> February, 2020 - Vinova
How Natalie Sacked Her Web Developer And Never Looked Back

How Natalie Sacked Her Web Developer And Never Looked Back

How Natalie Sacked Her Web Developer And Never Looked Back “I HAVE HAD IT WITH MY WEB DEVELOPER!”, Natalie, Graphic Designer I met Natalie about 7 months ago at one of our courses in London. Her story was not a surprise to me as I have heard her story time and time again. What I love about Natalie’s story is how she threw herself into building websites because she simply had enough. “I HAVE HAD IT WITH MY WEB DEVELOPER!”, Natalie, Graphic Designer So what had happened? Why didn’t it work out? Out Of Control She had a really important client, you know the ones, they give you most of your money and you know you should spread your risk out by not relying on one big client, but this was the case. This was her best client and it is really important to keep them happy. They had a PSD of the website designed by Natalie and she outsourced it her web developer. The client asked for a really small change. She’d email the web developer and ask him for a fix and after a day went by he didn’t write back. So she emailed again. The web developer replied and said “i’m really busy at the moment, i can book it in for 2 weeks time”, to say that Natalie was peeved off is an understatement! She knew the fix would take less than 2 minutes for the web developer, yet he simply refused to do it. What’s even more annoying is that the web developer charged her £50 to do it! She was pretty much between a...
Mobile App Development Company India | Mobile Application Design and Development Services | VOCSO

Mobile App Development Company India | Mobile Application Design and Development Services | VOCSO

We provide handy business and finance apps for your business growth. VOCSO is the most affordable mobile app development agency, creates intuitive and engaging iOS and Android apps to manage your business finance. We design and develop perfect entertainment apps which perform faster on iPhone and Android devices. Entertainment apps developed by VOCSO’s help mobile users kill their boredom and let increase entertainment quotient. VOCSO is the fastest growing mobile app development agency, provides awesome health and fitness apps for iPhone and Android users to help them lead a healthier, happier life. Hire professional mobile health app developers for the medical & health-based business/industry from VOCSO. We design and develop high performance and friendly social networking apps to make your social media business like the most popular social networking apps. Get custom-built, beautifully designed social media applications that help brands & businesses harness the power of social networks to engage their audience. If you are really keen to build a community around your product and services, the social network app developed by VOCSO’s can be a great way to create, nurture and manage one to boost social media presence. VOCSO is a technologically advanced Travel App Development firm, with a team of very innovative designers and superb developers. We are developing mobile applications for the travel & lifestyle businesses and agencies since 2009. With travel, lifestyle and sports apps solution, we add various features in one app. Launch your brand new travel and lifestyle mobile app with a full pack of features with VOCSO’s. We are a leading Platform for creating a mobile app for a magazine or a...
5 of the Most Popular Penetration Testing Tools Found in Kali Linux – Latest Hacking News

5 of the Most Popular Penetration Testing Tools Found in Kali Linux – Latest Hacking News

Hacking specialists and penetration testers are the new norms of the modern era. With many companies now being based online the need for security specialists has risen sharply. If you are willing to learn ethical hacking It is advised you get your hands on some of the best hacking books. Such ebooks will help gain knowledge within the cyber security industry and are a great pre-requisite before using pen testing tools. Whether you are getting into pen testing or looking to defend your own network, we have some great tools; many of which are included in Kali Linux Nmap Nmap is a powerful assessment tool when used to scan a network. The tool allows one to discover open ports and running services along with their associated version numbers, Nmap also has the addition of a fantastic scripting engine which when used properly can be a very powerful addition to a network pen test. Wireshark Wireshark is a popular network analysis tool. It is designed to scan for packets passing through a network and is the favourite analysis tool for many socket exploit writers looking to ensure their code is working as expected or for pen testers looking to troubleshoot their tools. BurpSuite  Burpsuite is the go-to tool for nearly every web application penetration tester, the community edition provides the proxy as well as a few other handy tools like the comparer, repeater and sequencer, all very time saving when pen testing. The paid version is a must have if already working in the industry. WPScan WPScan is tool designed specifically to find vulnerabilities within WordPress websites. It can locate...
How to Become a Web Developer Without Losing Your Mind

How to Become a Web Developer Without Losing Your Mind

Becoming a web developer is a path littered with mental traps. Step carefully on the muddy footprints of those who walked before you. Three and a half years ago, I left my career in banking and started an infinitely more fulfilling career as a web developer. Recently, I compiled my story and the lessons I learned into an ebook called How To Become a Web Developer: The Career Changer’s Guide .If becoming a developer is your goal, here are some common traps to look out for. Scattershot Syndrome You’re going to get a lot of advice from experienced developers. They’ll tell you the best languages to learn, the skills you need, and the tools you absolutely must use. Their advice will be solid — and exactly the opposite of the advice you got yesterday.Don’t get lost in a sandstorm of good advice.If you are dabbling in a new language every month, switching text editors frequently, and jumping from resource to resource, STOP! You’re walking in circles.Language and tool choice feel very important in the moment, but in reality, they’re just details. Any popular language will get you where you need to be. The important thing is consistency.Pick one language and learn it so well you could write a book about it. Choose one resource and exhaust its usefulness. Download the simplest text editor you can find and marry it.Whatever you do, don’t waste time dabbling in a million different technologies. Nobody Here But Us Impostors Some days you’ll wonder if you’re really cut out for this coding thing.That feeling is called impostor syndrome, and it’s kryptonite for developers.Anything can...
Mobile App Development Lifecycle Guide that Every Developer Should Bookmark

Mobile App Development Lifecycle Guide that Every Developer Should Bookmark

When it comes to mobile app development, every step of the process is as vital as the next. Cutting corners anywhere can cost the final product stability and user interest. As mobile app developers, it is important to maintain an understanding of each step of the mobile app development lifecycle. This will provide you with the ability to maintain focus on the task at hand while not missing key aspects of the development process. Below we list the mobile app development lifecycle for your use while coding and developing your apps. Whether you are developing the app yourself or are hiring a mobile application development company to do it for you, this will help you make a schedule. Phase 1: Envision Prior to any wireframing or design, a concept for the app must be created. Take the time to envision the purpose of the app and what need will be met when the user interacts with your product. Rushing through this process will undoubtedly impact the quality of your app in the end. Compile a list of all possible mobile app ideas. Brainstorm and research by looking at other successful mobile apps. Often looking at what other companies have done inspires an idea for an improved product. Begin filtering out lower quality ideas with the desire to end with just one great idea. Complete market research as you focus in on the app you plan to build. Understand the market gaps and what the consumer base is requesting from their products. Do not be surprised if the market research births a new or revised mobile app idea. Be sure...
Malcare WordPress Security

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