of the fact that it is a must-have feature specifically if you are creating an on-demand app.

As such, the push notifications get across the Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) server in iOS and the Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) in Android for sufficing the needs of app bundle ID.

The Advantage of Working Offline

At times the users get very limited access to the internet or even no new facility. However, the major advantage with the native app is that it allows you to even work in the offline mode. So, even if you are a very remote location, don’t worry, the native app is there to help you out in browsing the content.

On the other hand, the web applications will only offer you the information when you are connected with a network.

Fewer Bugs during Development

Developers find it relatively tougher to manage two different applications in one codebase in comparison to managing the same in two codebases. This allows a few scopes of getting across any bug during the app development and here is where the native apps win the battle.

You don’t have to depend on cross-platform app development programs. Often the disadvantage with the hybrid apps is they depend on a bridge to access the hardware, resulting in slowing the performance.

In fact, both iOS and Android developers have access to the new and updated version of the SDK, allowing them to develop apps easily with latest features. This is because of the new SDK version, that the users get new features once they update their application.

Native Apps Proves to be a Good Investment

Some people may debate that the cost of native apps is higher than that of the hybrid and web apps. However, app development is a one-time investment, which will prove profitable for your business in the long run.

Moreover, it also saves a lot of time. Because of the best user interface and user experience, it drives the potential customers to your app, allowing a personalized feel.


As the number of apps is increasing, more and more business are planning to invest in the mobile app. And beyond any doubt, the native apps are the first-hand choice of the worldwide business owners today. With the competition escalating in recent times, you cannot afford to take any chances with respect to higher performance, attractive UI and UX and bug-free app.

The post The Key Benefits of Native Mobile App Development appeared first on TopDevelopers.

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